View Full Version : Johnny

13-04-2005, 16:59
After watching last nights EE i noticed the big age difference in johnny and tina,i thought at first that he was just like her sugar daddy but now it seems that she appears to really love him,and i can't understand what his problem is,his wifes dead,so why is he hiding her away,at his age he should be grateful that a women young enough to be his daughter wants more than to be his bit on the side,she must want her head testing following an older man about and wasting her life on him,i mean if he looks at life realistically pats more his age,maybe thats why he dosn't like them being friends cos maybe tina will realise that he's no good for her

13-04-2005, 17:14
How old is Johnny? Tina turned 40 last week and his daughter ruby is only 16 so I can't see him been much older than 50 ish....

I assume he is hiding her away as he has been seen her for 10 years and his wife is only dead about a year...

13-04-2005, 17:23
andd because he is worried ruby will find out that he cheated on her mum

13-04-2005, 17:24
when someone dies i can take more than a year to get over it but other than that you are right

13-04-2005, 17:41
johnny's age is a bit of a mistery,but he know Pat years ago.and she is suppose to be born 1942 (63) so I assume he is around the same age.What I dont understand is his character profile states marital status Uncertain ! !.when other cast profiles state married,Widowed etc. any ideas on that one ? :hmm:

Johnny Allen
13-04-2005, 19:28
Dont know whether it helps but Billy Murray who plays Johnny is 58, so maybe he is meant to be around that age

13-04-2005, 20:04
poor guy they are totally ruining him! would any self respecting gangster think that counselling helps? no! they think they can sort it out for themselves and did you see the way stacey spoke to him? i mean c'mon hes meant to be hard,hes killed some one for heavens sake.bring in somneone he can work with,he was great when he first arrived but since they have brought ruby and tina in it especially tina he has gone downhill.

14-04-2005, 00:26
Thats one of the things i was getting at a sixty year old gangster who got his own hands dirty pushing andy over a bridge and having everyone scared of him suddenly has a swcret mistress who he's hiding from his daughter,it seems to me he spent months building up his street cred and letting everyone know he's the boss,but he didn't exactly put stacy,ruby or the dimwit tina in their place last night,and i don't think tina is scared of him,just scared of losing him,i think it's a case of EE trying to change him into the next charlie slater and hoping we'll forget the old johnny,they must think we've all got alzimers

14-04-2005, 00:35
I hate when they try to do a character change like that. They started off showing us just how cruel Johnny could be,then they present him as a loving father and boyfriend, I wouldn't trust him,would you?

14-04-2005, 00:47
after seeing Andy go over that bridge there's no way i'd trust him,if he was in our house i'd sleep with 1 eye open,i think he'd be better dating pat then maybe they could bring frank back and we could then see how frank dealt with mister big.

14-04-2005, 09:53
they could have got him a more attractive g/f then ETina aka lightbulb head.