View Full Version : Is Connie leaving?

eastenders mad
13-09-2005, 15:42
I know she has to work a months notice. But i didn't know she was leaving i hope she isn't.

I think micheal should leave i don't like him.

Now that Conie is leaving everyone as been really nasty to her i wish they leave her alone.

If anyone knows can you let me know thanks :searchme: :hmm:

13-09-2005, 15:43
yeah i want to know too. i hope she don't go either i like her shes cool. but i like michael aswell so i wouldnt want him too leave lol

13-09-2005, 15:51
I think she only needs to step down as medical director - im not sure though - this could mean she can carry on working as a consultant

13-09-2005, 15:56
Why is michael being like that arent they married :hmm:

Sometimes i really dont like chrissie though why is always going after other people boyfriends or husbands just because she cant get her own man she got no shame :angry:

Dr. Tangliss
13-09-2005, 16:15
I don't want Connie to leave.

Michael is a scum bag for cheating on her, however, we have to remember that she slept with, Rik and Mubbs.

13-09-2005, 16:20
and tried it on with will - so in a way she kinda deserved it

Dr. Tangliss
13-09-2005, 16:20
Yeap, that's right.

13-09-2005, 16:31
I think she only needs to step down as medical director - im not sure though - this could mean she can carry on working as a consultant

Connie would consider being just a consultant degrading and humiliating. She would think its below her. She's ace i want her to have her old job back

eastenders mad
13-09-2005, 17:59
yeah i wish she has her job. you can just image her in a nurse uniform that would be hillarious

13-09-2005, 21:16
Aww i love Connie and Chrissie! They are both complete cows though, but i loved seeing the more emotional side of Connie last week! Shes a fantastic actress, i dont think shes leaving havent heard she is so im asuming she gets her job back when that new guy goes back
I dont like Michael at all either

22-09-2005, 10:17
yeah i wish she has her job. you can just image her in a nurse uniform that would be hillarious

this would be funny to see - BUT never gonna happen she is a doctor not a nurse :(

eastenders mad
28-09-2005, 17:05
i was watching it last do you think connie might Micheals job cause all the MRSA will come out soon.
I hope, she can't leave she is the best in Holby.

28-09-2005, 17:12
i was watching it last do you think connie might Micheals job cause all the MRSA will come out soon.
I hope, she can't leave she is the best in Holby.
I reckon she will yeah! Unless they are bringing a new character in

Dr. Tangliss
29-09-2005, 08:07
I like Connie, especially more lately. She can't leave and very much doubt she will.

samantha nixon
29-09-2005, 20:08
i dont think shes leaving as i thought amanda had just signed another contract but i might be wrong so i hope she dont leave

29-09-2005, 20:19
Shes not leaving, shes defintately staying, even though she resigned it was to her higher job, but it didnt mean she was leaving completely. But i assume she gets Michaels job

eastenders mad
30-09-2005, 11:56
that will be cool if she did i hope she did get rid of the murder.

10-10-2005, 22:48
No she's not leaving as she signed a 3 year contract when she joined Holby last june...but she definately isnt leaving yet!

11-10-2005, 18:56
i hope she don't leave shes a really strng charactor even if she can be a cow at times! btw i love your banner eastenders_mad!!

eastenders mad
12-10-2005, 18:07
thanks i like Waking the Dead but i didn't like the grace storyline.

She looked so upset when she set up her husband but i really like her. holby wouldn't be the same without her.

12-10-2005, 18:12
she looked like setting up michael was the worst thing she's ever had to do and you just know she went home and cried. I dont think she's leaving she's the best person in it at the moment and last night we got to see how dynamic a character she is so i look forward to many more years of connie she really is a 'clever girl'