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13-09-2005, 12:11
Jade Is Rushed To Hospital

Reality TV star Jade Goody has been rushed to hospital after collapsing at her newly-opened beauty salon Ugly.

The Sun reports that the 24-year-old, who sprang to fame on Big Brother, had to be stretchered out of the salon after suffering stomach pains.

She was taken to Princess Alexandra Hospital in Harlow, Essex.

She's been undergoing tests there, but it's unclear what caused her to collapse.

The paper also reports that Jade told paramedics to cover her face as she was taken out of the salon so she would not be recognised.

It's the second time mum-of-two has been hospitalised in the past two years.

She was previously rushed in after collapsing on the set of the Five show Back To Reality with an ovarian cyst.

Jade's spent the past two months being filmed at Ugly for a new reality show, Jade's Salon.

The programme is currently being screened on Living TV.

13-09-2005, 12:33
Maybe she prengent again.. Oh i do hope she ok..

13-09-2005, 12:33
Yeah thats what happened the last time wasnt it?

13-09-2005, 12:35
I hope shes ok cause as mad as she is, I think she's made the best of everything thats been thrown at her.

13-09-2005, 12:36
Yeah, if she is who the father... maybe she had pushed herself too far... she must have got stressed and not had enought to eat..

13-09-2005, 12:37
She's been seeing a guy for a while....i think she's brillaint with whta she has done since coming out of the bb house....everyone was against her - how many of the others from that year has got as far as she has?

13-09-2005, 12:40
She had-than she got told to dump him so that she could go on that love island thing as for the show they had to be single and she really wanted to go but than she said no i am not going to dump my boyfriend just to go on a tv show, are jade and jeff back together, anyone got heat today..

13-09-2005, 12:42
She's been seeing a guy for a while....i think she's brillaint with whta she has done since coming out of the bb house....everyone was against her - how many of the others from that year has got as far as she has?Apparently shes the one that has made the most money after BB too, so so much for everyone saying how thick she is etc - i think its great that she can throw that at her critics.

Carrie Bradshaw
13-09-2005, 13:00
I hope she's alright. Because of BB and her always being in the spotlight, I almost feel like I know her. Its weird!

13-09-2005, 13:45
she is never out the paper

13-09-2005, 14:30
i think she is fab, and i hope she feels better soon.
i watched jades salon last night and i really enjoyed it

13-09-2005, 14:59
Poor Jade I hope it nothing too serious, I too think she is great, and in my opinion she should have won BB, but in a way she has, you hear about Kate sometimes,but who is was in the house with them....I forget. She has so well out of BB good luck to her.

13-09-2005, 15:42
Hope she is ok... i really like her, she's quite funny! lol

14-09-2005, 11:01
does anyone know how she is?

14-09-2005, 11:23
Havent heard anything sorry

14-09-2005, 15:48
hope she is ok

14-09-2005, 17:45
aww hope she is ok, jade makes me laugh she is so funny and so so thick!!

15-09-2005, 12:09
i read on the front of Heat that someone cut her lip.. But i never brought it but i will and i will kept you up to date- but it might not be the reason why she was rushed to hospital..

16-09-2005, 20:15
I hope shes ok i have heat but i have'nt read the fing about her yet....shall have to do that

16-09-2005, 20:18
could you tell us what is says

16-09-2005, 20:32
Yeh sure when i find the mag its buried somewhere in my room lol