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View Full Version : Anyone got any healthy eating tips?

11-04-2005, 19:37
Trying to loose about 0.5 stone and need some tips!!


11-04-2005, 19:43
I wouldn't cut out all of the bad foods that you eat at the moment out of your diet, because then (if your anything like me) you'll end up going on a massive binge, and putting the 0.5 stone on again. Everything in moderation, eat a little bad, and a lot good, the you wont miss it. Do some sort of execise, but make it fun! I brought a dance mat and a jungle book game to play with it. It makes it more interesting, rather then sprinting round the block.

Hope this helps! lol

11-04-2005, 22:01
Drink more water - if you body is dehydrated it will store more fat.

11-04-2005, 22:19
Drink more water - if you body is dehydrated it will store more fat.

I agree drink plenty of water,drink two glasses before you eat and you will eat less,as you will feel full,exercise no gym just plan old walking,at a pace to make you breathless,more fruit less chocs and biscuits..Good luck

11-04-2005, 22:35
Well the problem is I eat loads of fruit (more then 5 different ones a day) I drink at least two litres of water a day and I walk everywhere!! take the dog for a run for half an hour a day and go swimming three times a week, I have just bought a skipping rope for a bit more of an aerobic workout.

11-04-2005, 23:27
Well the problem is I eat loads of fruit (more then 5 different ones a day) I drink at least two litres of water a day and I walk everywhere!! take the dog for a run for half an hour a day and go swimming three times a week, I have just bought a skipping rope for a bit more of an aerobic workout.

Well you should be a skinny as a rake,you must be eating more calories than you think.try eating little but often throughout the day,rather than eating big meals,as your body stores fat if you go a long time without food.It worked for me I used to miss lunch and put on half a stone in two months.

12-04-2005, 09:56
Well the problem is I eat loads of fruit (more then 5 different ones a day) I drink at least two litres of water a day and I walk everywhere!! take the dog for a run for half an hour a day and go swimming three times a week, I have just bought a skipping rope for a bit more of an aerobic workout.#

Well they say muscle is 2.5 times heavier than fat.. i bet you have lost a lot of inches all round...

phils little sister
12-04-2005, 10:19
Yeah you have probably built up more muscle and thats why you cant see it on the scales but im sure you notice it everywere else

12-04-2005, 11:03
as long as you eat less and exercise more such as walking then your do fine.everyone thought i was on a diet after i had my son a year ago as i lost the weight quite quickly but i just ate less then before but still had choccy crisps etc and walked the dogs twice a day! ta da! i weighed less after i had him then before i was pregnant.

12-04-2005, 11:58
I think I'm going to try the little and ofter approach!!

Part of the problem is i'm so short (5"2-3ish) so it really shows if I put on weight. Also spending three weeks in the states just after xmas didnt help as the food there is crazy.

And as someone said muscle weighs more than fat so will start measuring the inches as well.

Thanks Guys

12-04-2005, 12:34
i know what you mean about americas food! they give you loads dont they? i couldnt beleive it myself.goin back there next month but im pregnant so il eat until i burst and not worry.

12-04-2005, 12:37
Lucky you!!

I'm also going to try Green Tea as i've heard it speeds up the metabolism not sure if its true but its good for you anyway

12-04-2005, 12:43
also im 5ft 8 so quite lucky in that aspect.

12-04-2005, 12:46
As mentioned before, lots of water. Water can be used as a good diet solution by drinking two cups about half-an-hour before any meal. I can't remember the exact reason why, but its to do with the way your body processes food.

Instead of eating 1 - 3 big meal per day mixed with snacks, try 6 small meals eaten at more regular intervals.

There was a fabulous article on the BBC website a few years ago where it compared the liftstyle of the 70s to the current. 70s was:

Wake up in cold room, go downstairs, shovel coal for fire, make breakfast, prepack lunch, and then walk 1 - 3 miles to work, hard days labour for most in the mill, walk back, evening meal, go outside and play footy for 1 hour etc

Current lifestyle: wake up in central heated house, skip breakfast, drive to work (typically call centre), grab a chocolate snack, lunch, snack, drive home, television, bed.

12-04-2005, 14:10
I think I'm going to try the little and ofter approach!!

Part of the problem is i'm so short (5"2-3ish) so it really shows if I put on weight. Also spending three weeks in the states just after xmas didnt help as the food there is crazy.

And as someone said muscle weighs more than fat so will start measuring the inches as well.

Thanks Guys

I am also same height and currently pregnant.. on my last child I went up to 13 stone which is a lot for me... It too me a year to get back to 9 stone (well I lost 2 stone immediately after having baby) and all I did was eat lots of veg/fruit and cut down on fatty foods

15-04-2005, 16:37
or you could try writting down exactly what you eat in a week, like what they do on "You are what you eat", and then cutting down on it, and try it again ETC

I'm lucky, i'm 5"10', so i dont put on weight so easily (or at least i dont notice if i do), put i still try these things, because i can fell unhealthy even if i dont look it.

15-04-2005, 18:39
I lost 3llb this week!! I think it was the skipping!

16-04-2005, 15:10
Just to say well done, keep up the good work,you will soon reach your target weight. :cheer: :clap: