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23-08-2005, 10:11
Have you started? I start mine in about December.. and then I struggle lol!! I end up spending about £50 on my friends last year :eek:... I think chance has started :searchme: but should I start now... I mean all the prices are lowered near the time.. helps me when its my money... :rotfl:

phils little sister
23-08-2005, 10:12
i start on Christmas Eve im always late for everything :D

23-08-2005, 10:14
I normally start end November - my eldest's birthday is the first week of dec so I combine the shops. Will have to do it earlier this year though, otherwise my friends and family might not get anything lol

Bad Wolf
23-08-2005, 10:18
i only start after the 11th november, its my birthday and i refuse to start shopping for other people until i've spent my birthday money!!!!!

phils little sister
23-08-2005, 10:19
I cant believe its nearly Christmas already

Bad Wolf
23-08-2005, 10:21
at chrismas, soap boars willbe nearly a year old!!!! its flown by

23-08-2005, 10:24
Its 17 weeks till xmas !! I'll be doing all of mine online as usual - hate the crowds etc, would rather let someone else do all of the lugging around for me :D Then I can just calming sit and wrap everything, though things are going to be done decidedly earlier this year, just in case.....

Defintely spend your birthday money first Rach - otherwise, you could end up buying xmas pressies for you family etc with it...

23-08-2005, 10:25
Isnt it Feb time? Anyways back to topic.. wouldn't you get stuff you bought half price during christmas time which causes you more trouble but actually saves you money lol

23-08-2005, 10:26
Im going to right a list of all the freinds and I need to buy and work out a budget!!... I try to be organised but sometimes :nono:

23-08-2005, 10:29
We don't do our xmas shopping untill december

23-08-2005, 10:29
I always convince myself that I will only spend £x amount on certain people, and it never works out that way and I end up spending far too much lol

23-08-2005, 10:34
I usually start at september but i always forget someone no matter how many lists i make

23-08-2005, 10:35
I buy an extra present or two because sometimes I dont expect a present.. and then they give and I would have needed to go shopping again.. so just incase.. :p

23-08-2005, 11:24
i start december

23-08-2005, 11:25
I buy an extra present or two because sometimes I dont expect a present.. and then they give and I would have needed to go shopping again.. so just incase.. :plol good plan

23-08-2005, 11:53
I will start in September this year, because it was such a hassle last year. Things like books and toys anyway - i will leave the selection boxes till last thing otherwise I will eat them all and have to buy multiple replacements!

Carrie Bradshaw
23-08-2005, 11:57
Aaah! It can't be time to start Christmas shopping already, can it? I normally leave mine to the last minute and I normally buy extra presents too, in case I forget someone or I get one unexpectantly.

23-08-2005, 12:07
i normally do it ina bout end of middle of november

Chloe O'brien
23-08-2005, 12:52
I normally start my Christmas shopping in October as My Daughter's birthday is in September so once that is out of the way I buy a couple of presents each week. I always say that I am not going to spend loads of money but I always do :)

23-08-2005, 13:19
I start mine in November ish. My next door neighbour does all of hers in the january sales, ready for the next christmas :lol: She even wraps them up, and tags them, so that when the next christmas comes, its as much of a surprise for her, as it is for them, because she can never remember what she brought

23-08-2005, 13:45
That is far too organised for me!!

23-08-2005, 13:50
Same here. Its a good idea though, because everything is at its cheapest then!

23-08-2005, 13:51
I wish I had the get up and go and organisation to do that - I keep thinking it every year, but never do it - I just do everything on line so I can miss the crowds etc

23-08-2005, 13:58
My best friends mum has brought her friends presents already. She brought them on holiday in Morocco, because she thought it would be cheaper. It was, so she brought them necklaces. The problem was, she brought them necklaces which each cost £100!!!! So much for economy!

23-08-2005, 14:00
Crikey - not saving that much money then!!

23-08-2005, 14:05
She has a bout a million credit cards as well, so is constantly in debt. At christmas they decorate teh outside of their house so it looks like a giant lightbulb, putting all the lights on the cards. When you add the cost of that to pressies like those, well you can see why she's always in debt!

23-08-2005, 14:11
Have you started? I start mine in about December.. and then I struggle lol!! I end up spending about £50 on my friends last year :eek:... I think chance has started :searchme: but should I start now... I mean all the prices are lowered near the time.. helps me when its my money... :rotfl:

i usually start by now espeically for connors but this year have 2 weddings so im getting outfits etc for that!! I know what im getting connor so will get soon. alll the rest of my family i sstart buying for in november.

23-08-2005, 14:37
CHRISTMAS!!! spicy you got me excited now!! i start mine in late november. and my christmas cards :):) wow not long now! and my birthday not long after (6 days) :):)ok im odne :)

23-08-2005, 14:47
I use to spend months getting presents,I would get 2 a month,it helped budget better that way, I always buy my cards in the christmas sales, and any new decorations, last year got a 6 foot artifical tree for £5. was £70. I only got a small family now,as alot of my family have passed on, so as I only have 6 to buy for,Will start at the begining of December.

23-08-2005, 15:15
i was gonna buy them in france, but there wasnt anything. for me its a huge tub of celebrations, a small box and some jewellery and i'm done!

23-08-2005, 15:16
i love celebrations
but i prefer heros

23-08-2005, 15:17
its whichever are on offer in woolworths, but i usually get celebrations because i know the guys like them!

23-08-2005, 15:17
your lucky your easy to buy for

23-08-2005, 15:19
yeah well if i got all the librarians prezzies, which wouldnt be easy because they are all guys then i would spend loads. as long as alex and andy dont get me individual ones then i should be fine...!

23-08-2005, 15:19
jojomum...which site do you buy your christmas pressie's on?

23-08-2005, 15:20
argos.com mabye

23-08-2005, 15:20
Noooo! Don't talk about Xmas shopping it's still August!! I do mine in December with my friends. we all go together to buy our family stuff then split up and buy each others.It feel more Xmassy to do it then, i wouldn't be able to get in the mood to do it while the suns still shining! :eek: It always annoys me when all the shops put up their Xmas displays and start playing carols in like October!!

23-08-2005, 15:22
o well
it gets us excited

23-08-2005, 15:22
lol! i do mine early or it gets too busy and i'm usually ill near christmas, so that is bad! good online shops are amazon and dabs

23-08-2005, 15:24
if you leave it to the last minute all the good stuff is gone

23-08-2005, 15:25
Oh my days dont talk about crimbo shopping i leave it til like 2 days before crimbo day lol. Im bad when i go i always spend way to much than i can afford, i think my problem is im to generous! This year ill have an excuse though as im starting college so wont be in full time work anymore, i always feel bad though. I feel obliged to buy people nice presents, this year im on a strict budget!

23-08-2005, 15:26
All my presents were bought in Superdrugs last year.. all on Sale and Offers btu I still spent £50 :eek:

23-08-2005, 15:26
i tried budgetting in the past- it doesnt work!!

23-08-2005, 15:27
All my presents were bought in Superdrugs last year.. all on Sale and Offers btu I still spent £50 :eek:

the year before i got all my prezzies there- good offers!

£50- how??

23-08-2005, 15:31
All on my friends!! :eek: I know :p I really don't know how I managed it Vikki but it just happened :p But I did put back the unwanted stuff.. I didn't buy anything for myself.. and I made sure it was just right but I spent that much :eek: Im going to write a list now.. on who I need to buy presents!!

23-08-2005, 15:33
oh my gosh! i spend about £25 at most! i don't really bother with all my librarian friends- sounds mean but they like chocolate- so much that we had a fight over who would eat the last toffee!

23-08-2005, 15:38
In the last few years I would buy a lot for a few close friends but this year i think i'm going to buy for lots of people but not as much because I know they're going to get me something. Maybe it would be an idea to write down a list of some people but then again i'll probably just lose it and leave the shopping til december anyway...lol

23-08-2005, 15:50
Ok I wrote my list.. there is only 2 main people and 2 who I think might give.. last year I had 10 on my list but as years pass and we change groups we only talk on MSN!! I don't mind as it saves me money but I think I will definatly buy extra presents this year!!

23-08-2005, 15:54
lol! i have so many people on msn that i kind of know but don't talk to and then theres this group of people i talk to, but i don't know what they're going to do- give me a prezzie or not so :S

23-08-2005, 15:59
All my presents were bought in Superdrugs last year.. all on Sale and Offers btu I still spent £50 :eek:

I spend more £50 - £60 for xmas preesies for friends

23-08-2005, 16:01
oh my gosh! thats a lot!

23-08-2005, 16:03
its not that much is it?

23-08-2005, 16:03
compared to me it is!

23-08-2005, 16:05
how much do you spend then

23-08-2005, 16:06
on my friends altogether £20

23-08-2005, 16:08
on my friends altogether £20
I wish I can spend like that... this year maybe I can..

23-08-2005, 16:09
well i have like 2 friends to buy for and then a tin of celebrations!

23-08-2005, 16:11
I probably spend £20 on 2 friends... £10 each.. and spend another £10 on little but ncie stuff for the ??

23-08-2005, 16:12
i buy jewelerry and punky goth stuff for them! and they do the same back...!

23-08-2005, 16:12
I usually start shopping just before school ends.. I might start a bit earlier this year, I always end up spending all of my money!! And it is usually my Birthday money as my birthday is right at the end of November, which is really annoying!!

23-08-2005, 16:13
i have to! we finish the tues before christmas most of the time, maybe later!

23-08-2005, 16:29
I usually start shopping just before school ends.. I might start a bit earlier this year, I always end up spending all of my money!! And it is usually my Birthday money as my birthday is right at the end of November, which is really annoying!!
C*** you know how much Im spending!!

Dr. Tangliss
23-08-2005, 16:36
I have not even thought of it to be honest

23-08-2005, 16:38
I wish i could spend £20 on my friends for xmas

23-08-2005, 16:42
God you guys are lucky, i have a problem with spending money lol i think the year before last spent arond £350 that was just on a few friends and brother, parents, and a few other relatives!

23-08-2005, 16:46
i'm kinda a loner as you can see, but the prezzies are good ones. a few years ago, i was buying for 20 odd people, so then my budjet was limited!

23-08-2005, 17:02
jojomum...which site do you buy your christmas pressie's on?As many as poss ..... Early Learning for youngest, Gadget Shop etc for hubby, will be a fair bit of Mothercare this year too. Hawkins Bazaar is a great one for people who don't know what to get others and Formative Fun was another. Its great that all of the major stores now have online shopping, so it makes life so much easier - Xmas just fills me with the dread of pushing and shoving etc and its not nice taking the littleys with me. Plus with me being supersized at the mo, I would probably end up fighting with someone, so its probably safer for everyone including me to do it all online again!!! :rotfl:

23-08-2005, 17:04
i love hawkins bazaar, but i can only go once a year:(

23-08-2005, 17:05
God you guys are lucky, i have a problem with spending money lol i think the year before last spent arond £350 that was just on a few friends and brother, parents, and a few other relatives!Last year I spent £200 in Toys R Us, and then another £150 on my 2 boys, then spent another £150 on my hubby - don't ask me how, but I did. It seems to get more expensive every year, and I am really worried about this year especially as I have other stuff to buy and prepare for :eek:

23-08-2005, 17:05
omg! what did you buy?

23-08-2005, 17:07
Last year I spent £200 in Toys R Us, and then another £150 on my 2 boys, then spent another £150 on my hubby - don't ask me how, but I did. It seems to get more expensive every year, and I am really worried about this year especially as I have other stuff to buy and prepare for :eek:

I know its terrible! I think you did pretty well considering you have children! Good luck this year lol, i have this thing about buying designer after shave for me dad and brother, and of course for my Mum who unfortunately has to where Coco Chanel and you know how much that stuff costs!! ridiculous amounts! Not this year though lol

23-08-2005, 17:08
note to self- do not have children!

23-08-2005, 17:17
note to self- do not have children!lol - it certainly helps to keep the costs down if you don't have them, thats for sure ...

The really sad thing is that I can't remember what I got everyone :hmm: And once I had bought for those guys, there was still my brother, sister in law their 3 kids etc, the lists go on and on. I'll still spoil the boys probably, especially as this will be the last xmas with just the two of them having pressies and I will have to spoil hubby or he will just sulk (men!) but that'll probably be it for this year. It surprising how much games etc add up to, but by the time you have ps2 games, dvd's, cd's etc you're already looking at having spent over £100-£150 easily!

23-08-2005, 17:18
yeah dvds and games are probably the offenders!

23-08-2005, 17:30
yeah dvds and games are probably the offenders!

playstations games cost £30 - £40 each

23-08-2005, 20:37
but if you buy 4 or 5 then it soon mounts up

24-08-2005, 07:24
playstations games cost £30 - £40 eachAnd generally there are 2 that my eldest wants, plus any for his birthday which is 3 weeks before Xmas. Then there is all the other stuff too - remind me again why I am having another - I think I must have forgot about Xmas. This will mean I will have 2 birthdays and Xmas in the same month - :eek: Yep, its official - I'm mad!!! :rotfl:

24-08-2005, 11:17
My friends birthday is 3 days before christmas. And for her 18th shes expecting a 5 day shopping spree in New York :eek:. I pity her parents!

24-08-2005, 11:18
omg! eeek! that sounds expensive!

24-08-2005, 11:19
:eek: oh god maybe they will give her it as birthday and xmas present???

24-08-2005, 11:20
better had, sounds expensive!

24-08-2005, 11:20
nope she still wants the full works at christmas!

24-08-2005, 11:23
:eek: really does she get that every year?? Lots of bday present and then lots of xmas presents?

24-08-2005, 13:14
yeah shes spoiled, and a bit stuck up though.

She only wants to go to New York for her 18th though, thats not a yearly thing

24-08-2005, 13:25
God all i asked for on my 18th was a new necklace

24-08-2005, 13:27
i dont know what i'm gonna do, still 2 and a bit years left :D

as i said, shes spoilt rotten so she'll get whatever she wants

24-08-2005, 13:28
:eek: thats a bit much for a birthday present going to new york, all i got on my 13th birthday was a petrol remote controlled car

24-08-2005, 13:51
as i said, no wonder her parents are always in debt!

24-08-2005, 13:52
My friends birthday is 3 days before christmas. And for her 18th shes expecting a 5 day shopping spree in New York :eek:. I pity her parents!

is she going to get that then

24-08-2005, 14:14
Spoilt brat.. :p

24-08-2005, 19:50
she sounds spoilt, no offence. if i were her parents, i would be inclined to do nothing!

24-08-2005, 20:41
They're "considering" it, Stacey.

Its out of order though, because shes one of my best mates, and just because she'll get what she wants and is spoilt, it doesn't mean i do. I'm not going to be able to afford that, no WAY, so its out of order.

Anyways, yup she is spoilt

25-08-2005, 09:38
That's just a shame on her parents...

25-08-2005, 09:43
I went to New York on a Christmas shopping trip 3 years ago. It cost £600 including hotel. I took an empty suitcase and filled it up over there, though you have to make sure you take the price labels etc off as your only supposed to buy £200 odd of gifts!! Its so cheap though, got loads of designer stuff for £15 mark. We went just before thanksgiving so we saw all the preparations for the parades and stuff.

I wouldn't pay for mine to go for their 18th though, and whats the point - its not as if they can have a drink or anything as the age limit is 21 over there.....I feel sorry for her parents, but, at the end of the day, they have made her turn out like this by obviously letting her have what ever she wants - they have to take some of the blame for the way in which she behaves!

25-08-2005, 12:01
Thats a good point about the drinking... she would hate that :p

25-08-2005, 12:32
Could you imagine - there celebrating her 18th wanting her first legal tipple, and she can't have it cause she's in the US!!!!

25-08-2005, 15:50
I'm starting soon, then I'm not broke in December and I'll have more money to go out for drinks then!

25-08-2005, 15:52
I can't afford to start shopping now! My mum would usually buy my friend's presents but this year I've to do it myself. :thumbsdow

25-08-2005, 16:15
i need to save! i could if i wanted, but i need winter clothes!

25-08-2005, 17:49
Yeah me too, and I have NO money. I might try and get a job somewhere...

25-08-2005, 18:01
Yeah me too, and I have NO money. I might try and get a job somewhere...

i had no money, so i got a paper round :D and i'm also a part time clown

25-08-2005, 20:05
I really don't fancy a paper round though - getting up early at the weekneds and walking miles in the rain - no thanks lol

25-08-2005, 20:07
i might start to do paper rounds in a few months if i can

26-08-2005, 11:12
the rain is my main problem at the moment! it's raining everymorning this week!

28-08-2005, 14:13
I collect things around the year but i buy most of it in December

28-08-2005, 16:25
I was shopping today and saw these little soap things in teh shape of fruit in W.H.Smith that I thought would be good for pressies so maybe I'll buy them if I go again soon.

28-08-2005, 16:31
There was on agency that came round my old work which took orders for all your christmas cards and even some pressents. I used to get most of the small stuff from them and half the money when to charity.

28-08-2005, 16:32
That's a really good idea!

28-08-2005, 16:34
That's a really good idea!

It wa a really good idea too bad i wont be able to get it this year as ive moved jobs :(

28-08-2005, 16:36
Was it just at your old job or do they come around other places as well?

28-08-2005, 16:37
They went round most of the big offices in the city centre but now im in a small office just outside the center so i dont think they will come in

28-08-2005, 16:40
Oh thats a shame. I've never seen anything like that round here but thats probably cos I don't have a job but go to school lol

28-08-2005, 21:22
oh yeah, we get stuff like that through the door. i don't know if it exactly the same thing

di marco
30-08-2005, 09:17
i normally start my xmas shopping at the end of october/beginning of november as my sis bday is on 24 november so i buy her bday pressie at the same time. though im still usually buying loads of stuff in december!
me and my sis go xmas shopping together and get everything for friends and family then we split up and buy stuff for each other

30-08-2005, 09:24
I will start in Oct.. might get some Sales then :p

11-09-2005, 12:35
Someone was talking about Xmas shopping so I thought this could be pushed up again lol xx

11-09-2005, 14:08
yeah... anyone started yet?

11-09-2005, 14:36
Not yet lol

11-09-2005, 14:37
i will soon... i found £18 in my room this morning!

11-09-2005, 14:38
Lucky thing! :eek: I have NO money atm :crying:

11-09-2005, 14:40
awwww get a paper round and be a part time clown! its lots of money!

11-09-2005, 14:49
I really want to get a saturday job actually but you need to have your national insurance number and I havn't got mine yet cos my birthdays in March. I cant get a paper round cos all the newsagents round here have already got paper boys/girls and I don't think being a part time clown would really suit me.

11-09-2005, 14:55
lol! you'll have to wait then!!do you really need a NI no?

11-09-2005, 15:03
You do for shop work and stuff, you have to hand it in with your CV even for Saturday jobs :(

11-09-2005, 15:04
really? never knew that :( its june for me then

11-09-2005, 15:41
I got laods of money so :D I'm not going to buy much this year :)

Johnny Allen
11-09-2005, 15:43
I usually buy my presents about a week before Christmas, if you can't already tell I'm not very well organised.

11-09-2005, 16:58
I cant get into the xmas spirit until after y birthday, and thats november 24th. but i start shopping before then

11-09-2005, 19:55
i can't get the spirit of it all at all :(

11-09-2005, 20:01
i can't get the spirit of it all at all :(
Aww not even when you hear all the carols on the radio and when its snowing (maybe) and when you get advent calenders and go to school wearing tinsel around your neck and holly drawn on your cheek with make up (well at least i do LOL)?? :p

11-09-2005, 20:03
lol! we aren't allowed tinsel and holly, carols drive me round the twist and i don't like the chocolate in advent calendars, so its a boring 1 4 me!!

11-09-2005, 21:14
Im going to try and go down the high street to superdrugs and see if they started any xmas sales yet and get a few bath bombs on the way :p

11-09-2005, 21:38
xmas shopping starts next week and i already know what im getting everyone!!!!!

11-09-2005, 23:33
im gonna be starting getting the bits for connor otherwise he wont get what he wants!! and ill have one miserable child on xmas morning

12-09-2005, 10:27
I have just about finished getting Christophers Christmas and birthday pressies :)

Have no idea what to buy Sarah....

Dr. Tangliss
12-09-2005, 10:28
I have brought my son most of his birthday and christmas presents now, and have managed to get my daughter something. So that's a good start

12-09-2005, 11:06
I have brought my son most of his birthday and christmas presents now, and have managed to get my daughter something. So that's a good start

whens your Son's birthday? Mines is the 27th Dec - so night mare of having to think about 2 lots of pressies

What about your daughter - care to share what you have bought her - I am so stuck for mine! Last year bought her a beautiful hand made ragdoll, and bought her a musical snowglobe for her 1st birthday - and really am stuck now!!!

Dr. Tangliss
12-09-2005, 11:09
My Son's birthday is 22nd November, followed by my daugheter's on the 13th December. So I can't wait until they get older and are demanding expensive presents, lol.

I have brought her a leap frog learn table. :) I have brought my son a Vtech write and learn table, and a remote control car.

12-09-2005, 11:17
My Son's birthday is 22nd November, followed by my daugheter's on the 13th December. So I can't wait until they get older and are demanding expensive presents, lol.

I have brought her a leap frog learn table. :) I have brought my son a Vtech write and learn table, and a remote control car.

LOL - I know what you mean about not being able to wait for them to demand expensive pressies !

Did wonder about picking Sarah some sort of leap pad NEED to get my thinking head on!!

12-09-2005, 15:04
i hate this time of year all you see on tv is christmas adverts 24/7 it does my head in

12-09-2005, 17:01
My friend got a job in Slatters bakery this weekend, she starts on Saturday and she's getting £30 each week, she better buy me a good Xmas pressie lol, she's gonna be the only one of my friends with any money.

12-09-2005, 19:35
i havnt started shopping yet! lol, not till about begin of August i start my xmas shop! lol, little late though but i alwasy leave everything to the last minute!

12-09-2005, 19:43
well, i'm spending lots of money on CDs atm, so its definitely gonna be choccies for my friends and some other stuff!! i've decided what i want for christmas though, so i can get saving to put my bit forward!!

17-09-2005, 18:10
I need to do some serious xmas shopping this year :D I love wrapping all the pressies up :)

17-09-2005, 18:13
it annoys me a little, you gotta keep remembering who they are all for

17-09-2005, 18:16
Yeah i normally forget someone this year i am gona try sooo hard not to :D

17-09-2005, 18:17
yeah, some one usually springs something on you...

17-09-2005, 20:48
yeah, some one usually springs something on you...
I got only two on the list buying 3 extra presents just in case.. I am aiming to spend only £30 as last year, as I said before, I spent £50 - £60 somehow!!

17-09-2005, 20:52
blimey! 1 box of celebrations for rest of library crew, and a few other bits for friends and family and then i'm done!!

17-09-2005, 20:57
That can't come up too much :D

17-09-2005, 21:03
umm... usually about £20 for friends and then another £20 on parents/ sister

di marco
05-11-2005, 08:05
I cant get into the xmas spirit until after y birthday, and thats november 24th. but i start shopping before then

thats my sis bday too! i would like not to think of xmas til after my bday but my bdays on 18 dec so i dont really have a choice!

di marco
05-11-2005, 08:06
Aww not even when you hear all the carols on the radio and when its snowing (maybe) and when you get advent calenders and go to school wearing tinsel around your neck and holly drawn on your cheek with make up (well at least i do LOL)?? :p

yep wearing tinsel in my hair to school :)

di marco
05-11-2005, 08:07
blimey! 1 box of celebrations for rest of library crew, and a few other bits for friends and family and then i'm done!!

thats what me and my mates used to do, we all bought one box of chocs each and then shared them!

di marco
05-11-2005, 08:07
i started my xmas shopping in half term, bought all my sis bday and xmas pressies, and a few things for my mum, dad, gran and grandad

05-11-2005, 11:39
I was in Superdrug yesterday and they have some really good stuff to get for Xmas pressies - they have this set of perfumes for only £2.50! :eek: I know what all my friends are getting this year lol!

05-11-2005, 11:41
really? blimey i'm going there then!!!!

05-11-2005, 12:46
I was in Superdrug yesterday and they have some really good stuff to get for Xmas pressies - they have this set of perfumes for only £2.50! :eek: I know what all my friends are getting this year lol!
Told you Superdrug was ace!! :bow:

05-11-2005, 12:47
I went shopping and got all my friends Xmas prezzies!!

05-11-2005, 12:47
Wooo I saw mine :D

05-11-2005, 13:11
Not all of it though...