View Full Version : Love and Coogan deny baby claim

23-08-2005, 08:35
Reports that US singer Courtney Love is pregnant with Steve Coogan's child have been dismissed by both stars.
In a statement, rock star Love denied reports in The News of the World that she was pregnant by the UK comedian, or that they had a relationship.

"She confirms that she and Steve are good friends and have met a few times in Los Angeles," it added.

A spokeswoman for Coogan had earlier told the BBC: "It's nonsense". She declined to comment further.

The denials follow reports in The News of the World on Sunday which quoted 41-year-old Love as saying she was "pregnant with Steve's baby".

But The Sun has since contradicted the story, reporting that Around the World in 80 Days actor Coogan was "astonished" by the "ridiculous" claim.

Reports published earlier this month claimed Coogan - best known for his role as spoof DJ Alan Partridge - had had an affair with Love - the widow of Kurt Cobain.

Love was ordered into rehab on Friday by a judge

These stories were subsequently dismissed by his spokesman, who said they were "just good friends".

On Friday Love was ordered to enter a drug rehabilitation clinic by a Los Angeles judge, who said he would consider sending her to jail for violating her parole terms.

Love - who has an 11-year-old daughter by Cobain named Frances Bean - is now expected to spend a month at a residential treatment centre.

In July, Coogan's wife Caroline Hickman was granted a divorce on the grounds of unreasonable behaviour.

She had married the 39-year-old comedian in December 2002.

Dr. Tangliss
23-08-2005, 09:12
I can't believe they went out with each other in the first place, lol

23-08-2005, 09:14
Dont know who's worse him or her

Dr. Tangliss
23-08-2005, 09:15
Lol! Me neither, but he is not exactly, 'rock 'n' roll' :rotfl:

23-08-2005, 09:17
And her......well the less said the better :sick:

Dr. Tangliss
23-08-2005, 09:17
True:sick: :thumbsdow

23-08-2005, 09:20
She really needs to get herself sorted out. Wasn't her child taken away for a while?

Dr. Tangliss
23-08-2005, 09:33
Yeap, several times!

23-08-2005, 09:35
She needs a good slap

Dr. Tangliss
23-08-2005, 09:36
Oh I agree, she does! Plus, if she was not a celeb, there's no way she would have got her daughter back!

23-08-2005, 09:39
Why do celebs get away with so much more - with her dependancy etc, her daughter would have been taken away immediately and placed in care - why should she be treated any differently....

Dr. Tangliss
23-08-2005, 09:40
I'm not sure, jojomum! It makes me angry though.

23-08-2005, 09:43
And me - if the child is at risk, no matter who the parents are - that child safety should be ensured. She's already lost her father, do they want to run the risk of her discovering her mother too :angry:

Dr. Tangliss
23-08-2005, 09:44
My word, that would be terrible, if that was to happen. I always feel sorry for the kids.

23-08-2005, 09:45
they seem to get away with a lot more then we would.

23-08-2005, 09:46
It so wrong...... :angry:

Dr. Tangliss
23-08-2005, 09:46
Why though? Is is because of their status or the amount of money they have, or both?

23-08-2005, 09:48
I would imagine that they possibly use the scenario that she has already lost her father, so to lose her mother aswell would have a devastating effect on her life (in this case anyway), though how it helps her long term...... I think it must be both generally though, and it should have nothing to do with it, it should be down to the capabilities of the parent..

Dr. Tangliss
23-08-2005, 09:49
Yeap, it should be down to the standard of parental care at the end of the day, but in this situation it's clearly not.

23-08-2005, 09:50
Well i would like to know how they do it as i said in another thread they seem to get things so easily like adoption - one minute they are thinking about it the next they have the baby - my sister when through almost three years of checks and still no baby. It makes me so angry :angry:

Dr. Tangliss
23-08-2005, 09:51
That's terrible! I feel sorry for your sister, it must make her angry too, watching all these celebs getting babies at a drop of a hat.

23-08-2005, 09:52
She doesn't take as much notice of it as i do. I think i am more angry than her