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Bad Wolf
03-09-2005, 10:26
A few update items on the forthcoming second series of Doctor Who to share:

According to the latest issue of the UK SF magazine "Starburst", the first episode of the season (beyond the Christmas special) is entitled New Earth, and will guest star Zoe Wanamaker, who returns from the first series. Doctor Who Magazine recently denied that the first episode was called "The Sunshine Camp"; no word on whether this new reported title is the real deal.

Broadcasting update: This Saturday (3 September)'s full-length Doctor Who Confidential 7. The Dark Side is now scheduled from 7.20 to 7.50pm. The following weekend's schedule of new series repeats, according to the Radio Times website has been substantially revised. There is no longer a full-length rerun of Doctor Who Confidential 8. Time Trouble scheduled for Saturday 10 September. On Sunday 11 September, a full-length rerun of Doctor Who Confidential 9. Special Effects is now scheduled from 7.00 to 7.30pm, followed by a double bill of The Empty Child and The Doctor Dances from 7.30 to 9.00pm, with no Cut Down version shown for that evening. DWCC is also absent from its usual Wednesday evening slot on 14 September. Oddly, DWC9 was not shown in Cut Down form during the initial March to June run either; the schedule for Friday 16 September is not yet confirmed, so it may yet appear!

On-location photography at Duffryn High School in Newport for the third episode, School Reunion, has completed as of yesterday (Friday). Of course, if the first series is any indication, production on the episode will continue for some time (as the episodes are being made in blocks with multiple episodes blending together for production).

Tenth Planet have told Outpost Gallifrey that the second collection of Doctor Who novels featuring the Ninth Doctor and Rose (and now, Jack Harkness too) are now in release: Only Human by Gareth Roberts, The Deviant Strain by Justin Richards and The Stealers of Dreams by Steve Lyons. Full details and cover illustrations are on our releases page.

The BBC Gloucestershire website recently printed a short article about recent filming on the forthcoming special, The Christmas Invasion, tentatively scheduled for broadcast on 26 December, at Clearwell Caves. "Aliens have invaded Clearwell Caves! Well, sort of. Scenes for the forthcoming Doctor Who Christmas special have been shot at the popular Forest tourist attraction, and although its plot remains a secret it's a safe bet that extra-terrestrials are involved." "They wanted the largest underground cavern that they could find in this part of England," says Jonathan Wright, who co-runs the site, to BBC Gloucestershire. "(We're) quite surprised at the scale of it, it's taken up the entire car park." The site has an audio feature available for listening as well as the story itself; visit the site for more details.

John Barrowman was interviewed on Friday's edition of BBC Breakfast, in which he spoke about the play he's currently in, "A Few Good Men" (starring alongside Rob Lowe) and about his recent experiences on "Doctor Who," confirming that he would not be back for the second series but was told he would be back for the third. Barrowman also confirmed that he didn't know the reasons why Eccleston left (and indicated that it was the actor's business, not his), and joked that he owed David Tennant a kiss (referring to the brief exchange last season). He also noted recent conventions he had done and indicated some upcoming appearances including in Clacton and early next year in the US (in Los Angeles).

In the recent issue of "Dreamwatch" magazine, designer Bryan Hitch confirmes that we will see one additional TARDIS room besides the console room this year, and that the fundamental design of K-9 hasn't changed (but there are hints that he will have been tweaked a little). The Cybermen design will be updated, however, and the design is expected to remain a closely guarded secret.

The Planet Who website has photos of some of the new products coming out this year including the sonic screwdriver and the 3D character walkie talkies.

The transcript for David Tennant's CBBC webchat is finally up, at the CBBC website.

from out post gallifrey