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18-08-2005, 21:08
Just wondered if anyone watches it? Its on its 2nd Season now but i just thought id see if there were any other fans of the show on here?

I know many of the people on here are a bit younger than me so you may not have seen it.

If anyone has what do you think of the show? I love it, i did buy the 1st series on dvd but i sold ot on eBay incase me mum found it lol. But then i find out me mums actually seen a few eps :rotfl:

I love Bette and Tina, and especially loving the new addition Carmen :p

Anyways, im guessing no-one watches this show as i havent seen any posts about it, lol

19-08-2005, 10:01
I watch it!! Excellent episode the other day when Shane found out that Jenny had seen footage of her and Carmen. I was even quite sad and looked on the website to see if Tina and Bette get back together again!!

19-08-2005, 12:52
Ah cool, im not the only one who watches it lol. I know, poor Jenny, but i think she should have realised Carmen wasnt really into her that much, far too obvious in my eyes.

Tina was funny the other week though, she kinda flipped with Helena, lol. Im not to keen on Helena though, she kinda thinks shes all that with all her money! Just glad Bette and Tina are getting closer again, their made for each other!

19-08-2005, 12:58
I thought that too - it was pretty obvious (to us viewers) that Carmen only started to flirt with Jenny because of Shane and the other woman at the club that night. I do feel for Jenny though, but her hair really suits her shorter.

I think Helena thinks that because she has money she can have who she wants or at least have control over everything - did you see the look on Tina's face though when she realised Bette had left ? At least looking at the preview for next week it looked like Tina was ok with Bette, which she had to be as she only left cause of her Dad. I hope they get back together again.

Did you see the episode where Tina's lawyer came on to her - she was pretty pushy!! I couldn't blame Tina for leaving straightaway.

I'd thought about starting a thread on this, but wasn't sure if anyone else watched - its good to know its not just me :)

19-08-2005, 13:10
I know i was really worried when Bette had to leave and Tina looked up to try and see her, but like you said im glad looking at the preview shes cool with her, i mean Tina will be really understanding about it. Im looking forward to when Tina says to Helena "I want to see other people" :cheer:

OMG that Lawyer woman who came onto Tina was so funny, poor Tina! Nice pad though she got to stay in!

Im not to sure about Jenny's hair still it kinda suits her but i think i prefer it long, i liked Tim though, word has it his gonna be in the 3rd Season of the O.C.

Not to sure what happens with Shane and Carmen yet, Shane has never been a commited type! Carmen is stunning though!!

Its good to see Lara back as well, i think we get to see more of her again soon, i hope Dana and her get back together. Dana and Alice are to best of friends for a relationship i think, :rotfl: at them dressed up though the other night!

Your definately not the only one who likes the show, i love it!

19-08-2005, 13:20
I think you're right about Dana and Alice, though they were hilarious in their costumes - so funny. And then when they had to go to dinner dressed like it....

I loved the preview too when Helena says - you mean you want to see more of Bette. Thing is though what does Helena think is going to happen - they were together for ages, are having a baby together - yes I know, Bette shouldn't have cheated on Tina, but it doesn't mean feelings for someone stop just like that...

I think they dealt with Jenny really well though with her relationship with Tim. I know of a couple of people who were married, had kids and then decided it wasn't what they really wanted. The confusion would be the same for Jenny, though I think it was right for them to split. I really felt for him with Jenny still living there though.

19-08-2005, 13:27
Yeah, i know waht you mean bout Tim and Jenny, i did feel did sorry for Tim kinda walking in on her and Marina (wish she was still in it, although we didnt see much of her she hardly spoke lol).

Alice and Dana when they went to eat was hilarious! Im surprised no-one noticed what she had down there haha.

I know it was wrong of Bette to cheat on Tina, i think she knows what a terrible mistake she made, theres no excuse for what she did but i can see why she did it, she werent really all there at the time, stressed with work, and all the baby stuff with Tina. But i can see them getting back together soon, i know Helena gets a new love interest anyway, i think thats towards the end of this season or in season 3 (by the way there is a 3rd season, yay)

What did you think of the other woman, well the one who liked Kit but dressed like a guy, i cant remember her name! That was harsh that she was in a relationship for all that time and was trying to pursue Kit!

19-08-2005, 13:39
Ivan wasn't it? And when Kit walked in to her place when she wasn't ready - I really felt sorry for Kit, but I couldn't quite understand it at all. It was almost like a pretence that she wasn't a woman?!

I can't believe there is only 3 episodes left in this series though. At least the finale will end on a high ( I read them on the L Word Online site !)

It was so funny, when they were trying to hide her manhood!!! I don't know what made it worse though, their costumes all being dishevelled or the huge bulge in her trousers!! :rotfl: Didn't they have time to remove it?!

19-08-2005, 13:44
3 EPISODES LEFT???? Noooooooooooo :crying: i didnt know there was that few left, its gone so quick! Im so determind to buy this series on dvd but like i said in my first post i sold my 1st series, lol so theres no point buying the 2nd, i guess they may have some copied ones on eBay saves me mum discovering a whole boxset :rotfl:

Ivan, thats the one well remembered! I dont really get that character either, i think he/she was a bit weird for my liking Bette was never to keen either. Although i hope this new guy Kit is with doesnt drop her, considering his married i can see it ending in tears.

So the last ep is gonna be a good'un? I check that website out a lot, great site as well.

Lol, im surprised Dana never took that "thing" out before they went to eat, although she did kinda get pulled out of the room didnt she hehe

19-08-2005, 13:57
I would just buy it, especially if your mum has watched a couple of episodes. My hubby goes to bed when I watch it - I think he has concerns!! lol I don't worry about what he says, I enjoy it so I'm going to watch it.....you'll probably find it cheaper on e-bay too.

This series has gone really quickly, I wish they would make it longer. This one is only 13 episodes long - way too short. So far 4 episodes are listed for Series 3 - I hope they make it more than 13 though.

I can see Kit getting hurt in this relationship, especially with him being married. Its a shame though cause Kit deserves some happiness.

Wasn't Dana a bit shocked when Tina showed her it in the first place though - cracked me up after dinner though - why was she suddenly so ill, she didn't seem to drink too much, so maybe it was to do with the "thing"?!

19-08-2005, 14:05
Haha, maybe she ate something which made her sick! Or maybe it was the "thing" lol.

Ive just checked out the screen caps from the final eppy! Awww cute! Cant wait to see it.

Im gonna have a lil look on eBay and see what bargains are about.

Guess we just have to wait and see what happens with Kit, he seems like a nice guy just ashame he cant be single. Kit's had a bit of a rough time so it would be nice to see something go right for her. Im sure Ivan will be back though, he/she does own half the bar doesnt he? There better be more than 13 eps next season, theres so many newer characters coming into it so maybe there will be.

There doing a convention at Heathrow in November, Tina, Helena and Lara are going there! Lol ent paying £70 though

19-08-2005, 14:14
Did you read the spoilers for the last 3 epi's - I did though, and it doesn't look great for kit, though I haven't read the season 3 ones yet, so there may be mention of kit in there.

I wouldn't pay the £70 either, plus it would cost me about £50 in diesel!!

I think Ivan will be back as he/she did care about Kit, I think it was just the fact that Kit saw her/him before he/she was ready. Though if you care about someone, why would that matter. I thought it was sweet when Ivan did Kits car up for her aswell, she was so chuffed.

Did you read the spoilers section aswell - it was saying about Jenny and some weird stuff she gets into. I don't know if I missed that bit though, cause I missed the first few as I didn't realise it was on again :(

19-08-2005, 14:19
I had a lil look at the episode pics not the actual spoilers though, i think im just gonna wait and see what happens, i think its about the only show i dont want to know whats going to happen. So i might give that section a miss, but knowing me ill be bored and check them out.

I know it was sweet what Ivan did for Kit with her car bless. I think Kit is better off with a guy though, her and Ivan dont suit.

Not to sure about what happens with Jenny, although i did see a pic with her cutting up her legs and Shane finds her. Shes not all there that girl, do you remember the 1st season when she kinda went weird and got in that car with them 2 people and did Mushrooms, lol that was funny. She seems really confused with life, i think maybe Marina is partly to blame for all of that though, she really messed up her head. Id like to have seen her stay and there relationship continue.

19-08-2005, 15:08
Liking the new banner :cheer:

I think Jenny has a lot that happened in the past, all these flashbacks she's been getting etc, and if she does start cutting herself, theres got to be an underlying reason why she would do that. I agree, it would have been far better if Marina was still around - it was with her that everything really started for Jenny, and its almost as if Jenny is getting desperate to some extent.

Like you say, Kit and Ivan was just too weird and I think Kit is more suited to the straight life.

I haven't read all of the spoilers - they're pretty mix and match. Love looking at the screen caps though just to get a taster of whats coming up. I think theres going to be more with Shane and Carmen though, cause they seem to have a connection - remember when they first met at the studio...

19-08-2005, 15:16
Hehe thanks, couldnt resist making one, needed a change anyway.

How could i forget the meeting of Carmen and Shane :cheer: fab! Love her tattoo as well, god the girl has a figure to die for! There was definately a big connection with them to. Im not sure if it was the same sort of connection Shane had with the other lady in season 1, cant remember her name either, the one that was married! That was pretty intense, i reckon that must have screwed Shanes head up a bit, she had definately fallen for her. I cant see Carmen messing with Shane though, she genuinely likes her a lot.

As for Jenny, i really dont see the point in that character anymore, it doesnt seem to be going anywhere, maybe ill be wrong once season 3 starts and this new woman Moira comes into it, but im just not a fan of Jenny anymore.

19-08-2005, 15:25
It almost feels like Jenny is becoming a bit obsessive in a way, I dunno, its sort of like she needs to be with someone all of the time. I am starting to wonder about her and hope they clear it all up pretty soon.

I think Shane and Carmen go together so well, Carmen is gorgeous and I am totally jealous of her bod. I think Shane was a bit messed up over the season 1 woman and I think this is why she won't let herself get too involved with Carmen, in case she loses her. Its almost like she wants Carmen and Jenny to be together in order that she can still see her etc and would rather than than risk not seeing her if you see what I mean.

One of things I love about this show though is the fact that they are not all slim jims with fantastic bods. Yes there are some in there (def Carmen and Bette I think too) but then you also have what I call your "normal" looking ones too, Tina, Alice etc.

I so hope that it doesn't get cancelled or anything like that though, cause there's only the couple of episodes mentioned on the website and I would have thought they would have finished filming the series by now - have you heard anything??

19-08-2005, 15:31
Theres no way they would cancel the show yet, well i hope not anyway, i mean the States are a lot more offended by them type of shows unlike us Brits, thats why Showtime took it on, they took on Queer As Folk, and as far as i know the ratings are booming. Id say the only reason they would stop the show is if ceratin cast members didnt wanna continue of Showtime wouldnt continue showing it. Ive not heard anything about the show being finished filming at all, maybe they are still filming, or just its taking a while for the future spoilers to come through.

I think thats my favourite part about the show, the fact most of the women are very feminine looking and not all butch, as people typecast gay women a lot for looking boyish/butch, when obviously its not the case. I wanna go to L.A now lol and Palm Springs!

I guess Shane doesnt wanna ruin her friendship with Jenny either, their kinda like sisters now, which i think is really cute.

19-08-2005, 15:38
I think it also opens peoples eyes to the fact that you shouldn't typecast people - and I loved the way they dealt with the guys that were doing the filming, saying about being in heaven etc. Thats generally what the male reaction is to gay women - "its art" etc. I've got a friend in LA, maybe I'll have a chat with her!! lol

I hope they don't cancel, and thinking about it, if they are coming to Heathrow, they can't have, as why organise something like that if the show was cancelled - phew, the palpitations have stopped now!!! lol.

I like Shane and Jennys friendship, and I did like the way that Jenny called it with Carmen saying that she her and Shane were best friends and she didn't want it messed up. I think Shane is great, especially with that producer woman. I missed the episode, but saw a trailer with them arguing and stuff - what happened there??

19-08-2005, 15:43
Oooo friend in L.A hehe im there!! LOL.

You mean Shane arguing with the producer woman, or arguing with Carmen?

Well there is definately a 3rd season, obviously nothing has been confirmed for a 4th yet as we have to wait until 3rd starts, but id like to think there will be a 4th as well. Although i dont know iff ill have my sky then :( ill work round that one hehe.

Was just reading the spoilers (told ya i would, lol) and ive been laughing about Alice, saying she saw Dana go into Terri Hatchers Rose Garden :lol:
So looks like Alice and Helena may have a thing, they would make a very interesting coupling, two i would never have put together though, but id say that would be very good.

19-08-2005, 15:50
With the producer woman.... I think it was the epi where Jenny saw the video tapes etc and saw Shane and Carmen. I can't believe I missed it. I sky + it sometimes and the series link didn't work for some reason - gutted!. What happened there??

Alice and Helena - different but could be fun. Alice cracks me up. I think she is hilarious. I wouldn't have imagined them together either, so will be interesting to see what happens between them.

LMAO about Dana and Terri Hatchers Rose Garden - brilliant!! :rotfl:

Can't believe you read them though.....not that I did or anything mind (yeah right lol )

19-08-2005, 15:57
Haha, i couldnt resist not reading them! Im just too nosey hehe

Basically that producer woman is a bit nutty, anyway she had this mask thing done on her face and Shane went with her, but it went wrong and her face liked burned up etc, so Shane took her home and the producer woman started coming onto Shane, and Shane was like " Nooo" but the woman wouldnt take no for an answer, Shane told her she was leaving and legged it from her house. That was about it, i think that was the same episode she got beaten up in.

I dont have Sky+ so i dont really know why it wouldnt have taped, i always watch it again though on a Monday night, lol.

19-08-2005, 16:04
It must have clashed with CSI or something on Monday, cause I forgot it was on. Did Shane get beaten up then? I thought the producer was a bit of a weirdo though.

If you were to pair them up with each other, who would you pair them with....I'd keep Tina and Bette together, have Carmen and Shane together, Helena and Jenny and then that would leave Alice and Dana, but I don't think they should be together as they are more suited as mates - what do you think??

19-08-2005, 16:08
Yeah Shane got beaten up by some guys, and her flatmate found her, that guy who does the video recordings of them, his cute as well. But she was ok as he found her in time cos she rung him.

Hmmm.... my pairings

Of course Bette & Tina they are the perfect couple

Have to put Dana back with Lara im afraid

Shane & Carmen

Alice hmmm i dont know i wouldnt put her with Jenny, it actually put her with Helena

Jenny would be better with that guy who she lives with lol not unless they would bring Marina back. I never liked that other woman she was with after Marina who she met at that party in Palm Springs, she reminded me of Ivan

20-08-2005, 10:29
I wonder if the video guy is going to stay living there now though, after them finding out about the filming etc - they need the lodger and it took a while for them to find him didn't it....

Plus how will Shane react knowing that Jenny knew about the filming??

20-08-2005, 13:56
Well Shane already knows now doesnt she, personally i think Jenny will be ok about it, i think deep down she knew how both Carmen and Shane felt about each other, i think she will be more upset about what Carmen said about Jenny being a bit messed up, Shane really didnt do anything.

I hope the video guy will stay in the show for a bit longer, i mean its not as if he actually lives in the house, he lives in the pool house, and he did fess up in the end

21-08-2005, 11:06
I think you're right, Jenny couldn't have not realised that Carmen and Shane still had feelings for each other, so its not really their fault. I just hope that Jenny either loses it completely or gets it sorted - one way or the other, the puppy dog eyes just aren't working anymore :D

I hope he stays too, it'll be interesting to see how they play this out - the girls need the rent, he needs a place and like you say, he was honest in the end, and he didn't want to put the cameras everywhere initially, that was his mates idea in the first place wasn't it...

21-08-2005, 12:09
Yeah, you could tell her wasnt really that interested in doing all the video stuff, maybe in the beginning he was but once he got to know them he got to like them for the people they are. Do you think he still has feelings for Shane?

Well we know Jenny aint going nowhere so i guess we have to put up with her lol. Im waiting for her to start getting a crush on her teacher next

21-08-2005, 12:11
Is there anyone she hasn't had a crush on yet - she seems to puppy dog at any female that walks past - it seems so desperate!!

I think he does still carry something for Shane, but realises that its not going to go anywhere so wants to keep their friendship. I think he did feel a bit pushed in adding all of those cameras and like you say, once he got to know them, he felt pretty bad about it.

21-08-2005, 15:21
Yeah i know, i think your right, Jenny seems to have eyes for anyone that pays her a bit of attention.

I dont think that guy is gonna take anything further about Shane, im sure he must have realised now, shes more gay than all of them put together lol.

Still cant get over there is 3 more episodes left, i think Bette and Kits dad dies doesnt he? He is a bit nasty to Bette though, hes never interested in whatever she does

21-08-2005, 23:37
Yeah, I think he dies in the penultimate episode. Maybe he has something against her because of her sexuality or something :searchme:

Shane is definitely the most gay out of all of them lol. I think he knows that can only be friends thats for sure.

I hope they repeat the first series when this one ends though or even repeat this series (which I doubt), I don't know what I'll watch on a wed night otherwise lol!!

22-08-2005, 11:36
Aww lol. Well if i rightly remember they repeated series 1, im sure they did. I know it was a fight between channel 4 and living tv to buy the show, i wish channel 4 got it actually would have been a lot more convienient. I reckon they will repeat series 2 though, yay!! Cant wait for series 3 though.

I think your right about Bette's dad, he does seem to have an issue about her sexuality.

Only 2 more days to go hehe

22-08-2005, 11:40
I wonder if they will have to re-bid for the third series or if they won the rights for the entire series.....

I think that can be the only reason why Bettes dad is the way she is with her, and in the preview for this week when Tina asked him if he wanted to feel the baby moving, he was like "I don't thats appropriate do you", and Bette has had a really successful career, so I can't think of any other reason as to why he would be like he is with her.

Don't forget tonights episode mind!!!

22-08-2005, 11:54
Oh yes very well done for reminding me of that lol, i would have forgot! Ooo something to look forward to yay!

I really feel sorry for Bette in that respect, i also think he feels closer to Kit due to their different skin colours, which would be bad if thats the case. Maybe he will make it up with Bette before he dies.

Im not sure in Channel 4 will re-bid, i know Living TV got it for £2 million, but then im dead sure Channel 4 have the money. It would be good if they did get it though

22-08-2005, 12:05
Its a bit unfair on Bette really isn't it. I hope they do make it up though, there would nothing worse than parting on "bad" terms.

If C4 won the rights, we could have the first look scenario again, with 2 episodes in one night, but I think in some ways I'm glad living have got it. C4 might do with it what they are planning to do with Nip/Tuck (not that I have watched it), so we could have ended up losing it (noooooo **palpitations**!!!)

I don't know though - roll on tonight!! Can have a giggle at the manhood again!

22-08-2005, 12:20
Never watched Nip/Tuck so i wouldnt know anything about it, what are they doing with it? The only thing is, i may not have Living TV by the time the 3rd Season starts *cries* i pay for it you see and im going to college in Sept so wont be able to afford it next year, not unless i can beg my mum to pay for it, but she doesnt live here, and its her house lol!

Oh yeah the "manhood" lmao. Isnt this the ep when Bette and Tina rekindle themselves? I lose track of what happens in certain eps!

22-08-2005, 12:50
OMG, you are going to have to see if you can get it on one of the cheaper packages or something - you can't not have it!!!! Beg your mum.... lol

Its the presentation one, where Tina is really chuffed that Bette is there and then Bette has to go cause of her dad.

I've never watched Nip/Tuck, but apparently they are cancelling it due to viewing figures...

22-08-2005, 12:56
Yeah i remember now! Ooo i love this show lol, i cant live without it, i love Living TV as well it has loads of my fav shows like Most Haunted and Americas Next Top Model, i have the cheapest pack for sky infact they are giving me one months free and the next 3 months for £9.75 as i told them i was leaving as i couldnt afford it nomore. I wish Freeview would supply Living Tv!

I thought Nip/Tuck was quite popular, it is in the States

22-08-2005, 13:00
Its got to be one of the best shows on at the mo, definitely. I love it and I'm starting to get withdrawal realising that it might not be on for a bit after the next 3 episodes!! Noooooooo.

At least they have reduced your price - when it comes to the end of the 4 months, phone them again to cancel as can't afford, and see if they lower the price again. !!

I think Nip/Tuck is pretty popular in the states, but I suppose more people tend to have cosmetic surgery over there than we do, so maybe its something to do with that?!

22-08-2005, 13:05
I said that to my mum, think were gonna have a go and try and pull that one off hehe.

Yeah your right about the cosmetic side of things over in the States, its a normal everyday thing for them there lol

I know, 3 episodes left, god its gonna be hard! I definately think they will replay this season though just to fill in the gap each week

22-08-2005, 14:21
I hope so cause Monday and Weds nights just won't be the same otherwise. At least we can have a good giggle at Tina and Dana tonight lol

22-08-2005, 15:15
Hehe yeah!

The one thing i remember is Shane never actually did anything with that woman! And thats definately a first for her, so it shows she is definately really into Carmen

22-08-2005, 16:14
I know, I couldn't get over that, she never sleeps on the sofa!!! lol

I think she's really into her, just doesn't want to get hurt so is playing it fairly close to her chest...

22-08-2005, 18:30
I need the next episode on now, lol. I need more to discuss!

What did you think of Marina? Do you think they should have kept her? I think it was down to the actress herself that she didnt want to continue which is ashame, .

Im glad Lara is also back, and shes going to be in season 3!

22-08-2005, 20:35
I thought she was great and was a bit down in the dumps when she left - I think you're right, the actress wanted to leave, so they had no choice. Loved the looks across the counter etc, and when her and Jenny would nip out the back whilst Jenny's chap was sitting waiting for her - brilliant. I remember one scene when he almost caught them out, cause he was waiting so long for her lol

Lara - is that the one that was engaged to dana? If Im right, she was funny, but slightly overbearing - cracked me up the "meeting" they had with all of those people from the magazines etc about the wedding and everything

22-08-2005, 20:41
I know, Marina and her looks hehe. There was something about her, its the accent i tell ya, i have a major thing for them! Thats why i have this thing for Helena hehe.
That was so bad when Tim was just sitting outside and Alice come in and busted Jenny and Marina, lmao. I did feel sorry for him, he really loved Jenny.

No Lara is Dana's first proper girlfriend, shes the chef, really pretty girl, with ginger hair. I couldnt stand that other one Dana was engagged to she got on my nerves, glad shes gone!

22-08-2005, 20:47
Ahhh, I'll have to keep my eye out for her then.......

Poor Tim, it was awful wasn't it. Though the episode that he left, when he went to the pool house to see Jenny first and stopped if you remember - OMG. It was almost like a good bye or something like that. She didn't exactly fight him off though did she - does she really know what she wants :searchme:

22-08-2005, 20:50
I think at the time she didnt, it was just experimental, well i wouldnt complain if it was Marina giving me my first "experience" :rotfl:
But his face was just like :angry: neither of them looked sorry though, quite surprised though, i bet half the population of men would have asked to join in lol.

Yes you must look out for Lara, i think shes in it tonight, im not sure, you will see her in the preview for Weds ep after tonights show im sure of it. Shes such a lovely girl as well, complete opposite of Alice

22-08-2005, 22:57
:rotfl: that would have been my mans answer to it all - he seems convinced I am hiding something from him though, and keeps saying - ah go on, you know you can tell me etc......

I'll keep my eyes open tonight - staying up for my fave progs :cheer:

I think Alice is great but a bit dizzy for my liking - crumbs that just reminded me of the gift wrapping episode, when Alice and Dana ended up forgetting about bagging and tagging and then Dana came home early and they were still handcuffed together!! :rotfl:

22-08-2005, 23:03
:searchme: when was that? The handcuffing inicident? I cant remember that, maybe i missed that part!

Oooo only just under an hour to go hehe. Lol at what ya husband said!

22-08-2005, 23:30
I'm sometimes wondering if its wishful thinking lol

When Alice and Dana were "wrapping" the gift bags whilst Dana's fiancee and her mum were out, Alice and Dana forgot about the wrapping - and then fiancee and mum arrived back earlier than expected - Alice and Dana still had the handcuffs on - can't believe you missed that one!!!

22-08-2005, 23:32
It rings a bell but i dont remember that scene, im sure i would have seen it, its probably me being a thicko! Loss of memory i swear!

I could never stand her fiance, was great when Alice went round though and told Dana how she felt, bless! Alice is funny though, remember that guy who she went with and he said he was a lesbian? Haha, so funny. I loved the episode when they all went on that big boat, in series 1

22-08-2005, 23:37
Its the glasses of wine you drink whilst watching! lol

I can't remember that epi - which one was that?

The one that cracked me up was the one where they were at the fairground, Alice with that bloke and Dana and her fiance, and Dana kept on at Alice that she was trying to make her jealous etc

Doesn't look good for them both weds though looking at the trailer...they don't really belong together though I don't think.

22-08-2005, 23:44
Umm... i camt remember exactly what episode it was but it was in series 1. I think it was Shane who got the boat and threw a party, through her hairdressing. One of her managers or something let her have this boat for the night, and Dana got so drunk she was doing all this raunchy dancing on the deck, it was so funny.

Oh yeah, that fairground ep was funny, poor Alice stuck with that guy, haha.

Your probably right, i was probably drinking wine and it erased my memory!

I think the relationship for Dana and Alice is just a more fun one than it going somewhere, their too best of friends to have a long relationship, hope they stay friends though

22-08-2005, 23:49
Yeah me too, cause they do have chemistry there, though I think more of a friends thing really. Dana certainly appears to feel awkward when Alice tells her she loves her in the trailer for weds.

The bloke wasn't even good looking if I remember right.

I wonder if there will more on Carmen and Shane on Wed or if it will focus around Kit and Bettes dad?? We know that there will be some stuff with Helena and Tina, but this may be more around the dad thing than anything else - more Carmen would be good though...hehe

22-08-2005, 23:52
Yeah more Carmen please, lol. But more Bette and Tina is better! I love their relationship prior to obviously the downs! But i cant wait for it to get back to normal.

Your probably right with next ep focussing on mainly Kit and Bettes father, boring! Lol. I think maybe we will see a lot about Dana, Alice and Lara next ep, i have my feelings they may split this next ep! It will be for the better though.

I dont think that guy was good looking either lol

22-08-2005, 23:58
Yey its on in a mo!!! :cheer:

Horrible as it sounds but if it does focus on their father next episode, I hope it ends there too - I want to see how the other's relationships pan out, Dana, Alice, Bette, Tina oh and of course Shane and Carmen.......

Are there that many men around on the show that are good looking, Tim's gone, pool house guy isn't too bad......hmmmm

23-08-2005, 15:10
Oh no i really cant be bothered to sit through all that with Bettes dad i dont like him, he is just so mean. Then again ill probably cry if its sad lol.

You know what completely cracked me up, when they went through customs at the airport and Dana had that "thing" in her suitcase, lmao!!! That guy was like "what the hell?" haha how embarassing

23-08-2005, 16:51
And Alice held it against herself and all the others were like OMG....hilarious. You would have thought they would have guessed looking at the shape of it on the xray machine wouldn't you....just shows never to put things like that in your hand luggage!!! lol

I hope he does die tomorrow - which I know sounds awful, but he was really nasty to Bette and I can't be doing with long drawn out scenes in hospital etc. Like Bette said, Kit has only been going out with that guy for a short while and he wants dinner with them, her and Tina have been together years and he won't accept it.

I'm still trying to work out what Jenny was playing at on the cruise though - was she trying to make Carmen jealous or what?? By shoving both Shane and Carmen together when they were dancing etc and then showing off to everyone at the pool etc - she is becoming totally unhinged!!

Excellent episode though - was lara in it?? Was she the one with Shane or am I completely losing it too!! lol

23-08-2005, 16:57
Nah Lara wasnt in that ep last night, i think shes in it tomorrow.

I know, i think they knew what it was at customs and he pulled it out just to embarass them, soooo funny.

I know Jenny is weird, she aint all there at all. The character is draining me now, im beginning to just want to switch over when she comes on! They need to either make her normal, or just get rid of her! I think she probably was trying to make Carmen jealous, personally i think she was just making a fool out of herself! And the 3 way kissing, god! I thought Jenny just leave Carmen and Shane to it lol.

I know what you mean about Bette's dad inviting Kit and her fella to dinner, and never accepting Tina! From the impression i got from Bette, when her father said to invite Kit along, it seemed they never got on, she seemed surprised/pleased that he invited Kit as well.

23-08-2005, 17:13
I think it was the way he held it up nice and high for all to see aswell - fantastic!!

I thought Jenny was just being so stupid - why do what she was doing, especially shoving their faces together etc and raising the question of 3 somes etc, arrrggghhhh. Severe issues that need to be sorted out (and very quickly please!!)

It appears to be a very strange relationship between the 3 of them doesn't it - Bette was ferrying him around everywhere etc, but he won't accept Tina and who Bette is sexuality wise, didn't appear like he had had a good past relationship with Kit (judging by Bettes reaction, like you say).....maybe he knows that he is dying and is trying sort things out with Kit, problem is he is then just isolating Tina. Roll on tomorrow and hopefully there won't be much Jenny coverage and an end to the Bette/Kit/Dad bit too. I want to see more with Shane & Carmen (sort it out girls) Alice, Dana, Lara and then Bette & Tina, (though not constantly by dads bedside please lol)

23-08-2005, 18:22
Lol, i know that guy holding up for all to see. He definately done it on purpose :lol:

Id saw we will definately see Shane and Carmen a couple by the end of this series, and hopefully Bette and Tina back together, its a must! Im dying to know how Helena and Alice are introduced though, i mean i know they have met before but Alice seems to far out of Helenas league!

Yep hopefully we wont have to much Jenny in next ep, but do you not think she seems to be quite a centre member of the cast? Theres always loads of scenes with her in :searchme: god knows why.

Wooo not long til tomorrow now yay, still not seen the trailor for it, except for after last weeks show

24-08-2005, 07:54
Well at least now, Jenny has actually done a decent thing and so her and Carmen aren't together any more which leaves it nice and free for Shane and Carmen - I think we will see them together by the end for def. And Bette and Tina, they are getting close again and should be together. I know what you mean about Helena and Alice though - its a weird combination, unless Alice consoles Helena after Tina says she wants to me of Bette, which is tonight :cheer: and things go further, especially as Alice and Dana look like they are going to split pretty soon. Its going to be a fun combination though, the crazy (in a nice way) bi and the posh director/ceo who has kids with her previous partner :lol:

I really don't want to see any more of jenny - the only reason I can think on them focussing on her so much is that there must be something in her past which is problematic, and this is why those weird flashbacks were happening. I can't think why else cause she certainly isn't all that - I have really started to go off of her hairstyle!! Though I do think that is more to do with getting totalling annoyed with Jenny....

Tonights the night!!! :cheer:

24-08-2005, 12:50
Cant stand Jenny's hair, i never liked it the minute Shane cut it! But i think your right about there being some kind of situation she had in the past for her to act the way she does.

Its definately going to be a fun combination with Alice and Helena, i think its going to be one of them connections with them to, i cant wait! Hope we dont have to wait to long, im thinking they will split tonight anyway, both Alice and Dana, and Tina and Helena. Remember when Helena gave Alice her scarf? The seemed to kind catch each others eye.

Yay, cant wait for tonight now!

25-08-2005, 09:10
Well, what can I say. I think we can see a little bit more of why Jenny is the way she is, but didn't get why she went off on one as much as she did with Mark, though it was quite funny when he stripped!!

I can't believe none of them split tonight properly. Was it me though or did Helena seem to be hanging on to Tina a lot of the time, but then introduced her as just a friend :hmm: beginning of the end, for definite, especially as Tina left The Planet when Helena and her friend were dancing.

Hilarious about Dana' brother though I guessed that he would be gay too. She was in so much denial, and then when she asked if he was just copying her!! I'm surprised that Alice and Dana didn't split last night though, and am more confused about how Helena and Alice get together when Dana declared that she loved Alice. How is that going to work out. And then Carmen and Shane, when Shane went to talk to her and told her about some of her past....and then Carmen walked away, I was luck "no, give the girl a hug or something" :crying:

25-08-2005, 11:50
I was screaming at the TV last night "Please get rid of Jenny" im so sick of her now, i cant stand the girl. I dont understand her one bit, and her scenes are so boring! ive had enough! Her storyline is running to long now, its boring me to tears.

Aww bless Alice, i didnt think Dana would say it back to her, but i dont believe she meant it. So funny about her brother, i was creasing up laughing, i knew he was gay anyway so i was expecting it! Dana's face though was a picture!

I thought Helena was bang out of order when she went off and danced with that woman, i mean talk about rubbing it in Tina's face. At least Tina hasnt done anything with Bette in front of Helena. Im sure that woman was the one Bette went and saw about the art work, especially from looking at next weeks clip.

Felt really sad for Bette last night though, would have liked to have seen a bit more of her and Tina together though, hopefully next week.

Did Carmen actually walk away? I was assuming she was about to walk round and see Shane, then it ended. They always have weird endings, dont you think?

Mark is gorgeous, hehe, what a bod! Wouldnt have mind in seeing the full monty there :thumbsup:

25-08-2005, 12:45
She is just getting way too much air time!!! I really felt for Alice, but I think you're right, I don't think Dana really meant it. Dana's brother was so obviously gay and she was nooo you can't be etc. It was brilliant.

I'm glad Tina left, there was no need for Helena to do that, thought it was so in your face etc. And she really emphasised the friend bit too. It looks like next week a bit of a set up going on with Bette though, cause didn't she say something about Bette had asked her out for dinner or something, when they commented on Tina having Bette's baby. I hope theres more of them next week. It does seem like Kit and her dad didn't get on for years though and by the seem of it, it was because he left her mum for another woman, it was true what he said though, you've got to be happy.

Yeah, Carmen just walked past Shane and they were both there with tears in their eyes, Shane actually opens up a teeny bit, and off she went. The endings do always seem a bit sudden though. Shame not much action in it though!!! lol

Mark was very cute, they could have at least given a nice rear shot!!! lol

25-08-2005, 14:47
I think Helena actually really likes Tina, but shes being like she is basically to kinda prove a point, that she can move on etc. But i really do believe shes into Tina. But then i could be wrong. See what happens next ep with this new friend of hers, shes obviously gonna cause problems with Bette and Tina.

Im surprised Carmen did that, considering how Shane never opens up to anyone, hopefully it will make Shane a better person though, so she can actually talk about more things inside of keeping them to herself all the time. Shes been really sweet to Jenny though. Who i just dont wanna talk about anymore lol. Grrr i cant stand her, they should leave her out of some episodes that would be so much better, send her away on holiday or something. I cant believe she actually kissed that woman though, i was expecting her to proper get hold of her, considering shes weird anyway!

Know what you mean about the action side, none what so ever! And it sure would have been nice to see Marks bum lol

25-08-2005, 14:54
I definitely think that they are going to try and cause problems between Bette and Tina. As much as I like Helena its almost like a power thing and that she has one over on her....

I so felt for Shane. I think Carmen was taken aback that Shane told her some personal stuff though and maybe that was why she walked. Jenny - GRIM - espec with that old bird :sick: Can they send her away please......Why do they insist on her being in every episode arrgghhh. I've had enough of her.

It would have been nice to see more of him thats for sure - I think this must be one of the first episodes I have seen with no action in it!! Considering the opener of last weeks....maybe next week...

25-08-2005, 14:59
Oh my days, the opening of last weeks was funny, that woman who played the violin haha.

I dont seem to understand why Jenny is like a really major character in it anymore, fair enough at the beginning it was good how they potrayed her as this hetrosexual girl with a boyfriend, and then she began to question her sexuality, but i dont wanna see all this crazy stuff she does, its far to weird and un-realistic for my liking.

I dont like Helena, but i do, in that strange sort of way, she definately thinks shes this powerful woman because of her wealth etc. Shes a very strong woman, like Alice i think thats why they will get together

What about Alice and Dana going into the room and walking straight bk out, haha. Then Jenny was in there, so didnt get that, i was surprised Jenny didnt jump on Mark!

25-08-2005, 15:15
Agreed - it was good for them to explore her and how things changed for her etc, and the effects that had on her and Tim etc, but she has just gone way OTT. I thought she might of jumped on Mark too, but then she just jumped on her bandwagon and went mad at him.

When Dana and Alice were outside trying to decide whether to go in or not, and then came out really quickly lol but then I couldn't see what was so scary in there, especially when Jenny then went in.

I know what you mean about Helena, she gorgeous, powerful etc, but then it seems like she has this thing where everything must go her way. It will be interesting to see how her and Alice pan out in the next 2 episodes....:eek: OMG is there only 2 left :crying:

25-08-2005, 16:34
2 eps oh no :crying:

That room thing was scary LOL couldnt go in myself, id freak out.

Ive run out of things to say, lol ill think of more things to discuss :rotfl:

26-08-2005, 09:16
But that room was weird though, cause it was scary yet intriguing!!! lol I'd probably go in, hide at the back for a bit and then sneak out again!!

I don't know what I am going to do on Weds and Mon nights soon :crying:

26-08-2005, 12:08
Id no way have a look in there if i had an idea of what went on lol id scare me to death!

I know what you mean bout weds nights and mon! Hopefully they will put Most Haunted episodes on, that will please me, love that show

26-08-2005, 12:47
Wouldn't you find it intriguing though - must be me!!! lol

I've never watched Most Haunted, though seeing Derek Acorah in Dec (if I haven't dropped by then!! lol)

27-08-2005, 09:41
Lol nah just not my cup of tea.

Your seeing Derek, cool, where abouts? Is it like a medium session or something? You should definately watch the show, its great

27-08-2005, 21:50
Got tickets for his show (front row) down here in Dec - hoping I am able to go as its only a couple of weeks before I am due. I've been to see Tony Stockwell and Colin Fry too loads of times, but looking forward to Derek....

28-08-2005, 00:42
Awww wow your well lucky! Id love to see Derek! Seem a medium before with like a room full of people was weird as it was my Grandad that come through for me mum, and the medium said all these things that related to me mum but she didnt dare stick up her hand and this other couple did, thinkin it related to them. But at the end the medium said she was drawn to my mum n all this. Love going to things like that, would love to see Derek, we as in me, my mum, aunty and cousin do the oujji board every now and then when we get together, been brought up with it, so someone always comes through, i love it!

2 weeks before your due, thats quite soon before, be good if you get to go!

BTW im absolutely hammered right now, lol just got in im gonna crash right by this comp hehe.

28-08-2005, 11:40
I'm seeing Colin Fry in Oct first, for about the 6th time!!

Did you have a good night then??!

28-08-2005, 16:27
Oh my days, i didnt even know i come on here last night, lol, what am i like. Yep was a fun night, havent been to a disco party for ages! Made a change not going to a club, and the drinks were sooooo cheap, 1 pint, 1 double archers and lemonade and one double vodka and coke come to under £5 bargain or what. All in all i spent £5 lol

Colin Fry is good, ive seen a few of him shows.

29-08-2005, 23:28
A fiver - crumbs that was a cheap night lol - I remember going clubbing and having 10 black russians, costing about £30 and still coming home virtually sober. I think it was a that point that I thought it might be a good idea to cut down lol.

I found Tony Stockwell far better than Colin, just for that he makes things a little bit lighter for everyone, so if its pretty heart rendering, he adds a little bit of humour, which makes it a lot easier for everyone!.

Roll on one hour - repeat of last weeks, though I don't know if I can bothered to put up with "her" again arrrrgghhhh

30-08-2005, 10:33
Lol i never watched it last night, i couldnt bare to put myself through watching her whinge again! Seen the ad for this Weds though, have you? Did you see Lara? Shes the one that asks Dana out for a drink!

Hmm....ive heard of Tony Stockwell but wouldny know what he looks like.

Yeah £5 hehe, think that was due to the fact someone else kept buying me drinks, hey i werent complainin!! Its all good. Eurgh black russians, no thanks! dunno how you could drink them lol

30-08-2005, 10:39
I keep missing the ads arrrgghhh, so I don't know anything about what is going to happen tomorrow. I watched csi last night and they didn't show any ads, or it could have been that cause I was on here, I didn't take any notice lol!!

Tony Stockwell is the blonde cockney, he does psycic (sp?) detective etc

Can't drink black russians anymore mind!!

30-08-2005, 11:39
I think i caught the advert in between Americas Next Top Model last night. Looks like a good one though. What is it now, 2 episodes left? Gone sooo quick!!

30-08-2005, 11:42
Yes, this is penultimate one I think - I think this is the week that Bette and Kits dad dies too. I can't wait, though I so hope they aren't going to subject us to more of "her" (can't even say her name anymore !! lol) I might catch an ad tonight. I wonder when Tina and Helena are going to get close. I hope Shane and Carmen sort it out soon too!!

30-08-2005, 12:11
God yeah i know what you mean about not being able to mentions "her" name lol, shes more irritating than Zoe Slater, and thats saying something!
Oh dear, just 2 eps left then, not good, roll on next season.
Im wondering if Helena and Alic get together by the end of this series (you did mean Alice didnt you? as you put Tina above)
Id say we will see Shane and Carmen together by the last episode to

30-08-2005, 12:28
Did I say Tina - what am I like - yeah I meant Alice. I might have to go back and look on the website spoilers and see what it says - I can't wait, but gutted that theres only two wppys left - what am I going to do with my mon and wed nights!!!

(yey I've gone pink!!)

30-08-2005, 14:42
Lol you've gone pink! I love pink i want my name to be pink and stay pink hehe.

I know, i have no idea what im going to do with my mon and weds nights!! Just have to wait and see if they repeat season 2, like they did with season 1.

01-09-2005, 10:45
Great ep last night! How fab was it that Jenny was hardly in it! Lol i think Shane took the words right out of my mouth by what she said when Jenny come on that stage, she is totally messed up, i couldnt even get why she was doing that.

Loved the fact we saw more of Bette & Tina together, and i thought it was really sad when Melvin past away. Bette was so chuffed when he called Tina by her actual name though, bless.

Aww and poor Alice, she really loves Dana don't she! I feel sory for her a bit actually, shes liked Dana for so long now, its gonna be sad when they split, but Dana and Lara are made for each other!

One more episode left, omg i dont know what im going to do!

01-09-2005, 11:57
It was great!!!! Jenny in the opening scene spoilt it a bit, and I thought oh god, not more of her, but like you say, Shane was so right when she said how messed up she is. And Shane asked Carmen if she wanted to go out sometime!! :cheer: Yey. Didn't like Helena last night though - I think she was trying to make Tina jealous, but she was hurting herself really, cause Tina just left and went to Bettes. Helena was being so obvious about it with the other women though.

It was so lovely, when they went to sleep together, spooned - just as its meant to be! It was so sad when Melvin passed away though - but wasn't it sweet how he was looking at the photo of Bette and Tina when he did. Like you say, Bette and Tina were so chuffed when he called Tina by her name - it was like an acceptance wasn't it.

I so felt for Alice - she really cares about Dana. You could see the connection between Dana and Lara though, and I think Alice realises that - maybe this will be how Helena and Alice get together, both of their partners have gone back with the ex's leaving them both on their own :hmm:

I don't want next week to arrive - I'm going to be so stuck on what to do ! :eek: HELP!!

01-09-2005, 20:51
Yeah i was getting a bit concerned with the opening seeing Jenny, i though oh no here we go again! I was proved wrong though :cheer:

Helena did seem pretty upset though, even though she made that dig, she looked upset when Tina went and sat at the other table.

Aww that was soo sweet with Bette and Tina, when she just said "I just wanna sleep" just seems so right them two being back together!

So do you remember Lara yet? Or did you not watch the 1st series? Shes so sweet as well though, like the complete opposite to Alice, Alice is sweet but shes really different to Lara. Laras dead pretty as well.

I know, im not looking forward to next week, gonna be sad :(

02-09-2005, 10:47
I think deep down, Helena knows that Tina still loves Bette and they aren't going to have a future together, even though she cares about her a lot. Bette and Tina are just so right together.

I watched the first series, but cant remember Lara. Mind you, can't remember 5 mins ago at the mo lol. Her and Alice are both sweet, but Lara is definitely the better looking of the 2.

Have you seen the trailers - Shane and Carmen :cheer: Tina goes into labour :cheer:

Happiness and sadness all at the same time. I don't want it to end - so hoping they are going to show more. I wonder when the next series will start :(

02-09-2005, 11:13
Yeah ive seen the trailer where Tina says to Better that her waters have broken, not the Shane and Carmen part though!

Id say its going to be a sad and happy ending, happy where Tina gives birth, and a sad where they have Melvins funeral, if they show it. I dont actually think Dana and Alice will break up yet, im not sure i suppose they could but i cant see how Lara and Dana would get together just from meeting in one ep, if you know what i mean.

Oh great this is also the episode where Jenny goes weird again and cuts her legs! More attention on Jenny, how fun!

Have no idea when the 3rd season will start, not long i hope

02-09-2005, 11:25
I think you're right - they will probably leave the Dana/Lara/Alice/Helena bit till next series, so have another relationship to focus on.....

Not more Jenny - can't they send her to the farm or something, cause I really don't want to see her anymore! I used to like her, but now with her weirdness etc - its too much!!

On the trailer I saw last night you had Carmen and Shane getting it on!!! :cheer: Its just before the bit where Tina tells Bette her waters have broken...

02-09-2005, 12:21
Oooo really, yay they finally get together!! About time, theres been so much tension!

Aww i cant wait until Tina has her lil bubba, its gonna be so cute. Wonder if Helena will be there, hmm.

I think next series Jenny goes to her parents after the leg slashing, knowing our luck she will be back in the 1st episode and they make out she has been at her parents all this time. Actually wait.....i think we actually see her @ her parents, grrrr... yeah we do cos thats where she meets her new partner Moira!

02-09-2005, 23:16
I think it looked like Tina goes into labour at the wake - it seemed like everyone there was wearing black etc. I hope Helena isn't there in a way, cause that is all about Bette and Tina. I could see Helena not letting Bette know whats happening etc.

I think I saw that too about Jenny and her parents - I just wish she wasn't going to be in it anymore - I just can't be bothered with her anymore!!

03-09-2005, 11:08
Oh god so its actually after the funeral? Thats gonna be hectic. I couldnt see Tina being alone with Helena anymore, i think its pretty obvious, i do kinda feel sorry for Helena, i mean i know she was pretty pushy etc and the fact she had money she could buy Tina's love, but she did really like Tina. I hope her and Alice work out, lol i always have a soft spot for the bad guy dont i! Im terrible.

With Jenny, raaa i dont even care what happens to her now, they should have sent her packing back when Marina wasnt coming back into it, Jenny isnt really anything without Marina!

I "heard" the advert for next weeks ep, i didnt see it, lol i was on here! Damn. Must look out for it, probably be on again tonight

03-09-2005, 11:16
I could be wrong about the wake, but Bette and the people in the background looked like they were either at a funeral or wake. I do feel a bit for Helena - like you say, she obviously does care about Tina, but they just aren't right together. I can more see her and Alice working out - I think I'm more excited about Shane and Carmen though - now there is a couple!!! lol

Jenny - does she have to come back in series 3 :angry: I switch off as soon as she comes on and sometimes miss something!!!

03-09-2005, 13:36
Thats why i daren't switch over i tend to just hit the mute button inside, her voice just drains me!

Im glad Shane and Carmen are together, but i prefer Bette and Tina as a couple, and Dana and Alice to Shane and Carmen, i dont know why. Maybe because im so used to seeing Shane with a different woman each time, but i did like the relationship she had with that older woman last series, so ill probably change my mind once their relationship develops.

Gotta keep reminding myself to look out for the advert

03-09-2005, 15:17
At least you remember to watch out for it lol!!!

You prefer Dana and Alice?? Mind you, they make me laugh when they are together, even though we know it isn't going to last!!

I can't even stand to look at her face anymore!! lol My brain switches off and it takes a while for it to realise shes gone :rotfl:

03-09-2005, 15:33
Well i dont prefer Dana and Alice but i like them more together than Shane and Carmen, for now! Like i said once their relationship develops ill grow to like them. I think its bcos they just dont suit as a couple lol, but Carmen never suited Jenny either.

Need to find out when season 3 starts!

03-09-2005, 15:41
Ahh I see :D It'll be interesting to see if they can work as a couple though - they obviously have chemistry but is it enough!!?? I'm not sure, cause I don't think Shane is really the committment type - she's not ready to settle down with one partner yet I don't think.

I'm going to have to do some digging and see what I can find out about series 3 - let me know if you find anything out mind, cause I'm starting to get withdrawal, just knowing that its nearly finished lol

03-09-2005, 15:50
All i know is that it airs in early 2006 in the States, so i assume we will get it here round about the same time this series started! Which i cant actually remember what month that was lol.

Not sure, i think that Shane and Carmen could stay together, as i know Carmen takes Shane to visit her her family, and Carmens mum busts them kissing lol. Her family dont know shes gay.

03-09-2005, 15:55
2006 OMG :eek: :eek: **panic attack** I can't wait that long!!!!

Thats one way of find out your daughter's gay isn't it - walking in on em lol

03-09-2005, 16:08
I know its so long away, but theres nothing we can do, hey Living TV may decide not to even buy the 3rd series! God i hope not.

Lol yeah i know, busted, it will be quite funny to watch

03-09-2005, 16:16
OMG - don't say that!!!! :eek: I'll petition Living if they don't commission it!!

Yeah - hi mum, how are you, by the way, I'm gay and this is my girlfriend!! hehe

03-09-2005, 20:24
Nah, i think they will re-comission it, i cant see why they wouldnt, i wouldnt know what the ratings are for the show though.

Lol i think some people are or have been in that situation with there mums lol

04-09-2005, 12:08
Can you imagine it though - you haven't come out yet, and then your mum walks in on you :eek:

I know someone whose mum is gay, has been with her partner for a number of years, but her daughter hasn't been told yet - she thinks its gross etc, even though she knows that her "nans" sleep in the same bed etc - I think she should be told really. It hasn't been kept secret or anything like that but it must be quite hurtful for her "nans" to hear her saying things that aren't very nice about it and she's nearly 13, so isn't completely innocent anymore.

05-09-2005, 09:42
OMG thats bad! Lol "nans" im surprised i mean back in them days i thought all men and women were totally against all that, not like in todays day and age.
Poor girl, im sure she must realise sooner or later though!

Have you seen the advert yet?

05-09-2005, 10:28
No - has it been on of late!??!

05-09-2005, 13:38
Not really, i kept seeing it throughout most haunted over the weekend, round about 9pm its been on so many times

05-09-2005, 13:43
Thats why I kept missing it then - Most Haunted scared me a bit (don't laugh!!) so didn't watch it - will have to see if theres anything tonight

05-09-2005, 13:51
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: Most Haunted scared you!!! Lol only joking. I was gutted cos i really wanted to see the whole show last night but i was sooo tired, i never managed to stay up til the end, so i was annoyed about that.
May be on tonight seeing as theres the repeat of last weeks tonight

05-09-2005, 13:53
Yeah - I'm going to watch again tonight (if I can stay up long enough) then see if they've added anything to the trailer..

05-09-2005, 18:26
Okies, i assume they will play it sometime tonight, they never seem to show whats going to happen in the next ep on a monday night after the show for some reason

05-09-2005, 19:22
I might even find time tomorrow to have a scout around and see what I can find out about the next series and whether it may be on or not - fingers crossed living have already bought the rights to it

05-09-2005, 20:39
Yeah, best place to look is thelwordonline they seem to get everything so just have to keep popping on there to have a lil browse

05-09-2005, 21:15
my stupid sky gets blocked out by the trees every summer, so i've got to wait to get my fix on dvd import from america in october! can't chop the trees down as they've got a preservation order on them. just typical!! :crying: :crying: :angry:

06-09-2005, 19:21
I've just been looking at the season 3 spoilers - omg - they have got to put this on living pronto!!! Have you snuck a peak at them yet???

06-09-2005, 21:07
I cant my sound device on my comp dont work!!!! Its such a pain, gimmie the goss lol

07-09-2005, 09:26
Lets just say Alice get a bit obsessive about Dana!!! Thats one of the major ones anyway!!

07-09-2005, 09:30
Oh so they wont break up this series!! Ok, thats kinda of a good thing. Oh no its the last ep tonight!

Oh yeah by the way, the series 3 could take longer to come out because Jennifer Beals is pregnant they obviously need to work around the baby bump lol

07-09-2005, 10:15
Don't say things like that **panic attack** lol

Alice gets a bit stalker like from what I saw - yeah I don't think they split till next series.

Tonights the night - can't wait though I do hope they repeat it if your right about the next series - I should think that living will recommission it, seeing as its classed as one of their top shows.

07-09-2005, 13:29
I reckon they will deffo repeat series 2 like they did with series 1, but it is true about the series 3, apparently there wasnt gonna be a Bette if they wouldnt work around her pregnancy! How bad would that have been!

Oh dear poor Alice!

07-09-2005, 15:09
Oh gawd - l word with no bette - no thanks.

Reading the spoilers though I think Alice goes a bit deluded (please not another jenny), though it looks like Dana and Lara go behind her back a bit

07-09-2005, 16:34
Dont say that! Alice could never become a Jenny! god could you imagine, 2 of them lol.

I can see the Dana going behind Alice bit though, kinda looks like its coming even from just one "dinner" with Lara.

I know, i could never imgaine no Bette or Tina!

07-09-2005, 22:33
Dana seems to know what she wants - thats for sure.

I can't believe they've sacked Bette - TRIBUNAL!!!

08-09-2005, 10:56
I knoooow i knew that was coming! Helena is such a cow! Her mum Peggy makes me laugh though!

Wooo for Carmen and Shane, bout time!

The whole Jenny thing starts to make me think shes actually attention seeking and not mentally ill, well thats just the way it comes across to me.

I never actually knew that the baby was going to be mixed race, i knew back in the 1st series they used a black mans donor but then Tina lost it i dont recall her saying she went to another coloured person hmmm.

The whole Dana and Lara thing is so obvious, i can see why Alice is getting the way she is, she doesnt wanna lose Dana. But it looks like shes going to anyway, prior to us even knowing about Dana getting back with Lara. Nice ending though

08-09-2005, 16:48
I'm really glad about Shane and Carmen - like you say - about time!!

Its almost like Jenny has to be the centre of attention isn't it - especially with all of the weird things she has been doing, its almost like she is trying to get a reaction somewhere along the line and is craving the attention.

Yeah, I didn't realise about the baby either - I dont think they actually said anything though - loved it when Bette said about her partner in front of Helena though - wiped the smile of her face and as much as I like Helena, she deserved it!!

I can understand Alice not wanting to lose Dana, I mean she has really had a good run of it in the partner stakes really has she, but I sooo feel sorry for her - she can see what we all can see, but really cares about Dana. Just a shame that we know what we do about the next series and her though.

I was really worried about Tina to start of with in the operating theatre, but then remembered what I'd read!!! So knew she would be ok - it was a really nice ending, like you say. I'm glad it ended like it did.

Right, what are we doing to do with our Weds nights now!!! lol

08-09-2005, 18:36
I cant be doing with whole Jenny scenario in season 3, i wish they would just kill her off and get rid of her, from what ive read it seems were still going to see plenty more of her, infact more due to a new love interest for her!! Bloody great or what :angry:

Yeah poor Tina, i knew she was going to be ok, but if i hadnt have read then i would have been like "oh my god, whats happening to Tina" lol.
I wonder how shes going to react when she finds out about Bette being fired! I reckon Bette will get another job though later on in Season 3, otherwise i think their relationship is going to be really hard with them both staying at home together, including financially

I have no idea what we are going to do now, no more Weds night fixes :crying: what are we going to talk about now?!?

08-09-2005, 23:09
Boo hiss - I want rid of Jenny!! Though maybe with a new love interest she turn herself around and become quite "normal" again, whatever that is !!

I think they might clash at home, if they are both in each others pockets for a bit - Bette needs to work and if they are both at home, they may encounter problems - especially with lack of sleep etc

:crying: Weds nights won't be the same :crying: what are we going to do?

09-09-2005, 10:31
I have no idea!!! Thank god Bad Girls is back on a Thurs night though, id be lost without any great shows on, so thats my savior! lol

Even when Jenny does get a new love interest i dont think its gonna change her, shes still gonna do my head in, well i reckon so anyway, theres always gonna be that nutty part of her!

13-09-2005, 12:05
Hey JoJo, according to the writer of the L Word Ilene Chaiken (whatever her name is lol) we wont know if we will get season 3 until after the series has started in America which will be Feb/March, apparently there was an article in the Sunday Times claiming the show had been cancelled in the States due to poor viewing figures but they were wrong!
Fingers crossed we get it or ill cry!

13-09-2005, 12:33
OMG - you're kidding - that means we'll have about a years wait then?!

I saw some bits about the supposed cancellation, and that apparently it wasn't true, but can't believe we are going to have to wait that long :crying: I think we are going to have to start getting on our bandwagons!!! lol

13-09-2005, 16:12
I know! Its gonna be about a year! The 2nd series come round so quickly last time though, but due to the scheduling etc with Jennifers baby thats why its gonna be longer i reckon! Theres always the option of downloading each ep as its aired in the US but i prefer to chill at home watching it! Such a pain!

05-10-2005, 14:39
:: L G O S S I P ::
Rumours and other news...


OK I have a bunch of Season 3 Gossip that I've collected from various places over the past few weeks. Bear in mind that these are JUST rumours, nothing has been confirmed!

* Some rumoured guest stars for the next season include; Tina's mother, Annette Kennard, played by Gina Doty, Russell Simmons & Billy Campbell playing the role of Henry.

* In regards to the storyline heres some of the things we've been hearing;

- Tina starts to fall for a man named Henry Young. Angelica will have her 1yr party as Bette comes home to see Henry and Tina flirting in the kitchen.
- Bette for some reason ends up in a monastery
- Ivan and Billie (Alan Cummings) fire Kit from the planet due to some missing money that her son stole for her to have some medical procedure done and so she takes up drinking again.
- Moira does turn into Max (a man) but Jenny will break up with him. Helena wins the court case and gets custody of her children but loses Dylan (her lover) in the process.
- Dana dies either due to cancer and/or heart failure (apparently she was let out of her contract so she could concentrate on two new movies she's going to be making) in episode 310. Alice falls to the ground shaking as the toy flower she just bought plays the song "you are my sunshine, my only sunshine" and then it goes to black screen and you see the time 2:38 and the time stops. The death of Dana. Apparently some of the old cast come back for this scene, Tim (and his pregnant wife, played by Georgia Craig) and Tonya. Alice will do the eulogy along with Shane, Howie and Dana's mother.
- Shane and Carmen break up before the season finale. Shane shuts everyone out because of Dana's death and Carmen can't deal with it.
- The show will have a Beverly Hills 90210 feel to it. A music guest will perform in every show.
BUT alternate versions that we've heard have been;

- Dana does not die. The person that dies in Dana's family is Sharon Fairbanks. Sharon finds out that Howie is gay and she doesn't leave Dana and Howie anything in her will.
- Bette and Tina break up. It's a bittersweet emotional moment between the two of them. Tina will not sleep with the Henry character, she fights off the urge to sleep with him. Angelica will get deathly ill in the season finale that will bring Bette and Tina back together momentarily.
- After Max-Moira has his surgery Jenny will break up with him after he hits her.
- Dylan will want move in with Helena but Helena will be to busy consoling Tina with Angelica's illness to pay attention to Dylan so Dylan will get jealous and move back to Sacramento.
- Shane finds her birth mother and Carmen comes out to her family in episode 311. They do not take it well. Carmen will break up with Shane because of her family, Shane leaves town to stay with her birth mother for a few days but comes back when she gets word of Angelica.

Some off screen rumours;

Erin Daniels and Eric Lively had a summer fling last year. Erin is currently single but she isn't gay. Mia has a boyfriend but she is BI. Jennifer and Laurel really don't hang out around the set they go home to their families after filming. Dallas Roberts is the loner on the set. Ilene only wrote two episodes this year the first one and the season or maybe series finale depends on how the ratings do this year. The writing staff only has 7 people on it this year. Elizabeth Ziff of Betty is one of them. A writer from Soul Food the series is new to the writers table. Showtime head honchos gave IC full reign on the show this year and she has run wild with it. And finally, there has been talk that Sarah Shahi either quit or was fired.

05-10-2005, 14:42
Cool - thanks for these Charlie, any ideas/news on transmission?/?

05-10-2005, 14:46
No, none at all yet! probably next year few months after its aired in the States

05-10-2005, 14:48
I didn't realise they are rerunning the first series at the mo on living again...

05-10-2005, 18:54
Yeah i know, sorry i completely forgot to let you know

06-10-2005, 10:10
Arrrghhh - no fair :crying: missed all of em so far :crying: lol

06-10-2005, 18:55
Lol ooops!! think its into the 5th ep

06-10-2005, 19:12
:crying: I missed the first 2 or 3 when it first started, and now I missed them again!! :crying: :rotfl:

06-10-2005, 20:23
What day is it on? To be quite honest i have no idea, i think its on a Sat night but im sure its on a week night as well, i keep missing them as well, Marina is in it, hehe she was one of me favs!

06-10-2005, 22:11
Umm, i know its on twice a week, and its really late one of the nights, about 1 am...can't remember which days though lol

23-10-2005, 15:28
JoJo you checked out some of the season 3 promos?

here (http://www.thelwordonline.com/promo_clips.shtml)

23-10-2005, 15:34
JoJo you checked out some of the season 3 promos?

here (http://www.thelwordonline.com/promo_clips.shtml)ooo, I'll have a look now - thanks charlie :D

23-10-2005, 15:39
Your welcome, my sound dont work but managed to see the intro of the credit thing! they look fab jenny has her hair back!! lol

20-01-2006, 14:39
Hey JoJo (im assuming you will be the only one that reads this lol) check out this website here (http://www3.sympatico.ca/m_lim/LWORD/lwords3.html) its got loads of scenes from series 3 :cheer: looks so good!

20-01-2006, 23:41
Looks great Charlie - heard anymore on when it may be shown??

21-01-2006, 15:52
Nope probably wont be til about June time! for now that website will keep me going as to whats gonna happen!! lol

21-01-2006, 22:50
They've not only got clips, they've got entire episodes! So if you want to see it before it comes on tv, take a look at this website!

21-01-2006, 23:29
Yay another fan - so far all 15 pages of this thread have been me and Charlie discussing the episodes :cheer: hooray, someone to join us :D

23-01-2006, 15:13
Haha be careful with ya words some people might take that the wrong way hehe!!

But yeah your right its only been me and you chatting on this thread will be good to hear some other views of the show!

23-01-2006, 22:53
lol - hadn't thought of that!!!

24-01-2006, 23:56
the l word is fab series 3 starts soon i have them all on dvd cant wait for it to start

24-01-2006, 23:57
Does anyone know when series three is going to be shown though??

24-01-2006, 23:59
it starts in feb in usa so should be on the living tv about july

25-01-2006, 00:01
brilliant - thats great news, been wondering for ages when it would be shown

25-01-2006, 00:12
look on l word web site tells you all from usa

25-01-2006, 01:05
look on l word web site tells you all from usa

I'm not, I'm from Wales.

25-01-2006, 10:14
I'm not, I'm from Wales.Slightly confused Littlemo - Daisyduck was letting me know to check out the website so find out all the info on when The L Word is being shown over there and over here... :D

25-01-2006, 11:41
Slightly confused Littlemo - Daisyduck was letting me know to check out the website so find out all the info on when The L Word is being shown over there and over here... :D

:rotfl: sorry cant help but laughing there

25-01-2006, 14:04
:rotfl: sorry cant help but laughing thereNow I am completely lost Charlie :confused: - What did I say :searchme: I am having a no brain day lol

25-01-2006, 15:37
Now I am completely lost Charlie :confused: - What did I say :searchme: I am having a no brain day lol

Im laughing at what that person said, their reply as to where they were from, completely out of the blue

25-01-2006, 22:46
Im laughing at what that person said, their reply as to where they were from, completely out of the blueAh, cool - sorry the grey matter isn't what it used to be lol.

Thats what I though when I read the post, it was like eh?!

26-01-2006, 08:55
Ah, cool - sorry the grey matter isn't what it used to be lol.

Thats what I though when I read the post, it was like eh?!

Yeah slightly weird lol

They have the clips from the 3rd episode now! I dont feel this series is as good as the previous 2, so far anyway, hopefully it will get better! Alice is having me in stiches so far though

26-01-2006, 12:33
When Liam is asleep for 5 mins, I must take myself over there and have a good look, haven't had a chance as yet really, so will make time to it I think..

26-01-2006, 15:06
Aww bless him! Okies you let me know what ya think!

26-01-2006, 21:02
Slightly confused Littlemo - Daisyduck was letting me know to check out the website so find out all the info on when The L Word is being shown over there and over here... :D

Sorry misunderstood the statement. I thought you said that everybody on this board was from America, and I was just pointing out that I wasn't.

26-01-2006, 23:42
Sorry misunderstood the statement. I thought you said that everybody on this board was from America, and I was just pointing out that I wasn't.Ahhh, I see now, though I am a good ol' Devonshire lass, not a smidgeon of American in me, though wondering if that is such a good thing :rotfl:

28-01-2006, 00:31
I'm not, I'm from Wales. very funny im from London but still check the L word site from the usa :rotfl:

09-04-2006, 21:44
Well all i can say is ive seen the most sadest episode, poor Dana! I cant believe it :(

09-04-2006, 21:50
OMG - Charlie do tell!!! Pm me?!?!

01-08-2006, 13:45
Have you been watching it? It started again 2 saturdays ago!
3rd episode is on saturday

01-08-2006, 13:46
:cheer: I saw it this week!! I remembered!! Missed the first episode but caught the second eppy. Poor Alice - she was so convinced that the b/day party was for her! (That was episode 2 wasn't it?! )

01-08-2006, 13:51
Lol yeah, that was soooo funny, she cracks me up bless her, and what about at the end of the ep with Tina on that chat site!! :eek: you can see whats gonna happen!

01-08-2006, 13:53
You can see where its headed can't you - why why why Tina?!

01-08-2006, 13:55
Well i know what happens but i wont say, lol.

OMG Shane in that dress, and the hair!! :rotfl:

01-08-2006, 14:01
What about when Jenny tasared (sp?) that guy! Even after he'd let Moira go!

You'd think that Tina wouldn't do that though, after everything that her and Bette have been through.

Jenny is still bugging me though - she really hasn't changed that much and is still slightly causing me to stop watching...

Shane was so much like a blancmange in that dress though - it really didn't suit her!! :rotfl:

01-08-2006, 14:10
God knows, you know what Jenny's like!! She wont change! Her and Moira dont last though, Tim comes back as well, only for like one episode though.

Yeah, i think Tina is a bit confused about what she wants, i can understand i mean what Bette did was bad, but hey its TV lol.

I love Helena i think shes great, her and Alice are so funny, especially when Helena screamed at her when she found the shrine lol

08-08-2006, 08:57
I missed last Saturdays episode :crying: and they aren't repeating it during the week either :crying: !!

What happened?? (Series links sky + in order that it doesn't happen again)

08-08-2006, 16:00
I missed it as well, but i downloaded it instead, it wasnt that good of an episode to be quite honest it was quite boring so you didnt miss much at all. Infact it was that boring i cant even remember what happened lol it was nothing significant

08-08-2006, 16:06
Oh phew - thats ok then! I was panicking as I'd missed it, but if it wasn't that special, I'll read up on the episode guide and do it that way. Thanks Charlie :D

08-08-2006, 16:19
Thats ok!

By the way theres some fab news as well, there will be a series for and theres some hotties coming into it lol. and the even better news is that .........Marina is coming back!!!!!!! Only for a few eps, apparently she steals Jenny's new girlfriend, it says on thelwordonline

08-08-2006, 18:46
Now that sounds brilliant!!!

I had a peek on the webby and saw series 4 had been commissioned which is great news!

Love that marina is coming back even if its not permanently. And the reason for her return is even better :cheer:

09-08-2006, 13:22
I know cant wait, although im not to sure i like the idea of the reason she comes back!! Id have preferred it if she come back for a different reason!! For that certain someone!

The new characters look fab though gutted that Carmen is gone though :crying:

09-08-2006, 13:37
Oh I dunno - anything anti-Jenny is ok with me :D :rotfl:

:eek: OMG - I didn't realise that Carmen has gone. When did she go?? Was that in the eppy I missed, or did I fall asleep at the end of the previous eppy?! Noooo!!! :crying:

09-08-2006, 15:20
No she leaves at the end of the series because of Shane. Shane cant cope with the death of Dana

09-08-2006, 15:51
:eek: :eek: I'm lost for words - I didn't realised she died - oh actually, no you did say didn't you. Poor Shane. They go so well together really though and after everything they went through last series...

10-08-2006, 16:34
I know its proper sad!!! ive seen the scenes from it a while back and its devastating!

Yeah im quite shocked that they split but i tell you who else makes an apperance remember the married woman who shane had a fling with? cant think of her name at all! but she comes back, not for long though but she does return

10-08-2006, 23:25
Oo - does anything happen with her (and Shane) or is it just a brief hello??

11-08-2006, 15:24
Umm...not that i can remember of, i dont think anything happens, but i think the feelings come back a bit for Shane

31-08-2006, 22:35
Have you been watching it? Did you see the episode where Cherie returned?!?!?

31-08-2006, 22:37
I am awful - I keep forgetting to watch (remember this time last year, when I kept forgetting Sky + - its happening again!!! :rotfl: :crying: )

On the plus side, I have encouraged Dawn to be watching, so we should have a new addition here soon!! :cheer:

*puts reminder on sky + with series link so as not to forget Saturdays episode*

31-08-2006, 22:49
Im highly disappointed!!! lol cant believe you have been missing it lol its gettin sad cos of Dana thought :(

Ooo a new addition hehe cool

31-08-2006, 22:54
I'm terrible aren't i?! Its this new Saturday night movie premieres that are doing it to me!!!

Oh crumbs, the Dana storyline - its a tear jerker isn't it?!

31-08-2006, 22:57
Its awful yes! so you must start watching it, very sad indeed!

Tut thats no excuse some fan you are! lol

31-08-2006, 23:02
am i bad?! lol

well, I've now Sky +'d it for record too, so thats better - just to find a way of catching up now.....(not amused with self for keeping on forgetting)

31-08-2006, 23:04
Dear or dear! Try Putfile they probably have the episodes on there in 5 parts like they do Prison Break!

The last 2 eps were worth watching though so just keep up from now on lol cos it gets better

31-08-2006, 23:13
Now I've got my series link on again it will stay - I'm thinking middley has been deleting things he shouldnt be!! :lol:

What epiosde are we on at the moment?

31-08-2006, 23:25
Hmmm im not to sure maybe 6?!?! something like that

I think its halfway through. Haha maybe he watched it already and deleted it because he didnt want you to know he viewed it lol

31-08-2006, 23:30
lol you know - i think you could be on to something there hun :lol:

Jessie Wallace
25-12-2007, 13:00
I've just seen the promo for the new series of this argh i can't wait, it loks soooooooooo good.

04-08-2008, 11:30
just brought series 1-4 of this on dvd on recommendation of my friend, hopefully i'll enjoy it!

Jessie Wallace
04-08-2008, 11:37
Let us know, it's a fab series, i've also got 1-4 on dvd too, they just filming the final series 6 now.
I think you'll hate Jenny to start with but by series 3-4 you'll change your mind a bit.

04-08-2008, 11:43
Let us know, it's a fab series, i've also got 1-4 on dvd too, they just filming the final series 6 now.
I think you'll hate Jenny to start with but by series 3-4 you'll change your mind a bit.

i read that they're doing a spin off with one of the characters?
i'm taking a gamble but I reckon I'll like it, after all I liked Bad Girls with that having a largely female cast and lots of lesbian storylines.
i see that the show is produced by Showtime In America, that channel is really good and does a lot of my favourite shows - Weeds/Dexter etc

Jessie Wallace
04-08-2008, 12:22
Yeh i've read that some where too, i'll give it a go, see what it's like, but The L Word is soooo good, i don't see how they can make it as good.
I can't say that i've ever seen Weeds or Dexter, with no sky or freeview, i don't tend to hear of these shows, and there's only so many i can afford to buy on dvd!

18-03-2009, 13:28
finally started watching the L word after having the boxsets on my shelf for so long! The pilot was a bit confusing, trying to figure out who was who and who is with who, but I'm slowly starting to get into it! It's not a bad little show actually!

26-03-2009, 16:51
OMG am loving this show, seriously addicted now!

I cried at the end of the most recent ep, where that Christian woman said to Bette live on tv that she's glad she lost her baby, then she burst into tears, and they played Hallejuah - omg that was so so so sad! :crying:

26-03-2009, 17:00
OMG am loving this show, seriously addicted now!

I cried at the end of the most recent ep, where that Christian woman said to Bette live on tv that she's glad she lost her baby, then she burst into tears, and they played Hallejuah - omg that was so so so sad! :crying:

:crying: :crying: :crying:

Jessie Wallace
27-03-2009, 16:29
Told you you'd like it, it's a show i can watch over and over and never get bored of it.
Series 6, isn't all that good tho, which is a shame as it was the last, but hey you can't win them all :)

27-03-2009, 19:38
i've heard the final ever episode was a real let down!!! but i'm ages away from that yet lol!!!

06-04-2009, 13:11
omg just finished the third sereis

how sad was Dana's death? had me in tears!!!!! :( :(

and then the wedding!!! I Can't believe Shayne jilted Carmen! They were soooo good together!!!!

and Tina taking Angelica! Oooo, the plot thickens!!!!

Jessie Wallace
06-04-2009, 19:28
Tina didn't take her Bette did!
Dana very sad, but wait til the last episode of the next series, hmm i think it's the last episode, not watched it for a little while.
Carmen's revenge in the next, ouch!!!!

06-04-2009, 19:40
Tina didn't take her Bette did!
Dana very sad, but wait til the last episode of the next series, hmm i think it's the last episode, not watched it for a little while.
Carmen's revenge in the next, ouch!!!!

I meant Bette, didn't know why I said that haha!

Oooo I hope Carmen does get her revenge! She's one of my fave characters!

Not a fan of Max or Jenny!

Jessie Wallace
06-04-2009, 20:41
Oooo I hope Carmen does get her revenge! She's one of my fave characters!

Not a fan of Max or Jenny!

Is she, oh dear!

And does anyone like Jenny, and i've still not worked out the point in Max's character, boring from start to finish.

15-04-2009, 15:01
just finished series 5!

glad Tina and Bette are back together.

i'm not a fan of shane now, i can't believe she did that to jenny! :eek:

Jessie Wallace
20-04-2009, 11:43
Lol, didn't think you liked Jenny :P Shane is just a little more messed up than normal.
Na, i'm bored of Bette and Tina now, i really liked Molly in this series.

I suggest you stop watching them now, coz it all goes down hill in series 6!!

21-04-2009, 17:22
series 6 was rubbish and the finale was absoulte rubbish! the show just seemed to have run out of steam, they needed in inject some new life into the show, but its probably best they ended it when they did to be honest.

Jessie Wallace
21-04-2009, 23:32
Told you not to bother watching it, it was a nothingness series. Such a difference from the others. Will have to wait and see what the spin off series brings now

22-04-2009, 08:50
Told you not to bother watching it, it was a nothingness series. Such a difference from the others. Will have to wait and see what the spin off series brings now

they've axed plans to film that apparantly! so no word L Word i'm afraid!!!

06-06-2009, 13:11
When the show ended it felt like I had wasted 4 yrs of my life watching the show. The show started off on a high and left too many unanswered questions. Well disappointed.

Jessie Wallace
06-06-2009, 18:30
Yuo can hardly say it was a waste of 4 years, they were great series, yes the final wasn't great but for me the first 3-4 made up for it

06-06-2009, 18:40
Waste could be a strong way to describe it all. I think what was felt by myself was disappointed.In the early seasons it seemed to have real direction in the writing and the stories flowed very well. I have no idea what happened after season 4 and halfway through season 5.
The series finale left so many unanswered questions I don't think I have ever come across this in any other show. It felt rushed.
As much as Jenny was a bitch at times and annoying as hell I think that no one would kill her. Jenny being the way she was I think constructed her own death in such a way that all of characters were made suspects :(
You could see she loved Shane but she was naive to think that she could be the one that would change Shane.
I thought that Shane had changed years previously when she was with Carmen but look at how that ended.........

I know and have read that the follow up is in production 'The Farm' whether it will include any of the L Word characters apart from Alice remains to be seen.

Jessie Wallace
06-06-2009, 20:00
I thought that had been axed? It was supposed to be with Alice in Prison for Jenny murder.
I'll reply to the rest of your comments when i'm more awake, nice to have someone who watched to to chat with. (on offence Bry)

06-06-2009, 20:10
Has 'The Farm' been axed now?
Man, I have got lots of reading to do and catch up on if thats the case. I wasn't looking forward to this new show as in my eyes they would been better of writing another series of The L Word don't you think?
Maybe Ilene Chaiken and the other creators have come to their senses and listened to the fans request for another season of the show.

07-06-2009, 16:35
From reading today I learnt that the network Showtime doesn't want to take up The Farm as there is already a lesbian prison drama on another network called Bad Girls and they didn't want The Farm to be compared to this.
Whatever the reasons I don't think it could of worked as it would be hard to see Alice being in prison for murder!

22-08-2009, 10:33
I am so missing this show :(
I miss seeing what Shane is getting up to and in a way I was sad about Jennys death I still have no idea who killed her- does anyone?

22-08-2009, 13:42
It's annoying they never told us who killed her! Mind you the sixth series was such a disapointment, that I'm kind of glad they ended the show when they did, becuase if it carried on the way it was it would have just got more and more rubbish.

The show was never cliched and conventional until the final series, but then they made the whole series revolve around trying to kill off Jenny, and it just went rubbish.

Series 1 -5 were amazing though! Glad I've got the DVDs so I can re-watch them in a couple of years time.

22-08-2009, 13:55
Wasn't the last series rushed? Or was it me thinking in this way? I know the other series's had more episodes and I think this worked as it gave it time for the storylines to work instead of the last epsiodes of what was shown. Your right if it had continued it would of ruined the show even more. I know that you had the opportunity to log onto the sho.com website to watch the tapes of the cast members as they were interviewed by the police. Did you watch it?
It was revealing and shocking and I felt they didn't need to do this!

Series 6 was bad maybe because you knew what the outcome was going to be :(

I have the DVDs too I watch them from time to time :)

22-08-2009, 13:59
it was rushed and it felt like they'd run out of steam with the characters, which was a shame because they had some amazing three dimenisonal characters on the show, and some amazing actresses. as you say they had a lot less episodes and it felt like they were trying to cram too much into a short space of time.

rather than explore the relationships in depth (which the show was best at doing) they made it all the Jenny Schetcher show, which it had more and more become over the years, and everything ended up revolving around her murder, in doing so they murdered the show I feel.

yeah i saw them, but i felt they were uneneccsary, they didnt contribute to the storyline, and the revealations of each of the women kind of changed my opinions on them all, and made me loose respect for certain characters, like Tina admitting she slept with her sister??? I'd always liked to believe that Bette was her first woman, but that image has been ruined now.

22-08-2009, 14:05
As much as I loved Jenny as yes she was annoying as hell at times I felt that she should of left the show ages ago as when she became famous with the Les Girls film she was unbearable :(

The tapes that were on the website changed my opinion too on the characters when Tina was confessing. I kept wondering why is this necessary to the murder of Jenny? Why would Tina feel the need to tell anyone that? If that had happened to me that kind of family secret would die with me not blurted out so easily :(

The writer made a mistake ending it like this as I as a fan feel in some ways cheated.

Who was your favourite character?

22-08-2009, 14:08
well it used to be Carmen before she left, gutted when she went! I guess it then become Tina or Kit, i dunno it changed all the time, as whenever they went from one woman to another i'd change my opinions of them all. who was yours? Shayne?

22-08-2009, 14:37
I didn't have much love for Shane I know most women in the LGBT community either want to look like her or sleep with her and I didn't want to do neither, it was fun to see her antics but I couldn't forgive her for what she did to Carmen :(

I was even more shocked when they had her and Jenny together as a couple that was when I knew the L word was starting to be a little strange.

My fav character was Alice I always loved her something in her I could relate to more then the other characters around. Her personality and dress sense was great and I was gutted when Dana died :(

I loved it when she was paired up with Tasha but deep down I feel that Tasha and Jamie made a better pairing- don't know why.

What your favourite storyline? And worst one?

23-08-2009, 11:21
Shane was a good character on the show, i have encountered many women like her on the scene. where is the best site or place to buy dvd's of this show?

23-08-2009, 16:38
Shane was a good character on the show, i have encountered many women like her on the scene. where is the best site or place to buy dvd's of this show?

this is the first site I go to when looking for a dvd, it compares all the dvd sites out there and tells you the price of that dvd on every site, so you can find the cheapest: http://www.find-dvd.co.uk/

23-08-2009, 16:50
I didn't have much love for Shane I know most women in the LGBT community either want to look like her or sleep with her and I didn't want to do neither, it was fun to see her antics but I couldn't forgive her for what she did to Carmen :(

I was even more shocked when they had her and Jenny together as a couple that was when I knew the L word was starting to be a little strange.

My fav character was Alice I always loved her something in her I could relate to more then the other characters around. Her personality and dress sense was great and I was gutted when Dana died :(

I loved it when she was paired up with Tasha but deep down I feel that Tasha and Jamie made a better pairing- don't know why.

What your favourite storyline? And worst one?

i know what you mean, i'm gay but i can admit when i think when a woman is beautiful, and for me I didnt say that beuaty there with Shayne. she kind of iritated me as a character the amount she slept around, but then when you explored her character more and found out why she was like that, that was interesting to watch, i warmed to her the most when she had to look after her kid brother :)

i never liked them pairing jenny and shayne together, for the simple fact i didnt believe in them as a couple, they didnt seem to have any chemistry and it was as if the writers were flinging them together for the sake of it. in a sense jenny ruined shaynes character.

i never warmed to Alice, i dont know why!!! i especially didnt like it when she turned stalking on Dana when she dumped her. but OMG how sad was Dana's death? that was probably my favourite storyline of the series, and that episode where they buried her ashes! awww :(

to be honest i never liked the storyline between Helena and that woman who she slept with then the woman sued her, that storyline just seemed a bit pointless. I loved it when helena had her fortune taken away from her and she had to learn to live like the rest of them hahaha! :D

23-08-2009, 17:25
Shane was a good character on the show, i have encountered many women like her on the scene. where is the best site or place to buy dvd's of this show?

this is the first site I go to when looking for a dvd, it compares all the dvd sites out there and tells you the price of that dvd on every site, so you can find the cheapest: http://www.find-dvd.co.uk/

Thanks I will be sure to look later:cheer:

28-08-2009, 11:06
So who killed Jenny?

Is there suppose to be spin off show?

Jessie Wallace
28-08-2009, 16:47
We don't know, but the spin off was going to be a Prison based show, with Alice, so i presume it was going to be her?!?!

28-08-2009, 20:54
But didn't they stop the production of the prison drama? Or is that still going ahead?

Jessie Wallace
28-08-2009, 21:02
But didn't they stop the production of the prison drama? Or is that still going ahead?

Yes it's stopped/been cancelled, as i said in my post. It WAS going to be a prison based show :)

28-08-2009, 21:13
Sorry :(

Anyway does the mystery surrounding Jennys death still exist?

05-09-2009, 07:26
I think the verdict was she committed sucuide but as they won't be making another series in which I think they should. We will never know what happened to Jenny? We will never know if Alice and Tasha stayed together? Or what happened with Bette and Tina did they have another baby? Or what happened in the complicated love life of shane?

05-09-2009, 09:09
Just been on myspace and came across this in one of the forums- The L Word reality show:


05-09-2009, 15:25
l word reality?
will this be any good?

05-09-2009, 15:31
american reality shows are awful, OTT and staged beyond belief.

05-09-2009, 15:38
look at survivor as an example that was all staged

05-09-2009, 15:39
well they said this l word reality show will be like that real housewives progamme, i saw that on channel 4 the other night and it's absolute tosh!

05-09-2009, 15:55
i watched that too and it was horrible those women were not even worth watching all fake looking with brains the sizes of peas!