View Full Version : The end for Charlotte and Gavin?

09-09-2005, 15:55
Charlotte Church and Gavin Henson's love affair is said to be on the rocks because of rows over her drinking.

The Mirror quotes one of Gavin's closest friends as saying Gavin can't cope with Charlotte's boozy antics.

The friend reportedly said: "Gavin is embarrassed by the way she behaves when she's been drinking a lot.

"When Charlotte is sober - and even when she has had just a few drinks - she is great.

"But when she starts downing the shorts later in the evening she is a mess. It leads to rows between the pair of them because all of Charlotte's insecurities come out - and Gavin is struggling to cope with it.

"Gavin is not a prude. He likes a beer - after all he is a rugby player - but he knows when to stop. I'm not sure Charlotte does.

"I cannot see how they can stick together. The way things are I don't think their relationship will survive."

09-09-2005, 16:00
i'm shocked at Charlotte's Behaviour,what happned to that little girl we called voice of an angel

09-09-2005, 16:24
Exactly.. what an ANGEL she turned out to be..

09-09-2005, 16:33
lol, such a shame :D

09-09-2005, 17:27
i'm shocked at Charlotte's Behaviour,what happned to that little girl we called voice of an angel

she just acting like a normal girl of her age!! she couldbnt stay little miss angel forever