View Full Version : Sims 2 Expansion Pack!

24-09-2005, 21:56
Sims 2 Late 04
University Early 05
Nightlife Late 05

have just read in my nightlife book that early 06 a new expnasion pack comes out:


For the first time ever your Sims can open up their own buisnesses! Create shops, restuarunts, nightclubs, home buisnesses and more. Hire friendly workers and fire slackers as you strive to keep up with demand.

sounds good but im detecting a pattern two expasnion packs a year, one early year one late year....were gonna get conned agen!

25-09-2005, 13:57
lol, sounds cool! But your right about the conning :hmm: interesting lol. But this new expansion pack sounds cool!

26-09-2005, 18:46
I got the Nightlife a couple of days ago its cool but there will be a pattern but i can't help it i will end up with them all lol

04-12-2005, 18:55
university and nightlife are really good and i can't wait for the buisness one to come out

28-03-2006, 10:13
Does anyone have this i got it i think about two weeks ago now not really had much chance to play it but when i did it was confusing

28-03-2006, 16:03
I do. It is confusing and for a comunity lot buisness, you need to really know what your soing because I created one on a comunity lot and I struggled. Also say you leave at 9am and leave your comunity lot buisness at 6pm. Once you go back to your house, it's back to 9am again which irrates me. Your not the only one, I find it complicated aswell.

28-03-2006, 16:54
I do. It is confusing and for a comunity lot buisness, you need to really know what your soing because I created one on a comunity lot and I struggled. Also say you leave at 9am and leave your comunity lot buisness at 6pm. Once you go back to your house, it's back to 9am again which irrates me. Your not the only one, I find it complicated aswell.

I tried playing as the dude with the posh house but i really didnt understand it at all

samantha nixon
02-04-2006, 13:55
leanne bought this game and all i can say is im glad i didnt buy it as i really dont like as its really confusing, but theres a new one out in either april or may which looks really good about family fun or something

02-04-2006, 14:23
I have got it too and find it really complicated no-one seems to buy anything and if you start a home business they just and hang about which is really annoying and so is the time thing

02-04-2006, 22:48
I'll try and talk my friend out of buying it in that case. Good to see you've finally got your avatar moving, Sammie.

samantha nixon
03-04-2006, 17:42
I'll try and talk my friend out of buying it in that case. Good to see you've finally got your avatar moving, Sammie.

leanne done it for me :cheer:, quick question when did i tell you i couldnt do it as i really dont remember :searchme:

03-04-2006, 22:45
It was quite a while ago now, you said you'd even PM'ed NB about it and that you'd never been able to have a moving one.

samantha nixon
03-04-2006, 22:58
oh right cool you have a good memory and yeah now i can which is good

04-04-2006, 07:58
I havent touched it since i decided i didnt understand it but from what ive seen i would not reccommend it to anyone im hopeing to try again and set up a toy store but i dont understand what some of the commands mean.

Whats the new one thats coming out called does anyone know??

samantha nixon
04-04-2006, 08:33
hiya vicky it says family fun stuff and on it, it says decorate kids bedrooms with complete fantasy and underwater theme sets, redesign the family room with upscale nautical furnishings, dress your sims children in adventorous costumes or clothe the whole family im matching outfits for a group outing, get in on all the family fun with over 60 new items including castle beds, sun dresses, tropical wall hanging and more
it comes out april 2006 so soon hopefully also vicky as you have the buisness one you might have a leaflet in it as thats what ive got

04-04-2006, 10:00
hiya vicky it says family fun stuff and on it, it says decorate kids bedrooms with complete fantasy and underwater theme sets, redesign the family room with upscale nautical furnishings, dress your sims children in adventorous costumes or clothe the whole family im matching outfits for a group outing, get in on all the family fun with over 60 new items including castle beds, sun dresses, tropical wall hanging and more
it comes out april 2006 so soon hopefully also vicky as you have the buisness one you might have a leaflet in it as thats what ive got

Oh yeh ive read that somewhere it sounds like the christmas fun pack that came out just before xmas last year

samantha nixon
04-04-2006, 10:02
yeah ive got the christmas one aswell
have you got nightlife and university one

05-04-2006, 22:52
yeah ive got the christmas one aswell
have you got nightlife and university one

Yeh i sure have but this buisness one has to be the worst

I dont get the xmas one

11-04-2006, 21:26
theres a new pack going to come out soon , i must go find out the name lol.....

samantha nixon
12-04-2006, 10:17
theres a new pack going to come out soon , i must go find out the name lol.....
the new one out is family fun its out this month

14-04-2006, 23:26
cool, i love the sims 2 its just the best game ever

15-08-2006, 10:55
'Pets' is coming out in october. Im guessing its kind of like 'unleashed' in the original sims. That was my favourite sims ep, hope this one is just as good but i dont really play on it much anymore.

samantha nixon
15-08-2006, 13:19
the pets one was my favourite aswell so when it comes out if it looks any good ill get it but i dont play it anymore so ill have to start again lol

17-09-2006, 13:28
Cant wait till this comes out i loved Unleashed, i dont play it much at the moment but when this comes out i will be, the game looks brilliant