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View Full Version : The clash of Emmerdale and Easties tonight

Keating's babe
20-09-2005, 13:34
ARGH. I'm in a dilemma with which one to watch seeing as I'm still having problems getting my VCR to work. :hmm: :searchme:

20-09-2005, 13:47
Argh! I didn't realise they were on at the same time!!
Good job I got a few blank tapes at the ready!!
Holz x0x

Keating's babe
20-09-2005, 13:50
Me neither until I read the paper at lunchtime.

I should really watch Emmerdale as I can watch Easties on Sunday... but isn't tonight when Sam tells Peggy the truth about Chrissie?

20-09-2005, 13:53
Personally I think Emmerdale will be the better of the two tonight with Zoe finding out she has been decieved by her new lover 'EFFIE'

I will of course tape EE and watch it later but I cant see it being as good as the Dales

20-09-2005, 13:54
At the moment id choose eastenders over emmerdale - there's nothing really going on in emmerdale

20-09-2005, 14:11
watch emmerdale, then ee at 10 on bbc3

20-09-2005, 14:20
watch emmerdale record ee with sky +

20-09-2005, 14:42
i'm going to watch the first 1/2 hour of Emmerdale then turn over to BBC1 at 7.30

Keating's babe
20-09-2005, 14:45
Personally I think Emmerdale will be the better of the two tonight with Zoe finding out she has been decieved by her new lover 'EFFIE'

I will of course tape EE and watch it later but I cant see it being as good as the Dales

What's the deal with Effie, why has she suddenly sold Zoe down the river?

Keating's babe
20-09-2005, 14:45
i'm going to watch the first 1/2 hour of Emmerdale then turn over to BBC1 at 7.30

Good idea, I'll probably do the same.

20-09-2005, 15:14
What's the deal with Effie, why has she suddenly sold Zoe down the river?

A large cash inducement from SADie King

Keating's babe
20-09-2005, 15:21
A large cash inducement from SADie King

Ah yes, the flash of cash and the shallow people in soap have changed sides.

LOL @ SADie - take it you are not her biggest fan?

20-09-2005, 16:35
Im watching Emmerdale, gonna tape EE!

20-09-2005, 17:26
I'll watch emmerdale and record eastenders on the sky+ (sky+ is soooo useful)

20-09-2005, 19:35
Ah yes, the flash of cash and the shallow people in soap have changed sides.

If I was Zoe, I would have told Effie to Eff-off. :cool:

20-09-2005, 19:39
If I was Zoe, I would have told Effie to Eff-off. :cool:lmao

20-09-2005, 21:42
lol! I watched Emmerdale and flicked over in the ad breaks to EE but it looks as if I didn't miss much tbh.

20-09-2005, 21:47

LOL @ SADie - take it you are not her biggest fan?

SAD describes her allged acting abilities of lack of

Keating's babe
21-09-2005, 09:25
I got too engrossed in Emmerdale to turn over and watch EE. I did turn over in the break though but nothing was happening that made me wanna stick with it.

21-09-2005, 10:44
watch emmerdale record ee with sky +Oh how I love having Sky + :D :p

Debbie Meadows
21-09-2005, 10:47
They clash again on Thursday I think with Emmerdale being an hour long again because of Zoe's trial!