View Full Version : who thinks demi miller should be axed

11-10-2005, 20:54
i cant stand her all she does is moped around she does my head in

11-10-2005, 20:59
Well her boyfriend has just died...

11-10-2005, 21:05
but she has always been like that she is never happy

hey why is the red bar on 'yes' that far when there has only been 2 replys

11-10-2005, 21:07
Because people might still vote but just not reply :)

11-10-2005, 21:07
i reckon shes really good and shana who plays her is well good especially for her age.. so no i dont think she should be axed

11-10-2005, 21:18
No way should she be axed. Enough cast members are leaving without adding more to the list just because they mope about a bit. If moping about was the criteria for being axed then there would only be Wellard and Betty left in the square.

11-10-2005, 21:30
now hang on a minute!!!!!!!!!! that was a bit harsh!!!! there is nothing wrong with ghengis!!!!!!

11-10-2005, 22:38
No i like Demis character however I think eastenders bosses missed the chance to develop her character by keeping Leo (who was a popular character) and portraying how difficult it can be for young couples with a child even the support of their families. Not all young mums are not with the father of their child.

11-10-2005, 22:40
Because people might still vote but just not reply :)oh yea thick me :lol:

11-10-2005, 23:18
shes good caracter she shudnt get axed at all axe someone like erm erm accturly i cant think of anyone to axe

11-10-2005, 23:40
No, I don't think Demi should be axed. She is an integral part of the Miller family.

11-10-2005, 23:42
shes good caracter she shudnt get axed at all axe someone like erm erm accturly i cant think of anyone to axeNaomi!

12-10-2005, 06:19
I Really don't think that Demi Miller should be axed!!
I really like her,and we´re seeing her smile a bit more now Dawn´s back!!

12-10-2005, 09:38
You want to get rid of her just because she's not a happy character?
That's just silly.
I think she's great. She needs a decent storyline though.
I don't think the storyline with her and Leo was particularly good. He was a terrible actor. She needs someone decent to work with.

12-10-2005, 09:45
Yeah you can not get rid of someone who does not smile much- she has lost her soul mate as their parents could not get on (it was over a shop or something) - she got left with a baby, she has no friends as she has moved to a new place and was prengent, but she is started to smile now as she has Dawn all she needed was her big sister to protect her and tell her what is right and wrong

12-10-2005, 12:05
now hang on a minute!!!!!!!!!! that was a bit harsh!!!! there is nothing wrong with ghengis!!!!!!

What was harsh? :confused:

I don't think TPTB would be thinking of axing any character that is part of a family unit as KH2 wants to make the families an essential part of the show, like it was in the 80's and 90's. Demi is part of one of the main families on the show and TPTB seem comitted to the Millers as they have introduced Dawn. Thats why Pat is getting a family as she is too much of a stand alone character. I would also not axe Noami even though personally I don't like her, as she has not been given a fair chance. The writers have not given her anything to do yet and axing her would be unfair. If, after six months or so, she is still hanging around Sonia with a clipboard, I would say Noami should be axed but you have to give characters a chance, especially now as cast turnaround on EastEnders is worse than everyother soap and that is not good.

12-10-2005, 15:37
no she shouldnt be axed! she only just arrived lets give her a chance

12-10-2005, 15:38
no she is a good actor

12-10-2005, 15:48
i think i would be like that if my boyfriend had died

12-10-2005, 15:50
I think that she should stay and hopefully they will give her some good storylines again.

12-10-2005, 15:53
i dont think she should

13-10-2005, 15:44
I like Demi's character and she definatly shouldnt be axed! Shana is a great actress. and remember she is only like 15 or 16 years old now.

I'm not suprised she's not very happy and maybe a little bit miserable. Her boyfriend has just died! She's left to raise their baby alone at only 14! she's not really got any friends, she overdosed her self with dugs and now she's being bullied by school kids! i'm sure she feels partly to blame about leo's death and maybe a bit guilty. she doesnt really have much of a social life looking after her daughter, what has the poor girl got to look foward to or feel happy about, not a great deal. only that she has a beatiful daughter and a good family round her.

she shouldnt be axed at all. if you think every miserable character iun EEE should be axed then look at Peggy, Chrissie, Jake, Martin, Ian, most of them are miserable form time to time and most of them have a pretty good reason to be aswell!

13-10-2005, 15:48
i think she is brilliant in how she has dealt with the past storyline and if she is not axed she will have the chance to have a bit of happiness. maybe new boyfriend????

13-10-2005, 15:49
no i don't think she should be Axed

13-10-2005, 16:16
well to be fair she cant help it is she mopes around alot because that is the scrips and directions she has been given by the producers etc.
I personally likle her character!

13-10-2005, 16:33
I like her character, they should do more with her, but i dont think she should be axed..

13-10-2005, 16:33
[QUOTE=xXxJessxXx]I like Demi's character and she definatly shouldnt be axed! Shana is a great actress. and remember she is only like 15 or 16 years old now.

Shes not shes 14..

13-10-2005, 16:49
What she ment was she is 15 or 16 year old in Real life

13-10-2005, 17:14
i think the whole family with the exception of mickey should be axed.

13-10-2005, 17:17
i think the whole family with the exception of mickey should be axed.

I don't Agree with you on that.
I'm starting to like all the Millers more and more!!

13-10-2005, 18:26
What she ment was she is 15 or 16 year old in Real life

yeah thats what i meant. i know Demi is 14 but shana is 15 or 16 as i read the interview when she first arrived in EE saying she was going into year 10 so that now makes her in year 11 and of that age. sorry for confusion! lol

I think the whole family with the exception of mickey should be axed.
I don't Agree with you on that.
I'm starting to like all the Millers more and more!!

no me neither. i dont think they should be axed. i agree with you that i like all the millers. i think they've come a long way. especially with the arrival of Dawn. i think we will see a lot more of them and with the depature of sharon, dennis, chrissie, kat and alfie i think they may well become one of the bigger main popular familes in the square.

13-10-2005, 19:00
and me i didnt like keith and rosie at first but now i do

13-10-2005, 19:06
i think the whole family with the exception of mickey should be axed.

I agee with you but I would add helium voice mickey as well

13-10-2005, 19:50
No she shouldn't be axed, its whet a normal teenager would do if their boyfriend had just died!I think she is really cool, does anyone know how old she is?

13-10-2005, 20:10
No she shouldn't be axed, its whet a normal teenager would do if their boyfriend had just died!I think she is really cool, does anyone know how old she is?

Up the top of the page, Demi is 14 but shana is 15 or 16

13-10-2005, 20:45
i cant stand her all she does is moped around she does my head in
what do you expect? this is ee were talking about its bound to have a bit of moping around every couple of seconds i think it would be nice if demi got a storyline where something nice happens to her though

14-10-2005, 14:41
I agee with you but I would add helium voice mickey as well

Hear hear, and unless she improves soon, Kara Tointon for the skip as well. :mad:

14-10-2005, 15:14
I agee with you but I would add helium voice mickey as wellWhy do you want them axed alan??

15-10-2005, 11:36
yeah cause they are really good

samantha nixon
15-10-2005, 14:16
i dont think she should be as shes a great actress and i like the whole miller family

15-10-2005, 14:27
She has been through alot- She need a happy Storyline

15-10-2005, 21:08
i like demi i think she is great