View Full Version : New info on Lisa's exit

10-09-2005, 20:30
Media-shy Luisa Bradshaw-White's departure from Holby was quietly announced but fans of the show will be disappointed to see her leave after four years on the medical drama.

Her character Lisa Fox, who was recently demoted as Clinical Matron by Michael and was last week seen rekindling her romance with old flame Mubbs.

However when Mubbs declares his love for her and asks her to move in, although at first she says yes, she later comes to the decision to move to Ghana when surgeon, Abra (played by Adrian Edmonson) persuades her to joins him and work out there.

Of Mubbs' declaration, Luisa explains 'Lisa's waited so long to hear those words,' She continues 'But she's annoyed to discover he assumed she'd jump at the chance.'

Luisa is happy about her exit from the show, 'I'm pleased it's a positive ending for her as she's been so miserable!'

Explaining her reasons for quitting the show she adds 'Purely because I've been in it four years. I've loved every second here and I probably stayed a year longer than I wanted to, just because I loved it so much.'

Luisa has had a succesful career so far, starting out in popular kids show Grange Hill, she also appeared in cult drama This Life and ITV prison drama Bad Girls.

Luisa says she will be sad to leave all the friends she has made in the cast, 'Verona and I became friends a few years ago and demanded dressing rooms next to eachother!'

As for future plans she concludes 'I'm on holiday for a couple of weeks. There's a few comedies and theatre lined up, but nothing definite yet.

'I want to take short contracts so I can do different things.'

10-09-2005, 20:53
good luck to her!
and if ade turned up i would go with him too!!!

Dr. Tangliss
10-09-2005, 21:31
I read this today, I would go with ade too (not in that way ;))

10-09-2005, 21:34
i think she (her character) would not face up to this challenge too well as she is too much of a perfectionist but as she isnt coming back then i would presume that she is ok out there

10-09-2005, 22:47
although im not to keen on lisa i reckon that she should have stayed with mubbs. only cause i feel sorry for him, everytime he gets close to someone they leave!!

10-09-2005, 22:51
I heard mubbs leaves to but i dont know when maybe he leaves to be with her :)

10-09-2005, 23:05
that would be sweet

Dr. Tangliss
11-09-2005, 01:47
Mubbs in a hun. I do feel sorry for him latley.

11-09-2005, 08:03
Media-shy Luisa Bradshaw-White's departure from Holby was quietly announced but fans of the show will be disappointed to see her leave after four years on the medical drama.

Her character Lisa Fox, who was recently demoted as Clinical Matron by Michael and was last week seen rekindling her romance with old flame Mubbs.

However when Mubbs declares his love for her and asks her to move in, although at first she says yes, she later comes to the decision to move to Ghana when surgeon, Abra (played by Adrian Edmonson) persuades her to joins him and work out there.

Of Mubbs' declaration, Luisa explains 'Lisa's waited so long to hear those words,' She continues 'But she's annoyed to discover he assumed she'd jump at the chance.'

Luisa is happy about her exit from the show, 'I'm pleased it's a positive ending for her as she's been so miserable!'

Explaining her reasons for quitting the show she adds 'Purely because I've been in it four years. I've loved every second here and I probably stayed a year longer than I wanted to, just because I loved it so much.'

Luisa has had a succesful career so far, starting out in popular kids show Grange Hill, she also appeared in cult drama This Life and ITV prison drama Bad Girls.

Luisa says she will be sad to leave all the friends she has made in the cast, 'Verona and I became friends a few years ago and demanded dressing rooms next to eachother!'

As for future plans she concludes 'I'm on holiday for a couple of weeks. There's a few comedies and theatre lined up, but nothing definite yet.

'I want to take short contracts so I can do different things.'

I never was too crazy about Lisa's role,but Mubbs.. sighh hes a randy dude :rotfl: Not exactly the kind of guy we would want with such a rep as a lady killer :p
All I can say is I wish the both well...

22-09-2005, 10:13
Good luck to her! I can see why she thinks that it is time to move on - really glad that her and Mubbs are not going to end up together - that one I never got

22-09-2005, 19:08
oh i dunno it seemed that she was the only real one that was able to stand up to him

23-09-2005, 16:08
Good luck to her! I can see why she thinks that it is time to move on - really glad that her and Mubbs are not going to end up together - that one I never got

yooo hooo,,, i agree,, i am glad she didn't go off with Mubb those two were not matched up ... hey i am writng this from a public library in the states,, so HI HI HI every body :heart: