View Full Version : Waking the Dead

15-09-2005, 17:54
Does anyone watch this?

I do and I love it, I can't wait for it to start on Sunday.

I'm loving the trailers, and I know it's sad but I have hyper outbursts when I see them.

15-09-2005, 17:57
i love it to. I only started watching it last year, the one with claire goose and she died. I really love Trevor Eve.

15-09-2005, 18:00
I've watched it since the first series started - its brilliant and I agree, Trevor Eve with his beard is rather nice!! I can't wait for it to start either, its just a shame we have to wait till winter before the decent stuff starts on the tv again!!! lol

16-09-2005, 21:40
Trevor Eve is my SEX GOD!
i've been watching since the pilot in 2000, and still will continue.

I just can't wait now, and what's even better is i'll be studying it in Media St. too

16-09-2005, 22:15
I can't wait till this re-starts seems like we've been waiting for ever, i'm glad trevor eve is back in it, but i think it was a shame that claire goose's charater 'Mel' was killed i liked her, oh and i don;t think 'Frankie' is it it either this series (the urmm like forensic person, she might be but i don't think so)

and does anyone know if Spence is in this series wey! x

Jessie Wallace
16-09-2005, 23:50
Yes Spencer (Wil Johnson) is in this series, but not Frankie (Holly Aird) and obviously not Mel (Claire Goose).
New characters are, Esther Hall as Felix Gibson (Pathologist) and Gerorgia Mackenzie as DS Andrea Stephenson (Detective on attachment)

Johnny Allen
17-09-2005, 08:06
Trevor Eve is my SEX GOD!
i've been watching since the pilot in 2000, and still will continue.

I just can't wait now, and what's even better is i'll be studying it in Media St. too

Trevor Eve is actually very good looking for an older guy, and I love him with a beard. Can't wait for Walking the Dead to start, quality show.

17-09-2005, 14:01
Trevor Eve is actually very good looking for an older guy, and I love him with a beard. Can't wait for Walking the Dead to start, quality show.

ahh someone elses likes my man... i'm obsessed with Trevor, i've palnned to track him down, mwhahaha.

I think the new characters Felix and Stella will only make the team stronger as it will add a new dimention. I will carry on watching only if Trevor and Sue don't leave

17-09-2005, 14:51
I seem to have a funny thing for older men with beards!! Sharon Maughan is one lucky woman!!!

17-09-2005, 15:52
I seem to have a funny thing for older men with beards!! Sharon Maughan is one lucky woman!!!

fcuk is she lucky.... I WANT TREVOR! :wub: me and some freinds over on a waking the Dead forum, did this thing out of who would pull him first and I won, lets face it, i am the more confident and pretty out of those lot who like him, lol... I wonder if Trevor and Sharon are happy in hteir marraige :hmm:

not long now...

17-09-2005, 18:01
Waking the Dead is one of the best programmes on the telle. Yet it does not seem to get the credit it deserves and the series are very short! But it is still amazing! the cast are great (the old) hopefully the new cast will continue to be as brilliant. The plots are inspiring! (well done to the writers) and just the general gist of the show works excellently! Well Done Waking the Dead! :cheer: :cheer:

17-09-2005, 18:09
OKay i don't know if i'm allowed to do this but this is my mates Waking the Dead forum- I'm now joint admin


It includes series 5 spoilers, news on the actors, fanfiction and other topics

17-09-2005, 18:10

Johnny Allen
17-09-2005, 21:09
fcuk is she lucky.... I WANT TREVOR! :wub: me and some freinds over on a waking the Dead forum, did this thing out of who would pull him first and I won, lets face it, i am the more confident and pretty out of those lot who like him, lol... I wonder if Trevor and Sharon are happy in hteir marraige :hmm:

not long now...

Did you watch him in that ITV drama a while ago called Lawless?, he was excellent. I won't be able to see Waking the Dead tomorrow though, will have to record it, I'm off to see Pride and Prejudice.

But I won't miss the episode, Can't miss Trevor Eve.

17-09-2005, 21:30
Yeah I watched Lawless.

Trevor is also starring in a drama on BBC about IVF he plays a schemeing doctor.

Poor you in not being able to watch WtD tomorrow, I wouldn't miss it for the word.

Johnny Allen
17-09-2005, 22:17
Yeah I watched Lawless.

Trevor is also starring in a drama on BBC about IVF he plays a schemeing doctor.

Poor you in not being able to watch WtD tomorrow, I wouldn't miss it for the word.

Well I will be sure to tape it, don't want to miss an epsiode.

18-09-2005, 10:43
Have I missed something? Where did Frankie go? I saw the eppy when Mel got killed. So she is gone. So where's Frankei ?
I really hated it when someone in BBC Drama boards spilled the beans in advance. Reading spoilers about soaps is different than reading about thriller spoilers.:wall:

18-09-2005, 13:57
Frankie left to do research, Holly who played her was pregnant and didn't want to come back as of her baby Nelly. So the writers couldn't give Frankie an exit as it was to late the scripts were finalised when Holly said she was leaving.

18-09-2005, 16:15
Oh thanks for that, really got confused when I saw the trailers.

18-09-2005, 17:13
no probs, I knew Holly left ages ago, but I was in mystery as to what htey would say happened to Frankie.

not long to go!

Jessie Wallace
19-09-2005, 00:36
Great episode, can't wait for tonights.

19-09-2005, 07:56
Well i thought i would get comfy to watch it - decided i would go to bed early and give it my full attention .........and i fell asleep 5 mins into it :(

19-09-2005, 09:47
Brilliant as usual - Trevor Eve looking rather nice and glad they explained about Frankie going and doing research etc, can't wait for tonight

Johnny Allen
19-09-2005, 16:40
Brilliant as usual - Trevor Eve looking rather nice and glad they explained about Frankie going and doing research etc, can't wait for tonight

I'm so glad their are others that like Trevor Eve I was beginning to think I was the only one who thought he was good looking.

19-09-2005, 16:45
What a fab episode was that!
Some of it was pretty funny,
I'm loving Felix already, how she is getting Boyd to help her and that

I know loads of people that have the hots for Mr Eve (including me)

19-09-2005, 18:33
great episode, i got well confused at the begining.

19-09-2005, 19:03
it was a little consusing, but i re-wathed it a lil while ago and I understand it better now

Just a few more hours till part 2 :cheer:

Jessie Wallace
20-09-2005, 00:03
Great start to the show. can't wait for next week now.

24-09-2005, 12:07
Sundays epsiode looks good, I watched the preview clip and new detective looks like she's going to be a good character

24-09-2005, 12:14
Do you think a reason will be given for the other one leaving though....

24-09-2005, 12:23
She was on placment from CID- basically just helping out on that case and it says she couldn't really cope with the Cold Case aspects

24-09-2005, 12:35
ah, shame though, was just getting used to her....

decided to have a go at the game on the website....

Jessie Wallace
24-09-2005, 23:39
Oooo i done that, it's quite hard, but good!

25-09-2005, 11:57
I did the game - ran out of time so had to make a guess and got it right, and the reason behind it too!!! :D

25-09-2005, 12:06
I tired it earlier on today - found it really hard - and i failed lol

25-09-2005, 12:07
I was surprised I got it right, but when I thought about it, it made sense - just took ages and was difficult to pick up the clues and things - not like csi!!

Jessie Wallace
25-09-2005, 18:43
Yeah it did take a long time, which put me off a bit, but it was good all the same.

25-09-2005, 18:44
Yeah, I was just lucky that I made the right guess when push came to shove - pretty flukey really :rotfl:

Jessie Wallace
27-09-2005, 15:22
Great episode's Sunday and Monday, poor Boyd, and what was Spence thinking. Felt really sorry for the new girl Stella, but i'm not sure about her yet, i love Felix tho.

27-09-2005, 15:49
I can't believe Spence immediately judged Boyd like he did - hasn't he known Boyd long enough now to know that he wouldn't do something like that - well, not intentionally anyway. I really felt for Boyd too and I did feel sorry for Stella - what a welcome - the way Spence looked at her and the way they all treated her was disgusting. Well, we've seen a good side to her so far, so it will be interesting to see what they do with her character. It was good that Felix listened to what she said about the gun though and then retested it, so in reality, if Stella hadn't have been there, they might not have solved it.

Wasn't it obvious though, that when Boyd said he was going to the bathroom, he was going to go up to Vince's room - you'd have thought Spence would have realised that!!

27-09-2005, 17:39
Loved this two parter yet again, I felt well sorry for Stella though, they were allingnoring her and that, and poor Boyd that Cheryl or what ever her name was is evil.
Felix is still cool though, and so Grace, Spence was a bit iffy and that
my fav quote was from Boyd 'Lets get this pycho babble **** over' or it was summit like that.

06-10-2005, 18:57
I used to be addicted to this show! But then started workin Mon nights so always missed it, but i caught the 2 part this Sun and Mon just gone! Its still at its best i see, i find it really fascinating the way they discover who killed who!

Jessie Wallace
06-10-2005, 19:02
It's a brilliant show, i thought i might not like it was much when Claire and Holly left, but i still like it, even tho i'm not sure about the new girl Stella. Great plot's still and Trevor his usually lovely self.

06-10-2005, 19:10
Stella seems a bit weird - I can't get used to her accent - it sometimes seems like one min its there and the other its not.

Love Trevor Eve though and this weeks look like it'll be a corker

Jessie Wallace
06-10-2005, 19:29
Yep, one minute she sounds french ish, the next she almost sounds English. I love Felix tho. Prohaps Stella will grow on me!

06-10-2005, 19:32
Yeah, Felix is great, she's got Boyd sussed out. I'm almost liking her more than I liked Holly's character

Jessie Wallace
06-10-2005, 19:35
Oh, now thats a close one, but i'm not sure if that because i love Holly Aird. But yes i do love the way she gets Boyd doing things for her and you get to see a bit if a different side to him.

06-10-2005, 19:37
Spence still seems a bit offish though doesn't he - I loved the way Stella stood up to him the last episode and asked what his problem was!!

Jessie Wallace
06-10-2005, 19:40
I'd never have had the gut's to do that. He just seems really moody at the moment, and keep blaming it all on that fact the Mel died, but i'm wondering if there is anything else wrong.

06-10-2005, 19:41
yeah, it can't just be about Mel - there must be something else behind it - maybe it will be revealed soon???

This weeks looks good with Grace

Jessie Wallace
06-10-2005, 19:43
I haven't seen a trailer for it yet, missed the end bit as my video ran out!

06-10-2005, 19:45
Grace starts to doubt herself and a judgment call she made when she first qualified.....

Jessie Wallace
06-10-2005, 19:47
Ooo, sounds good and very unlike Grace, roll on Sunday!

06-10-2005, 20:22
I think Sue Johnston and Trevor Eve are fabulous! If either of them left i think id find it hard to get into it, it didnt bother me too much that Claire Goose left! You cant beat a good, close to real life show it should be recognised a lot more

06-10-2005, 21:05
claire goose was one of the best in it - not sure im enjoying it enough now shes left.

Jessie Wallace
06-10-2005, 21:36
Claire was the reason i started watching it but i still like it now she's gone. It takes more than one person to make a good show.

06-10-2005, 21:39
it does but i think im still getting used to her not being there. Not sure what i make of the new girl yet. Still got last weeks to watch though. Probably make my mind up about her then

Jessie Wallace
06-10-2005, 21:43
it does but i think im still getting used to her not being there. Not sure what i make of the new girl yet. Still got last weeks to watch though. Probably make my mind up about her then

She stood up for herself with Spencer, which was good, but i still don't really like Stella, bring back Mel!

10-10-2005, 10:54
Last nights episode was really good who do you think the 'finger murderer' is?

10-10-2005, 11:26
I think that the original guy Green did the originals, but haven't a clue about the one now - its obviously someone with some form of medical knowledge though cause of the jabs etc, they are giving that poor guy....

10-10-2005, 11:35
i think it's the guy who keeps helping grace the one who helped her when her bag was stolen??

10-10-2005, 11:39
yeah, he seems a bit "there" all the time. How do you think he would know about the writing on the lid though??

10-10-2005, 11:54
well isnt he there dealing with the case. I know that info wasn't realised to the public but surly it would still have been in the files? Maybe im wrong :searchme:

10-10-2005, 11:56
Thats true - it must have been noted in the files somewhere - and weren't the files in her bag when it was snatched - the person could have looked through and included it that way :hmm: he's Greens therapist isn't he, or Green is a patient of his, so yeah, course he would have access to loads of info wouldn't he - *screwing my head back on* lol

10-10-2005, 11:59
yeah they were in her bag but i wouldn't have thought they would have had time to go through all the files as the bag was handed back in by the time she got back to the office. I suppose IF green is guilty he could have told him about it.

10-10-2005, 12:02
Was the flashback of him doing it real then, or a "pretend" scenario?? As I thought it was reality albeit many years earlier.....

Wasn't his barrister nasty though - her journalism training in the bill must have helped!! :lol:

10-10-2005, 12:07
Natalie Rob was brilliant with all her sarcky comments

I think that was only a pretend scenario as to what they think happened

10-10-2005, 12:12
Does anyone watch this?

I do and I love it, I can't wait for it to start on Sunday.

I'm loving the trailers, and I know it's sad but I have hyper outbursts when I see them.

OMG MY HUBBY SAID BABE GET OFF LINE YOUR SHOW IS BACK ON,,, I SAID WHAT,, HE SAID WAKING THE DEAD IS BACK ON,,, YEAAAAAAA:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: so i watched last nite,, oh man Trevor Eve is as gorgeous as ever,, am I the only one who thinks he is a drool bucket LOL :rotfl:

10-10-2005, 12:15
jodi - i think he does have a certain something about him or maybe em's infected me with the "i like men with beards" virus :hmm:

10-10-2005, 12:37
jodi - i think he does have a certain something about him or maybe em's infected me with the "i like men with beards" virus :hmm:

Luna what about that guy who plays in CSI ??? the guy who plays Gil Grissom .. oh now that guy is YUMMY LOL

10-10-2005, 12:38
oh yes i have to totally agree there!!! mmmm....yummy gil grissom

10-10-2005, 12:44
oh yes i have to totally agree there!!! mmmm....yummy gil grissom

off the thread a bit,,, we watched a CSI marathon while we were in the USA,, my god,,, I wish BBC would pick it up !!!!!! watched the new series start,, we made sure we got a motel room before all the shows started ordered food in then sat and watched the shows LOL

Waking the Dead has always been a fav of mine,, but again any thing to do with crime and forensics has always been something I have enjoyed reading and studying ...what was the other show ... ??? Was about a crime lab in UK ??? come on JJ u aren't that senile,, Ok guys help me here...AHHHHH I KNOW,, SILENT WITNESS that is a good one too:cool:

10-10-2005, 12:47
i love silent witness although im not too sure of it now that amanda has left.

As for waking the dead i have actually just really got into it. I used to watch it on and off and really got hooked in the last series.

10-10-2005, 12:50
i love silent witness although im not too sure of it now that amanda has left.

As for waking the dead i have actually just really got into it. I used to watch it on and off and really got hooked in the last series.

Yea since SAM left I am trying to deal with this new gal,, she seems to be OK the guys are a bit strange but OK,,,

WAKING THE DEAD is more hard hitting,, i did enjoy last night,, loved the flash back ...

Johnny Allen
10-10-2005, 17:17
OMG MY HUBBY SAID BABE GET OFF LINE YOUR SHOW IS BACK ON,,, I SAID WHAT,, HE SAID WAKING THE DEAD IS BACK ON,,, YEAAAAAAA:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: so i watched last nite,, oh man Trevor Eve is as gorgeous as ever,, am I the only one who thinks he is a drool bucket LOL :rotfl:

Trevor Eve has always been good looking but he's even sexier now with a beard, it makes him look very rugged. I have noticed recently that Boyd seems to have lost control of his temper, but than again that makes Trevor Eve more appealing to me.

10-10-2005, 17:44
i thought it was great last night. When the guy broke his finger in front of her that was pretty sick . Cant wait for the second part though.

10-10-2005, 17:47
i thought it was great last night. When the guy broke his finger in front of her that was pretty sick . Cant wait for the second part though.

Yea i cringed when he did that :sick:

10-10-2005, 17:49
so did i. My little sis was like i am going to be sick. Really i am. I just couldnt stop saying eugh.

Jessie Wallace
10-10-2005, 17:53
I love waking the dead, but last night's was a little extreme in places, made me feel sick! But hey still gotta watch tonights!! lol

10-10-2005, 18:01
I love waking the dead, but last night's was a little extreme in places, made me feel sick! But hey still gotta watch tonights!! lol

Wasn't it tho !!! but still i really love the show !!! I say BRING IT ON !!!!:cheer:

10-10-2005, 18:01
Last nights was well grim, loved it though, cant wait for tonights conclusion, poor Grace though :(

10-10-2005, 21:57
yay looks like i got it right...correct me if im wrong aint actually seen it yet

Jessie Wallace
10-10-2005, 22:02
Yes we was right. Enjoyed todays more, as it wasn't quiet so gruesome. I'm loving Felix, still not sure about Stella tho, and Grace well i just wanted to give her a big hug.

10-10-2005, 22:41
Yes we was right. Enjoyed todays more, as it wasn't quiet so gruesome. I'm loving Felix, still not sure about Stella tho, and Grace well i just wanted to give her a big hug.

Grace really should have gotten a hug from Boyd,,, she went thru a wringer for this case I tell ya,,, I didn't think about Hoyle for the mo until more and more things started falling in place,,, BINGO it was the doctor,,
But it was a good episode.. glad the boy survived !!!! He might not have if Grace had not been there for him !!!!!

Jessie Wallace
10-10-2005, 22:47
Her message to him when she was talking on the tv interview, that may have given him a little more hope, which kept him going for as long as it did. I thought it was that guy yesterday, whne he poped up it was like yes that's you. Except one thing doesn't make sense, how did he tell that boy to rob Grace and still be there to help her up and still be in a van to meet the boy who stole the bag, if you get what i mean?! :searchme:

10-10-2005, 22:55
Her message to him when she was talking on the tv interview, that may have given him a little more hope, which kept him going for as long as it did. I thought it was that guy yesterday, whne he poped up it was like yes that's you. Except one thing doesn't make sense, how did he tell that boy to rob Grace and still be there to help her up and still be in a van to meet the boy who stole the bag, if you get what i mean?! :searchme:

a blooper maybe ??? :searchme:

Jessie Wallace
10-10-2005, 23:01
Who knows, i was just wondering how he could be in two places at once! Oh well , we'll never know.

10-10-2005, 23:03
if it is a blooper,, maybe it will be on ANNE ROBINSONS outtakes LOL:cheer:

Jessie Wallace
10-10-2005, 23:04
lol, you never see any of waking the dead on there, they can't be that perfect at filming, surly?

17-10-2005, 22:08
Oh well i don't care about the mistakes its a fab Drama!

The Grace case, was pretty sad!

This last eppy was fab, liked how it ended.....

can't believe its the last two parter next week, its gone so quick!

17-10-2005, 22:10
the last part was fab and i dont want it to end next week either have they been commisioned to do any more i know they've all said they'd like to

Jessie Wallace
17-10-2005, 22:11
I prefered Grace's episode to tonights, but i was good, i don't like it when Boyd shouts at Felix tho!

Jessie Wallace
17-10-2005, 22:14
the last part was fab and i dont want it to end next week either have they been commisioned to do any more i know they've all said they'd like to

I believe they are going to be doing another series, but i'm not 100% sure about that.

17-10-2005, 22:15
Yeah Sue Johnston said that she's happy to be doing another series!

oo and I love Felix and Spence they are sweet together
Stella and Boyd are a lil similar

17-10-2005, 22:16
What a terrific episode !!!!!! Boyd Boyd Boyd what a temper you have my darlin'.. but hes a darn good actor,, Grace ,Felix,Stella and Spence are all great together,, as u said its too bad the series ends so soon, hope they bring a new batch of programs soon .. its a great program !!!!:cheer:

17-10-2005, 22:19
I loved the first ep to this two part when Boyd (well Trevor) got his feet out.... he's damn sexy for 54...
*leaves before gets in to trouble for saying thigs she shouldn't*

Jessie Wallace
17-10-2005, 22:21
Lol, bless. I wondered if anyone would comment on that!

17-10-2005, 22:24
Yeah Sue Johnston said that she's happy to be doing another series!

oo and I love Felix and Spence they are sweet together
Stella and Boyd are a lil similar

Stella probably reminds Boyd of himself when he first started out ??? They are really good together really,.,, can u believe Sue Johnston played Barbara in Royale Family,, hubby couldn't believe it when I told him, he had to look real close and he was like :eek: wow

Jessie Wallace
17-10-2005, 22:26
Lol, she a great actress, one of the best britain has to offer.

17-10-2005, 23:04
Lol, she a great actress, one of the best britain has to offer.

I just loved her old Barbara character.. she was so frumpy !!! and the big hair,, and saying AWWWWW when they talked about what the grand son did ...sneaking fags with her daughter.. ah man I did really like the show .. was so funny,,,

17-10-2005, 23:07
I loved Sue in Royle Family she was brill in that!
Sue is a fabby actress, I got her auotgraph throught he post the other week,

Johnny Allen
18-10-2005, 08:16
Yeah Sue is great. Boyd's temper issues are really getting out of hand yet I can understand why he loses his temper, mind you it makes Trevor Eve all the more sexier.

18-10-2005, 09:21
I want to know - was the mother psycic (sp?) - as she knew when her hubby was drowning the son. It was true what the father said though - he would just have kept on going until he was caught and they were taking too long (because he was so good at covering his tracks). And why did the mother protect him (if my son had done that, I wouldn't thats for sure), even after seeing the pics. And the gall of the guy to kill the woman in the swimming pool and no one saw her go under or get into trouble :eek:.

I think the funniest bit was when Stella said that she would be fine if she met him as it would be in a public place - you cant get more public than a swimming pool lol.

And why on earth did Crystal from Bad Girls meet the guy - silly silly woman.

Loved it though - brill episode, love the banter between Stella and Boyd and the way she gives as good as she gets!!

18-10-2005, 14:12
Boyd just looses as of his Anger Managment course went down the pan, and Mel's death is still hung on him... you could see that as he got really worried about Stella in last nights eppy. But he nearly kileld Hunt, and Grace had to stop him, maybe she should book him in for some sessions with a shrink again!
Tevor's still sexy though..

I think the mam was covering up his son, maybe they were sort of it in together because if she knew what was going on she was able to help the evidence been gone, like by washing his clothes and that.

18-10-2005, 14:25
Thats what i was thinking - i mean, how could she not know what was going on when he was washing just one shirt and a pair of trousers all the time. He was very calculating though - he just didn't care. I'm surprised he didn't notice Spence and Stella following him though - they were so obvious about it!

I think you are right about Boyd, after all, Mel fell right into his path and there was no way he could have avoided anything, so aswell as feeling responsible for what happened anyway, he pretty much had an involvement in what happened directly.

He's still gorge though - oh to be Sharon Maughan!!

18-10-2005, 21:06
Me and a few mates on another forum planned to go and kindapp Trevor, I get to play Sharon and sedice him a lot.. hehe, Lu said she'll be a vicky pollard to put him off track and Twaffy said she'll be the oartner in crime.

oh why o why do i onlt have to be 15

24-10-2005, 11:00
Waking the Dead was well good last night, cant wait to see whats going to happen tonight! Poor Felix!! I hope shes gonna be ok, what is Stella up to? I hope she doesnt get the boot i really like her!

Still trying to work out who the killer is from the Cherry Tree Farm case!

24-10-2005, 11:20
Hubby and I have a theory - shes also working for MI5 or MI5 are asking her to do those things - there is obviously a major cover up going on and we think that they could be the ones involved.

I'd started to like stella, but gone right off her now!

24-10-2005, 11:22
i got the fright of my life last night when she opened that book!!!

24-10-2005, 11:27
When she picked it up, hubby and I were like - noooo don't open it!!

The lab where it was made was pretty well equipped though, thats why we think its got something to do with MI5 or high up like that

24-10-2005, 11:29
well i didn't see most of it (was taping it) so only saw the part where she picked it up but someone told me this morning that it had been tampered with.

24-10-2005, 11:30
ahh, someone planted a chemical bomb in it (well, a diddy one anyway)

They showed them making it, and they were in full on chemical suits etc and there were a couple of them there....are you taping tonights aswell??

24-10-2005, 11:33
no will probably watch last night when i get in and watch tonights

24-10-2005, 14:20
i hope shes going to be ok. I hate watching it with my dad because he always works out whats going to happen. I counldnt believe they were accusing poor spence.

24-10-2005, 14:53
But look at how Spence treated Boyd when he was framed the other week - he jumped straight in there and wouldn't listen to Boyd about his innocence - at least Boyd listened to Spence and was fine with him, even though he knew that he was being lied to..

24-10-2005, 14:57
I know spence was really irrational the other week so under the circumstances I think boyd is being really good towards him. Hope Felix is alright and wonder what stella is up to....

24-10-2005, 15:04
i got the fright of my life last night when she opened that book!!!
Me too I jumped outta my skin !!!!!! Whoaaaaaaa:eek:

24-10-2005, 15:08
I know spence was really irrational the other week so under the circumstances I think boyd is being really good towards him. Hope Felix is alright and wonder what stella is up to....Wasn't there something in the preview about Stella's father being a police officer :searchme:

I can't believe she was trying to destroy evidence though - as soon as Felix and that blokey said about printing off the history, I said to my hubby that they would see that she was going to delete it.....

Don't think I like her anymore lol

24-10-2005, 15:16
No I've gone off her too and I think Boyd, Grace and spence are still getting over mel so she wouldnt be a great loss if we never saw her again lol saying that maybe they can do something to make us love her :)

24-10-2005, 15:22
I seem to find that her accent changes throughout the episodes too though - I don't know if anyone else finds this or not. I do find the accent rather irritating too.

I don't think she was on the phone to her mum either - if its a personal call, surely the work they were doing took presidence over a personal conversation :searchme:

24-10-2005, 15:32
if she wasnt on the phone to her mum do you think maybe felix could work out what she was saying?? She was giving her some funny looks

24-10-2005, 15:32
I seem to find that her accent changes throughout the episodes too though - I don't know if anyone else finds this or not. I do find the accent rather irritating too.

I found that too it keeps changing it is a bit irritating

24-10-2005, 15:34
if she wasnt on the phone to her mum do you think maybe felix could work out what she was saying?? She was giving her some funny looksI wondered that, it was like she could understand what she was saying wasnt it....

24-10-2005, 15:35
or maybe she could just work out enough to know that something isn't right with her???

24-10-2005, 15:38
or maybe she could just work out enough to know that something isn't right with her???

Well Felix is fairly bright so she is probably a bit suspicious and Stella isnt exactly being tactful or secretive about when she does things

24-10-2005, 16:07
Well Felix is fairly bright so she is probably a bit suspicious and Stella isnt exactly being tactful or secretive about when she does thingsYeah - how obvious was she, when she was saying about helping with the computer hard drive !!! Plus Felix knew that Stella had been up to something, though why didn't she go straight to Boyd, especially with something as serious as trying to delete the dna info from the hard drive from the case that they were working on :searchme:

24-10-2005, 16:11
Yeah well maybe felix wanted solid proof that something was going on first and after that little bomb exploded right in her face she didnt exactly have chance to say anything

24-10-2005, 16:23
true, but the print out said someone tried deleting the file with the dna on - surely thats the same as the proof they had that spence had entered the store room etc :searchme:

24-10-2005, 16:25
yeah but could she prove it was stella

24-10-2005, 16:26
not on paper i suppose, but stella was the only one left with the hard drive, and that other guy would be a witness to that I would have thought....

24-10-2005, 22:05
:crying: I cant believe they left it like that it was just mean!!! :crying:

Well they did it I cant help but like stella a little bit and they even won me round to spence. Boyd was so sweet with spence and it was nice to see Felix mad at stella. Liked grace and her dissaproving voice

25-10-2005, 00:31
:crying: I cant believe they left it like that it was just mean!!! :crying:

Well they did it I cant help but like stella a little bit and they even won me round to spence. Boyd was so sweet with spence and it was nice to see Felix mad at stella. Liked grace and her dissaproving voice

Hey will there be another episode this coming sunday ????? I agree it was mean of them to leave us hanging,, poor spence...:( :crying:

Johnny Allen
25-10-2005, 09:01
Hey will there be another episode this coming sunday ????? I agree it was mean of them to leave us hanging,, poor spence...:( :crying:

Nope that was the end of the series, anyone know if there are plans for another series?, I was irritated when they left it like that, mind you make's it more interesting.

25-10-2005, 09:39
Doesn't that just do your head in - Did Spence survive!! I sort of felt sorry for Stella come the end, but it still didn't excuse what she did - she's a police officer and surely therefore intelligent enough to know right from wrong - therefore being asked to destroy evidence or at least tamper with it should have rung alarm bells with her?!

I recognised one of the guys in the chemical suits as the one that made the "bomb" in the first eppy.....wouldn't have said it was McQueen though, that was a bit of a shocker.

Excellent series, yet again - I want the next one now not next year :crying:

25-10-2005, 11:04
What you mean is that the last one?????

WHAT? I thought iut was on again next week, they can't leave it like that i NEED TO KNOW if Spence survives!

25-10-2005, 15:01
Nope - that was the last one in the series FLD :crying: Not fair!!! :crying:

25-10-2005, 15:07
Nope - that was the last one in the series FLD :crying: Not fair!!! :crying:

Em think this link will tell us when the new series starts ???

25-10-2005, 15:22
It will eventually, JJ - will have to keep an eye on it over the next few months

25-10-2005, 16:45
Nope - that was the last one in the series FLD :crying: Not fair!!! :crying:

What that is so not fair!

22-02-2006, 17:51
I'm not sure if Waking the DEad is returning now.. i mean it got loads of negative comments for series 5... and apparently one of the actors most likely Esther Hall or Will Johnson or Felicite Du Jue (I've heard rumours about one of them) might not return.

I hope it does come back though as i so love this show and i want it to go back to its old solving crimes non personal involvment, ect