View Full Version : The Tribe

03-09-2005, 14:07
Hi does anyone else watch it as i do and think its great but don't no many people who watch it

03-09-2005, 14:20
when is it on?

03-09-2005, 14:33
saturday on channel 5 normally 10.30 but sometimes it changes and it is on for an hour

03-09-2005, 14:34
ok do you know what series it is?

03-09-2005, 14:40
im not sure but it is when civa and java have just died

03-09-2005, 14:41
ok then it is repeats nd i have already seen it. thanks anyway.

03-09-2005, 14:45
I used to watch it when it was on ages ago n i loved it, but I don't know where it is up to now .

03-09-2005, 15:02
i think it must be at least series 4 as that is when civa java and other people in todays came in it

03-09-2005, 18:55
I love this show, I#ve been watching it ever since series 1 was shown on Chanel 5.

Siva and Java dying was sad, as Siva was jumping in front of Ebony... sisters ey...

04-09-2005, 13:33
i love the show and ebony is my fav can't believe the sisters killed each other

04-09-2005, 13:35
i love this. but i stopped watching for absolutly ages. and now i have no idea whats going on. i stopped for a while after them poeple in blue coats were there (cant remember their names lol) but i love it though

04-09-2005, 14:19
The people in Blue Coats were The Chosen

samantha nixon
04-09-2005, 15:14
i stopped watching it for a while aswell and it took me quite a few episodes to get back into it

05-09-2005, 22:50
The people in Blue Coats were The Chosen

they're the ones... thank you. i loved it when they were there hehe. my fave is amber btw.
and oh right i'll keep watching and hopefully i catch up before long :D

samantha nixon
06-09-2005, 16:26
my fav is asmber aswell

10-09-2005, 12:31
I now really hate Amber after watchying today's episode... poor Trudy

samantha nixon
10-09-2005, 12:32
i like her still and todays ep was really good

10-09-2005, 12:35
yeah it was.

I hope Jack is going to be safe though and that Mega isn't to evil on him.... Jack needs Ellie right now I think.

and I wonder where it goes for Ebony and Slade...

samantha nixon
10-09-2005, 12:38
i hope jacks safe and is it just me or does amber never seem to look after her baby

10-09-2005, 12:40
no she is never with her baby is she, well only on a few occassions she is.

She's mainly with Jay or working for Mega somewhere.....

samantha nixon
10-09-2005, 12:41
yeah what is her baby called as its been bugging me and brady is so sweet

10-09-2005, 12:42
I think he baby is called Bray for some reason because I think she named it after him, like Trudy did hers

samantha nixon
10-09-2005, 12:43
oh right ok thanks