View Full Version : Peggy & Johnny

09-10-2005, 15:40
Why does Peggy hate Johnny Allen? :hmm: Thanks for your help

09-10-2005, 15:45
i think she knew him in the 'old days

09-10-2005, 15:45
yea i donno reali

09-10-2005, 16:29
Peggy hates anybody who attempts to do an evil act, like trying to buy a 'Mitchell' pub. :rolleyes: Attempting to buy The Vic, minus the last name Mitchell, is tantamount to murder in Peggy's eyes. :rolleyes: "GET OUTA MY PUB!!" :rolleyes:

I think Johnny knew her husband, Eric.

09-10-2005, 16:50
I think it's because he's sort of took over her place in being 'Head of Walford' :rolleyes: if you know what I mean lol

09-10-2005, 16:53
I think she knew him though George Palmer's dodgy dealings.

09-10-2005, 16:54
i think it will all come out in the next few weeks

09-10-2005, 21:04
I think johnny managed peggys husband, eric when he was boxing. She hates johnny because she wasnt happy with the way eric was treated when they parted company.

10-10-2005, 16:31
Thanks for the explanations guys!

10-10-2005, 16:40
yeah i read in inside soap that it has s9mething to do with her husband

10-10-2005, 17:29
Johnny's connected to her husband or something... it was in inside soap last week...

10-10-2005, 20:27
It's when Eric was Boxing. I think Johnny was his manager

11-10-2005, 20:08
johnny was a pofessional boxer and when he once took a wrong dive he injured himself and so he turned into a gangster he then employed eric mitchell and made his life hell, never gave him an easy ride, he practically destroyed him, and eic used to take all of his anger for johnny and the way he was treated by him out on peggy, and his kids, peggy hates him for that and the life he used to lead, and fo stealing the vic, and showing no sympathy towards her situation.

12-10-2005, 18:59
Great, leanne27, I understand now :)