View Full Version : EE Site Summer Vote Results

Carrie Bradshaw
16-09-2005, 11:28
Summer Vote Results

Dennis The Dream Date
You chose Dennis as your ideal desert island date.

Dennis was the Summer Vote's clear winner. He received an astounding 19,115 votes (34%), which makes him this summer's top desert island date.
Runners Up
The Square's heart throb Mickey, played by Joe Swash, came a close second with 14,619 votes (26%).
Alfie followed in the dream date stakes with 6,978 votes. Cheeky chap Minty came last with a very respectable 1,564 votes.
Stacey Grabs It From The Girls
Stacey pipped Ruby, Chrissie and fellow Slater Kat to the post with 5391 votes (10%).
Thank Voters!
A big thank you to everyone who cast a vote for their dream East Ender. The total number of votes received was an amazing 56,544.

16-09-2005, 18:26
I wish I'd voted now. I think Billy should have come before Alfie, I know most people will think I'm crazy but I think there is something appealing about him.

22-09-2005, 20:02
Yep Dennis deserves to win

22-09-2005, 20:03
i preffer ruby then stacey

22-09-2005, 21:49
hmmmmmmmmm its only always these lot, what about all the other characters Sam is quite Pretty, what about her and Garry and Minty??

26-09-2005, 14:23

28-09-2005, 21:20
I always forget to vote on these things:D