View Full Version : The time that lost is on...

30-09-2005, 11:52
What time do you think Lost should be on… as I read this in a mag?

It is no wonder viewing figures for channel 4’s US drama lost have reportedly fallen by over a million.

The first episode was shown at 8.30pm. But it has since been shoved to a 10pm slot. It’s not as if the show is unsuitable for earlier viewing- after all, the Sunday repeat is at 6.30pm!

Lost is a cracking show, it’s just a shame the scheduling is spoiling it.

30-09-2005, 12:15
I think it should be on about 8.30 as there is no swearing in it.

30-09-2005, 16:37
Yeah that what i was thinking.. but i think it becasue on a wednesday they try and fix everything on.. In the middle of the week

30-09-2005, 18:00
I kinda like it where it is - I watch the one on 4, go to bed whilst my sis tapes the next one, and then on Thursday after school I watch the next! It gives me a way to get through the school day!

01-10-2005, 15:52
All channel 4 dramas are on at 10 e.g. shameless, desperate houswives... i think this is quite a good time 2 have it on personnally, dunno, having it on too early would be rubbish

01-10-2005, 16:05
Having it on too early wouldn't be as fun - It would also mean I wouldn't be able to snuggle up and watch it with a hot chocolate!

I agree it is suitable to be shown at half 6, but Channel 4 absolutly butchered Angel when they showed that at tea time - A series that's about a vampire who fights demons etc.! Maybe they're just being over cautious.

07-10-2005, 23:39
i preffer it the way it is at the moment that way i can watch the bill and watch lost later on:) and angel was brilliant horseygirl they shud bring it back tho just to see what happens after the last episode of the final series if u saw it:)

10-10-2005, 13:40
My kids go to bed at 9.30, so we have to watch the repeats on a sunday

10-10-2005, 13:50
I kinda like it where it is - I watch the one on 4, go to bed whilst my sis tapes the next one, and then on Thursday after school I watch the next! It gives me a way to get through the school day!

Not being funny but does that mean you watch the one your sister watch twice...

09-11-2005, 16:52
i think it should be on earlier too so i watch it on e4 on a sunday its easy that way

09-11-2005, 16:59
yeah as it on 6.30 on a sunday anyway

16-11-2005, 18:21
i think its a good show to be on c4 and their putting it on late.
i think about 25 million people watched the 1st episode of the second season in america. only 4 million watch it in uk . i reckon it should be on at 8:30

16-11-2005, 20:04
America is a much bigger country than we are!

Also half 8's too eary, it prolly cant be shown before the watershed.

17-11-2005, 11:26
I think they are not showing it early as there are guns now- but i think 10 is late and somepeople have school the next day