View Full Version : michelle:pregnancy to blame?

02-10-2005, 21:58
The X Factor's Michelle Thorne thinks that her pregnancy was to blame for being knocked out of the talent contest.

The glamour model made it to the show's Boot Camp stage, but judge Sharon Osbourne, who is mentoring the 25 and over solo singers, did not choose Thorne for the final 21.

"I'm heartbroken. X Factor was my dream and I really thought I could win," Michelle told The People.

"But my pregnancy left me tired, forgetful and over-emotional and in the end I couldn't hack it. I couldn't learn the songs."

Michelle discovered that she was pregnant after filming had started, but decided to keep the news a secret.

"I didn't tell anyone but now I wish I had - things might have been different," she explained. "When I had a one-to-one with Sharon I should have told her about the baby because I think she would have understood."

Thorne added, "I am going to do it again next year so watch out!"

02-10-2005, 21:58
whatever love,you were crap! :thumbsdow

03-10-2005, 17:01
i agree with you

03-10-2005, 17:22
some people just dont understand when there not good enough. Lets hope she doesnt audition next year seeing her again this year was bad enough

03-10-2005, 17:26
She was rubbish- no excuses.

Other pregnant people can sing, so why not her.

03-10-2005, 18:12
what an excuse... get over yourself!

03-10-2005, 18:22
She was a really sweet girl though, i just wanted her to get through because of her past jobs, and would have liked to have seen her prove people wrong, she wasnt an awful singer, she could actually sing in tune! I think she just needs some lessons, but it shows not to judge someone by the way they look, she was really down to earth

03-10-2005, 19:14
Was she the one that did it last year as well.. and simon told her she was crap.. and than everyone dislike simon

03-10-2005, 19:56
I didn't like her, I didn't think she had a very strong voice.

03-10-2005, 20:17
I dont think it was bouncetiger

samantha nixon
03-10-2005, 20:52
what does she look like as i cant remember who she is

03-10-2005, 21:31
i liked her but what a rubbish excuse

03-10-2005, 22:32
what does she look like as i cant remember who she isthe blonde with big boobies

04-10-2005, 17:25
i think she could kinda sing

04-10-2005, 20:28
whatever love,you were crap! :thumbsdow

exactly what i was thinking! lol

04-10-2005, 20:32
Thanks Abi for answering my Question...