View Full Version : ~*~Favourite Character~*~

06-10-2005, 21:40
Mines Claire or Kate or Jack or Charlie............ hmmmmmmmm i donno really i like them all xxx

06-10-2005, 21:55
i think locke is great! and then probably jack or charlie or sawyer

06-10-2005, 22:09
I like charlie- he was so sweet when Claire was going to have her baby... now breathe clairle and think happy toughts.
jake is nice too, he is a good doctor

06-10-2005, 22:12
I don't watch Casualty, but groovy title :cool:

06-10-2005, 22:16
I don't watch Casualty, but groovy title :cool:

this is a Lost Tread

06-10-2005, 22:19
this is a Lost TreadI mean Lost! Omg why did I say Casualty :confused: I must have had Casualty on my mind or something :confused: lol! :o :hmm:

06-10-2005, 22:30
Yeah you did say Casualty... its ok.. not having a go at all was just checking that you were sure you were in the right place

07-10-2005, 08:28
my fave is claire and jack

07-10-2005, 09:00
My favourite is Locke; he's so cool! Apart from him it's between Charlie, Claire, and Sawyer.

07-10-2005, 09:59
My favourite is Locke; he's so cool! Apart from him it's between Charlie, Claire, and Sawyer.

Who Locke?

10-10-2005, 17:35
Claire is my favourite n Kate, yea which 1 id locke again

10-10-2005, 21:38
locke is the one with all the knives and likes being therer and stuff ya no the one i mean?

10-10-2005, 22:23
Saywer... *swoon*

Then Charlie! He's so adorable!

11-10-2005, 10:41
locke is the one with all the knives and likes being therer and stuff ya no the one i mean?

Yeah, I do now..

12-10-2005, 16:02
Charlie and Claire are my fave people, they're both so sweet

13-10-2005, 16:18
My favourite is Charlie. lol he's so sweet bless him. :) and i also like Claire. i dont really like Kate and the doctor Jack is annoying me for some reason.

16-10-2005, 13:11

17-10-2005, 21:36
Claire and Charlie! and Sawyer hehe

21-10-2005, 21:40
claires my favourite, and charlie's Ok too. i also like boone

21-10-2005, 22:15
Mines Sawyer!

Carrie Bradshaw
21-10-2005, 22:27
My fav is Charlie - he's so sweet and he always seems to want the best for people. I'm intrigued by Sawyer though.

23-10-2005, 12:02
ye my fav is charlie hes s caring and lovely

30-10-2005, 23:31
my fave's kate followed by charlie

31-10-2005, 12:15
Charlie and Claire are my favourites

31-10-2005, 19:21
Charlie and Clarie are my favourites but sometimes when Boone and Shannon are together they are quite funny

04-11-2005, 16:53
Mines Claire or Kate or Jack or Charlie............ hmmmmmmmm i donno really i like them all xxxlol me too but those are my top four

04-11-2005, 16:59
my fave's kate followed by charlieyer kates great isnt she i think that she has the best role well what i mean is background cos its just so interesting and complicated

Surfer Rosa
17-11-2005, 08:21
I like Jack and Charlie, can't wait for season 2!

03-02-2006, 19:31
I must comply with the majority here. CHarlie is by far the best character. Follwed by Jack and Sawyer for there sheer manlyness

03-02-2006, 19:42
Hurley, i love that dude, he's a sweetheart and i think he's yummy too.

03-02-2006, 19:47
ahhhh Hurley is quite good. He is very comical. His face when the guy blew up was a picture

03-02-2006, 20:14
ahhhh Hurley is quite good. He is very comical. His face when the guy blew up was a picture

Yes, I agree! He is so funny! I love the way he acts!

03-02-2006, 20:20
lol. i cant belive his cd player lasted as it did. damn gud batteries dont you think

03-02-2006, 20:40
fave characters: i like charlie and sawyer, as well as sayid when he was torturing sawyer a while back. now he's a little boring but hopefully he'll pick up in the next season

04-02-2006, 15:46
I love Charlie, I liked Boone too. But I would probably chose Charlie.

04-02-2006, 21:27
I prefered Sayid when he was mysterious. Noone knew who he was or what he was like. I am tired of all the lovey dovey stuff about that woman he is tring to find. THat bit I find rather boring

13-06-2006, 16:59
sawyer is my favourite, he is so hot!!! i hope he gets with kate!!

14-06-2006, 19:24
sawyer is my favourite, he is so hot!!! i hope he gets with kate!! hehe well i agree with the fact he is hot and so would my friends

29-07-2006, 02:42
Personally my favourite character is Jack and I don't know why, maybe its because he isn't boring like Michael or annoying like Charlie.

19-10-2006, 18:51
My fav character are Hurley sawyer & charlie there all so funny.:lol:

23-10-2006, 12:33
My fav character are Hurley sawyer & charlie there all so funny.:lol: Lol yes the are but i think Hurley and Charlie are such a funny duo.

25-10-2006, 15:42
sawyer is my favourite, he is so hot!!! i hope he gets with kate!!
Sawyer...! :wub:

I thought that guy that only stayed for one episode was alright. The one that 'saved' everyone. His accent just annoyed me a little. Apart from that he was dishy.

27-10-2006, 11:37
I love basically all of them, minus Jack, but my favourites are probably Sawyer, Kate, Eko, Charlie, Hurley and most of the time Claire.

EDIT: Oh I forgot Jin and I know he can be mean at times but he is very lovely as well

27-10-2006, 15:10
My two favs are Hurley and Sawyer. both are so funny and great to watch. Locke is the character I would have most respect for.. he seems to know things that others don't.. Jack and Kate are typical characters... you expect to someone like these in a show like this...

I am getting really excited about known more about Henry Gale.. I am sure I would find him interesting..

01-11-2006, 16:10
mines would be Kate and then Claire, Charlie and Jack lol i love all them but Kate is deffo my favourite

02-11-2006, 17:29
kate and sawyer deffonatly!!!!i lurrrve sawyor lol

05-12-2006, 21:58
my favourite is kate and sawyer