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02-09-2005, 11:11
ive just found this on the hollyoaks spoilers page so i throught id post it!

Chrissie ends up committing suicide once the truth comes out about her murdering Den,Peggy comes back to try and save Sam from going down but fails and Sams given life imprisonment,
Dennis and Sharon leave the square afeter Sharon shares a kiss with ex husband Grant

02-09-2005, 11:25
I dont think sharon does that because grant is only bck for 2 weeks and he is long gone before they leave i hope so anyway :)

02-09-2005, 11:26
Why would this be on the hollyoaks page its eastenders

02-09-2005, 11:29
I dont believe it sharon wouldnt kiss grant she loves dennis to much and i dont think it is a good enough reason for him to want to leave for some reason their love is to strong :crying:

lisa cullumbine
02-09-2005, 11:29
:hmm: cant quite see this as sam has told gmtv she will be in eastenders with phil & grant before she leaves and the old sam is supposed to be comming back and there have been four storylines done for chrissies exit one that she does a runner with jake and gets caught the killing herself one two others to go wonder what they are?

lisa cullumbine
02-09-2005, 11:35
Filming today: Episode 891 Tx: 03/11/05
JOHNNY: What you going to do?
DENNIS: Put my fist through his face.
JOHNNY: You'll be coming down to their level.
DENNIS: That's the level I'm happiest at.
i wonder if this fist in his face is for grant or phil could be something to do with sharon as they will be leaving around the new year sometime mmmmmmmmm

02-09-2005, 11:41
I think this should be put in the rumour mill because it is just speculation their isnt an source accept someone from another saying it no confirmation :hmm:

lisa cullumbine
02-09-2005, 11:46
this is from the eastenders webcam site its not a rumour

02-09-2005, 11:47
No i didnt mean you i meant the thread :)

lisa cullumbine
02-09-2005, 11:53
oky doky

02-09-2005, 11:55
omg cant belive it i dont think its true

02-09-2005, 12:28
Nooooo Chrissie wont kill herself! She cant

02-09-2005, 12:49
Chrissie departure has left the door open for her return.

Bad Wolf
02-09-2005, 12:51
moving to the rumour mill, as nothing confirmed

lisa cullumbine
02-09-2005, 12:57
:confused: i cant see it myself her going down that road she is a too strong willed person if you can live with the fact that you murdered your own husband then spent weeks walking over his shallow grave where you live sleep and work and to be so blazay about it na.

Bad Wolf
02-09-2005, 13:07
:confused: i cant see it myself her going down that road she is a too strong willed person if you can live with the fact that you murdered your own husband then spent weeks walking over his shallow grave where you live sleep and work and to be so blazay about it na.

thats why i moved it, really cant see chrissie killing her self, not after all she has gone through

Johnny Allen
02-09-2005, 13:13
1. Chrissie has been through so much and is a strong independent female she would never commit suicide.

2. If Sharon did kiss Grant, Dennis would deal with it using his fists not by leaving the square.

3. Not sure about Sam, although I heard somewhere she got of.

So I think these rumours are a load of crap.

02-09-2005, 13:36
I seriously doubt this. I don't think Chrissie would commit suicide. I just think she's stronger than that. Plus as far as she knows the doors being left open. It's Sam that's rumoured to be committing suicide.

02-09-2005, 14:19
sounds good to me,hope its true,den watts deserves justice

Carrie Bradshaw
02-09-2005, 14:34
I'm confused - so the truth comes out that Chrissie murdered Den, but Sam still gets punished for it? :hmm: Not sure how much of this I believe.

02-09-2005, 15:09
well legally sam conspired with chrissy to cover up a murder and hide the body,serious chares

02-09-2005, 15:15
I dont believe these spoilers! and i dont think they will happen.

02-09-2005, 15:17
well legally sam conspired with chrissy to cover up a murder and hide the body,serious chares

She stored the murder weapon, she didn't contact the police for six months, she lied and she buried the body. She's going down, maybe not as long as Chrissie would but she's dropped herself right in it now. There's no way she could get away with it.

02-09-2005, 15:25
apparently they have filmed four different exits for chrissie so who knows what will happen....

i definately think grant will cause the break up of shannis though!!!

02-09-2005, 15:27
Yer I think they are filming four different exits but I'm pretty sure I know which three they aren't using! :lol:

02-09-2005, 15:29
I have heard that Dennis will end of helping the Mitchells to get Chrissie. Apparently he goes to see Sam in jail and she tells him the whole story and they he confronts Kat who also tells him the truth.

I looking forward to a fight and/or confrontation between Sharon and Chrissie.

02-09-2005, 15:30
i agree that chrissie seems too strong to even consider suicide - what were the exits they filmed?

02-09-2005, 15:31
Death, Suicide, Escape and Arrested I think. But we all know she's arrested because it's been in the papers so I think rather than Arrested it's prison.

02-09-2005, 15:39
awww - i actually wanted her to get away with it lol

well at least shes not being killed off

02-09-2005, 15:40
I doubt she'll be killed off. They might want her back in the future!

02-09-2005, 15:43
i still think its a real shame that den was killed off and chrissie is leaving.....

it would have been good to see them running the vic together

02-09-2005, 15:45
Well it was Leslie's choice to go and Tracy did want to do the storyline. I'm sad they are leaving but it's been brilliant to watch!

02-09-2005, 15:51
I hope their no kind of kiss or anything between sharon and grant

I would like to see the mitchells and dennis sharon pulling together to try and get sam off the murder charge i just hope sharon sees it in time and sticks by dennis :)

02-09-2005, 16:37
Well it was Leslie's choice to go and Tracy did want to do the storyline. I'm sad they are leaving but it's been brilliant to watch!

wasnt he sacked?

Dr. Tangliss
02-09-2005, 17:02
It would be good if all these were true.

02-09-2005, 19:57
Really excited about sharon/chrisse fight!!!!!!!!:D:D:D

02-09-2005, 19:58
this sounds great!

02-09-2005, 23:07
I hope Chrissie doesn't commit suicide!

Johnny Allen
03-09-2005, 08:01
I don't want Chrissie to die but I want justice to pervail, the woman commited murder, so she should go down.

03-09-2005, 12:54
I dont want sam or chrissie to die but i do think justice should be served not only chrissie and sam but zoe to

Also i think it will be a terrible storyline for sharon and grant kiss and dennis leaves i dont find that plausiable i hope tptb dont take this direction in the return of grant but yes maybe a bit of jealousy would be good though on dennis and grants part

I think grant should concentrate on the family side of things more than sharon :)

03-09-2005, 13:18
I dont want sam or chrissie to die but i do think justice should be served not only chrissie and sam but zoe to

Also i think it will be a terrible storyline for sharon and grant kiss and dennis leaves i dont find that plausiable i hope tptb dont take this direction in the return of grant but yes maybe a bit of jealousy would be good though on dennis and grants part

I think grant should concentrate on the family side of things more than sharon :)\

I know this is an ongoing debate between us angel - i accept i may never convince you though!! :lol:

By having a fling with sharon, grant would effectively split up shannis this is really the only way the mitchells can get revenge on the remaining watts.

So in conclusion, he would be concentrating on the mitchell family by deliberately breaking up the watts.

03-09-2005, 13:36

I know this is an ongoing debate between us angel - i accept i may never convince you though!! :lol:

By having a fling with sharon, grant would effectively split up shannis this is really the only way the mitchells can get revenge on the remaining watts.

So in conclusion, he would be concentrating on the mitchell family by deliberately breaking up the watts.

Hi pops110874 i totally understand what you are saying but i think it has past the stage of revenage they need to get sam out of prison however much they might not like each other they need to pull together

Also i dont think grant is into playing childish game if he really wanted to hurt them he find an another way and i dont think he would hurt sharon by doing this

The only plausable way of them kissing if sharon and dennis have had a fight about den and sharon turns to grant for comfort :)

05-09-2005, 04:44
[QUOTE=Johnny Allen]1. Chrissie has been through so much and is a strong independent female she would never commit suicide.QUOTE]

If Chrissie is so strong and independent why could she never be without Den? She chased after him when he left Spain. She stayed with him even after she found out about Kate. Then when she figured out about Zoe, she still stayed with him, remarried him and finally killed him out of rage. We shouldn't mistake strength for someone trying to save her own behind after she is implicated in murder. It doesn't take strength to walk on your husbands grave...it takes a selfish, amoral, witch and that is what she has become. Everything she did was either to save face or to take something she wanted...The Vic.

05-09-2005, 05:38
I don't want Chrissie to die but I want justice to pervail, the woman commited murder, so she should go down.

I agree.. sucide would be an easy way out for Chrissie,, I would rather see her go down for the crime she committed !!!
But in the end we will see who the strongest woman is,, will it be Sam or Chrissie:searchme: I think Zoe is pretty much out of the picture:mad: