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di marco
03-05-2005, 20:49
false - last time i cried was on friday

true or false - next poster is filing their nails

03-05-2005, 22:06
false - I am going to in a bit though

t/f? the next poster has just watched the last of the series in hustle and can't wait for the new series in 2006!

di marco
04-05-2005, 06:23
false - dont watch it

true or false - next poster is in love with orlando bloom

04-05-2005, 07:41

true or false? the next poster likes marmite :sick:

di marco
04-05-2005, 08:02
false - no yuck!!!

true or false - next poster likes brussel sprouts

04-05-2005, 09:58
FALSE - yuck yuck yuck

True or false - the next poster has been on holiday in the last week

04-05-2005, 14:57
false I am a full time mum I never get a holiday LOL

true or false the next poster has had plastic surgery?

04-05-2005, 18:10
Hehe. False ;) I am too young and beatiful :D

True or False the next poster knows someone who is a twin.

04-05-2005, 18:24

true or false? next poster is engaged :p :D

04-05-2005, 19:06
false - I have been married for over 7 years

true or false - the next posters first kiss was with an older boy/girl

di marco
04-05-2005, 20:58
false - he was only 3 months older so that doesnt really count lol!

true or false - next poster smokes

eastenders mad
04-05-2005, 21:09
False bad idea

true or false then next poster likes watching horror films

di marco
04-05-2005, 21:11
true - although they scare me!

true or false - next poster gets scared by horror films

04-05-2005, 21:12

true or false?the next poster has never had a crush on a teacher

04-05-2005, 21:28

true or false? next poster has once swore at a teacher lol

04-05-2005, 21:33

t or f? the next poster will type a message to me in the shoutbox in 2mins

di marco
05-05-2005, 07:33
false - i would but youre not on here at the mo lol!

true or false - next poster is left-handed

05-05-2005, 07:44

t or f? the next poster is allergic to something

di marco
05-05-2005, 07:58

true or false - next poster is scared of dogs

05-05-2005, 08:17

True or false - the next poster loves the smell of fresh bread

05-05-2005, 10:20
true - yummy

true or false, the next poster are chatting on the phone as they type

05-05-2005, 11:24

True or false - the next poster has sky tv in thier house

phils little sister
05-05-2005, 11:36
True -
True or False - the next poster was a fan of Take That

05-05-2005, 11:38

true or false: the next poster was born on a monday

phils little sister
05-05-2005, 11:51
:rotfl: :rotfl: i dont know what day i was born on!!

05-05-2005, 12:40
dont know what day i was born on! :searchme:
True or false - the next poster is wearing jeans

Debbie Meadows
05-05-2005, 14:36

true or false the next poster will not be voting in the election today

05-05-2005, 16:35
true, i am not old enough to vote :crying:

the next poster has heard 'amarillo' by Tony Christie

05-05-2005, 16:39
True - Who hasn't?!?

t/f? the next poster is wearing blue underwear :moonie:

05-05-2005, 16:42

true or false? next poster made a fool of themselves today

05-05-2005, 16:50
true - I won't say how though!!

t/f? the next poster has never watched family affairs

05-05-2005, 16:59

true or false? next poster daydreams

05-05-2005, 18:06
Only too true, i get in trouble for it alot. I stare at people without knowing it and they come up later and ask me if i have a problem wiv them. I don't know i'm doing it!

t/f the next poster has had a call from their bf /gf today

05-05-2005, 18:08
false- havn't got one

true or false? next poster gets hayfever

05-05-2005, 18:15
true/false- the next poster has eaten chicken for tea or is goin to.

05-05-2005, 18:17

true or false? next poster goes the gym

05-05-2005, 18:40
false but maybe i should start!!

true or false the next poster is going or a jog later

05-05-2005, 18:48
false! lol

true or false? next poster is thinking about changing their hair style

05-05-2005, 19:04
true - I am having a really bad hair day plus a huge spider ran over my foot and I had no shoes or socks on :eek::eek::eek:!

anyway, t/f? the next poster has once had a perm that looked awful.

05-05-2005, 19:06
true very very true it looked awful and it always frizzed and i could never calm it down!!!!!!!!:rotfl:

true or false the next poster is going to watch footballers wives tonight

eastenders mad
05-05-2005, 19:41
true i love it

true or false: the next poster will vote for the election at the last mintute

05-05-2005, 20:02
false- i cant vote, too young

true or false? next poster has a garden pond

05-05-2005, 20:19
false-but i have pool. Does that count?

t/f the next poster has a digital camera

05-05-2005, 20:24
True, do you really have a pool?

t/f next poster shops at ASDA

05-05-2005, 21:31
False - used to but we moved so it's Tesco for us!

t/f? The next poster has never been skiing

05-05-2005, 23:29

true or false? next poster hates football

05-05-2005, 23:32
False UP THE GAS!!!

The next person is watching the Election

05-05-2005, 23:40

true or false? next poster had a pet rabbit when they were younger

06-05-2005, 06:40
false - i had a ferret but they were for catching rabbits!! does that count???

true or false the next poster got up far too early this morning!!!

06-05-2005, 09:35
True or false - the next poster watches the bill on uktv gold

06-05-2005, 09:39
False, I don't have the channel

True or False - the next poster has never been to Ireland

06-05-2005, 12:39

True or false - the next poster is wearing trainners

06-05-2005, 19:59

t or f? the next poster is eating

06-05-2005, 20:21

True or false - the next poster has a pet

06-05-2005, 23:17
false im not an animal person

true or false the next poster will be logged on soapboards.co.uk

07-05-2005, 08:06
True - lol :rotfl:

True or false - the next poster has just recently woke up

07-05-2005, 08:09

t or f? the next poster has big fluffy boots

07-05-2005, 08:12

True or false - the next poster is still in thier pyjamas

07-05-2005, 08:13

t or f? the next poster will leave a message for me in the shoutbox in 2 mins

07-05-2005, 08:16
false - ain't got 150 posts yet

True or false - the next poster has been abroad

07-05-2005, 08:18

t or f? the next poster is doing anything today

07-05-2005, 08:36
false-unless you call revising some thing worth calling 'doing something' lol

t/f the next poster likes toffee flavoured ice cream

di marco
07-05-2005, 08:44
true - yum i love it!!!

true or false - next poster likes cheese and onion crisps

07-05-2005, 09:24
false-i've never liked them even since a kid

t/f the next poster has had a fight with a close one recently

di marco
07-05-2005, 09:27

true or false - next poster will be 18 or younger

07-05-2005, 09:31

t/f the next poster has tried oysters (ewwwwwwww)

07-05-2005, 09:33
false - no way!!!

true or false the next poster has got an excitingweekend planned

di marco
07-05-2005, 09:39
false - homework and revision

true or false - next poster drank beer last night

07-05-2005, 10:16

true or false - the next person has house work to do this weekend

07-05-2005, 10:52
true - loads of it!!!!

true or false it is nice and sunny where the next poster is

07-05-2005, 11:30
true- bliss!

t/f the next poster has a secret crush on a celeb

07-05-2005, 14:53
true - but if i told you who it was it would not be a secret!!!!

true or false the next poster is going out tonight

07-05-2005, 14:59

t or f? the next poster like me

07-05-2005, 15:08
true- i like you (if thats what you meant) :)

t/f the next poster has had a pet of some kind in the past

07-05-2005, 15:11

t or f? the next poster has just eaten

07-05-2005, 15:18
t- a chocolate bar

t/f the next poster has met some one famous

07-05-2005, 15:33
false - wish i have :crying:

True or false - the next poster lives with thier parents

07-05-2005, 15:41
false - i now am the parent!!!

true or false the next poster has got a tatoo

07-05-2005, 15:44

True or false - the next person isn't feeling very well

07-05-2005, 15:44
f- i'm as fit as a fiddle

t/f the next poster has had chocolatein the last 24 hours

07-05-2005, 15:47
false - i want some now you've mentioned chocolate

True or false - the next poster will be female :cheer:

07-05-2005, 15:49

true or false the next poster has decided what they are going to watch on tv tonight

07-05-2005, 16:09
True - casualty

True or false - the next poster is going to get some food shortly

07-05-2005, 16:25
true- crisps. Golden beauties! Anyway.....thats enough from me

t/f the next poster will be having curry for tea

07-05-2005, 16:28
false - had one last night!!

true or false the next poster is sat in a green room

07-05-2005, 17:16
f- our study is yellow!

t/f- the poster fancies jake moon

di marco
07-05-2005, 17:31
true - well hes alright but there are other people who i fancy more!

true or false - next poster is 40 or over

07-05-2005, 18:06

True or false - the next poster like barbaque sauce

di marco
07-05-2005, 18:14

true or false - next poster works in an office

07-05-2005, 18:16
false - an off licence

true or false the next poster is going to a concert this year

di marco
07-05-2005, 18:25
false - well i dont think so anyway

true or false - next poster watches home and away

07-05-2005, 18:28

true or false the next poster is taller than 5ft 2"

07-05-2005, 18:31

True or false - the next poster a off licence near to them

07-05-2005, 19:15
true - about two mins away and i have the keys!!!

true or false the next poster is watching dr who

07-05-2005, 19:29
false - never watched it

True or false - the next peson has sweety the chick ringtone

07-05-2005, 19:32
false - not sure what its called!!

true or false the next poster has got a cat

07-05-2005, 19:58
true - one cute cat

True or false - the next person has more than 150 posts

07-05-2005, 19:59
true - 213 at the mo

true or false the next poster has not left the house all day

07-05-2005, 20:02

True or false - the next poster will be willow

07-05-2005, 20:04

t or f? the next poster likes marmite

07-05-2005, 20:06
false - yuck!!

true or false the next poster has got slippers on

07-05-2005, 20:34
false - trainners

True or false - the next poster is going to watch casualty tonight

07-05-2005, 20:47
true - watching it now!!

true or false the next poster is going to watch csi new york after casualty

07-05-2005, 22:04

True or false - the next poster has been ill in the last month

07-05-2005, 23:34

t or f? the next poster snores

di marco
08-05-2005, 08:38

true or false - next poster has a cold at the mo

08-05-2005, 08:39

true or false the next poster has an exciting day ahead

di marco
08-05-2005, 08:42
false - its going to be rather dull, revision yay! lol!

true or false - next poster has been awake for over 1 hour

08-05-2005, 09:08

Triue or false - the next poster is going to have a bath/shower today

di marco
08-05-2005, 09:17
true - shower, need to wash my hair

true or false - next poster has to go to school tomorrow

08-05-2005, 10:44

True or false - the next person has had breakfast this morning

08-05-2005, 10:44

t or f? the next poster is a girl

08-05-2005, 10:46

True or false - the next person hasn't tidyed the bed this morning

08-05-2005, 10:48

t or f? the next poster has just woken up

08-05-2005, 11:00
false - been up since 6:30

true or false the next person is going to have a roast dinner today

08-05-2005, 11:02

t or f? the next poster is cool

08-05-2005, 11:18
True - of couse im cool :cheer: :cheer

True or False - the next poster will watch tv today

08-05-2005, 11:22

t or f? the next poster is eating

08-05-2005, 11:28

true or false the next poster is not dressed yet

08-05-2005, 11:29

t or f? the next poster is in a relationship

08-05-2005, 11:32

t or f the next poster is drinking tea

08-05-2005, 11:34
f- can't stand it. coffee is nicer imo

t/f then next poster has eaten a choccy biccie today

08-05-2005, 11:51
false - i have not eaten yet

t or f the next poster has sent a text message today

di marco
08-05-2005, 11:52

true or false - next poster has had a phone call today

08-05-2005, 20:09

True or false - the next person has had a relaxing day

di marco
08-05-2005, 20:13
true - havent really done much today even though i should have done lol!

true or false - next poster used to be a big fan of the spice girls

08-05-2005, 21:00
false - don't think so

True or false - the next poster love the song is the way to amarillo

08-05-2005, 21:40

t or f the next poster is thinking of going to bed soon

08-05-2005, 21:41
True - not to soon though

True or False - the next person is feeling tired

08-05-2005, 21:45
true i was up really early!! 6:30!!

t or f the next poster has got to go to work/school tomorrow

08-05-2005, 21:47
True - :crying:

True or false - the next person is going to be a girl

09-05-2005, 07:49

t or f? the next poster has a pet

09-05-2005, 07:59
true - two cats called nimrod and **** (salam when we go to the vets!!)

true or false the next poster got up really early today

09-05-2005, 08:01
why has **** come up?
false 7.15

t or f? the next poster has kids

09-05-2005, 08:03
why has **** come up?
false 7.15

t or f? the next poster has kids

my cat is called twit with an 'a' insted of an 'i' i think that is thought of as a bad word!!

09-05-2005, 08:04
true - two niall is 9 and niamh is 13 months

t or f the next posterhas not had breakfast yet

09-05-2005, 08:10

True or false - the next person is going to work today

09-05-2005, 08:19
true - lucky me!!

true or false there is someone still asleep in the next posters house

di marco
09-05-2005, 08:21
false - everyone else has gone to work/school, im the only one left!

true or false - next poster is scared of spiders

09-05-2005, 08:24
true - only big massive spider i like the babys spiders

True or False - the next poster has been a member of soapboards since march

di marco
09-05-2005, 08:27
false - since feb

true or false - next poster has a tv in the room they are sitting in at the mo

09-05-2005, 08:32
false - sitting in front room

True or false - the next poster has not recieved thier post yet

di marco
09-05-2005, 08:35
true - ours comes really late, like 1pm or something like that

true or false - next poster is the only one in the house
(like me, im all alone lol!)

09-05-2005, 08:52

True or false - the next poster has children

di marco
09-05-2005, 13:46

true or false - next poster has more than 3 sisters and brothers

09-05-2005, 13:48
false- im an only child! lol

true or false? next poster's house number is between 30 & 40?

di marco
09-05-2005, 13:58
false - its 57

true or false - next poster is on their lunchbreak

09-05-2005, 14:10

True or false - the next poster loves cakes :p

di marco
09-05-2005, 14:11
true - yum!

true or false - next poster cant wait til the summer hols begin

09-05-2005, 14:13
true - summer sunshine :)

True or false - the next poster will be male

di marco
09-05-2005, 14:16

true or false - next poster will have brown hair

09-05-2005, 14:18

True or false - the next poster has been out today

di marco
09-05-2005, 14:20
true - but just to school

true or false - the next poster is ill

09-05-2005, 14:23

True or false - the next poster will be di marco

di marco
09-05-2005, 14:26
true - lol!

true or false - next poster has text someone today

09-05-2005, 14:29

True or false - the next poster will do thier shopping today

di marco
09-05-2005, 14:30
false - but my mum did ours this morning

true or false - next poster has been to school today

09-05-2005, 14:31

True or false - the next person has baked cakes in the last 3 months

di marco
09-05-2005, 14:33
false - havent baked cakes in ages!

true or false - next poster is on here when they should be working

09-05-2005, 14:35
false - break

True or false - the next person has been to wales

di marco
09-05-2005, 14:36

true or false - next poster will be stacey

09-05-2005, 14:37
true - :rotfl:

True or false - the enxt poster lives someone over 40

09-05-2005, 14:37
true - :rotfl:

True or false - the next poster lives someone over 40

di marco
09-05-2005, 14:39
True or false - the next poster lives someone over 40

i must be stupid cos i dont understand the question! lol! must be cos im blonde! :D

09-05-2005, 16:46
oops i meant to say the next poster lives with someone of the age over 40

di marco
09-05-2005, 17:16

true or false - next poster has watched some tv today

09-05-2005, 17:36

t or f - the next poster has got to cook tea

di marco
09-05-2005, 19:25
false - already cooked and eaten it, pasta yum!

true or false - next poster goes to the gym regularly

09-05-2005, 19:40
false!! no no no

true or false the next poster is over 30

di marco
09-05-2005, 20:10
false - im only 17

true or false - next poster has 4 people living in their house including them

09-05-2005, 20:17
false - only me and two kids!!

true or false the next poster is watching ee

di marco
09-05-2005, 20:20
false - im recording it as i told my mum i was doing my homework lol! so ill watch it sometime tomorrow instead

true or false - next poster went to the cinema at the weekend

09-05-2005, 20:23

ture or false the next poster has got their pjs on

di marco
09-05-2005, 20:24
true lol!

true or false - next poster has washed their hair today

09-05-2005, 20:25
false - it needs doing though!!!!!!

t or f the next poster had chips for tea

di marco
09-05-2005, 21:10
false - pasta

true or false - next poster watched corrie tonight

09-05-2005, 21:34

the next poster is thinking of going to bed soon

09-05-2005, 22:10
true im knackered!!!

true or false: the next poster is addicted to this board!!!

di marco
10-05-2005, 08:01
true lol!

true or false - next poster has had their bday in the last month

10-05-2005, 09:47
false - next month

True or false - the next poster is bored

10-05-2005, 13:02

True or false - the next person has a sister called amanda.

10-05-2005, 14:14

The next person owns a vauxhall cavalier

10-05-2005, 14:47
false - a vauxhall corsa!!!

true or false the net poster has got a goldfish

10-05-2005, 16:04
false - if i did cat would eat it

True or false - the next poster is thinking of what to cook tonight

10-05-2005, 18:43
false- my mum cooks

true or false- the next poster had a special teddy bear when they were a kid (or still do)

10-05-2005, 20:11

t or f the next poster had a really nice lie in this morning

10-05-2005, 20:47
true i got up at 9:30 this morning which is late for me unfortunatly.

the next poster lives in the lost city of atlantis

10-05-2005, 20:50
false - it feels like it sometimes! buckingham is not exactly a happening place!!

t or f the next poster is going to watch csi tonight

di marco
10-05-2005, 21:03

true or false - next poster is watching bad girls

11-05-2005, 08:46

True or false - the enxt poster has got a busy day ahead

11-05-2005, 09:05
true - work kids housework!!

true or false the next poster got up late

11-05-2005, 09:38
false - got up earlier than usual

True or false - the next poster has candle(s) in thier house

di marco
11-05-2005, 20:43

true or false - next poster loves the new live chat

15-05-2005, 15:14
false- when i go on no ones there

t or f the next poster doesn't want to go to work tomorrow


di marco
15-05-2005, 15:20
false - i dont go to work i go to school and im on study leave yay so i dont have to go in anyway! :)

true or false - next poster watched dr who yesterday

15-05-2005, 15:25
false, i was out pulling lads. lol!! :D (only kidding....sort of):)

t/f: the next poster is watching the EE omnibus RIGHT NOW!!!

di marco
15-05-2005, 15:28
false - watched the epis during the week and the rest of my family are watching something else on the tv at the mo

true or false - next poster has important exams starting soon

15-05-2005, 15:32
false-ish I have just had Sata but I do have end of year exams which have GHD straighteners riding on them. but they ain't that important

t or f the next poster reads harry potter

15-05-2005, 15:33
false-they suck!!! :D (in my opinion)

t/f the next poster has eaten a yoghurt today :D

di marco
15-05-2005, 15:37
false - normally eat one for brekkie but we run out :(
(and the harry potter books are great!)

true or false - next poster owns a pair of hair straightners

15-05-2005, 19:07
true-they are great!!
(harry potter books stink, lol:D)

t/f-the next poster has done SOME revision (even if its not much)

di marco
15-05-2005, 19:52
false - lol shouldnt really be admitting that, i should really do some, im going to start tomorrow i promise :)
(and the harry potter books dont suck lol! :D )

true or false - next poster has eaten chocolate today

16-05-2005, 11:58
True - i had a milkyway before

True or False - the next poster has a hangover

16-05-2005, 16:08
false- not old enough to drink (in a pub) yet!! But i'm not saying i haven't had any of the alcohols about!! lol :D

t/f- the next poster is obssessed with how they look

di marco
16-05-2005, 16:46

true or false - next poster has a headache

16-05-2005, 18:39
true, been on the computer FAR too long!! :D

t/f:the next poster has had a 'grown up' relationship at least once

di marco
16-05-2005, 19:51
false - lol way too young for that, there are so many fit guys and youre not young forever hehe! :D

true or false - next poster had an imaginary friend when they were younger (or perhaps still does lol!)

16-05-2005, 20:00
false - my sister did though

true or false the next poster is going to watch ee tonight

di marco
16-05-2005, 20:01
false - recording it and gonna watch it tomorrow

true or false - next poster is gonna watch corrie tonight

16-05-2005, 20:09
true-just did, that Mel's a funny chap.....

t/f :the next poster has been humiliated in front of their crush/boyfriend/soemone they want to impress

di marco
16-05-2005, 20:24
false - but he humiliated himself in front of me lol! haha

true or false - next poster needs to walk the dog this evening

16-05-2005, 20:50
f- i have NO dog.

t/f: the next poster has eaten red hot chilli peppers RAW!! :sick:

di marco
16-05-2005, 20:52

true or false - next poster has eaten sushi

16-05-2005, 20:54
eeeewwwwwwww- false

t/f: the next poster has dedicated his/her life to a family member....ok.....family pet. (I know some one who lives my me who loves their dog do much, they..like....kiss it on the lips) EWWWWWWWWWWWW :sick:

di marco
16-05-2005, 21:08
false - i love my pets but i havent dedicated my life to them

true or false - next poster should be doing homework

16-05-2005, 21:10
True- really dont want to

t or f the next poster cant wait for summer to actually begin

di marco
16-05-2005, 21:12
true - no more exams and lots of hot weather

true or false - next poster is under 20

16-05-2005, 21:14

t or f the next poster did or does believe in santa claus/father christmas

di marco
16-05-2005, 21:15
true - cause hes blatantly real lol!

true or false - next poster is tired

16-05-2005, 21:16
true- need sleep but Want to see how bad celeb love island is!

t or f the next poster watches casualty

16-05-2005, 22:45
True - and there taking a brak for 3 weeks :crying: not fair

True or false - the next poster will have to go to work/school tommorow

di marco
17-05-2005, 06:33
false - im on study leave yay!

true or false - next poster watches bad girls

17-05-2005, 08:32

True or false - the next poster can type

di marco
17-05-2005, 08:39

true or false - next poster plays for a school sports team (or used to if you dont go to school no more)

17-05-2005, 08:44

true or false the next poster has got loads to do today

di marco
17-05-2005, 08:54
true - revision, practising my dance for my coursework, tidying my bedroom..............at least i dont have to go to school as well

true or false - next poster is already looking forward to the weekend!

17-05-2005, 08:55
true - no work!!!!

true or false is it nice and sunny where the next poster is

di marco
17-05-2005, 08:57
true - wish i could be outside but i have to revise :(

true or false - next poster has a friend who lives in another country

17-05-2005, 16:38
false-but my best mate Kj is moving down under soon.... :crying: :mad: :crying: :thumbsdow

t/f: the next poster is at work doing things they shouldn't i.e ON THIS SITE!!!!!!

17-05-2005, 18:54
false- i am at home having fun doing what I want

t or f the next poster loves to eat things that they shouldn't eat (e.g chocolate, profiteroles etc)

di marco
17-05-2005, 20:24
true - who doesnt?

true or false - next poster is getting behind with their homework

18-05-2005, 09:11
false - i've left school

true or false the next poster smokes

18-05-2005, 15:08

true or false the next poster is at work

18-05-2005, 19:07
false- i am at home

t or f the next poster has a crush

18-05-2005, 19:15

True or false - the next poster has been involved in a argument in the past month

18-05-2005, 19:19
true- today

t or f this person has their own tv

18-05-2005, 20:16
t- how else would i watch the soaps???!

t/f: he next poster has a cold

di marco
18-05-2005, 21:10

true or false - next poster has stomach ache

19-05-2005, 09:09
false - but i have toothache lol

true or false - the next poster has children

di marco
19-05-2005, 09:13

true or false - next poster lives in the same area they were born in

19-05-2005, 09:30
true - i do although the hospital i was born in has now been knocked down

true or false - the next poster is going out tomorow and getting rotten

di marco
19-05-2005, 09:46

true or false - next poster thinking of skiving off work/school tomorrow

phils little sister
19-05-2005, 10:30
true - i think about that every day
true or false - the next poster didn't have breakfast this morning

di marco
19-05-2005, 10:34
false - i had strawberries yum!

true or false - next poster is already thinking about what theyre going to have for lunch

phils little sister
19-05-2005, 10:36
true - i missed breakfast was late for work and now im deciding what to have im starving!
True or False - the next poster is over 5 foot tall

di marco
19-05-2005, 10:44

true or false - next poster has size 5 feet

phils little sister
19-05-2005, 10:45
False 5 1/2 (but close)

true or false the next poster has a secret crush on someone

di marco
19-05-2005, 10:48
ummmmmmmm now that would be telling lol! :)

true or false - next poster gets on well with their parents

phils little sister
19-05-2005, 10:51
true i get on great with my parents
true or false - the next poster is the youngest child

di marco
19-05-2005, 11:01
false - oldest, worst luck!

true or false - next poster can touch their nose with their tongue