View Full Version : justin wins libel case

25-08-2005, 12:35
Justin Timberlake won his libel action against the News of the World today.

The newspaper claimed in July 2004 that the singer cheated on Cameron Diaz with model Kelly Clarkson whilst in Britain in 2003 to promote his album 'Justified'.

Reuters reports that the pop star has received damages and the newspaper has agreed to print a prominent apoology in a future edition now that it has transpired that the story was fabricated by the model in an interview printed in the newspaper.

After Timberlake's victory his spokesman Ken Sunshine said: "Yet again, a tabloid has been caught lying.

"Thankfully the judicial process worked, but how many cases like this will it take before these tabloids feel obligated to print the truth? Have they no shame?"

Dr. Tangliss
25-08-2005, 14:01
Congrats to him!

25-08-2005, 20:44
Didn't he donate the damages to charity as well?

25-08-2005, 20:45
Congrats justin!