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Sam Nixon Fan
09-10-2005, 23:42
Hi guys, this is to replace our thread that closed down over in the bill section! Anyones welcome to join, we just end to talk about about the bill and anyhthing else....

So LMF what questions have you got so far for your email?

10-10-2005, 07:28
This topic belongs in The Bill forum; so that's where it's headed!

Crazy Gal 88
10-10-2005, 16:40
cool - im glad theres somewhere where we can talk again - i didnt think the DS hunter one was off topic - o well c'est la vie!

samantha nixon
10-10-2005, 16:46
this is a good idea considering weve had another 2 threads closed which was the best 2 so hopefully this one will saty open so we can talk about the bill

10-10-2005, 17:21
i think they were closed unfairly. especially the DS Hunter and DS Nixon one

the questions so far i have are:

*goes and checks inbox*

ok, i can't find the email where i asked the questions, but it was the ones pip_kin asked like what do you eat in a normal day, where do you get your clothes from, do you look like any of your family and is your hair naturally straight

samantha nixon
10-10-2005, 17:31
cool questions one thing though why do you want to no what she eats

10-10-2005, 17:38
no idea. pip_kin wanted to know

samantha nixon
10-10-2005, 18:01
oh right ok the bill looks good this week with jo undercover

Crazy Gal 88
10-10-2005, 19:05
yeh - is she a lesbian in the series cos it keeps saying 'her partner tess' ?

10-10-2005, 19:06
yeah... can't wait to see how that one turns out

Sam Nixon Fan
10-10-2005, 19:08
Yeah jo is!

N Thanks the only way this can get closed down is if it get abusive so every1 p;lay nicely!!

10-10-2005, 19:10
if i can say this, wait till christina comes on. that'll be something to get her teeth into.

but back now... isn't lesley using jo though?

Sam Nixon Fan
10-10-2005, 19:13
WEll in here theres no back on topic its a place for bill fans to chat about anything, if ya dont like it dont come in here basically!! Thats my moto!!

So anyways im gunna miss this weeks episodes again this week so i hope my ideo works this time

10-10-2005, 19:15
no, because her precious DS Nixon and hunter one got closed.

lets hope it does, because it looks like they will be fabby doo!

Sam Nixon Fan
10-10-2005, 19:16
lol, anyways no bitching lol!!

I really hope it does, theres lots of Sam n JO this week!!

10-10-2005, 19:17
wahey! but no sam and phil :( but the episodes in general will be good, because of the storyline

Sam Nixon Fan
10-10-2005, 19:28
Yeah im looking forward to this Jo undercover stuff

10-10-2005, 19:31
same here. will make good watching

samantha nixon
10-10-2005, 19:37
im looking forward to the jo stuff aswell it looks good aswell

10-10-2005, 19:38
yeah... slightly off topic but i'm creating a message boards for us to talk about TB and i won't close it when it goes off a bit!!

samantha nixon
10-10-2005, 19:39
cool sounds good

10-10-2005, 19:40
i don't know how to tell you all the link though!!!

back now ---->

samantha nixon
10-10-2005, 19:44
pm us it

Sam Nixon Fan
10-10-2005, 19:46
yeah sounds cool!!!

The Jo undercove rin a prison reminds me of Terrys undercovr stuff

10-10-2005, 19:47
yeah, but i don't think it will go as well as it did for him

10-10-2005, 20:00
hello, this is a great idea, the hole o you have gone of topic thing was starting to annoy me so good thinkin snf!!!!

lol, i wanted to know what she eats because we were sayin she had a nice figure, just wonderin how she got it!!!!!!!

10-10-2005, 20:01
well i'm waiting for a reply

10-10-2005, 20:07
kk cool thanx for doing that!!!!

10-10-2005, 21:05
i think they were closed unfairly. especially the DS Hunter and DS Nixon one

i know isnt it though?lol im always expensive - it takes a fair bit to get me drunk!lol but then again i drink mostly creepers which is a bit funny cos im suddenly like whooaa a!lol

Lol you can still do all ypur work! Im need to get an honours degree so i need to work hard for it, but part of the whole experience is going out and having a great time!! Plus is the forst sommester so its not that serious! Youl definatly change your mind on the whole staying in thing when ya get to uni!!!

doesn't it cost loads though in drink?? and you don't have to pay top up fees do you??

Just to prove that I wasnt intentionally being unfair these were some quotes taken off the DS Hunter and DS Nixson thread.

This thread is a great idea as you can talk about everying Bill related or not.

Sam Nixon Fan
10-10-2005, 23:45
*bows* lol Ok ill shut up now!!! So...

10-10-2005, 23:47
*bows* lol Ok ill shut up now!!! So...

Sorry, I just wanted to justify closing it

Stick with this thread! should keep everyone happy!!!!!!!:)

Sam Nixon Fan
11-10-2005, 00:59
Lol yeah we will do! Thats what i thought tbh!!!

Soo im looking forward to these episodes this week, especially the start of the Jo undercover stuff

11-10-2005, 16:42
yeah.. but i hope she comes out of it alright

Sam Nixon Fan
11-10-2005, 16:42
well shes definatly not leaving

11-10-2005, 16:45
well thats a good sign.

Sam Nixon Fan
11-10-2005, 16:48
I know, i love Jo shes great the best new character to join in agess

11-10-2005, 16:54
yeah, and they've done well with her character, to get so much into it

11-10-2005, 17:58
i like jo too, she makes me laugh!!!

11-10-2005, 18:00
same here. she's a jem they've found

11-10-2005, 18:04
lol, she has such shiny hair, and is a brill charater, one of me faves!!!

11-10-2005, 18:05
it looked nice the other week when it was curled out

11-10-2005, 18:06
yeah it did, it always looks nice!!!

samantha nixon
11-10-2005, 18:06
i like jo aswell and she does have shiny hair dont she and i agree snf shes the best new character to join in ages

11-10-2005, 18:11
lol! of all the things to talk about... shiny hair! ahwell, it is nice...

11-10-2005, 18:14
lol, sorry my fault, i just like hair, all my friends have gorgeous hair im soo jealous!!!!

has lisa replied to you yet lmf???

samantha nixon
11-10-2005, 18:18
she might take a little whille and youse have only done it a couple of days ago as mine took a couple of weeks

Crazy Gal 88
11-10-2005, 18:18
yeh - i like her character. im not too sure what it is in particula but i like it. maybe its because she sjust like so honest!

samantha nixon
11-10-2005, 18:20
i like it that shes honest aswell

11-10-2005, 18:22
she is funny, imo that is what makes her such a great character!!!

11-10-2005, 18:40
yeh - i like her character. im not too sure what it is in particula but i like it. maybe its because she sjust like so honest!

i reckon shes a good charactor coz she works well with everyone is funny and is good at her job. oh and she stuck up for garry when noone else believed her :)

samantha nixon
11-10-2005, 18:42
i think its good that she stuck up for garry aswell

if you no anything about mariah carey or luther vandross please go to my thread in general discussion thanks

12-10-2005, 17:34
nothing yet, sorry. i like her for stinking up to people

Sam Nixon Fan
12-10-2005, 17:40
yeah her nononsense attiudemis great!!

12-10-2005, 17:43
yeah... and ginas is as well

Sam Nixon Fan
13-10-2005, 02:43
Yeahh Ginas cool. I wish shedd come bac soon!!!!¬

13-10-2005, 18:26
yeah i thoought we'd have seen her since the siege

14-10-2005, 16:42
yeah, i want her back aswell, isn't that why okaro returned??

well i didn't think much of this weeks episodes- they were dull!

14-10-2005, 16:45
lmao, their little builders hats that was my highlight of the week!!! and i have decided that zain is rather fit!!!

14-10-2005, 16:47
i know he is rather fit, isn't he??

sam really didn't suit the builders hat!!!

14-10-2005, 16:50
lmao i know she didnt, but she didnt look to good, rough night i reckon!!! they all looked funny in the hats, i couldnt stop gigglin!!!!

he is soooo fit, especially when he wears that white shirt of his!!!

Crazy Gal 88
14-10-2005, 16:51
oooo i liked Zain from the chest scene!lol

yeh the way Jo stuck up for Gary was really good - i think thats when i started liking her character and stuff.

14-10-2005, 16:53
yeah... zains chest... soemthing tells me the scene had been rehearsed many times!!!!

all throughout the episode she didn't look too good, so maybe a bad night lol!

14-10-2005, 16:55
lol he is nearly as fit as phil, he is sooooo fit, they both are, i liked zain and my friend said he was ugly!!!!!

i no she didnt, rochelle is really pretty, i love her hair!!!

14-10-2005, 16:57
i like her clothes and hair, but i don't like her character

14-10-2005, 17:02
lol i want her hair, she is aright b*t*h to dan!!!

i think amber is quite pretty aswell and i like her character!!!

14-10-2005, 17:04
she is- but she likes the danger of being with him. i don't like amber though

14-10-2005, 17:07
i dont know what her problem is lol!!!

amber is cool, she is soo funny i know she is a b*t*h but i fink she is great!!!

14-10-2005, 17:25
well she likes the danger- she used to be a drugs lookout remember

14-10-2005, 17:27
oh yeah i caught something about her and drugs but she doesnt really interest me, she is just a pretty face!!!

14-10-2005, 17:31
ah right ok!!

14-10-2005, 17:32
lol i dont think she has much of a persontality, like suzie sim!!!

14-10-2005, 17:33
i missed the bill this week:(

14-10-2005, 17:37
you didn't miss much

samantha nixon
14-10-2005, 18:17
i missed thursdays ep as my na was ment to tape it and she forgot and then my tape recoreder didnt work at the mdnight ep:(

Crazy Gal 88
14-10-2005, 19:46
well it wasnt great but hey

i like rochelle *goes and gets phone!lol* i like the fact shes mean - it can be quite funny but i dont like amber shes a bit of a c*w really and not in a good way!;lol

14-10-2005, 20:18
i was bored lol! you didn't miss much. spoilers pretty much sum it up and make it sound good!!

Crazy Gal 88
14-10-2005, 21:49
yeh - i dont think next week sounds great either! but well see.........

samantha nixon
15-10-2005, 13:41
next week i think seem really good as its all the jo stuff

15-10-2005, 14:29
yeah... that will be good!

well anything can be better than this weeks

15-10-2005, 15:10
yeah... that will be good!

well anything can be better than this weeks

yeah, leela and lance *yawn*

15-10-2005, 15:10
no exciting stuff, just realistic police work

15-10-2005, 17:11
oh ok seems like im the only amber fan lol!!!

the bill aint that bad it might pick up again!!

15-10-2005, 18:00
i thought this week was a not as good

15-10-2005, 18:28
yeah... same here. should pick up next week though with Jo being undercover

samantha nixon
15-10-2005, 18:36
oh ok seems like im the only amber fan lol!!!

the bill aint that bad it might pick up again!!
youre not i like amber aswell i think shes great

15-10-2005, 18:37
her attitude is appaling!!!

samantha nixon
15-10-2005, 18:44
well its her attitude that makes you like her

15-10-2005, 18:45
i suppose... but i think she acts all spoilt and i really hate that

Sam Nixon Fan
15-10-2005, 21:22
This week was the filler week from PM era to JY, the end of gabriel signified the end of PM and this week was the transistion week into the new main storyline Jo which begin next week!

I was particuarily bored during wednesday episode, but thursdays was much more enjoyable proberly due to the presesnse of Sam n Jo but still, i will now just be glad when Lance leaves although i am definatly not looking forward to the constant episodes of him looking miserable!! Or should i say looking the same as he always does but pretending that its miserable

Crazy Gal 88
15-10-2005, 22:36
yeh - he always looks so glem its like come on SMILE!!!!!!!lol

yeh - i forgot about the Jo undercover thing. it could be quite good.

16-10-2005, 11:34
yeah... hardly ever seen a smile on his face!!

Sam Nixon Fan
16-10-2005, 12:54
Thats cos hes only got one face for every emotion

16-10-2005, 17:27
d'ya think? i thought you could have more than one face!!

Crazy Gal 88
16-10-2005, 18:55
yeh me too!lol but i think she might be trying to say hes not good at expressions or something...not too sure!lol - am confused....(whats new?)

16-10-2005, 18:57
ok. i've just realised what i posted was confusing. i meant more than one expression

Crazy Gal 88
16-10-2005, 19:31
o ok!lol

16-10-2005, 19:32
yeah... sorry for the confusion. can't wait for jo to go undercover though!!

Sam Nixon Fan
16-10-2005, 21:30
I meant Lance is such a bad actor you cant distinguish between when hes happy and sad because he puls the same facial expression for each occasion!

16-10-2005, 21:32
right, ok. i have seen him smile, ocasionally for like a millisecond

16-10-2005, 21:38
lol he has to be the worst actor ever!!!

16-10-2005, 21:39
Todd Carty then him

16-10-2005, 21:40
lol i dont think so!!!

16-10-2005, 21:41
up to you. everyone is entitled to their opinions

Sam Nixon Fan
16-10-2005, 21:47
Lance is just soo boring tho

16-10-2005, 21:48
no there not lol only jokin, very true!!! he is borin but then gabriel was horrible!!!

16-10-2005, 21:50
yeah... at least lance doesn't go round killing people

16-10-2005, 21:53
supose, he just wonders around being boring instead, thats enough to kill ya!!!

16-10-2005, 21:54
bores the viewers to death! whilst gabriel kills the characters.... intersting combo!

16-10-2005, 21:56
lol, they are as bad as each other!!!

16-10-2005, 21:56
but at least chimpy has now gone! now whens lance going?

16-10-2005, 21:57
lol, yeah thats a good thing, dont know when he is going, but it better be soon!!!

Sam Nixon Fan
16-10-2005, 21:57
Before xmas thank god!!

16-10-2005, 21:58
woooooo!! but who will be new?

16-10-2005, 21:58
yay, what a crimbo prezzie!!!

16-10-2005, 22:00
would that be the best ever?

Sam Nixon Fan
16-10-2005, 22:00
Only 1 confirmed joining at the mo!

16-10-2005, 22:01
oh. maybe they will have fewer cast members, but concentrate on developing their characters

16-10-2005, 22:04
not the best ever, maybe second best!!!

Sam Nixon Fan
16-10-2005, 22:04
Hopefully it annoys me the way they pad out uniform with crap characters

16-10-2005, 22:04
yeah. concentrate on developing roles- eg dan and rochelle or something

Sam Nixon Fan
17-10-2005, 00:40
i really hate the Dan and Rochelle stuff, i wish they would finish that storyline quick its soo predictable and boring! Im jst loloking forward to Jos and Smithys big storylines to come.!

Crazy Gal 88
17-10-2005, 17:20
i dont think its boring. cant wiat for the smithy action though!lol

17-10-2005, 17:41
me neither. hope he's alright though!

17-10-2005, 18:23
i like smithy, he i sooo cute!!!!hope he does get hurt i was screamin at the tele when gabriel was beatin him up!!!

17-10-2005, 18:26
lol! you like him then

17-10-2005, 18:28
lol im a little tart and fancy all the guys!!!!phil is the best though!!!

17-10-2005, 18:31
lol!! i like quite a few of the men in TB, but not all of them!!

17-10-2005, 18:39
i like most of them even roger lol joking but most of them are pretty easy on the eye!!!

17-10-2005, 18:40
phil zain and smithy....

17-10-2005, 18:43
yep best 3, and dan and neil aint mingers!!!

17-10-2005, 18:44
um... not sure about that one lol!

17-10-2005, 18:46
lol told ya i was a tart, i dont look at them at think errr no-way, they aint to bad!!! one of are science teachers is soo fit!!!

Crazy Gal 88
17-10-2005, 21:25
yeh - i so agree with your top 3!!!! i have a thing about men in uniform though!lol especially firemen.......(lets not start on that though!lol)

Sam Nixon Fan
17-10-2005, 23:21
Omg firemen are the best, my ex was a fireman and he was sooo nice!!

I think the rochelle stuf is bad because its just to predictable!!

Hmmm i always seem tocome on here ath the wrong times these days

18-10-2005, 17:32
firemen... especially the ones who come and rescue you from a building on guide camp because some idiot set fire to a car outside the entrance...

but hey.. we're off topic lol!

Sam Nixon Fan
18-10-2005, 17:43
LOl i better keep my stories to myself on this friendy chat board lol

Im glad that rochelle n dan stuff is coming to an end!!!

18-10-2005, 17:45
that doesn't sound too good SNF... sounds like you've lived!!

yeah well it better had

Sam Nixon Fan
18-10-2005, 17:48
Lol , not in a bad way i just proberly couldnt tell the story like i wanted to on here lol!!
I have lived lol Uni life opens lotsa of oppertunities lol

It annoys me and i really dont like Ian the commander man

18-10-2005, 17:49
Ian is quite evil for some reason... i've never taken to him

Sam Nixon Fan
18-10-2005, 17:57
he just annoys me infact the whole thing does lol!!

I wonder what the xmas storyline will be and whol be the focuss

18-10-2005, 18:14
um.... hopefully sam and phil?

Sam Nixon Fan
18-10-2005, 18:56
hopefully but i doubt it

18-10-2005, 20:09
i cant wait til christmas wooo love it, mmm...food at christmas and i luv decorating!!!!

yeah sam and phil, dont reckon it will happen though, he is still with cindy!!

19-10-2005, 16:55
yeah.... phil and cindy need to stop before hand

Crazy Gal 88
19-10-2005, 21:20
yep - the sooner the better i say!

19-10-2005, 21:29
cindy is funny, but sam is better!!!

20-10-2005, 17:52
sam just keeps getting better.... like with Reg last night.... you reggie boy have just made my day and pinches his cheeks :rotfl:

20-10-2005, 21:08
lol, made me chuckle not one of her best though!!

21-10-2005, 16:30
yeah... some of the looks and one liners are better!

Crazy Gal 88
21-10-2005, 17:45

21-10-2005, 19:17
she has got rather amsuing though!!!

21-10-2005, 19:18
yeah... what willit be next?

21-10-2005, 19:23
meh, i reckon she will become....i really dint know, any one else got any ideas??

21-10-2005, 19:24
become what?

21-10-2005, 19:26
lol you said what will it be next i thought you meant change in personality like she has becoma a flirt and funny, what will she become next!!!?? or am i getting confused!!??

21-10-2005, 19:27
no i meant funny things said

21-10-2005, 19:29
oh sorry, blonde moment!!!

21-10-2005, 19:30
lol! its alright...

so what do you think?

21-10-2005, 19:31

what do i think her next funny comment will be??

21-10-2005, 19:32
yeah... thats what i meant

21-10-2005, 19:34
oh lol im so braindead tonight!!!

umm....i dont know, her being drunk would be soooo funny!!!1

21-10-2005, 19:37
maybe at the christams party....

samantha nixon
21-10-2005, 19:37
you 2 make me laugh
erm i think it would be funny to see her drunk aswell

21-10-2005, 19:39
just out of interest, why???

sam should let herself go... that'd be interesting

samantha nixon
21-10-2005, 19:42
reading back through the posts maybe its just me who thinks it
and it would be nice to see sam let her hair go

21-10-2005, 19:43
it would make briiliant t.v!!!

are they having a crimbo bash this year!!??

Sam Nixon Fan
21-10-2005, 19:43
not sure if it would be funny to see her drunk but it would be interesting.

oooh im actually online at the same time as you guys for once

samantha nixon
21-10-2005, 19:44
i havent been online with you in ages i dont think sam nixon fan as ive not been posting in the bill that much recently

21-10-2005, 19:44
wow lol!

well she still hasn't replied to to the email

samantha nixon
21-10-2005, 19:44
how long ago did you send it

21-10-2005, 19:45
um... before last week deffo

Sam Nixon Fan
21-10-2005, 19:45
ive not been on that much im out everynight n stuff. Out tniht aswell but just thgought id pop on quick n see whats going on

21-10-2005, 19:46
hasnt she?? aww she is busy woman though so we can let her off!!!!

i think she would be funny drunk, i dont think i have been on as much since i went back to school!!!

21-10-2005, 19:46
lol! again?????

21-10-2005, 19:47
i deffo haven't... but i was on about 5 hours a day in the summer!

Sam Nixon Fan
21-10-2005, 19:48
im confused!!

lisa has a very busy schedule at the moment so id give her a bit longer than normal

21-10-2005, 19:49
i only found this site by accident but its really good!!!

i got a job aswell so that takes up some of my time!!!

i should be out tonight im out tuesday night yay!!!

21-10-2005, 19:54
yeah, well... i'm still waiting lol!!!!

Sam Nixon Fan
21-10-2005, 19:55
patience lol

21-10-2005, 19:56
lol she will replie though well i hope she does!!!

21-10-2005, 19:56
i'm not very patient!

21-10-2005, 19:59
nah me either, i hate waiting round!!! but hey it hasnt been that long!!

Sam Nixon Fan
21-10-2005, 20:00
around a month id say!!

Ooooooh noooooo i just broke my top grrrrrr

21-10-2005, 20:02
o ok!!!

lmao, where you goin out tonight??clubbing??!!

Sam Nixon Fan
21-10-2005, 20:09
yeah, been out evrynight this week already, but tonight is a big night!!!

Id say a month because unlike you and me she doesnt stars dont cheack ther formal mailbox that often, so by the time they check it and then get round to replying it takes sometime.

21-10-2005, 20:11
lucky you as soon as im 18 im gona be like that cant wait!!!! im shopping on monday wooo!!!

yeah a month aint bad!!

21-10-2005, 20:12
i suppose it does

21-10-2005, 20:17
it will be good when she does replie though!!!

samantha nixon
21-10-2005, 20:18
she doesnt always reply

21-10-2005, 20:19
noooo.......i hope she does!!!

Sam Nixon Fan
21-10-2005, 20:27
lucky you as soon as im 18 im gona be like that cant wait!!!! im shopping on monday wooo!!!

yeah a month aint bad!!

Thats what uni ;life does for ya its great and very cheap to have a night out hence why ya can go out evrynight lol!!

Im gunna miss next weeks episodes

samantha nixon
21-10-2005, 20:29
why are you gonna miss it

Sam Nixon Fan
21-10-2005, 20:31
coz tuesday im at ntas n staying in london for the rest of the week

21-10-2005, 20:32
im staying for 6form for definate had my lil chat woo then i want to go uni but im not smart enough!!

Sam Nixon Fan
21-10-2005, 20:34
everyone is smar enough to go to uni

21-10-2005, 20:36
everyone except me lol got my report and predicted grades i was not impressed!!

Sam Nixon Fan
21-10-2005, 20:38
everyone is still smart enough for uni tho

21-10-2005, 20:38
oh ok then just wont get into a very good one!!!lol!!!

Sam Nixon Fan
21-10-2005, 20:47
uni doesnt work like that!!

rite im of out now, cyas all later have a good friday night!!

21-10-2005, 20:49
bye have fun!!

Crazy Gal 88
21-10-2005, 21:31
well dont take any notice of your predicted grades! i showed all the teachers! i think 6th form is great and im deffo going uni.

i cant believe im never on when yous lot are!lol

21-10-2005, 22:47
lol thats what i thought bout doing so then i gloat to them all an say haha i did well!!! 6th form better be good!!!

its ashame you arent on when we are!!!

22-10-2005, 16:12
lol!! she might not reply because some of the questions we asked were a little strange...

Sam Nixon Fan
22-10-2005, 16:25
yeah i was thinking some of the things yas asked were a little odd.

22-10-2005, 16:26
yeah... but hopefully she will reply to one or two of the questions

Sam Nixon Fan
22-10-2005, 16:28
only time will tell lol!!

Ill tyr n find out if shes recieved lots of emails n stuff recently or if there is a specific reason eg shes been doing something in particular next week for yas

22-10-2005, 16:29
awwww thanks :) you're going to the NTAs aren't you??

Sam Nixon Fan
22-10-2005, 16:32
yeah i am indeed

22-10-2005, 16:34
lucky you!!

Sam Nixon Fan
22-10-2005, 16:35
lol, got my dress on wednesday aswell! :)

22-10-2005, 16:38
wow! cool lol!

Sam Nixon Fan
22-10-2005, 17:16
ino its really pritty although i broke the necklave id got to go with it as wore it last night n ended up soo drunk that i cant remember what happeneed to it but its broken so... ill have to buy anoher one tomorrow!

I hope all the bill cast are there on tuesday though as it will be really fun!

22-10-2005, 17:17
hmmm... hope it wasn't expensive!!

when will the NTAs be showb??

Sam Nixon Fan
22-10-2005, 17:20
it was lol i shouldnt ov wore it to go were i went it wasnt very appriopriate lol

to be shown on wednesday!

Im gunna be in london for the whole week so wont get chance to post on here

22-10-2005, 17:20
oh, ok. no TB on weds then??

Sam Nixon Fan
22-10-2005, 17:23
tb is on tuesday instead

22-10-2005, 17:23
argh!!!!! nooo i go out on tuesdays...

Sam Nixon Fan
22-10-2005, 17:24
yeah tuesdays its on

22-10-2005, 17:25
and i bet 8-9. am i correct?

Sam Nixon Fan
22-10-2005, 17:26
yeah lol why

22-10-2005, 17:26
i'm out then, and i won't get a chance to watch it till friday

Sam Nixon Fan
22-10-2005, 17:29
ooh ok! i wont see either of them until probs next tuesday , thats agesss to wait

22-10-2005, 17:29
i suppose you have to wait longer! and have fun in london

Sam Nixon Fan
22-10-2005, 17:33
thanks lol im sure that i will do!

22-10-2005, 17:34
sp then back on topic....

Crazy Gal 88
22-10-2005, 21:35
looking forward t it!lol

Sam Nixon Fan
22-10-2005, 23:00
to what?

23-10-2005, 10:55
sorry thats my bad about the weird questions!

im out tuesday aswel, but i will get my dad to tape it!

Sam Nixon Fan
23-10-2005, 11:00
what questions did ya ask?

23-10-2005, 11:02
they were all my questions its just lmf sent it for me cause im lazy and useless!!!lol!!!

cant remeber exactly what they were!

23-10-2005, 15:32
i asked about... hair, and other stuff!

Sam Nixon Fan
23-10-2005, 18:31
did you ask her anything about tb itself??

Crazy Gal 88
23-10-2005, 18:53
yeh - any more spoilers anyone?

Crazy Gal 88
23-10-2005, 18:55
ooo just remembered o was looking at a TV mag today and Smithy is actually held hostage by larson. he has a blleding lip and blood down his shirt. louise hi so badly beated that they said she was beaten 'to a pulp' and its Zain and Jack that find her and go go to try and find Smithy where they discover hes being held hostage!

23-10-2005, 19:01
i saw the trailer for tuesday last night.... looked really good lol! it was such a good trailer

Sam Nixon Fan
23-10-2005, 21:57
I may have some more spoiler snippits for you guys when i come back from London, but think ill proberly PM you guys them so they remain slightly hush hush plus some people over in the spoiler section dont tend to believe my unidentifiable source- perfect example of this was my news months ago that Mickey was coming back, which is fair enough to them, if it doesnt have a source iot might not be true so

If i manage to get anything then ill let ya know okeydokey,.....

Crazy Gal 88
23-10-2005, 22:13
cool thanks!

i kow isnt that trailer fab?

24-10-2005, 09:02

and the trailer looks soo good, i think its the way its been put together, its fab!!!

samantha nixon
24-10-2005, 09:10
ive saw the trailer a couple of times and i think its really good but sad as poor smithy

24-10-2005, 09:11
yeah. but at least he survives!

samantha nixon
24-10-2005, 09:15
yeah thats a good thing i never liked him at the begining but i like him now

24-10-2005, 09:15
i like him now aswell... he's soo sweet!

Sam Nixon Fan
24-10-2005, 11:20
its his n ginas partnership that makes him completely indispensible

24-10-2005, 18:03
yeah. he stuck up for gina when prosser was being an evil... and he kept quiet about her cancer

24-10-2005, 21:21
aww i always liked smithy he is so cute!

24-10-2005, 21:22
yeah... that is a plus to him... lol!!!! he is really sweet though. is he ever evil?

24-10-2005, 21:27
lol, most of the guys have that plus side1 i dont think he is he is way to nice!! aww hope he doesnt get to hurt!!

24-10-2005, 21:31
i know. he doesn't deserve to be hurt

24-10-2005, 21:34
i know poor lil smithy, its always the nice people that get treated badly though!

24-10-2005, 21:36
yeah... sadly. glad he survives larson though