View Full Version : Chris Simmions

Sam Nixon Fan
24-09-2005, 20:08
Chris Simmions is in Casualty 2nyte!!
He is also returning to TB in a few weeks time on a year contract!!

Not sure exactly about his return but he is to return after being demoted and Jack offers him a helping hand!!!

24-09-2005, 20:31
who will he be playing in TB??

24-09-2005, 20:56
who will he be playing in TB??


24-09-2005, 20:57
and that is???

Sam Nixon Fan
24-09-2005, 21:43
Mickey lol

24-09-2005, 21:44
ah, right lol! i don't know some of the characters first names!!

Crazy Gal 88
24-09-2005, 21:59
wowW hes coming back? o hes so fit!lol

Sam Nixon Fan
24-09-2005, 22:36
Im pleased hes coming back him and Meadows had some great scenes!!

24-09-2005, 23:04
i saw him on casualty tonight, didnt know he was on it and my husband and i both looked at each other and said "its mickey"!!!
i hope he does come back on the bill, hes great!!

Sam Nixon Fan
24-09-2005, 23:10
It has been confirmed that he is coming back!!!!! Not sure exact dates of when he will appear, but it is appears to be next month!!

25-09-2005, 14:13
yay i used to fancy the pants of mickey hehe then he left but he is back yay!!!!!!!

25-09-2005, 16:15
yey mickeys back. he was so funny when he was in it before

25-09-2005, 16:16
funny and fit woooo!!!!!

25-09-2005, 17:49
funny and fit woooo!!!!!

Not to mention that he is a fantastic actor who plays a great character to absolute perfection which is surely more important

25-09-2005, 17:56
Great news i always been a micky fan :cheer: :thumbsup:

Sam Nixon Fan
25-09-2005, 18:41
Yes i agree he is a great character who was very good all round in the funny stuff and emotive stuff, plus he fits in well the whole department! Him and Jo will get on great!

samantha nixon
25-09-2005, 19:06
im glad hes coming back as hes a great actor and he was great in casualty

25-09-2005, 19:30
'Not to mention that he is a fantastic actor who plays a great character to absolute perfection which is surely more important' yeah there's that too!!!!!!!

Sam Nixon Fan
25-09-2005, 21:30
I just prefer Mickey and Jacks relationship it is very intreguing!

25-09-2005, 21:32
oh right i just liked him to look at sorry that sounds so shallow!!!!!!lol!!!!!!!

26-09-2005, 17:15
oh right i just liked him to look at sorry that sounds so shallow!!!!!!lol!!!!!!!

nah! don't worry! have to agree with you! :)

26-09-2005, 19:26
aww kwl thanx at least someone does, im glad he is coming back, duncan should cime back too!!!!!!!

27-09-2005, 09:26
Yea I would like to see Duncan Lennox back too as well as PC Dave Quinnan

27-09-2005, 19:15
ahh not dave he annoyed me so did polly page im glad those two have gone sorry no offence!!

samantha nixon
29-09-2005, 18:54
i think duncan should come back aswell

29-09-2005, 19:49
yeah he should he is my alll time fave he was great, micky was good aswell though!!!

29-09-2005, 22:26
Dunk was one of my faves too. bring back dunk, thats what i say!!

Sam Nixon Fan
29-09-2005, 22:34
HOw did Duncan leave, i cant remeber!!

Oooh im also looking forward to some Smithy and Mickey scenes after Smithy found out about his rape n stuff!!

02-10-2005, 17:40
it was that thing with the serial killer and sam but he shouldnt have gone!!!!!

awww that was horrible when that happened to mickey awww!!!!

Crazy Gal 88
02-10-2005, 17:49
oo i cant remember duncan! what did he look like again?

whos rape did smithy find out about?mickeys?

02-10-2005, 17:51
omg you cant remeber duncan, he was the big scottish guy, he was the best!!!!

yeah mickey got raped by some guy it was well upsetting!!!

Crazy Gal 88
02-10-2005, 19:40
oooh yeh!thanks - i think i remember him now!lol

poor mickey!

samantha nixon
02-10-2005, 20:02
heres a picture of him

02-10-2005, 20:38
aww yay duncan was great!!!!!

Crazy Gal 88
02-10-2005, 21:31
oooo yeh - now i definitelty remember him!thanks


02-10-2005, 23:30
cant wait for mickey to come back:)

04-10-2005, 18:05
And here is the absolutely DIVINE Mickey Webb

He has and always will be my favourite all time TB character. Just hope the Mickey Webb we all knew and loved will return and not a totally different version. Be lovely to see him with Jack again.

samantha nixon
04-10-2005, 18:11
i like that pic of him

04-10-2005, 19:09
phwoa!!! lol sorry he was a good charater to, i hope he hasnt changed!!!