View Full Version : **spoiler**whats inside the hatch

16-09-2005, 13:40
there was an advanced screening of series 2 episode 1 in Hawaiii the other day and this is how the first episode goes and what is in the hatch...

strange beginning, you see a man going through his daily routine, waking up, working out, making breakfast, etc... then his apartment shakes, dust falls, and he goes into psycho spy mode, turning off lights, getting guns and looking for what caused the sound and shake.

journey from him, winding through tunnels, and up a ladder to jack and locke looking down the hatch....

interesting beginning
from there, blah blah blah, jack and locke fighting to figure out if they should go down the hatch or not, jack manages to convince the four of them to go back to the caves because he doesnt think they can save everyone by going down the hatch.

back near the caves, shannon has lost vincent and is all crazy about finding him. she and sayid go looking for him. shannon soon finds herself alone in the jungle. she searches around for anything and ends up seeing......Walt

Walt is standing there, if he actually was saying anything, i couldnt understand it, but he was all wet and water was dripping from his mouth. sayid finds shannon and, of course as she turns to look at sayid, then turns back, walt is gone. Jack, locke, kate and hurley come back to the camp. jack makes a speech about how they wanted to use the hatch for safety, but that it wont happen. says their best bet is to just stay in the caves, set up watch points and survive the night.

locke, however, decides that he must go back to explore the hatch, so he runs off alone

Flashback time:

jack in the hosptal, patient comes in, car accident, woman, steering column in her chest. second patient comes in, driver of the other car. jack saves the woman who then whispers that she needs to dance at her wedding....we know who this is. the other driver dies as jack decided to save the woman. blah blah blah, jacks dad says something about how jack doesnt give his patients hope.

jack preparing for surgery, she says something about how everything is ok, and before she goes under, jack promises to fix her.

Jack, needing to release some pressure, goes running up and down the stairs of a stadium. sees another man running next to him, running faster than him, jack speeds up to try and keep pace, ends up twisting his ankle. man comes to make sure jack is alright, they talk about jack's issues, blah blah blah.

jack, back at the hospital, tells the woman she will probably not ever have use below the waist, she asks why she can move her toes, they cry..
After the group returns to the cave, Locke gathers some cabling they saved and uses it for rope. While he is back at the hatch Kate comes up and they decide she should go down the hatch...the dialogue snippet is already widely known. Partway down she drops her flashlight, Lock continues to lower her down. This part is a little fuzzy...I was trying to get a better viewing area. Anyway she reaches the bottom and sees the mirror Desmond uses to see the hatch. Super bright floodlights come on and it cuts back to Locke...something pulls the cable so fast and hard it cuts his hand. The lights go out. At the end Jack goes down into the hatch and is looking for kate, jack finds computer equipment in a room. Locke comes up and tells jack he probably doesn't want to hit the "Execute" button on the keyboard. Jack points his gun at Locke demanding to know where Kate is, then we see someone pointing a gun at Locke and he demands jack drop his gun. Eventually the guy pointing the gun at Locke fires in Jacks general direction, not hitting him. When he steps from behind Locke we see it is Desmond from Jacks flashback, and jack recognizes him.

That is most of what i can find on the epsiode

16-09-2005, 15:40
All sounds very confusing, but Thanks!!! :cheer:

16-09-2005, 15:45
So Desmond was the guy who died at the hospital?

16-09-2005, 15:53
No desmond was the guy that jack meets while running up and down the steps and twists his ankle. buy we aint seen that yet as it shows you it in jacks flashback in episode 1 of series two then after the flash back you see the man in the hatch with the guns face and its desmond!

16-09-2005, 16:01
Every thing leads back to Jack...

16-09-2005, 21:12
Every thing leads back to Jack...hmmmn well sounds good i like jack but why does everything hav to lead back to him?

06-10-2005, 02:54
the new series sounds good so far:)

06-10-2005, 09:20
does anyone have the episode guides for the first 3 episodes of the second series?
i found the guide for the premier but cant seem to find anymore detailed ones. if anyone could help i would be greatful

28-10-2005, 16:44
does anyone have the episode guides for the first 3 episodes of the second series?
i found the guide for the premier but cant seem to find anymore detailed ones. if anyone could help i would be greatful

Well theres transcripts here - http://www.lost-tv.com/episodes/ or..theres episode guides here - http://lost-media.com/modules.php?name=Content
i find the transcripts easier to read than the episode guides so i just thought i'd let ya know where ya can find them as well :)


28-10-2005, 17:08