View Full Version : The Bill DS Phil Hunter (Scott Maslen)

26-09-2005, 09:49
Hi there has anyone else noticed that the voice over for the Cravendale Milk advert with the cows on it sounds very much like Scott Maslen who plays DS Phil Hunter in The Bill? :hmm: :hmm:

samantha nixon
26-09-2005, 15:58
i dont think ive seen the advert but when i do ill listen out

26-09-2005, 16:31
the cows want it back one??????????????LMAO i dontthink it sounds like him

samantha nixon
26-09-2005, 17:08
oh right that one i dont think it is him

26-09-2005, 18:03
i've heard it and id definetly sounds like him

26-09-2005, 19:19
i thought it sounded like him aswell!!

26-09-2005, 19:21
what 'the so good the cows want it back advert'?

26-09-2005, 20:29
Hi there has anyone else noticed that the voice over for the Cravendale Milk advert with the cows on it sounds very much like Scott Maslen who plays DS Phil Hunter in The Bill? :hmm: :hmm:I've seen that one and I thought it was him too

samantha nixon
27-09-2005, 08:23
i havent seen that advert on tv once since i read this as i want to listen to it

27-09-2005, 16:36
ive only ever seen it once or twice - its not very regular - its when the cows break into the supermarket i think unless i dreamed that

27-09-2005, 17:42
keep itv on in the background... then it'll come on at somepoint or look inbetween TB

samantha nixon
27-09-2005, 17:49
ok ill do that but ill watch it and not realise until its been on as i dont really listen to the adverts

27-09-2005, 17:50
ok, i can't really remember how it starts though...

samantha nixon
27-09-2005, 18:30
neither can i

27-09-2005, 19:11
its the one when the cows are trying to get in the window and are mooing at the guy i think!!!

28-09-2005, 18:11
vaguely remember it, but not enough to describe it. will look out tonight though!!

29-09-2005, 09:52
i think it does sound like him - very much because i carefully listened to it and it is him xx

samantha nixon
29-09-2005, 18:29
cool i still havent seen that advert

29-09-2005, 18:30
hopefully it'll be on soon!!

Crazy Gal 88
29-09-2005, 18:33
cant quite remeber it - i dont think it sounds like hi though from what i cna remember!

29-09-2005, 18:38
i dont think its been on for a while, seeing as no- ones seen it

29-09-2005, 19:35
i saw it last night in the adverts of the bill and i dont think it sounds anything like him, but it could be that i have bad hearing lol!!!!

samantha nixon
29-09-2005, 19:36
are you sure it was in the adverts as i watched the bill but didnt see it

29-09-2005, 19:39
yeah cause me and my dad were laugthing at it lol its when the guy gets follwed home by the cow, then cows all mooo its really funny!!!!

29-09-2005, 19:39
i didn't see it, but i was doing a lot of tooing and froing!

29-09-2005, 19:53
it was defintly on in the adverts for the bill, cause i didnt watch anything else last night and i saw the advert!!!!!!

29-09-2005, 19:54
ok, i don't know then. i'm going t watch TB now anyway!!

samantha nixon
29-09-2005, 20:00
i must have missed it then

29-09-2005, 21:39
lol looks like you did!!! dont worry it will be on again sometime!!!!!!!

30-09-2005, 17:22
maybe it was on before it started

Crazy Gal 88
30-09-2005, 18:49
ive just seen it so i closed by eyes and listened and youre right! it really does sound like him!

30-09-2005, 18:50
yeah, itdoes doesn't it?? lol!

samantha nixon
01-10-2005, 11:28
i still havent seen it and the amount of tv i watch youd have thought i would have

01-10-2005, 11:29
yeah, i haven't seen it but i have the excuse that theres no tv up here!! maybe its not on anymore, or between certain times

01-10-2005, 12:29
i dont think it sounds like him at all!!!!lol!!!!

01-10-2005, 12:31
yeah... tell us when you next see it

01-10-2005, 12:38
i will do!!!!

01-10-2005, 14:20
yeah i've seen it it was on in between the 2nd and 3rd part of the bill on wednesday! i think it sounds like him

samantha nixon
01-10-2005, 14:45
i might watch my tape back and try and find the advert then as i think between them bits of adverts my mum and ad had just come in so i was talking to them

01-10-2005, 19:57
oh, i was making toast then!!

01-10-2005, 19:57
liking the banner btw samantha nixon

samantha nixon
01-10-2005, 20:02
thanks and is tha advert the one where its a man walking in the sreets with a cow following him as thats an advert with the cows want it back and if so i dont think it sounds like him

02-10-2005, 16:28
lol i'd made some toast while watching the bill, how weird lol!!!!

yeah thats the one, i dont think it sounds like him either!!!!

samantha nixon
02-10-2005, 16:38
i dont think its him then

02-10-2005, 16:52
no i dont reckon it is, where did you make the people on your banner its well funky!!

samantha nixon
02-10-2005, 16:54
erm in google type in dolls maker and its one of them sorry i cant remember the actual site

02-10-2005, 17:27
o right i used to be obsesed with them things lol making your own outfits and stuff!!!!

samantha nixon
02-10-2005, 17:29
yeah my mates obsessed with them aswell but i only went on them to make that as i thought it would look good

02-10-2005, 17:32
o rite the banner is great though so it was worth it!!!i aint done it for ages though!!1

Crazy Gal 88
02-10-2005, 17:47
ooo yeh - i used to love making them aswell. i dont any more but i probably would if i had tim!

the banners gret though! i have one but i STILL cant figur eout how to attach it! gggrrrr

02-10-2005, 17:49
they are fun to make!!!!

i would tell you how if i knew how to do it but i dont sorry!!!

Crazy Gal 88
02-10-2005, 19:39
O ive made one but i dont know how to make it my signature - i keep only getting the URL up! how did you attach yours (sorry this is off topic but i really need to know!)

samantha nixon
02-10-2005, 19:56
go on edit sig then click on the yellow box with a mountain on paste the url in that then click save sig

Crazy Gal 88
02-10-2005, 21:26


03-10-2005, 14:18
there seems some confusing it is the advert with the cows at the supermarket but the one where they following the guy home was the original advert for it but the one at the supermarket does definetly sounds like DS Phil Hunter which is the recent one.

03-10-2005, 16:01
ahh i see, i aint seen that one il look out for it thanx!!!!

Crazy Gal 88
03-10-2005, 16:15
reckon we should write to him and ask to solve all the confusion?lol

03-10-2005, 17:10
if you want to! if he isn't though might be a bit cinfusing!

samantha nixon
03-10-2005, 18:28
oh i havent seen the new one just the old one i might email him and ask him but he doesbt always reply

03-10-2005, 18:29
right, ok

04-10-2005, 19:03
well he should learn from his good friend lisa and replie!!!! lol !!!!

samantha nixon
04-10-2005, 19:10
yes he should

04-10-2005, 19:11
shall we email him and tell him that aswell lol!!!!

samantha nixon
04-10-2005, 19:16
that might be a bit mean

04-10-2005, 19:45
lol nevermind so is not replie!!! lol he probly really busy or something!!!

05-10-2005, 18:50
is lisa likely to reply coz although its not really relevant to her she moght know :searchme:

samantha nixon
05-10-2005, 19:37
lisa might reply to it as she might no as her and scott are good mates

06-10-2005, 16:39
aww but would she do replies for him aswell as her own!!!!

samantha nixon
06-10-2005, 18:07
well if you word it in a certain way she might so for example you talk about her comercials shes done then ask whether scott is in that one