View Full Version : Paramount buy story of Robbie's life

13-10-2005, 14:58
Paramount Pictures have apparently optioned the movie rights to Robbie Williams' life.

Whilst in rehab in LA the singer found time to write a script chronicling his transition from boyband heart-throb to successful solo artist punctuated by a troubled period of rock 'n' roll lifestyle involving alcohol and drug addiction.

Robbie told IOL.com: "I started to write them as therapy while I was in Los Angeles, and a friend suggested I submit them. To my surprise they (Paramount) liked them and have optioned them, which is amazing.

"Would I like to act? No, not at all, but I like the idea of some of my work being up there on the big screen."

13-10-2005, 14:59
could be good

Bad Wolf
13-10-2005, 15:05
hmmmmm robbie..........

13-10-2005, 15:11
wouldn't be the same without him starring in it though...

Bad Wolf
13-10-2005, 15:15
it would be so strange seeing howard, mark, gary and jason on the big screen but not- if you know what i mean???!!