View Full Version : Spoiler snipits

Sam Nixon Fan
23-08-2005, 17:09
Eeeee im full of spoilers today this s the third lot iv posted!!

Superintendant Amanda Prosser labels Gina an alcoholic and out of the blue suspends her.

Smithy and Louise are almost caught by Pete Larson.

And Neil interferes in his father-in-law's doings once again only this time it costs Roy his life. Pippa is distraught and on the spur of the moment she attacks Neil then tells him their relationship is over for good.

23-08-2005, 17:24
:o is this true? Suspends her? Oooer.
Pippas dad dies.. ahem, whats left of their releationship is over.. ok.
Smithy and Louise nearly caught.. Nearly? How many near misses does he want.
Thanks Sam Nixon Fan

23-08-2005, 17:26
I hope Gina doesn't get permanent suspended though - she's brilliant

I thought Smithy called it off with Louise, because of Pete - he's playing very dangerous games......

23-08-2005, 17:27
I hope gina don't get suspened permanetely
Poor neil

23-08-2005, 20:41
omg- gina suspended? i hope its not permanent she is soooo good!

samantha nixon
25-08-2005, 17:07
i might be wrong but i thought gina was one of the ones leaving she might not be though

25-08-2005, 17:08
i thought she was just not going to be in it for a while because she was filming for something else

26-08-2005, 23:01
Roberta Taylor has been filming Bleak House. There was talk about her possibly leaving but I think that they would have used the cancer storyline for that so maybe there was a change of heart and decided to just have her out for a while so she can film.

I am hoping that she doesn't actually leave but we shall find out soon enough

02-09-2005, 12:01
i hope she don't leave and poor neil

Johnny Allen
02-09-2005, 13:19
Smithy's luck has got to run out real soon.

02-09-2005, 13:41
yeah, surely it has. nearly being caught by Larson... that was lucky!!