View Full Version : I can't believe it!!!!!!!!!!!!

20-09-2005, 13:14
Baby Paris dies!!!

It looks like Jess shook him when he wouldn't stop crying!!
And Zubin goes to work instead of the funeral and when he trys to say sorry Jess dumps him and he hands his notice in and goes to America to see his other daughter!!!!!

I can't beleve they've killed that little baby off, I wanted to see Jess get through her PND and come out the other side!!!!
I'm truly truly shocked!!!!! :thumbsdow :( :thumbsdow :(

20-09-2005, 13:43
:eek: that is shocking

Bad Wolf
20-09-2005, 13:45
i think thry had to think fast when art malik said he was going- this certanly seems to be the catalyst for his departure!

20-09-2005, 13:52
I know jess has PND but i just cant imagine her doing that - i take it she leaving too then???

Bad Wolf
20-09-2005, 13:58
no she isnt- its proved not to be jess fault- zubin doesnt belive here which is why they argue- he has a problem clotting blood which causes him to bruise easily through normal handling, i read the spoilers today

20-09-2005, 14:00
Oh right - oh well then

Dr. Tangliss
20-09-2005, 16:42
What, he has hemophilia?

Bad Wolf
20-09-2005, 16:44
dunno- the magazine didnt explain it

Dr. Tangliss
20-09-2005, 16:46
It's a very sad storyline. I remember when Chrissie lost her baby, it was awful :(

20-09-2005, 19:13
yeah and it'll probs be worse this tim because the baby is older :(
im glad that jess didnt shake the baby though.

20-09-2005, 19:47
ah that is so sad poor jess and zubin is nasty not going to the funeral

20-09-2005, 19:47
its a sad story line............................but these things do happen in real life

20-09-2005, 19:59
Poor Jess and Zubin, I feel so sorry for them

21-09-2005, 09:24
What, he has hemophilia?From what I read, it just said it was a rare condition and this is what causes the bruising etc and ultimately his death. It doesn't help that Zubin turns up an hour late for the funeral though and goes to work instead, so its hardly surprising that its the end of them though I am completely gutted - they'd got through so much to have all of this happen to them.....

21-09-2005, 17:06
whre did you read it??

21-09-2005, 17:13
Quote from TV Quick Issue 39 - "Jess can't cope when her nanny calls in sick and Zubin goes to work, leaving her with a baby who won't stop crying. Jess goes to the hospital and tells Lola she is worried about Paris, who has suddenly gone very quiet. Examining, Lola finds bruising and Jess is under suspicion for shaking him. Social services are called and Zubin is furious. The only person who believes her is Ric, who insists on tests. Its discovered that Paris' blood isn't clotting properly, so he bruises easily. But then his condition worsens and he is rushed into surgery...."

21-09-2005, 17:28
oh right. awww :(

21-09-2005, 17:34
I won't be watching this episode, cant deal with things like this normally let alone in my condition!!

21-09-2005, 18:06
Dont blame you em

I dont think i will be watching it and im not even in your condition

21-09-2005, 18:09
Quote from TV Quick Issue 39 - "Jess can't cope when her nanny calls in sick and Zubin goes to work, leaving her with a baby who won't stop crying. Jess goes to the hospital and tells Lola she is worried about Paris, who has suddenly gone very quiet. Examining, Lola finds bruising and Jess is under suspicion for shaking him. Social services are called and Zubin is furious. The only person who believes her is Ric, who insists on tests. Its discovered that Paris' blood isn't clotting properly, so he bruises easily. But then his condition worsens and he is rushed into surgery...."

i read that as well!!!!

21-09-2005, 18:10
Zubin what are you thinking?!?! going to work instaed of your sons funeral?!?

22-09-2005, 10:20
I am so glad that Jess didnt shake the baby - So sad though :(

22-09-2005, 12:06
It looks like Jess shook him when he wouldn't stop crying!!

jess didn't shake him, it blood doesn't clot probally and that the bruises show that. i can't believe they kill paris off. i really want Zubin to say because i think him and jess are made for each other. :thumbsdow :thumbsdow

22-09-2005, 17:09
It looks like Jess shook him when he wouldn't stop crying!!

jess didn't shake him, it blood doesn't clot probally and that the bruises show that. i can't believe they kill paris off. i really want Zubin to say because i think him and jess are made for each other. :thumbsdow :thumbsdow

I thought so too - but he isnt listening to her ever and not noticing how she has not been coping so I am not so sure that they are made for each other :(

27-09-2005, 21:38
why do they kill of all the staffs babies first chrissie with amanda, then rosie, then diane and now jess with paris. Shouldn't they try to show how women cope with a job and looking after their children

27-09-2005, 21:40
yeah they should. it was really sad today :(

27-09-2005, 21:43
sad isnt the word i havent stopped crying

27-09-2005, 21:46
i think in a way its worse with this baby because it was older like

27-09-2005, 21:47
yeah i can see what you mean, but it doesnt matter whether it was a baby or an embryo you still have alot of love for it

27-09-2005, 21:50
yeah. of course like. but with paris they played with him and saw him smile and stuff like that. but i know what you mean like.

27-09-2005, 21:56
Aww it was so sad :( I started crying when Jess started :crying:

27-09-2005, 21:59
i couldnt belive it i crid so much i didnt no that was going to happen

27-09-2005, 22:01
Aww it was so sad :( I started crying when Jess started :crying:so did i

27-09-2005, 22:06
its still very hard especially when you feel that baby move inside you it feels part of you from then on

27-09-2005, 22:17
im going end up crying myslef to sleep tonight

27-09-2005, 22:20
Poor Jess, I liked her comment about you know who your friends are..how true is that in real life,it was only her dad, that truely believed her.

27-09-2005, 22:22
im crying about everything now

27-09-2005, 22:23
do any of you have children

27-09-2005, 22:25
do any of you have childrenno but my mum had a iscarriage about 9 years ago which i fond out like weeks ago nd i felt really depressed and dtarted to put myself in her shoes

27-09-2005, 22:26
Poor Jess, I liked her comment about you know who your friends are..how true is that in real life,it was only her dad, that truely believed her.i know :(

27-09-2005, 22:27
i cant believe you are not 15 and on here this time of night, i just wanted to know that if any of you found out that the child you have been loving and caring for turns out not to be yours would you be able to give it up

Dr. Tangliss
28-09-2005, 09:18
It was a very sad episode.

28-09-2005, 09:23
We dont see it until tonight but atleast im forwarned buy tissues

Dr. Tangliss
28-09-2005, 09:27
Awww, it's sad so you may need a few.:(

eastenders mad
28-09-2005, 10:44
it was Sad i can't belive micheal what a murder he his.
poor connie i really feel sorry for her.
Paris bless him i felt sorry for him.

28-09-2005, 16:11
i cant believe you are not 15 and on here this time of night, i just wanted to know that if any of you found out that the child you have been loving and caring for turns out not to be yours would you be able to give it uplol im always up this late just sometimes on the net it was just for some last minute homeork any way what do you mean?

01-10-2005, 14:38
omg that was so sad me and my mum just sat there crying for ages after it finished aswell

Dr. Tangliss
01-10-2005, 15:55
Awww bless.

03-10-2005, 09:35
Awww, i was nearly in tears too!!:(