View Full Version : dress size

20-08-2005, 23:29
whats your dress size?

20-08-2005, 23:31
right now its a 10, but it varies fro 8-10. But ive been drinking way to much wine over these past few months lol so its a 10! It depends what kind of clothes i wear mind you all different shops come up in different sizes!

20-08-2005, 23:31
i am a 10-12 when not pregnant! :D
but im 5ft8 so its a perfect size for my height.... i think..

Jessie Wallace
20-08-2005, 23:34
er.... i'm not telling! Lol

20-08-2005, 23:35
er.... i'm not telling! Lol
go on! don't be such a chicken! :)

20-08-2005, 23:36
god imagine if someone says size 6!!!

20-08-2005, 23:37
im 10 in tops and 12 in trousers so umm i put 12

Jessie Wallace
20-08-2005, 23:38
god imagine if someone says size 6!!!

Ok then i'll go for that!! Lol

20-08-2005, 23:40
Ok then i'll go for that!! Lol
skinny bi*ch! :rotfl: :D

Jessie Wallace
20-08-2005, 23:42
Lol, cheers.

20-08-2005, 23:44
LOL no way i am answereimng that

21-08-2005, 11:24
I'm normally anything between a 12 and 14 (so put 12 :D ) though am aiming to get back into 10-12 (which I did used to be before the kids) after I have had this one....

21-08-2005, 11:35
I'm a 10 in tops, but because my legs are so long i have to buy size 12 trousers (because they are the right length) and wear them with a belt on one of the smallest bits

21-08-2005, 13:04
10 but its a bit big for me sometimes

21-08-2005, 14:06
I'm a 8/10 in tops but a 12 in Trousers because i'm tall (5ft 8" which is tall for a 14 year old!)
But i just wear a belt with them!!!

So i put down 10!!!! :D

21-08-2005, 14:23
im 13 but i dont have a clue what height i am

21-08-2005, 15:27
im a 8 but sometimes a 10 cos me legs are long or the top it tight round my bust

21-08-2005, 15:33
i've got stuff in my wardrobe ranging from a six to a 12!!!

21-08-2005, 16:11
your all so skinny!!!

21-08-2005, 16:13
i've had problems with eating in the past, but i'm happy with my size now, which is what counts!!

21-08-2005, 16:20
i've had problems with eating in the past, but i'm happy with my size now, which is what counts!!

of course it does. i used to be a size 14- 16 whenbefore i had con and now im a ten!!!


oh ok im not a ten i wish

im a size..........

nope cant do it


21-08-2005, 16:20
your going in the right dirction though debs!

21-08-2005, 16:28
I'm a size 8-10. Top usually an eight but i have big boobs so sometimes a ten! Bottom usually a 10! but i'm wearing 10 jeans at this moment in time and they are too big! So i put eight!

21-08-2005, 16:53
im a 6,8,10 depending on where i go and the fit etc. its really confusing!

21-08-2005, 16:55
im a 6,8,10 depending on where i go and the fit etc. its really confusing!

yea its a nightmare , you cant just go in a shop and pick somthing up you've got to try on atleast 2 sizes

21-08-2005, 16:56
in my wardrobe, my tops from topshop are 6/8, my tops from mango are size 10 and the i go to my shorts- i have some from adidas and they are size 12!

21-08-2005, 17:04
I was a size 24 to 26 But since I lost all the weight I am a size 16 now

21-08-2005, 17:04
I always find designer clothes come up to your correct size, then you go to somewhere like Miss Selfridge and the clothes come up tiny

21-08-2005, 17:07
finding trousers is a real pain. I am a size six and really small so the only pants that fit are next petit range. I think i'm the only 5" 16 year old ever.

21-08-2005, 17:09
im 5"2 and jeans are a real pain. i've got a pair from topshop now and the ends have to be folded up and the hips are a big big because the other size were just a bit too small!

21-08-2005, 17:16
yeh all your jeans get damaged because you stand on the ends and they get wet when you walk through puddles. Its such a pain.

21-08-2005, 17:19
that happened once- new jeans, ruined within a month

21-08-2005, 17:20
I sometimes buy kids jeans as i'm only 5ft 2

21-08-2005, 17:21
yeah... they dont do the style i like in that size tho!! i could get away with it too!

21-08-2005, 17:23
your going in the right dirction though debs!

hmmm yeah hope to be! although my choc craving just got the better of me and have eaten a penguin chukka! i saw the words caramel pieces and that was it i had to have it!!

21-08-2005, 17:25
ah one wont hurt! a little bit of waht you fancy does you good!

21-08-2005, 19:35
hmmm one has just turned onto 2!!!!

21-08-2005, 19:36
mightturn into 3... and my plug is sparking again...

21-08-2005, 19:38
no cant turn into 3 as connor just had last one!!!


21-08-2005, 19:39
aww shame

about the plug- totally irrelevant but i caught it by accident and it started sparking

21-08-2005, 19:47
oh dear turnn it off quick!

21-08-2005, 19:48
its alrite, it only sparks for a few secons- its my rechargeable mouse and its a french plug so i have to use an adapter. but its fine after a few seconds!

21-08-2005, 19:51
i've had problems with eating in the past, but i'm happy with my size now, which is what counts!!i know what you mean , as long as your happy is the main thing

21-08-2005, 19:56
i do want to lose a bit of weight though

21-08-2005, 19:59
Me too, i drink too much wine, lol giving me love handles!!

21-08-2005, 21:53
god imagine if someone says size 6!!!
Someone did :eek:

21-08-2005, 21:58
im a size 10-12

21-08-2005, 21:58
Someone did :eek:

i wonder who :hmm:

22-08-2005, 08:38
i tihkn it was a joke

22-08-2005, 08:39
look on the 1st page

22-08-2005, 08:47
I can't believe 2 people are size 6!!! :eek:

I'm 5ft 4in, 11st (ok I know I am pregnant, but I was 10st before that) with a large backside, and long legs ensuring a nice size 14 fits and I cannot squeeze into anything smaller. Thats it, once this one is born, I am dieting and getting fit!!! :D

22-08-2005, 08:49
what size do you want to be?

22-08-2005, 08:57
I used to be a 10 before I had Ciaran and weigehed about 9st, so I would love to get back there again. I never regained myself after having Ci and had a slight hernia so didn't do anything, which I now regret. I'm going to start in the new year when this one is about 6 weeks old and take my eldest (12) badminton and stuff down the sports centre, which should hopefully start getting a little bit off.

22-08-2005, 09:10
good luck

22-08-2005, 09:11
Oh, I am definitely going to need it!!! lol

22-08-2005, 09:13
well you have it from me

22-08-2005, 09:19
Thanks hon :D

22-08-2005, 09:20
no probs :D

22-08-2005, 16:58
Me too, i drink too much wine, lol giving me love handles!!ok this is going be a werid question but what are love handles?

22-08-2005, 18:57
Have you seen the dove advert? She grabs them on that!
I think its a bit of fat on your hips but i'm not sure!

22-08-2005, 19:05
im a size 10

22-08-2005, 20:29
Have you seen the dove advert? She grabs them on that!
I think its a bit of fat on your hips but i'm not sure!oh yer ive seen that advert i think i know what you mean now thanks

22-08-2005, 20:31
ok 2 people have said they are size 6 who are those skinny skinny people?

22-08-2005, 20:34
Some people need some cake it seems!

22-08-2005, 20:37
They can have some of my love handly bits if they like - they can have em for nothing!!! :rotfl:

22-08-2005, 21:02
i'm small though- size 6. i eat plenty of cake and i'm still that size....

22-08-2005, 21:15
I'm size 8 mostly but then some things I have are size 10 and fit me.

22-08-2005, 22:25
i'm small though- size 6. i eat plenty of cake and i'm still that size....lol i eat loads but it doesnt show too

22-08-2005, 22:27
I'm size 8 mostly but then some things I have are size 10 and fit me.same here

22-08-2005, 23:08
Isn't amazing how quickly you can go off people !! I'm only joking, I used to be the same till I had the children!! :D

23-08-2005, 13:49
Isn't amazing how quickly you can go off people !!

he he he

24-08-2005, 17:25
i range from size 10 - 12, it depends on what shop i go in, sometimes it'll be a 10 others a 12. but then again i do have some size 8 clothes like some tops that size 10 or 12 was just massive! i can even fit into some of my mum's jeans which are a size 8, although it is sometimes with a real squeeze!

but me and my sisters are always swapping clothes! lol

24-08-2005, 19:43
i wish me and my sister could, but she's 4 years younger than me!

24-08-2005, 21:53
Same her, my sis is 11 and I'm 15 and she's tiny for her age anyway so there's no way we'll be able to swap clothes.

24-08-2005, 22:02
i am the other size six. Believe me i wish i was bigger. Then i might not be so small

30-08-2005, 10:25
i am the other size six. Believe me i wish i was bigger. Then i might not be so smallawwwwww -hugs-

30-08-2005, 15:06
Im a 10 most ov the time, but sometimes i get a 12, depends on da shop

30-08-2005, 15:29
Hmmm my top half is genrally 1 or 2 sizes smaller than my bottom half. Doesnt help my hips are HUGE

30-08-2005, 18:25
. Doesnt help my hips are HUGE

Mine are too!!! God i hate them! Jean shopping , well i hate it and it doesn't help that all my friends are smaller then me and can fit into anything!

30-08-2005, 18:50
i have big hips, but it doesn't really affect me much. i'm still small, but it's annoying when it comes to jeans shopping- i have small lega and big hips

30-08-2005, 18:56
My trousers never fit very well. If i get a 12 then they are nice and long but are huge around the waist, but if i get a 10 they fit around my waist but are sooo short.

why dont they sell 11?!

30-08-2005, 18:56
life would be so muh easier if they did in between sizes!

30-08-2005, 18:58
In places like Primark they do 8-10 and then 12-14 so its even worse!

30-08-2005, 19:07
i don't shop there, i don't like their clothes and there isn't one in stockport, but theres one in manchester, but i don't go very often

30-08-2005, 19:08
For me i have really long legs,quite big hips, but a smallish waist (ok sounds werid but)

30-08-2005, 20:05
god imagine if someone says size 6!!!i was in debenhams today and i saw a size 6 in trousers in the petite range god they were tiny lol

30-08-2005, 20:39
im a size 6 - 8

30-08-2005, 20:49
i'm a size 12 in jeans and trousers just right in the leg but some time too big in the waist.. but last week when i got a new pair of jeans i had to get a 10 and they are just right... normally size 10 are too small :)

30-08-2005, 21:24
im a size 6 - 8are you really! god you are so lucky

30-08-2005, 21:25
im a size 6 - 8
Really! im a size 10 -12 :eek:

31-08-2005, 10:14
same here, 6-10

31-08-2005, 10:20
6-10 thats a big range?! I wish I was a size 10 again let alone a size 6!!! :rotfl:

31-08-2005, 10:22
trust me, it's annoying, like in topshop on saturday, i had to try on 3 sizes of everything. everything is different in every shop!!

31-08-2005, 10:25
Ahh I see what you mean now (though I'm not going to say that in some shops I was a 16 cause of my backside - or darn, I just did!!! :rotfl: )

31-08-2005, 10:27
i think all the sizes are diffeent depending on the countries they are made in, but still... it's very annoying!

31-08-2005, 10:34
Thats why I love buying stuff in the States - I'm a size 10 there :cheer:

31-08-2005, 10:44
ah lol! is that why people want to go to the states? they're a smaller size over there?

31-08-2005, 10:50
yep - a size 12 is actually a 10 over there etc so a size smaller - makes you feel so much better about yourself!!! :rotfl:

31-08-2005, 13:12
I'm 14 and I am a size 6. I bought a pair of Jeans yesterday for 12year olds and there too big on the waist without a belt! I'm too small for most adult clothes, unless their size 6

31-08-2005, 13:16
same here jake moon rox. But its much more embarrasing as im 16.

31-08-2005, 16:24
same here aswell, but luckily, t-shirts fit well. i just have small legs

02-09-2005, 14:33
oh to be a size 10!! never mind a 6 - but will get down to the weight I want to be eventually! think I will stick with debs and not say what size I am!

02-09-2005, 14:34
i have a size 12 t-shirt on atm, so thats 4 different sizes for me...

02-09-2005, 16:36
lol! Its annoying cos all the shops are different so you have to try on several different sizes to see which one will fit. :angry:

02-09-2005, 17:16
yep. very annoying

02-09-2005, 17:43
yep. very annoying

it does seem to be a problem no matter what size you are.....

02-09-2005, 18:39
[QUOTE=Jemma]lol! Its annoying cos all the shops are different so you have to try on several different sizes to see which one will fit. :angry:[/QUOTEi know what you mean

di marco
03-09-2005, 08:06
size 8 mostly

di marco
03-09-2005, 08:10
yea its a nightmare , you cant just go in a shop and pick somthing up you've got to try on atleast 2 sizes

i know its so annoying, and my mum always moans at me for taking too long! tops are normally ok, i can get an 8 and they will fit most of the time. but trousers and skirts are the problem. with jeans i can have either an 8 or 10 depending on the shop and the style, and skirts are mostly 8s but my mum bought me one from new look a few years ago and she bought an 8 and a 10 so she could take the one back that didnt fit and she ended up taking them both back and getting me a 6 and thats even a bit big! jeans are ok to get in a small size even though im quite tall as most shops do jeans with different leg sizes but other trousers normally only come in one leg size which is annoying

03-09-2005, 08:11
thats exactly the same as me

di marco
03-09-2005, 08:20
something that was really embarrassing the other day was when i went shopping before my hols to get a new bikini (even though apparently according to my mum i didnt need another one!) i went in new look and you know their kids 915 range? well i managed to get an age 12-13 years bikini top from there! it was so embarrassing when i was paying for it!!!

03-09-2005, 08:22
did you fit into it?
was that the only size they had?

di marco
03-09-2005, 08:25
did you fit into it?
was that the only size they had?

yeh i tried it on and everything before i bought it and that was the embarrasssing thing it fitted. i didnt want to buy it so i tried on the age 14-15 years but that was too big!

03-09-2005, 08:28
and your 17 right
i buy my bikinis abroad in spain once i tried on 5 bikinis because i dont know what my foreign size is but luckly i found one that fitted

di marco
03-09-2005, 08:38
and your 17 right

yeh thats why it was so embarrassing!

i buy my bikinis abroad in spain once i tried on 5 bikinis because i dont know what my foreign size is but luckly i found one that fitted

when we went to america at new year there was a shop with a sale on selling loads of jeans and they worked out really cheap and so me and my sis thought we would buy a pair. so we went in the shop and the sizes started from size 0 and went up size 1, size 2, size 3 etc, and we didnt have a clue which size to buy, so we asked the person in the shop and he said prob a small size so i ended up getting a size 1. it sounds really small cos they start from so low down!

03-09-2005, 08:39
1 lol
ddi they fit you though?

di marco
03-09-2005, 08:41
1 lol
ddi they fit you though?

yeh cos their size 1 over there is like a size 8 over here! i tried on a size 0 but they were a bit small!

03-09-2005, 16:19
the different sizing thing confuses me. why can't they just have one size all over the world?? and actually be the same, so we don't have to try on 2-5 things on when we want to buy something

03-09-2005, 16:45
6 i was ill at xmas and lost loads of weight,i havent managed to gain it back yet

03-09-2005, 16:46
wait till this christmas....

03-09-2005, 18:42
something that was really embarrassing the other day was when i went shopping before my hols to get a new bikini (even though apparently according to my mum i didnt need another one!) i went in new look and you know their kids 915 range? well i managed to get an age 12-13 years bikini top from there! it was so embarrassing when i was paying for it!!!
lol that makes me feel so fat, i'm 15 but when I got a bikini from New Look I got a size 8 one.

03-09-2005, 18:43
we're all different...

03-09-2005, 18:52
Yeah I suppose lol

di marco
04-09-2005, 08:12
lol that makes me feel so fat, i'm 15 but when I got a bikini from New Look I got a size 8 one.

size 8 aint fat lol!

di marco
04-09-2005, 08:15
the different sizing thing confuses me. why can't they just have one size all over the world?? and actually be the same, so we don't have to try on 2-5 things on when we want to buy something

i know, it would be so much easier if every shop and country had the same sizing. its annoying in this country when you have to try loads of sizes on and in other countries the sizing is really confusing!

04-09-2005, 16:02
yeah. when i'm in france, you stand there looking at these clothes trying to work out which size, because they don't like you touching. H&M is alright over there because they are the same sizing to over here but anywhere else and eeeeek!

di marco
05-11-2005, 07:41
yeah. when i'm in france, you stand there looking at these clothes trying to work out which size, because they don't like you touching. H&M is alright over there because they are the same sizing to over here but anywhere else and eeeeek!

omg they dont like you touching, not even to try it on?

05-11-2005, 12:34
in france they are really strange though- they follow you round like here, but i guess if they were allowed to, they would follow you into the changing room!

05-11-2005, 13:00
im a size 6 or 8 depending on which shop i go in im small though and still growing