View Full Version : What sort of chocolate do you like?

23-08-2005, 21:30
I'm addicted to Dark chocolate. The 70% stuff. I'm meant to cook with it, but i just eat it :rotfl:

23-08-2005, 21:32
Dark chocolate :sick: Milk chocolate's the best :p Then white..

23-08-2005, 21:32
Dark chocolate :sick: Milk chocolate's the best :p Then white..

SNAP - Especially Cadburys!

23-08-2005, 21:33
ALL OF THEM! as long as it's chocolatey it's good!

23-08-2005, 21:33
I wonder people will vote against all sorts?!? lol

23-08-2005, 21:33
milk,then white but only if its white buttons then dark,i can never understand why people eat bournville :sick:

23-08-2005, 21:34
ALL OF THEM! as long as it's chocolatey it's good!

you can vote for them all then! lol :)

23-08-2005, 21:35
Whats good about dark chocolate is that you can only eat a few squares, because its so rich. Keeps the pounds off, saves you money and makes it last longer!

23-08-2005, 21:37
fairtrade chocolate tastes the nicest out of any chocolate i've ever had!

23-08-2005, 21:38
i only like milk chocolate. i hate dark the most though. but i aint really a chocolate person

23-08-2005, 21:41
milk chocolate , has anyone ever had 'milka' chocolate its in a purple wrapper and its lovely mmmm......:)

23-08-2005, 21:42
i eat fair trade and galaxy and then whatever else is thrown at me!

23-08-2005, 21:43
milk chocolate , has anyone ever had 'milka' chocolate its in a purple wrapper and its lovely mmmm......:)
Oh.. don't remind me *goes into chocolate land* :eek:

23-08-2005, 22:00
I've seen that chocolate. Sounds nice, but i think its more expenive. I'm a cheap skate. I buy Tescos economy chocolate. one bar lasts a week!

23-08-2005, 22:05
CO-OP Fairtrade chocolate is well nice!! Though I only bought it once...

23-08-2005, 22:12
I saw that, but they only had one bar left, and it was meant to be on Buy one Get one Free, so i left it

Johnny Allen
23-08-2005, 22:13
Milk Chocolate is the best

23-08-2005, 22:14
Abi, you missed All of them from the options!

23-08-2005, 22:14
Milk always makes me really thirsty, its too dry

23-08-2005, 22:16
Just select them all then, GR!

23-08-2005, 22:17
White for me. I buy it for the nephews and nieces but eat some of it first

23-08-2005, 22:27
Milk chocolate for me :D

23-08-2005, 23:11
dark chocolate is better for you apparently but is so disgusting! :sick:

mmmmm dairy milk mint crisp, dairy milk caramel, dairy milk!!! galaxy!! mars vars mmmmmmmmmm

23-08-2005, 23:11
White for me. I buy it for the nephews and nieces but eat some of it first

milkybars are the best white choc

24-08-2005, 10:48
yeah Debs, the 70% stuff is good for your heart

24-08-2005, 10:50
But I hate it.. :(

24-08-2005, 10:52
Its lovely!!!

My mums friend has a house in France he's building, and he brings loads back for me. French dark chocolate is luuuuvly :D

24-08-2005, 11:05
Yeah, If I'm ever going to eat white chocolate I'll always have a Milkybar.

24-08-2005, 11:07
Dont eat a milky bar, then a dream... it makes the dream taste nasty

then you realise how much sugar they put in the kiddys one :D!

24-08-2005, 11:13
white chocolate- ugh!

24-08-2005, 11:15
I'm not a massive fan..... milky bars are ok.... dreams are horrible!

how surprising that nobody has vote no of them yet :D lol

phils little sister
24-08-2005, 11:17
i like milk chocolate but i like the odd bit of white chocolate too

24-08-2005, 11:18
I'm terrible at easter. I get given about 7 milk chocolate eggs, but i can only eat a little bit at a time, so i still have 2 left! :lol:

Dr. Tangliss
24-08-2005, 11:45
I like belgium choccy's, yummy! So rich and creamy :D

24-08-2005, 11:46
Dark choc truffles!!!!


24-08-2005, 11:47

Dr. Tangliss
24-08-2005, 11:49
This thread is making me hungry.

phils little sister
24-08-2005, 11:57
This thread is making me hungry.

:hmm: Speaking of chocolate we got a box of Roses in the office the other day i might go and open them mmm

24-08-2005, 11:59
milk chocolate and white chocolate :p yummy

24-08-2005, 12:00
I'm terrible at easter. I get given about 7 milk chocolate eggs, but i can only eat a little bit at a time, so i still have 2 left! :lol:

i finished my easter eggs in july

24-08-2005, 17:15
I love choclate. my favourite has to be Milk! Ummmmmmmmmmm Cadbury's is the best, i love it all caramel, biscuit, buble, orange, yum!

i hate dark chocolate its horrible! White chocolate is ok.

24-08-2005, 19:28
it doesnt matter what sort it is if its chocloate ill eat it

ive kinda had too much chocolate to last me a lifetime! thats quite bad lol :nono:

24-08-2005, 19:57
Chocolate is making me feel a bit hungry lol.. biscuit time :p

24-08-2005, 20:19
I voted Milk and Dark, but i like all chocolate really, i'm a little bit of a chocoholic, but if i eat to much white choccie it makes me sick, so i don't often eat it!

24-08-2005, 20:26
Still no voters for "none of them"...

How odd...:p

24-08-2005, 21:06
oooh went to pub for meal tonight and had a lovely pudding choc and vanilla ice cream layers topped with a flake choc sauce and maltesers and chocoilate chunks!! shared with dave as too much for me on my diet it was lovely and first bit of chocolate that has passed my lips for 9 weeks!!!

24-08-2005, 22:05
Sounds lovely!!!!!!!

24-08-2005, 22:37
I voted none I was a mad chocoholic at one time,but now I dont eat it at all. I cant stand the spell of it now...I know a very strange woman :rotfl:

24-08-2005, 22:43
Its not Strange... just different :D

24-08-2005, 22:48
Ah Thanks most people think I am strange cos I dont eat chocolate.

Jessie Wallace
25-08-2005, 00:01
I love Dark Chocolate, Milk Chocolate is ok, so long as it's cabury's but White Chocolate is a big fat no no!

25-08-2005, 17:24
The only sort of milk chocolate that i would eat is Galaxy, cause its creamier, so doesn't make me thirsty

25-08-2005, 18:34
i prefer milk as it has more types

samantha nixon
25-08-2005, 20:46
i like all of them

25-08-2005, 20:47
This thread is making me want chocolate now :p

25-08-2005, 21:05
yeah same here stacey.... i love chocolate

26-08-2005, 16:06
I love galaxy chocolate and cadburys dream and cadburys milk chocolate :p

26-08-2005, 16:07
yeah same here stacey.... i love chocolate

I think everyone loves chocolate :p

26-08-2005, 16:07
mmmm im eating chocolate now :D my fave kind too :D

26-08-2005, 16:44
mmmm im eating chocolate now :D my fave kind too :D

what sort?!

26-08-2005, 16:46
I love milk choclate especially Dairy Milk that is my absoloute fave! I'm not that keen on white chocolate! And dark is o.k but i cant have too much as its quite strong!

26-08-2005, 16:47
I said all of them, and it is true, however I don't eat much chocolate as I am allergic to it. It makes me fat.

26-08-2005, 16:48
what happens if you eat chocolate, Trinity? Because of your alleigy i mean.

26-08-2005, 16:50
My thighs and bum swell up to double the size they should be!

26-08-2005, 16:53

I wouldn't be able to handle not eating chocolate!

26-08-2005, 20:00
My thighs and bum swell up to double the size they should be!

oh no what a awful thing to be allergic to.

although too much chocolate and my bum swells to twice its size as well!!

26-08-2005, 20:01

same here!