View Full Version : Scrubs

23-08-2005, 19:08
Does anybody watch this? i think its well good and really funny. I haven't watched it for that long but love it. :cheer: Anyone else? :)

23-08-2005, 19:21
ive watch it since it staed (i think) and i really like it i watch it most of the times its on :D xx

29-08-2005, 22:51
I love this show! Although I don't see it every week any more, I just watch odd ones cos I always forget when its on.

The Janitor is so funny and J.D's daydream sequences are hilarious.

30-08-2005, 13:24
i watch it on abc1 i think its great

Johnny Allen
30-08-2005, 13:37
Excellent show, love Dr Cox, he's a legend.

Dr. Tangliss
30-08-2005, 14:03
Yeap, I do! They are showing re-runs on E4!:)

30-08-2005, 14:22
I watch it on and off. I think it is really funny

Dr. Tangliss
30-08-2005, 14:24
It is funny, and it can be sad sometimes too

30-08-2005, 16:31
I want J.D and Elliot to get together in it, I remember one episode were they slept together but then nothing happened it was so annoying!

Does anyone else like them as a couple, or do you prefer them just as friends?

Dr. Tangliss
30-08-2005, 16:56
They did date for a little while. I prefer them as friends though

31-08-2005, 13:40
Scrubs is great me and hubby love to tune in and watch

Dr. Tangliss
31-08-2005, 19:21
It's fab! I love it :D

25-06-2006, 16:34
I know i'm like dragging this up here :p but I forgot about it, and started watching it regularly again :p
I want JD and Eliott to get together, I think they're well cute together - do they not end up together then no?! Cause I haven't seen the later series.