View Full Version : Series 2 Episodes 2+3

10-10-2005, 17:53
Episode 202: "You Could Drive a Person Crazy"
Susan is dismayed to see her ex-husband, Karl, emerge from Edie's house one morning. She runs over to confront him and he admits he's sleeping with Edie and may move in with her.

When Edie comes by -- on rollerskates -- to apologize for not telling her, Susan pretends not to care and gets in her car to drive away. Edie brags that Karl told her that sex with her was the best of his life. Susan snaps back that Karl told her he's still in love with her and recently asked her to come back to him. She drives off, Edie still in pursuit, and after their ensuing argument, accidentally backs up into her. Oops!

Meanwhile, Mike wants to know where their relationship stands now that they're not moving in together. Susan says she wants to keep it "casual," but he doesn't know what that means. "We can still go see a movie," she explains, as he comes closer. "Anything else?" he asks and as he starts to kiss her, she says, "Brunch. We can go to brunch!" and runs away.

Rex's mother Phyllis publicly embarrasses Bree when she starts crying over Rex's death. So Bree slaps her! She apologizes later, but with Bree's uncanny composure and her eagerness to settle Rex's will, Phyllis starts to suspect Bree isn't sorry Rex is dead.

The doctor treating Rex finds the note he wrote before he died, forgiving Bree, although it doesn't say why. The suspicious doctor hands it to the lead insurance investigator. The same investigator Phyllis calls when she sees Bree being comforted by the ever opportunistic George.

Gabrielle's outburst last time she visited Carlos - about him being a rich man - means unless he pays a violent inmate off, there'll be hell to pay. She agrees to deliver $7,000 to the guy's girlfriend, but it's for breast implants she doesn't want. Gabrielle quickly agrees she doesn't need them and takes the cash back.

The next time she sees Carlos, he's been badly beaten and he orders her to convince the girlfriend to take the money. She refuses, unless he gives her control of their bank account.

Lynette is dismayed to come back from a long day at the office to find the house is a pigsty and Tom already in bed. The final straw is when she realizes he didn't change the bed after the baby threw up in it.

She starts changing the bed around him and he tells her she has control issues. She leaves him the bed and goes to sleep on the couch. While flipping channels she comes across a horror movie about rats and has a brainwave.

The next day she lets loose a rat in the house and waits for it to have the desired effect. When she comes home, the house is spotless. Tom admits he let the house go too far but that the rat inspired him to clean. And that he killed it with a shovel.

She's both pleased and horrified by the news. She goes to take out the trash and apologizes to the dead rat, but also thanks it for saving her marriage.

Susan asks Betty about the strange clanging noises she's been hearing coming from her house in the middle of the night. Betty pretends not to know what she's talking about but then the noise comes again. She explains that it's just her son, Matthew, but then he walks up behind them, having just gotten home. Betty says a quick goodbye, leaving Susan more suspicious than ever.

Betty complains to her psychiatrist that she can't sleep, telling him how her husband used to beat her and how she still has nightmares because she wasn't able to prevent him from killing their son. The doctor prescribes a sleeping pill, which she grinds up and puts in the food she brings to the chain-rattling captive in her basement.

Episode 203: "You'll Never Get Away From Me"

On a visit to Rex's grave, Bree is horrified to discover that they've dug up his body. Her mother-in-law Phyllis has "forgotten" to tell her about the insurance investigator's suspicions that Rex was poisoned.

Bree promptly packs Phyllis's bags and sends her off in a taxi -- and then insists on taking a polygraph test to clear herself of all suspicion. But when they ask her if she loves George, the readout spikes. She tells George that he has to take a polygraph test too, because now they suspect the two of them of conspiring to poison Rex. When he asks why she didn't pass her test, she admits she might have feelings for him after all. George agrees -- and aces his test.

Carlos tells Gabrielle she's never really apologized for her affair and she throws in his face how much John said he loved her. On a nostalgic impulse, she follows John to his new job and is horrified to see him disappearing inside with the woman whose lawn he's cutting. After seeing them kissing, she grabs an electric hedge trimmer and destroys the woman's rose bushes. When John confronts her, she admits she did it, and asks how he can be with someone new if he still loves her. He says he'll dump the other woman if she wants him back but she reluctantly says no, it's better this way. At last she can go back to Carlos and tell him she is truly sorry. Carlos tells her it's the best anniversary present she ever gave him. And she tells him that his - an Astin Martin she purchased for herself without his knowing - is the best present he's ever given her.

Lynette's new boss, Nina, says no when she asks to take the morning off to bring Parker to school for his first day. So Lynette rigs up a remote camera so she can be there -- only she keeps getting called away to meetings. She maneuvers a piping hot mug of coffee so that it spills in Nina's lap, canceling the meeting. She's then free to talk Parker through his first day.

Susan is furious to find out that Edie is going to accompany Julie on guitar in a church family talent show. She goes to Betty for help in brushing up her piano playing skills, but she catches her at a bad time, just as their mysterious prisoner in the basement has gotten free and had to be forcibly subdued. Betty refuses to help or let her in and explains the red stains on her shirt are because she was making a cherry pie.

Matthew convinces Betty that it's less suspicious to help Susan out, so Betty changes her mind and gives her lessons. Susan than forces Julie to choose between her and Edie for the talent show and Julie caves and picks her mother. But when it comes time to perform, Susan sees Edie in the audience and feels bad and asks her to play instead. Edie accepts, even though she doesn't have her guitar with her. She insists she can play piano too, only not very well as it turns out.

Mike goes to see how Felicia is doing and asks if she knows where he might be able to find Zach. She says that after he beat her and pushed her down the stairs, she's a little less interested in his well being. She's also disappointed to hear that he didn't end up killing Paul and warns he'll be back looking for Zach himself.

Looks good :D :thumbsup:

21-01-2006, 15:02
Episode 3 sounds brilliant! Lots of comedy in there.
Pleased to see Felicia will be back, her charicter was always amusing and I assumed she was gone not having seen her in the first 2!

01-02-2006, 17:00
I know I thought it was brilliant!

02-02-2006, 14:48
really good eppie last night i really liked gabbi and bree last night :p

02-02-2006, 15:48

all american spoilers are posted here

closing thread