View Full Version : Whedon to resurrect 'Buffy' characters

14-09-2005, 19:29
Buffy creator Joss Whedon has spoken of plans to resurrect Spike and Angel for a telemovie.

As well as Spike, who sacrificed himself in the show's finale, and Angel, who went on to have his own spin-off series, Whedon has hinted that he may be bringing back other characters from the series.

He told Moviehole: "I'm talking in reference to that... and possibly more. I can only teasingly hint, unfortunately, until it's got backing and we've got a schedule and a contract."

Whedon added that he has "been talking to some of the actors, writers, and some executives and are trying to put something together - - but it's not happening fast. I haven't left the Buffyverse behind."

14-09-2005, 20:25
*Takes a deep breath*


Wow, I hope it happens. :cheer:

14-09-2005, 21:29
I'm like in love with Angel and would love for him to be in it, but I thought David said he wouldnt be Angel again because he wants to move on?