View Full Version : 2nd series of FW-Extra Tima

30-08-2005, 14:19
Along with another Bad Girls series, ITV2 and Shed have comissioned a 2nd series of Footballers Wives Extra Time

30-08-2005, 16:19
man they have there work cut out.

22-10-2005, 16:00
i liked the extra time it introduced loads of new characters

12-11-2005, 21:49
Yeah - i liked Xtra time as well, great to meet the new characters and i liked Rees in it :)

13-11-2005, 11:22
are you all mad? this is a rubbish show! filled with a few week storylines stretched out over a devishly long amount of time, acted out by actors with less acting talent than a jacket potatoe, and the character development? there isnt any... i feel nothing for the characters now then i did at the beginning, i dont feel as tough the series is worthy of another run... and by encouraging this trash its encouraging the downfall of the great show that is Footballers Wives!

rant over! :)

13-11-2005, 12:29
I know its OTT show but its a time pass show for me

13-11-2005, 18:04
This just annoys me. I can't watch extra time so when FW returns I am not going to know half the stufff that is happening! From what I've heard extra time didn't sound very good (as just shown by bb), so why on earth are ITV2 wasting money on it? ITV need to lean the difference between dreaful spin-offs and great drama

13-11-2005, 18:33
This just annoys me. I can't watch extra time so when FW returns I am not going to know half the stufff that is happening! From what I've heard extra time didn't sound very good (as just shown by bb), so why on earth are ITV2 wasting money on it? ITV need to lean the difference between dreaful spin-offs and great drama

you have not missed much i can assure you expect for a fat old pervert, a couple of slappers, and two kids that they allegldy brunos

problem is you, like all those who were fortunate enough not to have to indure it, will we asking? how did amber react to conrads death? did bruno get found out? did lucy survive? where is harley? where is katie? and of course who are all these idiots being brought into the main show from the spin-off!

02-12-2005, 21:21
are you all mad? this is a rubbish show! filled with a few week storylines stretched out over a devishly long amount of time, acted out by actors with less acting talent than a jacket potatoe, and the character development? there isnt any... i feel nothing for the characters now then i did at the beginning, i dont feel as tough the series is worthy of another run... and by encouraging this trash its encouraging the downfall of the great show that is Footballers Wives!

rant over! :)

I have to agree with that...I was completely surprised FW would even have its name connected to it - I think it's entire production budget cost less than Tanya's hair. They should have spun it off into what it was - Tanya's sister working her way through some cheesey little record company. It was AWFUL. Bruno/Lucy were quickly written out after his insta-kids arrived; all the characters were either boring and/or unlikable or a combination of both; Bruno's upscale elite resturant became some generic club; FW cliff-hangers had some odd quick resolutions; and why did they deliberately shoot this in that cheap-looking hand-held video way because it looked nothing like the glossy finely tuned FW.