View Full Version : Happy Anniversary

08-10-2005, 11:24
Just want to say a happy anniversary to debs who had been married one year today! Happy anniversary mate and many more to come i hope! :D :clap:

Bad Wolf
08-10-2005, 11:25
happy anniversary xxxxxx

08-10-2005, 12:40
Yeah def - happy anniversary honey - hope you enjoy your weekend of bliss :D

08-10-2005, 12:43
Happy Anniversary debs, Hope you enjoy your day

08-10-2005, 13:29
just got a text back from her saying shes having a lovely time and has been swimming and is just off again!

08-10-2005, 14:06
Happy Anniversary :cheer:

08-10-2005, 17:13
happy anniversary

08-10-2005, 17:18
:cheer: Happy Anniversary Debs! :cheer: (make the most of it while he remembers, lol only jokin! He will!) :D :p

08-10-2005, 17:32
Birks!! :eek: :p Happy Anniversay Debs :D I bet your having a gorgeous time away from this lot except me :p Only joking :rotfl: Tell us how it all went!! :D

08-10-2005, 17:55
Happy first anniversary!!!

08-10-2005, 18:42
Happy Anniversary debsy!! Hope you have a great day!

08-10-2005, 18:53
happy anniversary

08-10-2005, 18:57
happy anniversary!!! xxx

08-10-2005, 20:46
happy anniversary

09-10-2005, 10:16
Another day of swimming starts today for Debs :p Any updates chance?

09-10-2005, 14:42
happy aniversary for yesterday hope you having fun

samantha nixon
09-10-2005, 15:57
happy anniversary for yesterday hope you had a great day

09-10-2005, 18:17
Hope you had a great day :D Happy Anniversary :D

09-10-2005, 21:12
Just want to say a happy anniversary to debs who had been married one year today! Happy anniversary mate and many more to come i hope! :D :clap:

aww cheers chance! There had best be lots more of years!!!

And thanks evryone!"!

i had a greta time am very relaxed just wish i could have stayed forever, but i was missing soapboards and my nightly msn chats with chance, rob and jojo!!

Went swimming spent hours in there as con didnt want to get out!

09-10-2005, 21:13
:cheer: Happy Anniversary Debs! :cheer: (make the most of it while he remembers, lol only jokin! He will!) :D :p

LOL dont worry he Will always remember as i would kill him if he didnt!!

09-10-2005, 21:52
Glad you had a nice time mate xx

09-10-2005, 22:16
I'm glad you enjoyed the break, did you have loads of menthol steams??! I love going in there when hubby sends for a day break - no kids, no worries, just a sauna, steam room and health club for the day - pure relaxation, bliss and pampering :D

09-10-2005, 22:41
I'm glad you enjoyed the break, did you have loads of menthol steams??! I love going in there when hubby sends for a day break - no kids, no worries, just a sauna, steam room and health club for the day - pure relaxation, bliss and pampering :D

i didnt even set foot in the steam room!!
it was broke on the friday, and then saturday i couldnt be bothered to go in i just floated around the pool for hours! the sauna i kept away from too i went in but it was far too hot so i didint go in again! i just swam around in the pool! and today it was shut again!!

did go in the jacuzzi though which was lovely, it was really quiet so i had the jacuzzi to myself!

09-10-2005, 22:42
Glad you had a nice time mate xx

Thanks chance, talk to you soon xx

Jessie Wallace
09-10-2005, 23:15
Babes thats well cool, Happy first anniversary, hope you had a great day.

09-10-2005, 23:16
Babes thats well cool, Happy first anniversary, hope you had a great day.

Thanks and yeah i did have a great day! roll on next year!

Jessie Wallace
09-10-2005, 23:24
I got a couple at work who have been married 70years, so you only got another 69 to catch them up! lol

09-10-2005, 23:25
I got a couple at work who have been married 70years, so you only got another 69 to catch them up! lol

OMG 70 years? couldnt imagine being married that long! god id be 96!!! and dave would be 104!!!! hmmmm

Jessie Wallace
09-10-2005, 23:36
Well it's possible, but no can't really see both of oyu living that long. but you never know the oldest man alive at the moment is 109!!

09-10-2005, 23:47
Well it's possible, but no can't really see both of oyu living that long. but you never know the oldest man alive at the moment is 109!!

yeah you never know!! toothless and in a home but still together LOL

Jessie Wallace
09-10-2005, 23:51
I can picture it now, hand in hand, blankets on knees, teeth in glass next to you! now there's a picture for you.

09-10-2005, 23:53
I can picture it now, hand in hand, blankets on knees, teeth in glass next to you! now there's a picture for you.

:rotfl: can hardly wait it for it now!

Jessie Wallace
09-10-2005, 23:56
lol, bless x