View Full Version : Ryan slams pop star talk

27-08-2005, 07:58
EastEnders star Michelle Ryan has revealed she has no intentions of becoming a pop star, despite receiving several offers from record companies.

Ryan, who plays Zoe Slater in the BBC soap, claims she has been offered recording contracts, but does not like the idea of switching from acting to singing.

She said: "I have had the odd person saying, 'Listen, it would be great for you to do this.' But I'm like, 'No, it would be great for you if I did that, not for me.' "No, I'll leave it to the professional singers."

27-08-2005, 08:21

27-08-2005, 08:25
oh thats weird???

27-08-2005, 09:50
Its good that she actually makes up her own mind..

27-08-2005, 10:32
Well done to not all actress make it as a singer, some do a single and thats it. she is better to sticks with what she knows.

27-08-2005, 11:18
Well i've never heard her sing before,but i'm glad she told them where to shove (sp) it, yeh i think she is a fab actress and she is still young, she has the rest of her life! x

27-08-2005, 16:35
glad she said no, maybe she learned from the mistakes of others....

27-08-2005, 16:36
Thats a releif!

27-08-2005, 18:34
Thank god!

27-08-2005, 18:43
shes a good actress so doesnt really need to start a singing career!