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10-09-2005, 14:21
i heard from another site that sam and phil sleep together but sam regrets it and moves on to neil. phil later goes mad and confesses his love and marriage to sam.

10-09-2005, 21:02
give us where. its the spoliers section. we need facts!

10-09-2005, 21:11
i would love that to be true

10-09-2005, 21:12
why would you like it to be true

samantha nixon
10-09-2005, 21:57
where did you read this as lisa amxwell has said she is not doing any romance storylines as she doesnt want to

10-09-2005, 22:03
thats shut her up a bit. True? I don't think so.

10-09-2005, 22:04
yeah it has. is she still online?

10-09-2005, 22:05
yea shes probably trying to think of a way to make it sound like we's are the ones who startedit!

samantha nixon
10-09-2005, 22:05
yeah she is online

samantha nixon
10-09-2005, 22:06
yea shes probably trying to think of a way to make it sound like we's are the ones who startedit!

probably is

10-09-2005, 22:06
yeah, or maybe she'll come back and edit what she wrote!

samantha nixon
10-09-2005, 22:08
yeah but we all read it so

Sam Nixon Fan
10-09-2005, 22:09
i heard from another site that sam and phil sleep together but sam regrets it and moves on to neil. phil later goes mad and confesses his love and marriage to sam.

hehehe iv quoted it now so itl be here for everyone to see even if it is edited!!

samantha nixon
10-09-2005, 22:10
i was gonna do that

10-09-2005, 22:10
doesn't it change though?

samantha nixon
10-09-2005, 22:11
thats why i didnt just in case it did

10-09-2005, 22:13
well, its here for us all to see, in here and the ds nixon/ hunter one aswell

samantha nixon
10-09-2005, 22:14
yep its in both why post in 2

10-09-2005, 22:14
to doubly incriminate herdelf for possibly posting fake spoliers and so that we would see it in any case!

samantha nixon
10-09-2005, 22:16

10-09-2005, 22:16
should i be saying that??

11-09-2005, 11:13
wow......samantha nixon your banna is so awsome, i love it so much, how did you make it, its so amazin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!

samantha nixon
11-09-2005, 13:43
my sister made it for me who is dennis no1 fan on here and i love it to its great

11-09-2005, 13:47
its brilliant, god your sister must be clever to be able to make that!!!!!

samantha nixon
11-09-2005, 13:49
if you want one go on her thread im sure shell make you one as she loves making them she always makes them for me as im not very good at them

11-09-2005, 13:55
lol ok thanks where is her thread, i feel really rude though, aww bless i don't have a clue how to make them!!!!

samantha nixon
11-09-2005, 14:03
click on this (http://www.soapboards.co.uk/forums/showthread.php?t=13204)

here is a link click on it and it is her thread and ask her what you want ive already asked her and she said shed love to make you one but you cant use them till you have 500 posts

11-09-2005, 14:06
aww thank you i only have 100 or something posts at the moment though, it will take ages to get 500!!!!!

samantha nixon
11-09-2005, 14:08
no it wont youll be there in no time

11-09-2005, 14:16
sorry to be so pathetic but what should i write when i ask your sister about making me a banner????

samantha nixon
11-09-2005, 14:22
erm just tell her what you want on it, if you want it animated or normal and what pictures or writing you want ive told her about it anyway so shes already said shell make you one so

11-09-2005, 14:30
ok thanks i'm so pathetic sorry, i just dont want to seem rude thats all!!!!!

samantha nixon
11-09-2005, 14:33
youre not pathetic and she dont think youre rude shes glad you like it

11-09-2005, 14:38
oh ok thank you, il go ask her for what i want, when i work out what i want on it lol!!!

samantha nixon
11-09-2005, 14:40
ok well whenever you tell her she said shed make it so

11-09-2005, 14:56
kk cool thanks, your both lovely!!!!

12-09-2005, 17:20
originally posted by pip-kin
wow......samantha nixon your banna is so awsome, i love it so much, how did you make it, its so amazin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!
i agree it's wicked!

samantha nixon
12-09-2005, 18:31

12-09-2005, 18:36
i heard from another site that sam and phil sleep together but sam regrets it and moves on to neil. phil later goes mad and confesses his love and marriage to sam.

phil confesses his marriage to sam??????? they managed to keepthat very quiet

isnt it funny how the person who started this topic has only posted twice out of the 37 posts here and has still not given us any proof :hmm:

samantha nixon
12-09-2005, 18:42
yeah she never posts in any of the thread she starts maybe its because she knows shes wrong

12-09-2005, 20:04
yeah. can't we report her for fakes?

samantha nixon
13-09-2005, 16:38
i dont think we can report can we

13-09-2005, 17:56
we can PM NB, but we have to have evidence

samantha nixon
13-09-2005, 18:42
oh well i dont care if we tell him or not but is it not like grassing on her

Sam Nixon Fan
13-09-2005, 18:45
i think ya shud because all this phil sam n neil stuff is crap and there is never any proof of it!

samantha nixon
13-09-2005, 19:14
shall we all do it or shall one of us just pm nb

Sam Nixon Fan
13-09-2005, 19:17
how do you do it?

samantha nixon
13-09-2005, 19:19
oh you cant i dont think as you havent got a 1000 posts

Sam Nixon Fan
13-09-2005, 19:20
oh ok well if you send a pm then i dont mind you adding my name to it if ya want more people to back up the statement

samantha nixon
13-09-2005, 19:21
ok ill add yours and sam nixon fan on it i hope she dont mind

Sam Nixon Fan
13-09-2005, 19:22
lol i am sam nixon fan dont ya mean lisamaxwellfan lol

samantha nixon
13-09-2005, 19:26
yes sorry my mind isnt working today ive pm'd him so well see if he replys

Sam Nixon Fan
13-09-2005, 19:28
okeydokey, its not that i want to get the person banned but its soo annoying all these false info that never have a source with them!! Anyways im off to watch EE!! byeeee

samantha nixon
13-09-2005, 19:29
i dont want her banned either and i watch ee while im on here

13-09-2005, 19:40
lol thats exactly what im doing, watching ee while i'm on here!!!!!

samantha nixon
13-09-2005, 19:41
yeah well my sisters watching it so its on anyway but im only listening

13-09-2005, 19:47
oh im doing both, talented you see lol tell your sister i said hi lol!!!!!!!

samantha nixon
13-09-2005, 19:50
she said hi aswell yeah aint kat a terrable singer lol and i usually watch aswell but i dont really like ee at the mo dont no why

13-09-2005, 20:50
lol i dont like kat, i think alfie should have chose little mo cause she is my fave, i dont follow ee that much but i like it!!!

samantha nixon
13-09-2005, 20:51
i think the opposite i think alfie and kat belong together

13-09-2005, 20:56
nahhh i cant stand kat for some reason, dont know why, she is leaving anyway!!!

samantha nixon
13-09-2005, 20:57
i no i dont want her to leave

13-09-2005, 21:05
i do lol she will probly come back for some reason, ee do that alot.....anyway.......i dont want to get the thread closed lol!!!!!

samantha nixon
14-09-2005, 15:34
i got a rely from nb it said

Thanks for letting me knowShe's been temporarily banned and warned. Let me know if she carries on posting fake spoilers.

and i dont want it closed but it should be closed as there is no sam neil and phil

14-09-2005, 16:15
o yeah lol shows how off topic its got!!!!! it still should be closed though!!!!!

samantha nixon
14-09-2005, 16:19
yep but we can chat on here untill it is

14-09-2005, 16:23
lmao im so blonde i mean to say shouldn't be closed lol!!!!!

samantha nixon
14-09-2005, 16:31
oh well i dont care if its closed or not but i like talking to you on here

14-09-2005, 16:44
aww i like the little convo's we all have on here to, thats why i dont want it closed!!!!!

14-09-2005, 16:45
we could use it as a chat thread kinda thing...

14-09-2005, 16:52
how would we do that, would we have to start a seperate thread????

14-09-2005, 16:53
we could start a thread and get it stickyed, or yet a new forum for it

14-09-2005, 17:01
we could do sounds alot of effort though, and its easier to ahve convo's when you have a topic to start with!!!!!

14-09-2005, 17:01
i suppose, yeah! we'll just keep going then...

Sam Nixon Fan
14-09-2005, 17:15
Evening on all tb 2nyte yay!! Btw theyl only close this one little threads not the full spoilers section!!

14-09-2005, 17:16
yay!! TB! can't wait, but a lot of hwk to shirt brfore hand though!

Sam Nixon Fan
14-09-2005, 17:17
awww i like this being off malarky means i dont have any of that lol

14-09-2005, 17:26
huh> you what? sorry i don't understand

Sam Nixon Fan
14-09-2005, 17:36
lol sorry thats my stupid word i say without realising! what i meant to say was i like the fact that i havnt got any work to do as i am off work at the moment and havnt started uni yet lol! Feel sorry for you with ur hmwrk!

14-09-2005, 17:38
yeah, lucky you! i've just realised i'm doing 4 pieces of cwk atm :(, but i have lots more hwk stacked up!!!

14-09-2005, 17:38
oh, i get it now, i was reading it wrongly lol! i would have understood it!

samantha nixon
14-09-2005, 19:06
cant wait for the bill it looks really good

14-09-2005, 19:43
aww you get loads of homework, i did my history homewok in geography today lol, we haven't started any new corsework yet!!!!!

samantha nixon
14-09-2005, 19:46
i get loads of homework aswell
and i found this pic i love it

15-09-2005, 16:18
lmao that pic is sooo funi, do u reckon they are drunk???? omg i aint done a proper piece of homework in about 4years now and i got away with it!!!!!!1

samantha nixon
15-09-2005, 16:21
i think it was the begining of the night and it was called loking belly sticking out tongue so i think they were joking around

Sam Nixon Fan
15-09-2005, 16:24
lol that pic is really funny where abouts isit from>?

samantha nixon
15-09-2005, 16:25
do you mena the site if so its isifa and if you mean what award thing i think it was the tv quick but ill go check

Sam Nixon Fan
15-09-2005, 16:26
yeah it was tv quick n i meant the site! I aint ever been on there please can u telll me the link?

samantha nixon
15-09-2005, 16:29
yeah its the tv quick and tc choice awards
here 4 more pics from it

15-09-2005, 16:30
i no its really rude, but if it isnt tooooo much trouble would you mind posting the pictures that are on your banner please because they look really good!!!!!!!

samantha nixon
15-09-2005, 16:30
yeah it was tv quick n i meant the site! I aint ever been on there please can u telll me the link?

isifa (www.isifa.com)

Sam Nixon Fan
15-09-2005, 16:31
aww cool thank u

samantha nixon
15-09-2005, 16:32
i no its really rude, but if it isnt tooooo much trouble would you mind posting the pictures that are on your banner please because they look really good!!!!!!!
its not rude but ive gotta go but will be back in about an hour here is the site
uppa (www.uppa.co.uk)
if you still want me to do it i will and do you still want my sis to make you a banner if so she said ask in her thread and shell make it for you now

Sam Nixon Fan
15-09-2005, 16:34
thanks for site link aswell! neways gtg reherse for my show! cyas x

15-09-2005, 16:37
awww would you mind your so lovely so is your sister il go ask now thanks so much!!!!!

samantha nixon
15-09-2005, 18:13
you still havent asked her but if you dont want one you dont have to ask im only saying who do you want it on anyway

15-09-2005, 19:39
i do want one i just couldnt find her thread i didnt know where to start lol!!!! ummm....well sam and phil, i do already have one but it disapeared!!!!

Sam Nixon Fan
15-09-2005, 22:43
Who watched tonight then? i havnt seen it yet my rehersal ran ova and then ended up in the pub lol!! was it good? were there any sam n phillness?

16-09-2005, 00:23
no sam and phil in tonights episode.
Them pics are really good,
Is anyone else thinking they would make a really really cute couple in real life.
Lets hope they get together in the bill

16-09-2005, 12:27
yup they make a great couple..

Sam Nixon Fan
16-09-2005, 12:43
Thats why they should hurry up an get togther!!

16-09-2005, 17:42
they would be great in real life, but as that aint gonna happen, lets hope it happens in the bill!!

samantha nixon
16-09-2005, 21:15
well pip kin this is a link for leannes thread and youre banner is still there of sam and phil it just doesnt show as you dont have 500 posts but i clicked on your profile and it is there and i think i made it for youclick me (http://www.soapboards.co.uk/forums/showthread.php?t=13204)
and i think they would make a really cute couple aswell in real life but they are both happily married and engaged so it looks like theres more chance of it happening on the bill

Sam Nixon Fan
16-09-2005, 21:45
i wouldnt want them to be a couple in real life 1 because they have kids and partners and 2 if they broke up it would totally ruin any chance of sam/phill happening!

17-09-2005, 10:43
yeah i suppose, and sometimes frinedships are better off as friend ships than as parteners

17-09-2005, 12:07
yeah some people are definately( sorry i cant spell) better off as friends!!!!!!!!

17-09-2005, 16:35
samantha nixon i have asked your sister about a banner, thanks for putting the link up for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and when you geta chance would you please put the pictures on your banner up because they are excellent pictures!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

samantha nixon
17-09-2005, 16:39
ill put some of them up for you now let me just find them

17-09-2005, 16:41
aww kk thanx!!!!!!!!

samantha nixon
17-09-2005, 16:45

samantha nixon
17-09-2005, 16:45
here are a few let me no if you want them bigger or anymore

17-09-2005, 16:56
thank you but they arent coming up its just little box's with red crosses in them lol!!!!!

samantha nixon
17-09-2005, 16:58
they work for me have you tried refreshing the page

17-09-2005, 17:05
yep i just tried that and it didnt work, what do you think is wrong????

samantha nixon
17-09-2005, 17:06
i dont no but im going out now so ill have another look tomorrow or if you google lisa maxwell you shpuld come up with some good sites and pics but ill have a look tomorrow

17-09-2005, 17:11
kk thank you!!!!!

17-09-2005, 21:13
on google images, i've never been able to find loads of her...

samantha nixon
18-09-2005, 12:26
not on gogle images they arent very good on there go on the web and go on all the sites there are a few on there somewhere

18-09-2005, 13:54
where did you get the pics of her in boogie nights????

samantha nixon
18-09-2005, 15:02
i got them on uppa

18-09-2005, 15:45
found them lol they are really funi, and all her award pics are lovely especially the one in the gold dress!!!!!!

samantha nixon
18-09-2005, 15:46
i like them aswell

18-09-2005, 17:38
she is quite photogentic, i want her clothes too, it's not fair!!!!!!!

samantha nixon
18-09-2005, 19:18
so do i

18-09-2005, 19:20
yeah, she's very photogenic and i wish i was like her...

samantha nixon
18-09-2005, 19:23
i wish i was like her aswell as shes so pritty and everything

18-09-2005, 19:25
what bugs me though is how nice she looks! i wear glasses so its hard to look nice, and my hair has a life of its own... maybe i should get some straighteners!

samantha nixon
18-09-2005, 19:26
i dont look nice either i can get my hair nice sometimes and whats wrong with glasses i think they look nice on people

18-09-2005, 19:28
on me they don't. they look totally wrong in my opinion

Sam Nixon Fan
18-09-2005, 19:29
glasses arnt a bad thing at all!!

She does look nice all the time but she has stylists and stuff to help her look like that at award cermonies

18-09-2005, 19:30
they are on me!!!

yeah, she does have stylists i suppose, but she still looks nice!!!

samantha nixon
18-09-2005, 19:30
on me they don't. they look totally wrong in my opinion

how long have you worn them as if its not long it might be a case of getting used to it

18-09-2005, 19:32
all my life

samantha nixon
18-09-2005, 19:33
oh right well im sure they look fine

Sam Nixon Fan
18-09-2005, 19:33
if you really dont like em why dnt you try contacts?

How much would you love to have a persoannl stylist! It would be amazing lol

samantha nixon
18-09-2005, 19:34
id love a personal stylist and i was gonna say about contacts but dont you have to be 16 to be able to have them

Sam Nixon Fan
18-09-2005, 19:36
not sure i never go to the optitions so dont really know much about it!!

samantha nixon
18-09-2005, 19:36
neither do i but my mate wants them but her mum says shes to young

Sam Nixon Fan
18-09-2005, 19:38
ahhh okeydokey

18-09-2005, 19:40
i want contact lenses, so i'm saving up for them. my mum hates the idea, so i don't think she'd let me have them lol! and they might not make them strong enough...

samantha nixon
18-09-2005, 19:42
im sure your mum will if she knows it will make you happy

18-09-2005, 19:43
my friend wears glasses and she is still stunnin dont worry about it, i have to wear tones of make up to look half decent and then take ages doin my hair for it to go mad, no one is perfect, if you dont have straighters you could curl your hair using mouse!!!!!!! i wouldnt like a stylist i like my fashion sense lol!!!!!!

18-09-2005, 19:43
yeah, well i'll think about em and talk to my optician next time i go

samantha nixon
18-09-2005, 19:44
my hairs naturally curly but it can also be naturally straight depends how i brush it

18-09-2005, 19:46
mine is inbetween so i can do both, but i need starightners, i think glasses make people look safisticated!!!!!

18-09-2005, 19:47
um. thats an idea... going curly!

samantha nixon
18-09-2005, 19:47
they do dont they well il like glasses as my mates have them my cousin does my mum and dad do sometimes and so do my nan and grandad sometimes so i think they look nice

18-09-2005, 19:47
maybe you think they do!

18-09-2005, 19:48
some styles look good though

18-09-2005, 19:51
i think curly hair looks really nice, mine is really thick and bushy and its too short at the moment, i want glasses so i look clever cause im not lol!!!!!

samantha nixon
18-09-2005, 19:53
im not clever either and i like curly hair aswell but mine only looks nice curly the day i wash it

18-09-2005, 19:55
yeah, they day you was your hair its nice, but after that, mine goes straight eveywhere but the ends!

18-09-2005, 19:56
i out mouse and hair spray on mine so i can sleep on it then clip a few bits back, i prefere my hair straight though, i bet you are clever really!!!!

18-09-2005, 19:58
i leave my hair to dry naturally

samantha nixon
18-09-2005, 19:58
do you mean you bet im clever and if so im not and i prefer my hair staright but it doesnt stay straight for long so i either have it in a high ponytail or a clip

18-09-2005, 19:59
my hair never stays straight either

samantha nixon
18-09-2005, 20:00
no so ive kinda given up straightening but as ive highlights i like it staright as they show

18-09-2005, 20:03
i always have my hair the same, so on holiday my hair highlights naturally, so it doesn't matter!

18-09-2005, 20:04
i hate my natural hair, its natural at the moment but that's because no one is going to see me today lol, im a bit of a blonde i'm not dum, i just dont have any comman sense!!!!

samantha nixon
18-09-2005, 20:04
cool what colours youre hair mines brown and blonde

18-09-2005, 20:06
lol!! i kinda let it get greasy over the weekend because no- one sees me!

samantha nixon
18-09-2005, 20:09
i want my hair all blonde but my mum dont want me to i like it lisa's colour

18-09-2005, 20:10
mine is dark brown its gay cause if i die it i get awfull roots!!!!!

18-09-2005, 20:10
mines dark brown and cery light brown in places on top

samantha nixon
18-09-2005, 20:11
they both sound nice i think i might leave mine natural for a bit when it grows out

18-09-2005, 20:12
yeah. the problem with dying it is that if its noticably different, its hard to grown it out!

samantha nixon
18-09-2005, 20:13
yeah as im also growing my hair so i dont think the blonde will ever go for ages but it fades

18-09-2005, 20:14
yeah. and don't use lemon on your hair, as that will brighten them

samantha nixon
18-09-2005, 20:15
cool i got told that before but i dont like the smell of it so i never done it

18-09-2005, 20:16
just die over it with a colour like your natural one instead of growing it out, i had blonde in mine for a while but i dyed it back to brown!!!!!

samantha nixon
18-09-2005, 20:19
yeah but sometimes it can go funny if you keep changing it as my mate used to change hers nearly every week and her hair went so thin

18-09-2005, 20:20
yeah, and don't straighten it everyday as it will go like that aswell

samantha nixon
18-09-2005, 20:21
thats why i only straighten mine everynow and then but as mine are wet to dry they dont seem to ruin it as much as normal ones

18-09-2005, 20:22
i don't even have straighteners!!!

18-09-2005, 20:22
o bugger i do both, but my hair is ok at the moment!!!

18-09-2005, 20:23
try deep conditioning it!

samantha nixon
18-09-2005, 20:23
i don't even have straighteners!!!

there always good on a bad hair day

18-09-2005, 20:23
i suppose but i always have my hair in a ponytail!

samantha nixon
18-09-2005, 20:24
i do most of the time aswell

18-09-2005, 20:25
my hairs in an inbetween stage- i can't quite put platted pigtails in it yet because the front is too short!

18-09-2005, 20:26
really i change my hair and have loads of differnt styles, i cant have it the same all the time i dont know why????

samantha nixon
18-09-2005, 20:26
i can plate mine but mines not that long either

18-09-2005, 20:27
my hair has been the same since oooh... like i was 9 or something!

samantha nixon
18-09-2005, 20:28
really i change my hair and have loads of differnt styles, i cant have it the same all the time i dont know why????

depends what mood im in if i cant be bothered its a ponytail but if im in the mood some times my sister mucks about with it and does part with half curly half straight and stuff or i have the front half plated

18-09-2005, 20:28
i like having my hair off my face

Sam Nixon Fan
18-09-2005, 20:30
aww little hair convo cool! My hair is natrurally curly but i straighten it everyday and its really long now which im glad about!!

Im the opposite i have mine on my face i hate havin it pulled back

18-09-2005, 20:30
i chance my hair about every 3months, i cant help it, i take ages getting ready for school in the morning!!!!! i wish i had a sister to do my hair for me!!!!!

18-09-2005, 20:31
i really want long hair lol!

Sam Nixon Fan
18-09-2005, 20:32
I love doing hair!! Im all my friends stylists when we go out lol they all come round mine and ill do all their hairs and i do all the styles for everyone at dancing to!!

Im glad my hairs long now i had it cut q short like shoulder height about a year ago but now it sooo long as it grows soo fast

samantha nixon
18-09-2005, 20:32
i want mine long aswell and its hardly grew in a year

18-09-2005, 20:33
yeah... i'm really gonna try and keep it long, and make it grow lol! eat lots of protein

Sam Nixon Fan
18-09-2005, 20:34
use Vdry conditioner on it aswell then when it grows it grows nicely

18-09-2005, 20:35
mine was long, then my friend persuaded me to cut it off, then she told me it looked better long so i dont take advice from her anymore lol!!!!

i do one of my friends makeup and i lend all my clothes out!!!!!

18-09-2005, 20:35
yeah, use a good conditioner. i found that mine has gone solid!!

18-09-2005, 20:35
my best friend is a guy, so we don't really do make up and hair lol!

samantha nixon
18-09-2005, 20:36
mine was long, then my friend persuaded me to cut it off, then she told me it looked better long so i dont take advice from her anymore lol!!!!

i do one of my friends makeup and i lend all my clothes out!!!!!

im rubbish with makeup

18-09-2005, 20:37
same here, but thats because i don't actually wear any!!

Sam Nixon Fan
18-09-2005, 20:37
lol my and my friends share clothes all the time its good cos ya get more choice!! I love make up and stuff like that i would never leave the house without makeup on! Even when i go to the shop in my pjs i still put a bit of mascara on lol

samantha nixon
18-09-2005, 20:37
neither do i

18-09-2005, 20:38
shop in your pjs??? i could never do that because they all know me. why did i get a round there?

Sam Nixon Fan
18-09-2005, 20:40
haha yea i do it all the time lol i actually have no shame!! go to the bank or bells or anywhere like that in my pjs i dont see the point in gettin dressed if ur just poppin out lol aslong as youv got a bit of make up on yar fine!!!

samantha nixon
18-09-2005, 20:40
do people not laugh at you or anything i think its brave

18-09-2005, 20:41
lol! is it at night or in the day?

Sam Nixon Fan
18-09-2005, 20:43
On the morning! People look and stuff and giggle sometimes but it really doesnt bother me! People can say what they want i just think its my life so if i dont wanna get dressed yet i donyt have to lol!

18-09-2005, 20:43
i have a guy best friend to and my gal one, i straighten his hair lol i force him to let me do it hehe. i dont normally go out iwth out make up on, i aint nver been out in my p'j's!!!!!!

18-09-2005, 20:44
oh, yeah, some guys in my year straighten their hair!!

samantha nixon
18-09-2005, 20:45
ive never been out in my pj's

Sam Nixon Fan
18-09-2005, 20:45
I have 5 girl best mates and 3 lad best mates!!so its quite even!! I rekon yas should al try it lol its really not that bad!!

18-09-2005, 20:46
me neither. i'd be spotted by someone from school! i have in france though!

samantha nixon
18-09-2005, 20:46
oh, yeah, some guys in my year straighten their hair!!

really i dont think guys should straighten hair no one in my year does

18-09-2005, 20:47
they do it for a laugh... my english teachers face when the guys with long hair came in with straight hair...!

18-09-2005, 20:48
i have quite a few best buds altogether, my p.j's are little shorts and a strapy tops though, sounds funny though!!!!!!

Sam Nixon Fan
18-09-2005, 20:50
mine are more like huge pj bottems and big baggy tops lol!!

I dont think theres anything rong wth guys straigtening there hair its good that there making an effort! Girls have to loads to get ready hair make up etc where as boys do nowt so a bit of hair straightning carnt be a bad thing

18-09-2005, 20:51
i have some really nice ones from accessorize!

samantha nixon
18-09-2005, 20:51
my pj's are shorts and a strappy top with a scottie dog on

18-09-2005, 20:51
i used to have some like that!!

18-09-2005, 20:51
i had matching knickers aswell!!

samantha nixon
18-09-2005, 20:52
lol i havent got them

Sam Nixon Fan
18-09-2005, 20:53
i like baggy pjs lol much more comfy! but even if i do werar lil shorts and stuff il still go out in them lol!

18-09-2005, 20:53
i force my friend to let me do his hair cause he looks so funny with it straight!!!

o right, i dont have any like that!!!!

i'd love to be a guy for aday to see what it's like!!!!!

18-09-2005, 20:53
hmmm i wouldn't!!

Sam Nixon Fan
18-09-2005, 20:54
i'd love to be a guy for aday to see what it's like!!!!!

It'd be weird! Dont think id like it im too girly lol it would be too strange lol!

samantha nixon
18-09-2005, 20:54
neither would i

18-09-2005, 20:54
lol i would but maybe its just me being weird!!!

Sam Nixon Fan
18-09-2005, 20:55
each for their own!! lol

18-09-2005, 20:56
lol! i would love to get inside my chemistry teachers head. he's mixed up and can't teach!!

18-09-2005, 20:56
ok just me then, nevermind!!! im really girly too, im the most girlie person in are group!!!

Sam Nixon Fan
18-09-2005, 20:57
i would love to be a millionaire for a day!!

Lol me2 sort of all my friends are girly in the way they dress etc but i crnt stand dirt and stuff like that like when they go camping and stuff i refuse to go cos the thought of it is horrible

samantha nixon
18-09-2005, 20:57
i dunno if im girly i like girly things but i also love sport and everything

samantha nixon
18-09-2005, 20:58
i would love to be a millionaire for a day!!

so would i or a celeb for a day

Sam Nixon Fan
18-09-2005, 20:59
i love girly stuff, iv currently got an obbsession with pritty shoes i own about 1 pairs all in different colours!! I hate sport well apart from dancing!! lol

samantha nixon
18-09-2005, 21:00
i cant dance but i love trampolining, gymnastics and netball and stuff

18-09-2005, 21:00
i dont like sport, i like netball and nothing else and that is a girlie sport, i cant run at all!!!! i hate getting dirty too but i would go camping, i get on really well with boys though!!!!!

samantha nixon
18-09-2005, 21:01
i get on well with boys aswell

Sam Nixon Fan
18-09-2005, 21:01
i dont like trampolining since i fractured my neck whilst doing it lol
Omg i hate running its the worst thing! lol

I get in really well with boys to but proberly cos im a bit of a flirt lol

18-09-2005, 21:02
i like sport and camping lol!

18-09-2005, 21:02
i get on well with boys aswell

the rest of the librarians are boys, so i have no choice!!

samantha nixon
18-09-2005, 21:03
i dont like trampolining since i fractured my neck whilst doing it lol
Omg i hate running its the worst thing! lol

I get in really well with boys to but proberly cos im a bit of a flirt lol

how did you manage to fracture youre neck

samantha nixon
18-09-2005, 21:03
the rest of the librarians are boys, so i have no choice!!

what do you exactly do as a libraian do you get to miss lessons or anything

18-09-2005, 21:04
if you want to, you just ask your teacher and hope they say yes!

Sam Nixon Fan
18-09-2005, 21:05
hehe its quite a long funny story but in the short tale basically i was doing a seat to front drop and as i flipped over i got distracted and landed rong and my neck buckled causing my spinal cord to move slightly and me to fracture my neck lol

18-09-2005, 21:05
i refused to go on the trampeline at school lol so they let me do badminton!!!

i dont know when i'm flirting with guys lol i hug every one all the time though!!!1

samantha nixon
18-09-2005, 21:06
hehe its quite a long funny story but in the short tale basically i was doing a seat to front drop and as i flipped over i got distracted and landed rong and my neck buckled causing my spinal cord to move slightly and me to fracture my neck lol

i love seat to front drop dunno why but my favs somersault or turntable to log roll did you manage to do any of them

samantha nixon
18-09-2005, 21:06
i refused to go on the trampeline at school lol so they let me do badminton!!!

i dont know when i'm flirting with guys lol i hug every one all the time though!!!1

why did you refuse to go on a trampoline

Sam Nixon Fan
18-09-2005, 21:07
im worse after iv been drinking!! i could never be a librarian im way to loud id get shot out al the time

samantha nixon
18-09-2005, 21:07
if you want to, you just ask your teacher and hope they say yes!


samantha nixon
18-09-2005, 21:08
im worse after iv been drinking!! i could never be a librarian im way to loud id get shot out al the time

i probably would aswell

Sam Nixon Fan
18-09-2005, 21:08
i love seat to front drop dunno why but my favs somersault or turntable to log roll did you manage to do any of them

I use to be able to summersault but i havnt been on since i did my neck in four years ago!! lol

18-09-2005, 21:09
im worse after iv been drinking!! i could never be a librarian im way to loud id get shot out al the time

we nearly get thrown out everyday! we are faar toooo loud!!