View Full Version : More secrets revealed for Bond

Chloe O'brien
06-10-2005, 10:16
Casino Royale secrets revealed

The director of the new Bond film has been giving away a few details about his 007 movie. Martin Campbell is making an up to date version of Casino Royale, but he is promising to stick as closely to the book as possible.
But he admitted that there's still no word on who is going to be the new James Bond. Campbell said has screen tested a couple of actors, but the new Bond will be much younger than Pierce Brosnan.

He added that he thought the special effects in Die Another Day were unbelievable and he is going to keep the action realistic.

Casino Royale will be released next year.


06-10-2005, 10:21
I cant wait to find out who the new bond will be

09-10-2005, 18:11
When will we find out who the new bond is?