View Full Version : Abi Titmuss

07-09-2005, 16:53
Was listening to Radio one on the way home there and one of the presenters was bragging about going home with abi titmuss and the fact she was all over him.

I was only reading a few days ago that her and lee had moved in together.....have i missed something??? have they split???

07-09-2005, 20:45
I dont know if they have split, but i hope so Lee is such a nice man, and he deserves better, she drives me 150% CRAZY!!!

07-09-2005, 20:47
Well did you read in the paper about Lee!!! Apparently he has been sleeping with some woman for the past 10 years! Its just a casual thing, and he had slept with her just before he went off to the V Festival with Abi, there was the text messages and everything from him

I like Abi, dont be mean! Lol

07-09-2005, 20:49
:eek: really god in that article i was reading he was going on about marriage and kids with her!!!! Thats how i thought i had missed something. If this is all true then it was obviously a stunt them two together

07-09-2005, 20:50
I dont like abi. She shares my name.... sort of :(

Someones fibbing it sounds, ohhh i wonder who :D

07-09-2005, 20:52
I dunno, she seems pretty smitten with him, i feel sorry for her though, people say nasty things about her, but at the end of the day she has been through some nasty stuff ie: that sex video, she never deserved that one bit!

07-09-2005, 20:53
I dunno, she seems pretty smitten with him, i feel sorry for her though, people say nasty things about her, but at the end of the day she has been through some nasty stuff ie: that sex video, she never deserved that one bit!

No one deserves that.....

07-09-2005, 20:54
......well maybe paris hilton

07-09-2005, 20:55
Lol Paris Hilton omg, i have to admit ive seen both, and Paris! well she just loves herself soooo much! Im surprised she wasnt behind the whole stunt!

07-09-2005, 20:57
they are going through a rocky phase but they are working things out

07-09-2005, 20:59
Lol Paris Hilton omg, i have to admit ive seen both, and Paris! well she just loves herself soooo much! Im surprised she wasnt behind the whole stunt!

I didn't see the one with nick refused to watch that one....you probably was why put yourself back in the position, after the first time youd be more careful

07-09-2005, 21:00
I didnt know there was one released with Nick! Yeah i know its kinda stupid doing another one, especially if your in the public eye as much as her!

07-09-2005, 21:01
Yeah just before she accused him of beating her up....turned out she had been drunk and hurt herself

07-09-2005, 21:02
Lol, that girl cracks me up, i love the Simple Life though!

07-09-2005, 21:03
Yeah that was funny - they should find two other eejits like them and start it up again

07-09-2005, 21:04
They are so bad though, especially Nicole! like when she stole the police car, and crashed into another car on purpose, and getting peoples clothes out when they had to work at the airport! They are out of order though the things they do, but hey id love to be Paris Hilton!

07-09-2005, 21:05
well who wouldn't love to have her money and her looks lol

07-09-2005, 21:06
I dont think shes that drop dead gorgeous though! Its such a fake look! But id love to have her money! her clothes are fab!

07-09-2005, 21:07
she is nice looking - and i love some of her clothes - isn't she getting married soon??? Or is that her sister?

07-09-2005, 21:08
Apparently, but i heard she broke up with him as he never told his parents they were engagged, her sis got married but is going through a divorce now lol they were only married a few months

07-09-2005, 21:09
oh thats right i remember hear about that now. I remember her sister is having Nicole as one of her bridesmaids and paris aint happy

07-09-2005, 21:10
Yeah something like that!

07-09-2005, 21:24
Abi titmus i have to say i admire the girl she turned a horrible situation into her own adavntage.

Lees a slimebag anyway, look at the way he treated Jane Middlemiss

07-09-2005, 21:29
Abi titmus i have to say i admire the girl she turned a horrible situation into her own adavntage.

Lees a slimebag anyway, look at the way he treated Jane Middlemiss

Jayne deserved it! She has some issues, she slagged Abi off so much, just because she was blatantly jealous of her, she was so immature at what she said about her to she didint deserve to win, Liz should have won out of the 2

07-09-2005, 21:39
Sad as each other then?

07-09-2005, 21:44
Sad as each other then?

Who? Why? lol

07-09-2005, 21:52
Lee, Abi, Jane