View Full Version : Diamond gift for Evans' girl caddy

02-09-2005, 06:52
A teenage schoolgirl who caddied in a celebrity golf tournament for DJ Chris Evans was given a £10,000 diamond thank-you by the star.

Stunned Natalie Harrison, 17, initially turned down the generous gift in disbelief when Evans made the unexpected gesture.

The teenager was among 20 youngsters chosen to caddy for a host of celebrities in the AllStar Cup at the Celtic Manor, Newport, over the Bank Holiday.

Welsh-born Catherine Zeta Jones was pitted against husband Michael Douglas in the two-day Europe versus USA spectacular at the course.

But when Evans was voted top player in the tournament on Monday he decided to present his prize of a Russian-cut diamond to the teenager.

He claimed key advice given by keen-golfer Natalie, from Rhuddlan, Denbighshire, had been instrumental in his success.

"I was just shocked when he said that I should have it. I turned him down at first but he insisted and said I deserved it," said Natalie, speaking from her home.

"I gave him advice on what line to take with his putts and judged distances on the fairway for him.

"I went up to his room to say goodbye at the end because my dad was waiting to drive me home and it's a long way.

"I couldn't have been more shocked when he said what he was going to do."

Dr. Tangliss
02-09-2005, 07:09
That's so nice of him :)

02-09-2005, 08:58
Awwww!! That so sweet!!

02-09-2005, 16:07
that is so nice of him :) Sounds like she deserved something though if she gave him so much help

03-09-2005, 18:52

Dr. Tangliss
03-09-2005, 19:25
I wish I was her, I love diamonds :D

03-09-2005, 22:03
Thats lovely of him!

04-09-2005, 12:55
Aww thats so nice of him!

04-09-2005, 14:00
I wish I was her, I love diamonds :D

a girl after my own heart (I have even managed to get my hubby to buy me 3 engagement rings!!) but unfortunately not a 10k one......

04-09-2005, 14:01
a girl after my own heart (I have even managed to get my hubby to buy me 3 engagement rings!!) but unfortunately not a 10k one......

3 :eek: my sister gets a new wedding ring every anniversary says she likes to keep up with the fashion