View Full Version : Week 43 spoilers (22/10/05)

irish eyes
07-10-2005, 11:57
Casualty – For Better Or Worse
8.20-9.10pm BBC ONE

Woody is keen to get to know Matt and invites him to spend the
day with him in the ambulance. However, when Josh finds out, he is
furious and warns Woody that it’s a sackable offence.

Meanwhile, Harry is left in the lurch when his au pair quits. But
help is at hand when Ellen, who has the afternoon off, offers to
help out with the children. Harry later arrives home to find that
she has done a sterling job, and the pair end the evening chatting
about how lonely they are.

Woody is played by Will Thorpe, Matt by Thomas Law, Josh by
Ian Bleasdale, Harry by Simon MacCorkindale and Ellen by
Georgie Bouzova.

07-10-2005, 13:02
oh no - time for ellen to get her claws into another of selena's men

07-10-2005, 15:12
oh no!! please harry, dont do it!!

07-10-2005, 17:24
Awwwww no not Harry aswell, don't do it! :(

07-10-2005, 22:32
ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.. please tell me that isn't her new man... pretty pretty please...

07-10-2005, 23:40
oh no....... not harry why cant they get rid of Ellen!

08-10-2005, 14:56

not the start of Harry and Ellen....

why can't it be Selena instead of Evil Ellen

Harry&Selena are meant to be

09-10-2005, 18:09
we all agree harry and selena are meant to be but harry and ellen will be much more explosive to watch

09-10-2005, 18:14
Well at least harry and ellen might get selena to open her eyes

10-10-2005, 14:22
harry can't!!! ellen is evil!!

10-10-2005, 17:32
nooo ellen and harry lol how terrible lol. and awww woody