View Full Version : Swayze: 'Dirty Dancing' "incredible"

27-08-2005, 22:53
Patrick Swayze has reflected on the ongoing fondness fans have for Dirty Dancing.

"It's incredible," he told the AP. "All of the sudden I'll be pinched on the rear and jump and turn around and I'll see this little blue-haired old lady running back to her group of friends going: 'I did it, Martha. I did it!'"

The film was released in 1987.

28-08-2005, 11:50
i love sirty dancing! its ace!!! yeh!!!

Johnny Castle is so hot!!!!!!

I was only 2 when it was released, thats mental!

28-08-2005, 11:52
I used to watch the end of Dirty Dancing over and over again, from the part where he walks up to the family and goes "nobody puts baby in a corner", grabs her hand and off they go to the stage - fantastic!!

28-08-2005, 11:54
I love that bit too!!

How annoying is lisa tho, dont like her and robbie(obviously)

I love the orange advert "nobody puts swazye in the corner!!!" Its hillarious!!

28-08-2005, 12:59
I used to watch the end of Dirty Dancing over and over again, from the part where he walks up to the family and goes "nobody puts baby in a corner", grabs her hand and off they go to the stage - fantastic!!

I still do that if i watch it lol

Dr. Tangliss
28-08-2005, 14:53
I have not watched it in ages.

28-08-2005, 22:59
dirty dancing is brilliant. one of my fave films. i watch it whenever i am ill and i instantly feel better. i used to go to a club that would play a selection of dirty dancing songs every night!! and me and my mates would be straight on the dance floor. i have the cd now and am always dancing around to it!!

may have to go and watch it later

Dr. Tangliss
29-08-2005, 08:41
It is one of those 'feel good' films :)

29-08-2005, 09:04
I always cry when baby is trying to talk to her father after he finds out whats been going on

29-08-2005, 18:07
I used to watch the end of Dirty Dancing over and over again, from the part where he walks up to the family and goes "nobody puts baby in a corner", grabs her hand and off they go to the stage - fantastic!!

i do that :p aint we all sad :p

29-08-2005, 23:48
I always thought I was the only one to do that - I think my copy of the vid is still set in that same position, ready for when I watch it again, though its so old now, the tape is probably stuck together lol.

02-09-2005, 05:16
My mum wouldnt let me go into the cinema and see it as I was only 12 when it came out and it was a 15 LOL

It is a great movie - I remeber the first I ever saw it, watched it at my mate Lee's house - thoose were the days :)