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05-09-2005, 18:19
Nina Tassler's participation in the TCA Summer Press Tour came with big revelations pertaining to CSI's new season.

According to Tassler, fans will see a reunion of the night and swing shifts some time during season 6, after the two groups remained separated throughout the majority of season 5. The producers decided to split the team to add spice to the series, but the fans didn't take warmly to their decision.

Grissom was last in charge of the whole team in the episode "Mea Culpa," where a human error resulted in the famous split. Catherine now runs the swing shift, which includes Nick and Warrick, while Grissom runs the night shift, consisting of Sara, Greg, and Sofia. Grissom finally requested his team back after the gut-wrenching events of "Grave Danger."

Season six will also see a semi-new addition to the show. Actress Louise Lombard, who played recurring character Sofia Curtis last season, will join the cast, Tassler announced.

Sofia Curtis was introduced in the season five episode "Formalities," where she was revealed to be Conrad Ecklie's right hand woman. The CSI was later demoted and placed in Grissom's team due to the events of "Mea Culpa." Displeased by her demotion, Sofia tendered her resignation in the episode "Unbearable," but a late-night dinner with Grissom made her change her mind.

The show's studios will also see a change in location. As was previously reported (news), the set of the popular series has been moved from the Santa Clarita Studios to Universal Studios in Hollywood this summer. This has caused a slight delay in the production of the new season. While Miami and New York have already begun shooting, the actors of CSI are not expected to return until August 1st. However, this does not mean the new season will start later than usual.

Poster SinceIMetYou, from YTDAW, recently took the Universal Studios tour, where the reasoning for the delay was easily appreciated. "The place was a MESS... it looked like they just started building the sets and all. I took video, and after looking closely at it, you can see that hardly anything is set up yet... there were a bunch of wooden framed areas and it looked like they were doing construction."

Various actors of the CSI franchise also attended the CBS press party, where they took the opportunity to discuss their respective shows and in some cases their personal lives. Actor George Eads talked briefly about his girlfriend Monika Casey, who he's been living with for four months now. But the actor revealed he won't be walking down the aisle any time soon due to personal experiences. "Both of our parents divorced when we were 20," he said.

05-09-2005, 18:19
Actor Wallace Langham (David Hodges) has been recently hired as a regular cast member on CSI.

According to the Hollywood Reporter Wallace Langham, who first appeared on the show in the episode "Recipe For Murder", will be joining the regular cast of CSI. Langham plays the lab's grumpy technician David Hodges, whose role was already slightly expanded this season due to colleague Greg Sanders's promotion to CSI status. The actor has appeared in 24 episodes so far.

05-09-2005, 18:32
Series: 'CSI: Crime Scene Investigation'
Episode Title: 'Bodies In Motion'
Episode Number: 601

Original Airdate: September 22, 2005


* Rumored to feature Brass, Sara, and Nick investigating an explosion in a trailer park, while Catherine and Warrick look at the case of a dead girl found in her underwear in a really bad area of town. Meanwhile, Grissom looks into some of the events from the season five finale, "Grave Danger." (July 23, 2005 - CSI Files)

* Marc Vann: "I'm excited that I'll be in the very first scene of the first episode of the new CSI season -- on our new set at Universal [Studios]." (August 07, 2005 - CSI Files)

05-09-2005, 18:33
Series: 'CSI: Crime Scene Investigation'
Episode Title: 'Room Service'
Episode Number: 602

Original Airdate: September 29, 2005


* Rumoured to feature Grissom and Sara trying to figure out whether a cabbie found dead in the wreckage of his taxi was simply the victim of an accident; Catherine, Nick and Brass heading to a rundown apartment building where a nighttime shooting was reported; and Warrick, Greg and Sofia investigating the death of an up-and-coming movie star (August 05, 2005 - CSI Files)

Prev: 'Bodies In Motion'
Return: 'CSI: Crime Scene Investigation' Episode Guide

05-09-2005, 18:53
i am so looking forward to season 6!!!!

05-09-2005, 19:27
OMG - I can't wait - please tell me Grissom will still have his beard!!!

06-09-2005, 15:09
Seems to be that Warrick might have gotten married during the hiatus, making him uncomfortable working with Catherine. And after Catherine finds out, she seems to be a bit miffed. Someone got hold of a call sheet listing as a prop "Warrick's wedding ring", with the inscription "for now and always". Sweet. And in a rough draft Catherine says she'll take a case so Warrick can have his "drive-thru honeymoon". Maybe Cath's upset about losing her emergency back-up boyfriend?

06-09-2005, 15:15

06-09-2005, 15:15
OMG - I can't wait - please tell me Grissom will still have his beard!!!

See he still has it :D

06-09-2005, 18:04
See he still has it :DNow THAT is what I like to see - thats made my day Luna - thanks!! :D :D :wub: :wub:

06-09-2005, 18:06
Now THAT is what I like to see - thats made my day Luna - thanks!! :D :D :wub: :wub:

no probs - so what do you think about the warrick marriage thing???

06-09-2005, 18:15
no probs - so what do you think about the warrick marriage thing???who has he married though - have i missed something or is it a bit sudden???

06-09-2005, 18:44
Apparently its a girl called tina she was in the last episode of the last series. We havent missed anything he just turns up for work one day with a wedding ring on

06-09-2005, 18:48
I like em all better if they're single!! lol - I wonder if they really are married, or if it is for some other reason?! At least they are bringing the team back together again - the way they should be, though I wonder what Catherine will be like with it?!

08-09-2005, 11:15
Nick isn't happy with Grissom when he learns in court that there was a second voice on the tape from his Grave Danger abduction, and that Grissom hid the information from him.

:eek: Does that mean that nicks still in danger???

12-09-2005, 13:40
Some of the lines from the first episode

Paramedic: Hey, Stokes, you change something?
Nick: Same old me, Kelso.
Paramedic: No...oh, wait, I got it. You're above ground.
The paramedics crack up. Nick chuckles, but doesn't break stride.
Nick: You were saving that one up..

Poor Nick - he's going to have a really hard time of it

12-09-2005, 13:45
Some of the lines from the first episode

Paramedic: Hey, Stokes, you change something?
Nick: Same old me, Kelso.
Paramedic: No...oh, wait, I got it. You're above ground.
The paramedics crack up. Nick chuckles, but doesn't break stride.
Nick: You were saving that one up..

Poor Nick - he's going to have a really hard time of itThats not nice :thumbsdow - he doesnt need that!!

12-09-2005, 13:48
no he doesn't i really do feel sorry for him - ive been ready on that forum about how he cant share a room with anyone because he still gets nightmares

13-09-2005, 09:35
Season 4 Finale - CSI: Miami - Raymond Caine Snr is ALIVE!!!!! He was placed into witness protection after infiltrating a drugs ring, with importers etc and had to go into hiding. John Hagen (Calleigh's current love interest, big copper!) shoots himself in front of Calleigh and Raymond Jnr is kidnapped. Ray Snr and Horatio manage to find Jnr and rescue him, whilst Snr takes a bullet to the chest - the drug dealers took Jnr to lure Snr to them. Horatio goes to see Yelena, gives her tickets to Brazil and tells her to take some time off. When the get to the airport hangar, Horatio indicates that he won't be joining them, but Ray Snr appears at the entrance to the plane. Horatio watches as the woman he secretly loved and the son he never had, depart with the brother he thought was dead.......

13-09-2005, 09:49
:eek: OMG!!!!!!

13-09-2005, 12:26
Told you you'd like em luna !!! :D

13-09-2005, 12:33
Like them......i want to see it right now!!!!!!

13-09-2005, 12:44
ok have i just totally missed something :searchme:

Ive just read that Speed is dead!!!! When did that happen?????

13-09-2005, 13:05
it was on the ones that are playing on channel 5 at the mo, it was a few weeks ago

13-09-2005, 14:12
omg!!!! how did i miss that - how did he die???

Chloe O'brien
13-09-2005, 14:19
He was shot in the back of the head. I missed it as well as I was still away on holiday at the time. I'll have to wait until they repeat the series.

13-09-2005, 14:24
I cant believe this :eek:

13-09-2005, 14:25
i thought he was shot in the shoulder?
anyway.....i cryed buckets!!!!

13-09-2005, 14:31
omg!!!! how did i miss that - how did he die???:eek: OMG - on the episode that was on the other night hes still in it?!! Anyone what the episode was called, cause I have been watching all of the Five ones and haven't seen it!!! HELP!

13-09-2005, 14:34
some of them don't run i sequence i am trying to think when it was on????
i know it was channel 5 i am just trying to think what night it was on

13-09-2005, 14:36
is Tuesday night not the new series?

13-09-2005, 14:47
Looking at my tv guide it says that tonights episode is series 3 episode 7, which would mean we missed it, but I haven't seen him get hit yet - will have to keep up watching living too and see when it happens....

13-09-2005, 15:31
According to the episode guide he was killed in the first episode of the third series

14-09-2005, 10:18
I have to admit, I thought it was weird how he wasn't on the opening credits anymore, and couldn't understand it, but didn't think to read too much into it!! At least we'll get to see it on living eventually!

21-09-2005, 09:04
If ive got the right Dean Winters - then this is what Raymond Caine will look like


Nothing like i had imagined

21-09-2005, 09:42
No he's not - though, you could almost say that there could be a resemblance to Horatio, different to expected, but could be a family member......

21-09-2005, 09:44
I was just wondering where the red hair was - always thought he he would have it

21-09-2005, 09:48
I think I always imagined that he would have brown ish hair, don't know why though.

I just thought, I ought to post some of those season 6 spoilers.......

21-09-2005, 10:00
Character Tidbits:

The team appears to have reunited.

Nick endures some good-natured ribbing about being buried alive.

Warrick is uncomfortable working with Catherine. He got married and not to Catherine.

Catherine lost her office, but Grissom gives it back to her.

Sofia Curtis (Louise Lombard) returns as a DETECTIVE.

Grissom is practicing abstinence.

Case Highlights:

It is really bodies in motion during this busy crime night in Vegas. It begins with many of the CSIs called to a natural gas explosion in a trailer park. Soon, Catherine and Warrick are called away to investigate the murder of a would-be stripper. Greg and Sofia handle a third case of a murdered pastry delivery girl.

From the beginning, there's an indication that the team has reunited. It's unclear whether Catherine was demoted, but a later scene indicates she has returned to her old job. There's a note about Warrick hesitating when he receives a direction from Catherine: 'he wasn't planning on working with Catherine tonight.' Greg works the scene with Catherine and Warrick, while Grissom, Nick and Sara have teamed up on the same case, an apparent natural gas explosion in a trailer home.

Nick endures some good-natured ribbing from a paramedic at the scene, which will remind the audience of his stint below ground in the Season 5 finale.

Something is off with Warrick. He seems uncomfortable around Catherine and she senses it. They're later called away to another case: the murder of a would-be stripper. Greg and Sofia are sent to a third case of a murdered pastry delivery girl.

Almost half way through the script, Grissom, Sara and Sofia are discussing methods for bringing a car hosting two decomposing bodies back to the lab for processing. Grissom comes up with: A car condom. Sofia says she wishes she could help with that, but since she's a detective now, it's really not her job. She leaves, telling Grissom and Sara to have fun with that. In a quirky way out of the job, Grissom tells Sara he's practicing abstinence.

Grissom and Archie try to uncover more evidence into Nick's abduction in Grave Danger. Something on the tape leads them to the conclusion that Walter wasn't working alone. Grissom asks Archie to keep that information quiet.

Later, Catherine stands in the doorway of her office, staring, mystified--it looks exactly the way it looked in Season 5. Grissom comes up behind her and says, "I'm pretty sure I got everything back where you had it." She thinks he's trying to make a joke, but it's not intentional, he tells her. "Look. I know you share a house with Lindsay." Catherine adds, "And my mother." He says, "Exactly."

21-09-2005, 10:01
When a movie star (Julian Hopper, 23) is found dead in his suite at the Tangiers and all evidence points to murder, the focus turns to several people in his entourage... His sidekick, Blinky, best friend since kindergarten now on his payroll as a party buddy; Eva, his ex-wife turned manager with whom he had a troubled past which was splashed across the pages of tabloids; Tally and Kate, fans, in town on a school supervised trip, who were hoping to get a look, an autograph, a picture at most, but got much more; or was it the professional thief who finds a way into VIP suites and robs them clean? But it's one dead-end after another for DETECTIVE Sofia Curtis, Warrick and Greg until Greg recalls something he learned in a sex crimes class he took in grad school, which leads to a surprising conclusion to the case.

Sofia, Warrick and Greg work this case. In the script, Sofia is referred to as Detective Sofia Curtis, unlike the others who are called CSIs. Her role during the investigation, the fact that there is no other detective on the case, and that Warrick is the one who collects the evidence, all seem to point to a transfer out of the crime lab for Sofia.

In the B-plot, Brass is the detective investigating the murder of two Laotian men and the cabbie who drove one of them to an apartment building in North Las Vegas. Grissom and Sara arrive at the scene of the dead cabbie, but soon Grissom realizes that their case and Catherine's are connected. He takes off on foot, leaving Sara to process the scene alone, ignoring her when she asks where he's going. Around the corner, he joins Catherine and Brass at the primary scene.

This tale of retribution and greed leading to murder is difficult for Brass who--until he brings in a professional interpreter--struggles with the interrogation of his main suspect, a Laotian who doesn't speak English. Grissom, Catherine, Sara and Nick work the case.

21-09-2005, 10:02
All hands are on deck when a healthy woman falls to her death and foul play is suspected. The team probes into her home life. Becky Stein is the victim, wife of Ray and stepmother to Susan. Evidence suggests a troubled marriage and infidelity, motivation for murder.

Becky Stein was having an affair with her boss, Adam. Susan, the 13-year-old stepdaughter, believed her father married Becky because of her--so she'd have a mother. It troubles her that her father won't leave Becky, a woman she has reason not to trust.

Adam immediately suspects Ray of Becky's murder. Becky's father is also suspicious. He tells Brass that Ray's first wife died in a very similar accident, but the COD was determined a stroke. Ecklie and the DA are ready to call it, but Grissom isn't convinced. Things just don't add up, and without exhuming the first wife's body, they can't be sure of anything.

21-09-2005, 10:03
It's most hands on deck as the CSIs investigate what they believe to be the cult-driven mass suicide of eleven young men and women found dead, faces at peace and discolored, lying in eleven of twelve cots in a bunker.

One of the victims is Emma, a beautiful brunette who they later discover was using her sexuality to recruit gullible young college men for Joseph Diamond, a relatively older man who convinced his victims that there was a greater power in the universe, living among the stars, and that the mothership would come get them at the peak of the meteor shower at 3 a.m. to take them to a better life...no wars, no poverty, no politics.

Joseph Diamond never intended for his victims to die. It was a scam to extort money from them, all of whom wrote their parents for it. At most, when they'd wake up with a nasty hangover, he'd be long gone with the loot. But when Joseph Diamond turns up dead as well, his head smashed in with a tire iron, the case becomes confusing for the CSIs. It turns out Diamond's plan failed in what could best be described as a tale of blind love and blind faith, both of which ultimately led to the senseless murder of thirteen people.

Meanwhile, Nick attends Kelly Gordon's parole hearing where he discovers that Grissom has been keeping information from him in the case of his abduction in Grave Danger.

21-09-2005, 10:04
Investigation takes place in Pioche, Nevada, a small town in Lincoln County north of Las Vegas and Clark County. Grissom, Sara, Warrick, Nick, and Greg travel out there to investigate the potential murder of an entire family, the McDermott's. Jude, a good guy, stay at home dad, Nina who owns the local coffee shop, Jeremy, a smart junior-high kid, and ten-year-old daughter, Cassie. The local Sheriff tells Grissom his town hasn't seen a murder in ten years, let alone a quadruple. Without bodies, Grissom can't say a murder's been committed, but with the amount of blood in the house, the Sheriff is convinced somebody's dead.

While Sheriff Brackett's deputies are searching the area for the bodies, Grissom and the rest of the team uncover evidence of a drug-related crime, but none of the suspects are talking. It's been a long day and everyone's tired; tempers flare. Grissom snaps at Sara. She doesn't like his tone, but won't argue. Warrick notices, but says nothing.

Finally, Ecklie calls to tell them to stop. They've maxed out on overtime. They all go to a motel to get a few hours of rest. Nick is ticked off that after working 24 straight hours, the department will only spring for three rooms. Warrick and Nick share one; Grissom and Greg another, and Sara gets her own room. Greg comments on that fact, to which Sara responds, "You gotta love the sexual harassment policy." Having had enough of Greg's snoring, Grissom goes to Sara's room and spends the night with her.

Back to the case...Grissom believes that Cassie, the youngest daughter, is still alive and leaving them clues. "Gum Drops." Sara worries that he's losing it when he seems to be grasping at straws.

Throughout the episode, we hear Cassie's voice telling the story in voice over. The episode ends with Grissom talking to the girl, and as she starts telling him what happened that night, we realize it's the story we've been hearing all along.

21-09-2005, 10:04
The CSIs and Brass are called out to the house of a Christina Adalian, mother of baby Joey, when her sister finds her dead. The CSIs quickly determine it's murder, although the scene was staged to look like suicide. Grissom, Catherine, Warrick and Sara are at the scene when Sofia arrives in a huff, looking for Grissom. (Sara is both 'curious' and 'concerned' as she tells her he's in the house.) Grissom ends up being called away to sit in on a former colleague's testimony in an unrelated case, in which an insect regression analysis was used to establish time of death. As he listens to the testimony, something strikes Grissom as 'off' and Ecklie asks him to review the evidence presented in the trial.

Meanwhile Catherine, Warrick, Sara and Greg continue their investigation into Christina's murder, a young woman so pure and on the straight and narrow that her sister had assumed she was still a virgin until she became pregnant. During a test to determine the baby's paternity, the CSIs learn that mother and son are not genetically related.

21-09-2005, 10:05
Hope all of those get the taste buds going :D :D

There is also a season premiere clip here (http://www.cbs.com/cbs_video/insider/video.php?chap=1635)

21-09-2005, 10:14
And here (http://www.cbs.com/cbs_video/insider/video.php?chap=15065) is the first 5 mins of the season premiere of CSI Miami :cheer:

21-09-2005, 10:24
oh em youve been busy :D

21-09-2005, 10:30
Can you tell I haven't been on here for a few days :rotfl:

Watched Mea Culpa again on Fri night - Hecklie is such a pratt to put it mildly - talk about jealous of Grissom and annoyed that Sofia didn't give him the response that he wanted :angry:

Can't wait for the new seasons though - the clips are great and the Miami one is the first 5 mins of the season premiere :cheer:

21-09-2005, 10:44
I just cant wait for raymond to show up - do you know when that will be aired?

21-09-2005, 10:50
About 16 weeks time :( - we've just seen episode 308 - speed kills and the finale is 324 - 10-7, so that would make it towards end of the year, beginning of new year :eek:

21-09-2005, 10:54
:eek: omg - i dont think i can wait that long - think im going to have to order the series from america

21-09-2005, 10:55
lol - I'm feeling a bit like that at the mo - its sooo unfair!!!

Chloe O'brien
21-09-2005, 11:56
I can't wait for Raymond to turn up. I am surprised that he hasn't got red hair cause in the last series when you saw Haratio with Raymond's daughter Maddison she had red hair

21-09-2005, 12:03
Yeah i think the wee boy has red hair to but it could just be a throw back to H

21-09-2005, 16:12
yeah its obviously in the family genes somewhere and ray jnr missed it..

22-09-2005, 13:44
ok ive been think about this and cant get my head round it - Why is catherine not pease about warrick being married??? Has there been anything in the past that suggest they two had a thing for each other???

22-09-2005, 13:47
Well, I didn't think so, and I'm sure I haven't missed some major chemistry between the two of them so I couldn't quite understand it either. Unless we have missed something, but even watching the re-runs on living, I haven't seen anything yet :hmm: :searchme:

22-09-2005, 13:55
Just found this:

While Nick is trying to move on, other characters are moving forward. Recently, it was revealed Warrick Brown will return to the lab a married man, much to the surprise of his co-workers. Catherine Willows is expected to be the first to learn of this new development. Warrick's bride might also become a recurring character, which will most likely put an end to the Warrick-Catherine flirtation, the producers revealed. "They'll finally have that heart-to-heart a lot of fans have been waiting for. Catherine is thrown for a loop," said Mendelsohn.

Not only will Catherine lose her potential love interest, she will also lose her job, though voluntarily. Early this season the swing shift supervisor will have to choose between being boss and being with the people she loves. Willows decides to return to the night shift and will take her demotion surprisingly well. "She can relax a little bit now," Marg Helgenberger (Catherine Willows) revealed. "She's not having to watch her back as much. She will still carry the weight of a supervisor but not the responsibility."

So maybe we have been missing it ?!

I also found this:

The new season of CSI will surely profile the characters reactions to the events of the season finale, but if season 6 could be summarized in two words they surely are: Gil Grissom. "To some extent, this is a season about Grissom feeling [things]," said Mendelsohn, who recently promised fans will find out what makes Grissom the way he is. "[His connection to his CSIs] is a lot deeper than he'd ever imagined when we first began."

Grissom's confrontation with his feelings might also mean good news for Sara when a stay at a remote crime scene, and Greg's unbearable snoring, ends up with Grissom knocking on her hotel room door. "They spend the night together," Mendelsohn confirmed. "What happens after that, we won't say."

But from what we have heard, nothing actually happens between them as William Peterson didn't want that so :searchme:

22-09-2005, 13:59
Well, I didn't think so, and I'm sure I haven't missed some major chemistry between the two of them so I couldn't quite understand it either. Unless we have missed something, but even watching the re-runs on living, I haven't seen anything yet :hmm: :searchme:

Yeah ive been doing that too but i cant see anything to suggest that catherine or warrick are totally in love/lust with each other. I always thought it was more Grissom and Catherine, in fact there are rumours that he is lyndsays father.

22-09-2005, 14:01
Just found this:

While Nick is trying to move on, other characters are moving forward. Recently, it was revealed Warrick Brown will return to the lab a married man, much to the surprise of his co-workers. Catherine Willows is expected to be the first to learn of this new development. Warrick's bride might also become a recurring character, which will most likely put an end to the Warrick-Catherine flirtation, the producers revealed. "They'll finally have that heart-to-heart a lot of fans have been waiting for. Catherine is thrown for a loop," said Mendelsohn.

Not only will Catherine lose her potential love interest, she will also lose her job, though voluntarily. Early this season the swing shift supervisor will have to choose between being boss and being with the people she loves. Willows decides to return to the night shift and will take her demotion surprisingly well. "She can relax a little bit now," Marg Helgenberger (Catherine Willows) revealed. "She's not having to watch her back as much. She will still carry the weight of a supervisor but not the responsibility."

So maybe we have been missing it ?!

I also found this:

The new season of CSI will surely profile the characters reactions to the events of the season finale, but if season 6 could be summarized in two words they surely are: Gil Grissom. "To some extent, this is a season about Grissom feeling [things]," said Mendelsohn, who recently promised fans will find out what makes Grissom the way he is. "[His connection to his CSIs] is a lot deeper than he'd ever imagined when we first began."

Grissom's confrontation with his feelings might also mean good news for Sara when a stay at a remote crime scene, and Greg's unbearable snoring, ends up with Grissom knocking on her hotel room door. "They spend the night together," Mendelsohn confirmed. "What happens after that, we won't say."

But from what we have heard, nothing actually happens between them as William Peterson didn't want that so :searchme:

It is confusing isn't it - i was begining to think that sara was only seeing grissom as a father figure as she had a pretty hard up bringing and was latching herself onto him.

22-09-2005, 14:06
I've always thought there has been something there between Sara and Grissom, but don't want anything to happen with it as a - I would be totally jealous :rotfl: and b - although there could be some lust there, I think her and Greg are far more suited and Greg has liked her for ages.

But its wierd how the producers are talking about flirtations etc and we haven't really picked up on it - maybe its to do with both of their backgrounds (gambling, pole dancing) ..... :hmm: my brain is starting to hurt lol

22-09-2005, 14:12
Just found some screen caps for the season premiere of CSI Miami - click here (http://www.jontogo-online.net/gallery/thumbnails.php?album=98&page=1) to have a look...

Best ones are the first couple of pages as then it focusses (sp?) on just Jonathan Togo....

22-09-2005, 14:15
who's funeral is that???

22-09-2005, 14:18
Have you seen the 5 min clip yet? At the funeral, its a rouse and the coffin opens, and a bloke sits up and starts shooting at everyone, whilst H is in confessing to the priest.....

22-09-2005, 14:23
oh right no i didn't have the chance to have a look at them i will tonight if ive got time

24-09-2005, 15:21
Horatio takes confession with a New York City Cardinal who is one of only a few people who know of the deadly crime he committed in his past. Meanwhile, Miami's fiercest gang seeks revenge on a rival gang member and opens fire at his mother's funeral. When the gang discovers that Horatio plans to find them and destroy their illegal smuggling operation, they put out a hit on Horatio. Also, Natalia Boa Vista (La Rue), a new CSI lab technician, creates conflict with a different government agenda from that of the team.

24-09-2005, 15:21
Anyone know what Horatio did??

24-09-2005, 15:23
When a rich family is trapped on a burning yacht in shark-infested waters, the CSIs must investigate how this happened, on CSI: MIAMI

The daughter is killed during the tragedy, and as the CSIs investigate, they discover a web of lies within the family. Now, as the team delves into the world of outrageously wealthy yacht club members, they find that not everyone is who they appear to be. Meanwhile, Calleigh clashes with her replacement in the ballistics lab.

24-09-2005, 17:01
Anyone know what Horatio did??

oooohhhhh i dont know :searchme: seems exciting though

01-10-2005, 13:14
Series: 'CSI: Crime Scene Investigation'
Episode Title: 'Bodies In Motion'
Episode Number: 601

Original Airdate: September 22, 2005


* Rumored to feature Brass, Sara, and Nick investigating an explosion in a trailer park, while Catherine and Warrick look at the case of a dead girl found in her underwear in a really bad area of town. Meanwhile, Grissom looks into some of the events from the season five finale, "Grave Danger." (July 23, 2005 - CSI Files)

* Marc Vann: "I'm excited that I'll be in the very first scene of the first episode of the new CSI season -- on our new set at Universal [Studios]." (August 07, 2005 - CSI Files)

its really good!!!
i have seen it!!!

01-10-2005, 16:11
I read the complete sypnosis of it on the website and it looks excellent - how have you seen it already then Willow?? *jealous* :D

01-10-2005, 16:37
i have ways.................and friends!!!

02-10-2005, 00:07
why do we still not have a forum for CSI??

02-10-2005, 08:36
i have ways.................and friends!!!Ahh, no fair - I want friends like yours lol :D