View Full Version : Ray and Romance??!!

27-08-2005, 13:28
Ray is to have a new love interest in the new series of ER. However when asked producers have denied claims that it would be Neela...
Executive producer David Zabel says he's actually casting a new love interest for Ray for the early part of the season. "He'll have a romance that takes a real wrong turn," he teases. "It'll be a bumpy ride." Cue the psycho-stalker music!

Dr. Tangliss
28-08-2005, 15:10
Oh, I was hoping that him and Neela would get together :(

28-08-2005, 17:07
cant see him in a relationship though - he doesnt seem a relationship type so that could be what goes wrong

29-08-2005, 23:30
I was hoping for him and Neela, but she's too into Gallant still. I can't see him having a proper relationship though either, so maybe he has a one night stand or something like that, and it turns stalker etc when he then turns her down....:searchme:

P.S. Do you think they would cast me for the part!!!! :rotfl:

18-02-2006, 17:29
i think neela and ray would be great together and i also think shane west is really goooooood looking too and he plays ray really well

Chloe O'brien
18-02-2006, 17:35
ray and neela were great last series when they shared a flat so they should get together. ray is one of the better of new stars on ER but its not as good as it was with Dr green and ross in it

Dr. Tangliss
18-02-2006, 17:49
I loved it when Mark and Doug were in it. I cried when Mark died, it was so sad. I agree, Neela and Ray would make a good couple.

18-02-2006, 23:07
does any1 have any good spoilers for this seasons ER i stopped wtchin it 4 a while after mark died and carter left because afterward there was no really good looking people in left in the cast and now there is yey........ im really getting into it i think its gonna be a good season too

18-02-2006, 23:15
has there been an episode once in the past where ray and neela kissed outside the club ray's band play their gigs at coz im sure i've seen them kiss before im really certain i have (unless....... i think it may have been a premonition , i've had them before) lol
but i'm sure they were outside the club and dunno it may have been raining and they were having like a petty squabble type argument about something (may have been about rays band?).... anyway ray smiled i think and neela says something like "what" and then he says something like "ur cute when ur angry"..... and then she goes off on 1 and then he grabs her and kisses her????

19-02-2006, 18:32
yes neela and ray seem to go well together but if its not her then who will it be??

19-02-2006, 21:56
it must be that nutty 14 year old, that was in last weeks eppy

20-02-2006, 12:24
i dont thgink it will be with the 14 year old we are only at the beggining so something might develope as the series goes on. i dont think he will get with nelem as they have more of a brother sister relationship.

20-02-2006, 12:59
Don't Neela and Gallant get married though? That would definitely stop a Ray/Neela relationship...

Like I said before, if they want to cast me for the part, I would be more than happy to oblige :D :D

20-02-2006, 19:22
Neela and gallant dont quite get to the altar, fate has a nasty suprise for them, and ray has fun in the police station after his night with a 14 year old, which turns stalkerish

02-03-2006, 19:26
it is zoe a teenage girl age 14 she tells ray she loves him after her dad beats ray up for sleeping with her and thn zoe ends up telling ray in the middle of the hospital that she loves him and thn a couple of weeks later she gets beat up by her abusive father and ray tends to her wounds in hospital and thn he helps her to run away to live with her sister yey go ray our heroe lol