View Full Version : Meeting The Stars

17-09-2005, 17:09
Use this thread to share with us the times you have meet members of the eastenders cast :)

17-09-2005, 20:12
Well i havent met anyone from the Eastenders cast, but i thought id tell you that my mum had.When she was younger she always used to drink with Frank butcher and his sons.My mum went out with one of his sons, because he was madly in love with my mum, and he just loved her loads.
I just thought id tell you this, i dont know if it counts though, my mum told me this story by the way.
Luv sheree

17-09-2005, 21:01
Oh Cool....!!!
I met Mickey, Janine, Kelly, Tariq and Juley when they were over in Ireland at a charity footie match about a year ago!!!!!! We were out in the hotel bar that they happened to be staying there.. There were a few other celebs there as well!! We were chatting to Joe Swash for ages.! He was incredibly nice and really down to earth! His mum was with him that night, and told us that her daughter had just won a part in EE as well.... About 4 months later,along came Demi!! It was a great night!! :cheer:

17-09-2005, 21:13
Wow id love to meet Joe, hes actually quite cute!!!!!!!!!

18-09-2005, 12:40
I met the guys that play(ed) Jamie, Martin, Pauline, Zoe, and Barry and some more i think but i cant remember them at hte minute!

18-09-2005, 12:42
i havent saw no one lol i would love to meet nigel harman

Bad Wolf
18-09-2005, 12:43
i havent saw no one lol i would love to meet nigel harman

wouldnt we all????

18-09-2005, 12:46
Too right! I'll have to see if i can get to Elstree soon again so i can

18-09-2005, 12:48
Wey!! Me and Vicky and hopefully Layne will get to meet like all of them! We are going on the set!! Wahoooo!! Layne, ya better start guilt tripping the 'rents! :p

18-09-2005, 12:48
ive met mike reid tons of times and guess what im off to elstree with my friend emz and we are going in elstree studios and mike is showing us around

layne is hopefully coming to

18-09-2005, 12:50
ive met mike reid tons of times and guess what im off to elstree with my friend emz and we are going in elstree studios and mike is showing us around

layne is hopefully coming to

lol I beat ya to it! :p Yep, you know Mike!! Yey!!

18-09-2005, 12:51
Yep all ready onto Plan a!!!!! hehe God i WILL come there is no hopefully/maybe about it i AM coming!!!! :) tis gonna be amazing, emz you did meet some when you went to elstree yourself!!!! Anywayz urm i've meet a few different one from the SoapAwards but hopefully will meet like them all when we go to elstree! x

18-09-2005, 12:54
Wey!! Me and Vicky and hopefully Layne will get to meet like all of them! We are going on the set!! Wahoooo!! Layne, ya better start guilt tripping the 'rents! :p

wow! Are you going on like a proper tour around, or are you going to elstree and hoping to sneak on. I just sneaked on, and was chucked off by a security guard! Then i went in the props room! :lol:

18-09-2005, 12:54
Oh yeah, I forgot about when I went to Elstree earlier! Well, I cant remember them all! I have a list somewhere on the pc that I typed out for NHO. :p

*finds it*

I appogize for the essay!!

I saw Joel Beckett and Tracy ann a few times! Once they stopped in their car, and then yesterday they were walking out together to the shops and they stopped and had a photo with me and my mate! They are both lovely!

Saw Nigel and Tish in their cars, but neither of them stopped. :( Tish waved and Nigel smiled and waved his hands as if to say 'sorry im not stopping' :P I got a pic of Tish as she drove off, but that film hasnt been developed yet so I dont know what its turned out like.

Saw Cliff the guy who plays Minty. Got a pic and auto from him. He was lovely.

Met Perry Fenwick a couple of times. Once he stopped in his car and another time he was walking out. So got a few pics with him.

Mohammed George aka Gus. He was fab! Got pics and an auto from him.

Shane Richie - he was fab too! He stopped and I got a pic with him and his autograph.

Jo Jo aka Juley. I thought he had left, but we saw him loads so he must be back filming. He was so brill! He was bending down to sign a photo and everyone was staring at his ****. :lol:

David Spinx (Keith) He was nice. He pulled up and let us get a pic and he signed his autograph. He was wearing like this cowboy hat and listening to this country and western music. :lol:

James Alexandrou (Martin) - he was gorgeous! So much fitter in real life! Got pics of him and an autograph.

Joe Swash!! (Mickey) He was brill!! He got out the car and posed for pics and signed stuff. He put his arm round me and I nearly fainted! :lol: He was so gorgeous! This other girls head was actually shaking she loved him loads! :P

Ricky Groves (Garry) - He didnt stop but he pulled up and handed us some signded photo cards.

June Brown - She was amazing! Ever so nice! She signed photo card things and posed for pics. We saw her twice.

Pam St Clement (Pat)- she just quickly gave us some already signed photo cards

Billy Murray (Johnny Allen) - Now he was fantastic! The first time we saw him he got out of the car and posed for pics with us and signed for stuff, and then we saw him going in in the morning and he slowed down and talked to us and he always waved at us when he went past. He was fab - and I saw his legs!!

Charlie Hawkings (Darren) - He was sweet. He stoped and signed a few things. I got a pic of him in his car.

Wendy Richards (Pauline) She was so lovely too! She pulled up and told us to give her our address and she would send us a signed pic. She had her dog in the car too it was sweet! We got pics of her, and her dog. :P

Gerry Something (Rosie Miller) - She was really nice! She stopped and got out of the car and signed stuff and posed for pics with us. She looked lovely and was so sweet. She saw Joe's auto in my book and was like 'look at him showing off with his big signature' :lol:

Hilda Braid (Nana Moon) - She didnt stop, but we saw her in her car and she smiled. She was so sweet!

Jessie Wallace - She just drove passed and hoped we wouldnt notice her, but we did. :P

Adam Woodyat (Ian) He put his window down just to say that he cant stop. i tried to get a pic but he drove past too quick.

Barbra Windsor! She tried hiding, but we saw her. Me and this girl I met there ran up to the window and got a pic. Its not been developed yet but hopefully it comes out good.

Laurie Brett - She was out shopping with Jo Jo and they stopped for a pic on their way back, but you could tell that she didnt want to. :P

Lacey Turner - she didnt stop but we saw her in the car anyway.

Louisa Lytton - she didnt stop either, but she waved at us as she passed.

Natalie Cassidy (Sonia) She just drove past not stopping.

Finally, Tracy the Barmaid - she just let us quickly take a pic of her on her way in coz she was late for work. :P

Right, thats everything for now. :P Sorry it is soooo long! Blame Layne for reminding me!

18-09-2005, 12:55
wow! Are you going on like a proper tour around, or are you going to elstree and hoping to sneak on. I just sneaked on, and was chucked off by a security guard! Then i went in the props room! :lol:

We are getting shown round by Mike Reid coz Vicky knows him and he said he would take us round! Yey!

18-09-2005, 12:56
Wow!! Beats my visit by miles! I did sit at Paulines dinner table though when i went to the props room

18-09-2005, 12:57
Sorry for remindind you then, it was fab and i weren't even there!!!!! yeh abi mike is showing us round because vicky is a star and i luv her forever!!!!!!! *hugs*!!!

18-09-2005, 12:57
Wow!! Beats my visit by miles! I did sit at Paulines dinner table though when i went to the props room

Oooh kewl! Last time I went, we kept getting told off by the security! :p

18-09-2005, 12:58
i know ya beat me hunni :( but i dont care im propper excited

18-09-2005, 13:00
i know ya beat me hunni :( but i dont care im proppa excited

Aren't we all!!! hehe!! But now we can finally get it all of our chests and tell the world! lol!

18-09-2005, 13:01
lol i'm joking i dont really wanna beat you! You've got a star showing you around, how could i beat that!

18-09-2005, 13:03
i know its going to be 100% totally amazing

18-09-2005, 13:04
too right! **jealous**

18-09-2005, 16:53
I would like to me but i am to shy :o

18-09-2005, 17:30
ive met billy murray and craig fairbrass

18-09-2005, 17:41
You are so lucky, my friend has met the guy who played derek on a plane andgot his autograph and this year when i was at Crufts i saw Pam St Clement but i never gother autograph as she was doing an interview thing andmy parents told me we had to go

samantha nixon
18-09-2005, 19:07
well ive met craig faribrass and billy murray and they were both lovely

18-09-2005, 19:10
I met micheal french (david Wicks) when I went to a open day at the lot in 1997 I think it was(stopped open days since) much better looking in real life, met Pat st clements when I had to search her at a club (I am a boucner).Met June Brown through a friend, she is really lovely.Wendy Richard at the earls court dog show.she was shorter than I expected.

18-09-2005, 21:46
how do you get tours?

19-09-2005, 08:07
i havent saw no one lol i would love to meet nigel harman

I think everyone would. I would also like to meet Letitia Dean

19-09-2005, 13:53
how do you get tours? You can't do tours anymore, they did them once a year in th 90's and you just turned up. But when they went from two nights a week,to three then four they stopped the tours. The only way you can go now is to win a tour from the BBC web site. It is such a shame I really enjoyed my visits.

19-09-2005, 18:10
I wish i could go to the set!! I'd love to meet all of them but i'd be too shy! lol
I've seen the corrie set before but not the EE!
I'd love to meet Kim M and Tracy-Ann!
Holz x0x

19-09-2005, 18:26
I havnt seen anyone. i'd love to Met Shana(Demi) Joe(Mickey) Nigel(Dennis) they are my fav characters and actors on Eastenders at the moment!

my dad told me he went to some party or dinner or something thing(Cant remeber where) and sat next to Lacey's(Stacey's) mum! now found out she's is a distant reletive of Philip :wub: (Leo) somehow! lol. not sure if he was telling the truth or not though,

the only person i have seen is Wellard, he aint even a person! lol. and he is actually a she! i saw her at crufts years ago and i got to stroke her!

other people i've seen are some guy from casualty years ago when i used ot always watch it, cant think of his name but he was also in the vicar of dibly as the vicars boyfrined. and i've seen (Cant think of his name) is it richard black something. lol at some theme park. no one else interesting. :thumbsdow

20-09-2005, 11:02
Has anyone ever met Kim??

21-09-2005, 16:48
i have met mellissa suffield (lucy beale) when i was at this drama thing in london she was really nice and we had so much in common ... havent really met anyone else from eastenders urm i have met lee and duncun from blue and have met ant and dec nd thats about it hehe

21-09-2005, 19:35
i wanna meet Kim 2 hehe

01-10-2005, 15:31
omg i would do anything to meet Kim she is like the best i love her work sooo much!

01-10-2005, 15:42
Wey!! Me and Vicky and hopefully Layne will get to meet like all of them! We are going on the set!! Wahoooo!! Layne, ya better start guilt tripping the 'rents! :p

No more hopefully's i AM COMING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Am allowed its definate!!! xxxxxxx

Carrie Bradshaw
01-10-2005, 18:03
No more hopefully's i AM COMING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Am allowed its definate!!! xxxxxxx
I'm really jealous - you're sooooooo lucky!! (Or maybe you just know the right people :) )

02-10-2005, 09:36
I'm really jealous - you're sooooooo lucky!! (Or maybe you just know the right people :) )

well vicky's dad knows the right people !!! lol!!!