View Full Version : Who does the pub belong to

11-10-2005, 11:43
Who does the pub belong to

As Peggy says the Pub her than Den says that the pub belong to him so who had the pub first

11-10-2005, 11:47
Den says

He's not back from the dead again is he? :)

I think the pub is legally owned by the Watts but it is quite confusing. At the beginning of Easties, it was a Watts pub, then I think it was owned by Pat and Frank and then it became a Mitchell pub and then a Watts pub again but Dan Sulivan also owned it at some point, as did this guy called Eddie who was murdered. I'd say it was a Watts/Mitchell pub as both families have owned it for long periods of time.

11-10-2005, 14:02
I'd say it's a Watt's pub, but it's just bricks and water so it can be bought and sold by anyone. Just because someone's had it first doesn't mean they have any control over what happens to it in the future. Anyway there must have been somebody before Den, who we didn't see on screen. Unless were mean't to think that 'The Vic' was built for him.

I can see why Den felt that 'The Vic' was his home. Him and Angie spent a lot of their married life there, and it's where Sharon grew up. The Mitchells only really came into it because Sharon asked Grant (or told Grant) to buy the Vic for her as an engagement present. Actually if I remember rightly, it was an ulimatum, get me 'The Vic' or I won't marry you. She didn't care how he got it, just as long as he did. That's how much it mean't to her.

If anybody has a right to it, it would be the 'Watts', in my opinion. Well when I say the Watts, Sharon, Dennis, Den (if he was alive) and Vicki (if she was in the square), definetely not Chrissie. Although I do love the Mitchells!

11-10-2005, 14:25
At the Moment it belongs to the watts as den bought it off sam i think!

11-10-2005, 15:38
I'd say it's a Watt's pub, but it's just bricks and water so it can be bought and sold by anyone. Just because someone's had it first doesn't mean they have any control over what happens to it in the future. Anyway there must have been somebody before Den, who we didn't see on screen. Unless were mean't to think that 'The Vic' was built for him.

yeah i agree. Its just a pub it isnt anybodys but the people who owns it. its not peggy's any more therefore she should let go and forget about it, she doesnt own it so she cant have it.

at the moment it does belong to Den, but ads he's dead i'd guess it goes to next of kin ect. not sure or will it be sold off?

At the Moment it belongs to the watts as den bought it off sam i think!

Yeah he bought it off sam, sort off. Sam had to raise money to help phil. or so marcus christie told her. so den bought it off them but marcus ran off wiht the money. it was all a big conn which enabled den and marcus to rip sam and the mitchells off. so i can see why peggy is upset beacuse the man who ripped off her daughter now owns the pub and the home that was once theirs. (Even though dens dead.)

Peggy should get over it though. beacase even if they hadnt have ripped sam off she was plannign to sell it anyway to save phil. they cant have it both ways, having the vic and having the money to help phil. it just doesnt work. if peggy was that botherd about it she should have stayed in walford to hold things together. she annyoys me, its not her pub, ut doesnt belong to the mitchells, it doesnt belong to any one but the people who currently own it. which is den or chrissie though she forged the papers.

hope peggy backs down or just shuts up. not impressed by her return at all. :angry:

11-10-2005, 15:48
start up a new pub:)

11-10-2005, 16:14
God knows... but Peggy does not deserve it :angry:

11-10-2005, 16:15
there is no way she is going to back down untill she gets what she wants

11-10-2005, 16:16
there is no way she is going to back down untill she gets what she wants
Lol, very true!! :rotfl:

11-10-2005, 16:24
Oh this flamin' pub!!!! :rolleyes: :angry: :rolleyes: :angry:

11-10-2005, 16:29
Oh this flamin' pub!!!! :rolleyes: :angry: :rolleyes: :angry:

LOL :) I don't know what it is about the Queen Vic but it always seems to be the most wanted pub in soap. It would be interesting to compare the number of owners of the Queen Vic to the number of owners for other soap pubs.

I think they should start up a rival (maybe a wine bar or a pub) in competition to the Queen Vic.

11-10-2005, 16:35
it's a pub - just like any other - the watts and mitchells should get over it and stop hugging bricks and water.

11-10-2005, 16:37
it's a pub - just like any other - the watts and mitchells should get over it and stop hugging bricks and water.I agree! I mean do you see people in Corrie going on like this over the Rovers? NO! It's just a pub!! Get over it! :angry:

12-10-2005, 09:34
He's not back from the dead again is he? :)

I think the pub is legally owned by the Watts but it is quite confusing. At the beginning of Easties, it was a Watts pub, then I think it was owned by Pat and Frank and then it became a Mitchell pub and then a Watts pub again but Dan Sulivan also owned it at some point, as did this guy called Eddie who was murdered. I'd say it was a Watts/Mitchell pub as both families have owned it for long periods of time.

Den said it was his pub when he was live..

12-10-2005, 09:38
Ok thanks for your answers..

15-10-2005, 09:33
It's Chrissie's pub because Den wasn't pronounced dead when Chrissie forged the documents to give herself ownership of the pub