View Full Version : Radcliffe And Bell Considered For Teenage 007

05-09-2005, 12:15
HARRY POTTER actor DANIEL RADCLIFFE and BILLY ELLIOT star JAMIE BELL are battling it out to play suave superspy JAMES BOND in a new movie about his teenage years.

The film will be an adaptation of hit book SILVERFIN - the first in a series written by British comic CHARLIE HIGSTON about the 007 secret agent as a 13-year-old.

The storyline centres around Bond's time in Britain's prestigious public school Eton, but movie producers are planning to raise the age of the teenage spy to secure either 16-year-old Radcliffe or Bell, 19, in the lead role.

A source says, "With it being so popular around the world, the book is certain to make the big screen. It has all the hallmarks of a hit. Murder, mystery, action and a young James Bond.

"Daniel Radcliffe would be perfect but they are also looking at Jamie Bell. They want to make the young Bond a bit older so they can have one of those two names."

05-09-2005, 12:17
hope it is Daniel Radcliffe - although I think that people would find it hard not to expect him to pull out a wand........

05-09-2005, 12:29
I hope it's daniel too - be good to see him in a few other movies like rupert

05-09-2005, 12:32
Yeah but does daniel not have too many work commitments already

05-09-2005, 12:34
no not really he only has school.which he's nearly finished, harry potter and another film which will all be finished by the time this comes around.

Johnny Allen
06-09-2005, 09:50
I hope its Jamie he's a better actor.

06-09-2005, 10:01
It would be better with Daniel because he looks younger and can pull it off, Jamie is a better actor but looks to old to play a teenage spy!