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30-05-2005, 11:39
According to the Mirror today, Rita is to get an OAP stalker! She meets him at speed-dating. Someone who has been obsessed with her since her days of singing in the club. Apparently every wife he has had has been called Rita and has had red hair.

Sounds a bit far fetched to me!!

30-05-2005, 12:54
moving to rumour mill......

30-05-2005, 15:30
It's been sourced hun from a newspaper and now the DS website so I'll stick it back in spoilers but edit the title to include more info on the spoiler.

30-05-2005, 15:44
omg thats sooooooooo wrid

30-05-2005, 15:52
According to the Mirror today, Rita is to get an OAP stalker! She meets him at speed-dating. Someone who has been obsessed with her since her days of singing in the club. Apparently every wife he has had has been called Rita and has had red hair.

Sounds a bit far fetched to me!!I agree, very far-fetched!! Sounds stupid! :rolleyes:

30-05-2005, 15:58
sounds really Stupid

30-05-2005, 21:42
Sounds like it could become a good storyline because it's a twist on what soaps normally do.

30-05-2005, 21:58
ooooooooooooooo did you see tonites episode he was there the stalker and oh my god he is creppy

30-05-2005, 22:06
I missed it. I rarely watch Corrie except for the odd episode but this storyline sounds like a good 'un.

31-05-2005, 02:35
I will be watching it.

31-05-2005, 07:22
He did look creepy didn't he - wonder how long until we see his face appear round the cabin door :hmm:

31-05-2005, 14:23
he was really weird. Those eyes gave me nightmares

31-05-2005, 14:30
didn't she have a stalker before?

31-05-2005, 15:28
He did look creepy didn't he - wonder how long until we see his face appear round the cabin door :hmm:

He looked like the bloke who was once in Citizen Smith playing the gormless one. Tucker, I think his character was called. Same tashe, same glasses, just balder!

I thought he was more comical than creepy, though it's something of a first that almost the day after the story circulated, the character appears in the episode! Usually you hear about these things weeks before the person turns up!

07-06-2005, 20:38
Yeah, the one at speed dating. Very creepy.
Obsessed with Ritas with red hair!
I thought it was a bit obvious when he was amazed at Rita when they were talking at the event.

eastenders mad
08-06-2005, 17:21
yeah he did look freaky the way he smiled if i was Rita i will run a mile hahahahaha

10-06-2005, 23:48
Well after all the fuss, he's nowhere to be seen. A guess this is going to drag on a bit then.

10-08-2005, 16:28
Corrie's script-writers are set to unleash a shocking secret that has laid dormant in the murky nooks and crannies of the Street's collective psyche for years.

Rita Sullivan, the long-standing owner of the Kabin and doyenne of Weatherfield, once conducted a tempestuous relationship with now-dead Alf Roberts.

Rita, played by 67-year-old Barbara Knox, is finally found out when Alf's widow Audrey finds an undeveloped camera film while clearing out her dead husband's belongings.

The resulting photos are enough to shock the most hardened of Corrie fans - they depict Rita and Alf in a steamy embrace on Blackpool beach.

The resulting feud between Rita and Audrey is set to "divide all the other residents on the Street", a Corrie mole told the Daily Star.

Audrey, furious that her old friend once betrayed her, calls Rita "a red-haired hussy and an old slapper".

Rita has been no stranger to romance. In over thirty years on the soap she has been married to builder Len, nasty Alan and nice Ted, so to some the dangerous liaison with corner-shop owner Alf will come as no surprise.

Link: http://www.dehavilland.co.uk/webhost.asp?wci=default&wcp=EntertainmentStoryPage&ItemID=15020323&ServiceID=8&filterid=345221&searchid=234672

10-08-2005, 18:16
More cr*p im afraid! :rolleyes: Don't like the sound of this at all! :thumbsdow

10-08-2005, 18:50
the story lines are getting worse,how long has he been dead,so long I cant remember, the film wouldnt devlop as they have a first run (develop) date.(I tried a 5 year old reel didnt work !). what next, Rita and Marvis were really lovers :rotfl: I am glad I have stopped watching.

Johnny Allen
10-08-2005, 20:33
There just doing it to give Barbara Knox more storylines, EE is bound to do the same with Barbara Windsor

10-08-2005, 22:16
doesnt sound to bad dont sound to exciting either.. just have to wait and see :D

11-08-2005, 11:48
how can she find old stuff of Alf's didn't tricky dicky burn down her house a few years back.

11-08-2005, 11:53
how can she find old stuff of Alf's didn't tricky dicky burn down her house a few years back.Lmao Yeah! Good point! :rolleyes:

11-08-2005, 12:26
There's no way she would be able to get it developed!

11-08-2005, 12:27
There just doing it to give Barbara Knox more storylines, EE is bound to do the same with Barbara WindsorThey would never give her a storyline like this. Peggy has always been pretty strong when it comes to things to do whereas Rita has had a backseat in "Corrie" for ages occasionally coming to the forefront with the odd storyline.

18-08-2005, 14:45
please someone tell me

18-08-2005, 14:46
i havent heard anything sorry

18-08-2005, 14:48
i read in my tv magazine that people think she is dead but when norris finds her he has a suprise because she wakes up from a deep sleep and people think they are seeing a ghost

18-08-2005, 15:01
wow cool.

18-08-2005, 15:10
Yeah I think she walks into the room when Norris is telling everyone she's dead!!!

When will these producers/storyliners learn???

18-08-2005, 15:15
this is going to be so funny

18-08-2005, 15:36
this is going to be so funnyGreat, yet another comedy storyline :rolleyes:

18-08-2005, 15:37
rita is a boring character anyway

18-08-2005, 15:45
How very strange, why would Norris think Rita is dead? Surely he can tell if shes alive or not

18-08-2005, 15:46
she may have fainted

18-08-2005, 15:58
Surely even dopey Norris would notice whether she was breathing or not?

18-08-2005, 15:59
i like noris

18-08-2005, 15:59
Surely even dopey Norris would notice whether she was breathing or not?

Well it is Norris we are talking about here....and you know him always likes a bit of drama

18-08-2005, 16:02
did you see it when emma i thinjk it is
was giving birth
it was so funny

18-08-2005, 16:16
Oh this is getting really silly now, what is with all these stupid comedy storylines!? Most of them are not even funny!!

18-08-2005, 16:24
Why is Norris such a plonker

18-08-2005, 16:37
Why is Norris such a plonkerDorris you mean! :rolleyes: lol

18-08-2005, 16:37
Why is Norris such a plonkerHe's one in a long line in Corrie :D

eastenders mad
18-08-2005, 17:58
i can't stand Norris he gets right on my nervous

22-08-2005, 08:51
sounds good

22-08-2005, 09:02
sounds ok

22-08-2005, 15:15
More Stroylines?
I thought she was dead the other night!
Really i did. Wasnt that good enough for her? :D Hehe

22-08-2005, 15:19
I was laughing at that scene, found it hilarious. I thought she wasss dead. :)

22-08-2005, 15:22
noris is a nitemare, he is so funny, i thought he was hillarious with emilys deaf neice, just some of his one liners! classic

22-08-2005, 16:03

Johnny Allen
22-08-2005, 16:29
I was laughing at that scene, found it hilarious. I thought she wasss dead. :)

God me and my mum were in hysterics especially when they all jumped when she awoke, that was hilarious.

22-08-2005, 16:30
which one

22-08-2005, 17:21
i saw this episode last night i nearly wet myself laughing lol

22-08-2005, 22:52
yeah it was funny, i think the rita & audrey storyline coming up should be good, its something different.

22-08-2005, 22:52
yeah it was funny, i think the rita & audrey storyline coming up should be good.

23-08-2005, 17:31
:) bless noris lol

23-08-2005, 19:07
I thought it was brill and it will be interesting to see how it plays out with him trying to get a share in the Kabin

25-08-2005, 22:02
I dont think he will leave the Cabin, he was so cheeky with his referance wasn't he!

25-08-2005, 22:35
It should be ok, we will have to wait and see!

26-08-2005, 12:07
seems far fetched to me - we will be having Brian Tilsley coming out of the shower next.......

Keating's babe
26-08-2005, 12:20
The film could still be alright for being developed, it depends on where the film has been stored.

But as it has already been pointed out, Audrey had a fire when Tricky Dicky tried to do away with her.

14-01-2006, 15:00
Rita Sullivan spirals towards suicide after she is attacked in the shop.

Her ordeal leaves her mentally scarred and she turns to drink.

Rita - played by Barbara Knox - is so scared she spends a small fortune on security at the Kabin. But she becomes paranoid and friends are worried.

An insider said: "She turns to drink as a way of trying to forget.

"Her old friends rally round but Rita becomes more reclusive and begins to show suicidal tendencies.

"This will be dramatic TV."

New producer Steve Frost is thrilled with the scenes. And Barbara is pleased at being at the centre of such a dramatic plot. But despite Rita's threats, Barbara is definitely staying in the show.

"There is no intention of her leaving the show."

Viewers will see Rita attacked after she helps shelter Fred's ex-girlfriend Stacey Hilton from her new lover. Psycho Stuart (David Peart) locks Rita in the Kabin when she won't tell him where Stacey is.

Fred is beaten trying to save her. Stacey turns up and Stuart grabs her. But mechanic and ex-boxer Nathan saves the day.

It will be the latest setback for Rita, who in an eventful 34 years on the Street has buried two husbands and was almost killed by her conman lover Alan Bradley.

The insider said: "After her attack, she feels so vulnerable and loses the will to carry on."

Chloe O'brien
14-01-2006, 15:06
about time that some of the more long-term actors where getting better storylines but i wish they were happy ones

14-01-2006, 15:21
Oh My Gosh!!!!!

14-01-2006, 15:23
about time that some of the more long-term actors where getting better storylines but i wish they were happy onesyer same here i mean rita hasnt had a big stroylines in ages maybe years i think

14-01-2006, 16:13
Yes it sounds like a good storyline. They do seem to be doing a lot of things with the strong characters in the soap to make them look vulneralbe. Mike having the amnesia, and now Rita's ordeal. I think their characters get on alright in the soap, maybe they could help each other.

14-01-2006, 16:16
at least now she is going to have a decent storyline

14-01-2006, 16:36
aww poor rita she has a tough time. one of my cousin lives next door to barbara Knox who plays rita.

14-01-2006, 17:06
Aw, poor Rita. I like her. I remember the whole Alan Bradley storyline, and she was brilliant, although the bit where he got knocked down by the tram was a bit of a comedy moment! I am sure she will do the storyline justice.

15-01-2006, 00:04
Poor Rita!....

15-01-2006, 00:09
sounds like a good storyline

16-01-2006, 16:11
poor Rita but it sounds like a good storyline

Johnny Allen
16-01-2006, 16:37
Yeah good storyline a chance for Barbara Knox to show of hr acting chops

16-01-2006, 19:00
Fantastic! Another dramatic storyline, and none of this rubbish comedy crap :) Well done Corrie :clap: It's on the up!

16-01-2006, 21:13
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww poooor rita !!!!! :( these are going to be well emotional scenes i can just sense it x

Keating's babe
17-01-2006, 11:46
I think Norris will be her rock. I think beneath the surface they are actually fond of each other.

It's about time Rita had some decent storylines. The last big one was when Cilla was out to get some money from her.

17-01-2006, 17:00
It's about time Rita had some decent storylines. The last big one was when Cilla was out to get some money from her.Yep! And that was two years ago!!

17-01-2006, 17:07
im loookind forward to it not seen barbara knox do emotional scenes in a while. Its a shame a shes a great actresss

22-01-2006, 15:39
I think Norris will be her rock. I think beneath the surface they are actually fond of each other.

It's about time Rita had some decent storylines. The last big one was when Cilla was out to get some money from her.

yeh true keatings babe !!! i think norris will be her rock ! and rita deserves a good storyline certainly !! i mean how long has she been in corrie and how many decent stroylines has she been given to show off her acting skills !!??

22-01-2006, 15:51
sounds like a good storyline for a change.shud be exciting.

22-01-2006, 21:40
aww poor rita! it sounds like a good storey line though and should be a great opportunity for barbara to show off her great acting skills!

16-07-2009, 05:54
There is a headline in today's Sun that states she has quit Corrie but the article refers to Jack quitting. I hope she will not go for good if there is any truth in it but just as Jack, comes back ever so often for a visit. Perhaps she joins Mavis in the Lake District :)

16-07-2009, 06:20
Got the link to open up now:


CORONATION Street's Rita Sullivan is to quit running the Kabin - after 36 years behind the counter.
The pensioner, played by Barbara Knox, will announce her retirement at Ramsey Clegg's wake in the Rovers Return.

Rita came into Corrie in 1964 and started managing the newsagents in 1973 for Len Fairclough (Peter Adamson), who she married four years later. An insider said: "It's a massive change for the face of Coronation Street. Rita has been selling cigarettes, organising papers and gossiping with customers for decades.

Business partner Norris Cole (Malcolm Hebden) and Emily Bishop (Eileen Derbyshire) are first to know, with Rita breaking the news as she thinks about Ramsey (Andrew Sachs).

She tells them: "His death made me think about why I'm working at the shop when I don't need to. I'm fed up of working, I'm going to retire. I know I've said it before but this time I mean it and I won't be changing my mind."

Norris is sure to try to persuade her to sell her share of the business to him.

Yesterday TV Biz revealed that Jack Duckworth, played by Bill Tarmey, 68, is moving out of his home on Coronation Street after 25 years. This allows bosses to explain his breaks from the ITV1 soap.

Rita's onscreen retirement will also leave the door open for fresh faces.

And Tina McIntyre (Michelle Keegan), at the shop for six months, will get an increased role. A source said: "The character of Tina works well, and bosses are keen to make her a central player."

The Kabin has always been one of the hubs on the Street. It was there Alf Roberts used to lust after Rita in the 1980s - and it was where foster daughter Sharon Gaskell had a surprise reunion with mum Rita in 1999.

Rita was recently proposed to in the Rovers Return by the late Colin Grimshaw, played by Edward De Souza.

The decision to retire her from the Kabin could see the scaling down of 75-year-old Barbara's role as ITV cuts costs. Only William Roache, who plays Ken Barlow, and Eileen Derbyshire have been in the soap longer.

:( I shall miss her.

16-07-2009, 07:15
Oh no :(
I love Rita and what would happen to Norris without Rita?

16-07-2009, 12:23
As far as I can see shes not leaving the show, just the Kabin

16-07-2009, 12:39
I expect though that she will not be involved in as many storylines and we shall see her only once in a while, like Betty and Jack in future. Although at 75years young she has deserved some time off filming.

16-07-2009, 12:46
She still lives on the street so she aint leaving

16-07-2009, 12:51
I think the title should be changed to Rita to quit the Kabin :)

16-07-2009, 14:35
:o I tried but it is not working :( Perhaps one of the super friendly mods could assist please? :angel:

16-07-2009, 14:44
phew, glad its just the Kabin. its not like i'd like to see loads more of Rita but i do quite like the community of older people they have on the street. Rita is the voice of reason, lol.

16-07-2009, 14:49
Seems like neither is true :)


Tablod reports today suggesting that Rita Sullivan (Barbara Knox) is quitting her Coronation Street workplace The Kabin - and the soap - are untrue.

Barbara's very much staying with the show and with its 50th anniversary just around the corner, why wouldn't she?

In a September storyline, Rita announces her intention to retire and decides to sell her share of the business to Norris (Malcolm Hebden), who owns the other part.

Her decision is part of a comedy storyline and Rita's retirement doesn't last long at all - she's back where she belongs in no time.

Mind you, I wouldn't believe all the soapy hype in the papers - the same tabloid also claimed that Betty Williams (Betty Driver) was to lose her job behind the bar at The Rovers. At the time it sounded a permanent move but it lasted all of one episode. Talk about making a mountain out of a molehill.

16-07-2009, 22:53
I was worried then, I mean she cant leave :(

Chloe O'brien
16-07-2009, 23:05
If Barbara was to scale back her work on the street I would miss Rita as Rita has always been in corrie for as long as I can remember, but if she was to quit the Kabin Norris and Tina would make a great team running the Kabin like Roy and Becky in the cafe.

28-05-2012, 10:29
Coronation Street's Barbara Knox has said she has no thoughts of retiring from the soap yet.

The 78-year-old actress, who first appeared as Weatherfield's Rita Sullivan in 1964, believes her work has tremendous health benefits.

Speaking to The Mirror, Knox scoffed: "Retire? What a filthy word. I haven't thought of retiring. I keep saying to everybody I know - don't retire, just keep working.

"It's so good for you - it certainly is for me. I know it's hard and you're tired and you don't want to go in, but your brain is in action."

She added: "I do think the sheer discipline of work helps to keep you younger.

"So apart from loving the job, that is at the back of my mind. I've done it all my life and I enjoy it and I genuinely find it stimulating."

The star's character Rita was off screen for five months from October 2009 to March 2010, after Knox took a break for health reasons.

Cornershop stalwart Rita Sullivan, who has been married twice before, is getting hitched to old friend Dennis Tanner next month to coincide with the Queen's Diamond Jubilee.

26-06-2013, 06:29
Coronation Street actress Barbara Knox required the help of a body double when filming today (June 25).

The 79-year-old veteran actress was replaced by somebody wearing the same purple coat and a wig during difficult scenes featuring Rita Tanner being attacked and falling to the ground, The Sun reports.

In the ITV soap, surrogate mum Tina McIntyre turns to drink and struggles to cope after she hands her son over to Izzy Armstrong (Cherylee Houston) and Gary Windass (Mikey North). While drinking vodka on a bench, Tina is set to be approached by youths after trouble who ask her for alcohol.

However, Rita will arrive shortly afterwards searching for her friend. She will be attacked by a gang in a park as she attempts to find and help Tina, with the group snatching her bag and pushing her to the ground.

Last year, Knox spoke about the warm reception she receives from fans of the soap when they recognise her in the street.

In a rare interview, she said: "People are very nice, they love the programme, they come up to you and they are so kind. They tell you what we should have done, what we might have done, and 'Why didn't you…?'

"It's very nice, actually, because the programme hasn't got stale. People still love it. I do go about and sometimes they grab my arm and say, 'Come here, you!' I don't particularly like that, but I suppose it's affectionate in a way!"

03-10-2013, 17:14
Coronation Street legend Barbara Knox was presented with an 80th birthday cake live on ITV's This Morning today (October 3).

The actress turned 80 on Monday and helped to celebrate another milestone today as she appeared on This Morning's 25th anniversary show, which was broadcast from Liverpool's Albert Dock.

Knox's interview saw her reflect on her time playing fan favourite Rita Tanner on Coronation Street, admitting that she always wanted a long stint on the ITV soap.

Rita first appeared on screen in 1964 as a friend of Dennis Tanner (Philip Lowrie). She only featured in two episodes before eventually returning in 1972.

She said: "In 1964 I wanted it to be [a long-term role], but I only did two episodes and I never heard from Granada again for years! Then when I came back, again they said, 'Would you do two episodes?' I thought, 'Here we go again, two episodes!' Then it all changed and I'm still here, thank God."
Phillip and Holyl with Barbara Knox during the 25th anniversary show of 'This Morning'
© Rex Features / Ken McKay
Phillip and Holly with Barbara Knox

She continued: "Having done those two episodes with Philip Lowrie, I really thought, 'We worked so well together, maybe they'll have us?' Of course I didn't get rebooked and Philip left in 1968. We didn't meet up again for 40 years."

Knox said that her favourite Coronation Street moment is still Alan Bradley's fatal tram accident.

"We've never really topped it in many ways, and we were the first to do that sort of thing - the tram, the excitement, the long story," she commented. "It means very much to me, that one."
Barbara Knox during the 25th anniversary show of 'This Morning'
© Rex Features / Ken McKay
Barbara Knox during the 25th anniversary show

Fans know that Rita and Dennis are now happily married. They have another storyline on the way soon as Dennis decides to relaunch his music career.

On Rita's reaction to Dennis's plans, Knox laughed: "Well, there you go. That's fellas, isn't it? I'm very interested and I would like to help him, but we'll see where it takes us. It may go into something else."

03-04-2016, 07:23
New Coronation Street boss AXES The Kabin! What now for Rita and Norris?
It’s been claimed today that new Coronation Street boss Kate Oates – who was previously Series Producer at Emmerdale – has decided to axe the Street’s iconic Kabin.
According to Coronation Street Blog, Oates decided that it was “unrealistic” that a small corner shop such as The Kabin would still be open, given the competition from big-name chain stores and supermarkets.
A Coronation Street spokesman said, “With many newsagents closing all over the country, it’s unrealistic that The Kabin still exists.
“There has been a mention of a mini Freshco’s opening nearby, and this will have a great affect on The Kabin.”
The show’s rep went on to say that as yet, there has been no decision made as to what will happen to Rita once the shop closes, because of course, she lives in a flat above it…
However, the Corrie source added, “We’ve always regretted not axing the Kabin when we had the chance during the 2010 tram crash.”
But somewhat worryingly – because we’d hate to see either character written out – the spokesman concluded by saying, “We’re also considering what future Norris and Rita have on the show.”
What do you think of the decision to get rid of The Kabin? And what do you think will happen to the building it’s housed in?
And of course, how would you feel if Rita and Norris were written out?
As mentioned, we’d be gutted, because Coronation Street just plain wouldn’t be the same without either…
But of course, that said, the show does have to move on and it does have to keep evolving and changing, so it’s always to be expected that characters will come and go. However, The Kabin is so iconic, and Norris and Rita at its helm are so brilliant together, we really don’t want to see that era come to an end.

03-04-2016, 09:01
I don't think it's that unrealistic for the Kabin still to be open. We have lots of corner conf/tob newsagents still open round our way. It's Dev's shop that would really feel the competition from Freshco.

03-04-2016, 09:49
I'm not sure I believe that article. The following sentences don't sound to me like something a real Corrie source would say:

“We’ve always regretted not axing the Kabin when we had the chance during the 2010 tram crash.”

“We’re also considering what future Norris and Rita have on the show.”

Are you sure it wasn't published on April 1st, Perdita? :D

03-04-2016, 11:07
I'm not sure I believe that article. The following sentences don't sound to me like something a real Corrie source would say:

Are you sure it wasn't published on April 1st, Perdita? :D

I am thinking that too, to be honest but was sent this only this morning .. :D

03-04-2016, 11:07
I'm not sure I believe that article. The following sentences don't sound to me like something a real Corrie source would say:

Are you sure it wasn't published on April 1st, Perdita? :D

I am thinking that too, to be honest but was sent this only this morning .. :D

31-07-2017, 21:44
is she getting a alzheimers or dementia storyline?

01-08-2017, 11:06
is she getting a alzheimers or dementia storyline?

Online rumours are speculating this :(

01-08-2017, 11:54
Coronation Street appears to be hinting at a tragic health storyline for Rita Sullivan as she continues to show signs of memory loss over the coming episodes.

Rita (Barbara Knox) left fans concerned in Monday night's visit to Weatherfield after she completely forgot about a mug she'd bought for her neighbour Gemma Winter as a gift.

When Rita commented that Gemma's 'Little Miss Trouble' mug was "perfect" for her, a confused Gemma was forced to remind her that she had been the one to give it to her.

Rita's concerning behaviour will continue in next week's episodes, which will see her start to become increasingly concerned about her failing memory.

Rita will begin to panic when she struggles to remember what she had for breakfast earlier that day – but she'll mask her fears from those around her, meaning they fail to notice anything wrong.

Last night's scene has already left viewers wondering if a dementia plot is being lined up for Rita, but is this the case? Or is there something else going on here?

Digital Spy

17-08-2017, 13:55
Corrie hints at a tragic end for icon Rita as her health gets worse
The latest episode of Coronation Street has left fans distinctly worried for the health of Rita Sullivan as more worrying signs have been pointing at concerning symptoms. As fears among viewers begin to increase over whether the Kabin legend is going to be diagnosed with dementia, the caring pensioner shocked everyone by turning on Gemma Winter.
Normally, Rita has all the time in the world for the waifs and strays that she takes under her wing, but this time, her ears were closed to Gemma’s pleas that she had nothing to do with the burglary.
After the shop was ransacked and £100 went missing from Rita’s purse, she was adamant that it could only have been Gemma and even if Zoe and Roxy were involved, she was certain that Gemma must have helped them.
Gemma was crushed that Rita could think this of her but Rita was ready to turn her back on her – and even went as far as calling the police which will lead to Gemma being arrested for a crime that she didn’t commit.
As Gemma tries to persuade the police of her innocence, this could be the end of her friendship with Rita – but many viewers are picking this up as another worrying sign of an ongoing deterioration in Rita, which has been brought to our attention via a number of hints to Rita being confused and forgetful.
With speculation rife that Rita may be suffering from dementia, and confirmation that there IS indeed a big storyline ahead for the cobbles icon, could a devastating end be nigh?
Not everyone has sympathy for Rita though, and were quick to lash out at her over her treatment of Gemma

18-08-2017, 19:10
I wonder if it could be a brain tumour rather than dementia? That could explain the change in character (I.e her blaming Gemma when she wouldn't usually have done that) :hmm:

18-08-2017, 22:39
Was Mike a dementia storyline?

19-08-2017, 04:38
Was Mike a dementia storyline?

Yes, it was

19-08-2017, 11:07
Maybe this is the story Kate Oates is scared off as it may involve the end of Rita.

19-08-2017, 11:18
Maybe this is the story Kate Oates is scared off as it may involve the end of Rita.

Barbara is 83 years old ... maybe she has indicated that she wants to retire?

19-08-2017, 21:38
off to help and live with mavis a better exit, too soon after emmerdale ashley storyline for this again by kate oates

21-08-2017, 13:57
Reality is it is more and more common.

27-08-2017, 01:09
CORRIE bosses are to shock millions of fans by killing off show legend Rita Tanner.

The Sun on Sunday can reveal the much loved character, who made her debut in 1964, will be diagnosed with a brain tumour later in the year

Rita has been 'Queen of the Kabin' since the 1970s
But The Sun on Sunday can reveal she will be diagnosed with a brain tumour.

And she will reject emergency surgery to remove the growth, fearing she might wake up to a life that she no longer remembers.

Soap sources said it would end in tragedy for Rita, who has recently been experiencing strange symptoms, such as bouts of forgetfulness.

One said: “It has been suggested she might have dementia, but she does not.

“In fact, she will be diagnosed with a tumour and her doctors will say there is a serious risk she will die if they don’t remove it.

“But Rita is terrified that she could not know who she is, or recognise her friends.

“All the indications are that this will end tragically.”

Rita’s diagnosis is expected to be revealed in October.

Barbara, now 83-years-old, has been in the ITV soap for over 50 years
One of Rita’s most famous storylines saw her escape from her abusive partner Alan Bradley as he was knocked down by a Blackpool tram in 1989.

She has run her shop the Kabin since the 1970s.

16-09-2017, 22:52
I thought Sally, Kevin and their kids would show more concern as Rita like a mother and gran to them

22-11-2018, 13:05
Did Rita lose her investment in Maria and Claudia's salon? She does not seem upset

22-11-2018, 16:51
Did Rita lose her investment in Maria and Claudia's salon? She does not seem upset

Must be used to lose a lot of cash in bad investments as she invested in Pat Phelan's scheme too .....

22-11-2018, 22:35
Didn’t Claudia say she might not be able to give them ALL the investment back. At least they will get most of it back.

01-11-2019, 20:10

According to The Sun, Rita tries to put up the fairy lights on her Christmas tree, though trips and falls with the tree falling on top of her.

Because she's told residents that she's going away for the festive period, nobody investigates – especially as her home is left in darkness.

However, after a few days she is found by chance by a neighbour and later tells residents she thought she was going to die.

Digital Spy has reached out to Coronation Street for comment.

Digital Spy

01-12-2019, 20:34
Coronation Street is lining up another return for Norris Cole as Rita Tanner's new storyline begins.

With a first appearance back in 1994, Norris (Malcolm Hebden) has returned for a few brief stints this year and he'll be back for another one next week as part of Rita's (Barbara Knox) storyline.

In upcoming episodes, Rita is preparing for her trip to Edinburgh to see Emily (Eileen Derbyshire) when she realises that she'd promised to feed Mrs MacElroy's cat. She then looks for someone to feed the cat while she's away.

However, she no longer can go to Edinburgh as Emily has twisted her ankle.

Later, Rita has a heart-to-heart with Jenny, confiding in her that in her search for someone to help with the cat she has realised she has no friends.

With her trip now cancelled, Rita decides to call at The Kabin to ask if she could return to work, but Brian reveals (Peter Gunn) that he's already hired Gail (Helen Worth).

Rita later runs into Norris who agrees to meet her for a cup of tea, but he admits he can't stay long as he's meeting Freda later.

It's safe to say that Rita's feelings of loneliness might be leading to an upcoming devastating storyline for the character over Christmas.

Digital Spy

20-12-2019, 12:28
I'm wondering if this is more of a depression storyline than just loneliness at Christmas? As many have pointed out, Rita is one of the most popular, outgoing characters in Corrie, with plenty of friends and honorary relatives so I can't imagine her being lonely. But watching that heartbreaking scene of her crying while looking through her photo album I'm wondering if she's also mourning times gone by and all the people she's lost (in different ways) over the years, perhaps wondering how long she has left herself. It's very realistic that this would happen to an elderly person at Christmas when you're thinking about past Christmases and "the good old days" that can never return.

28-12-2019, 20:55
I'm wondering if this is more of a depression storyline than just loneliness at Christmas? As many have pointed out, Rita is one of the most popular, outgoing characters in Corrie, with plenty of friends and honorary relatives so I can't imagine her being lonely. But watching that heartbreaking scene of her crying while looking through her photo album I'm wondering if she's also mourning times gone by and all the people she's lost (in different ways) over the years, perhaps wondering how long she has left herself. It's very realistic that this would happen to an elderly person at Christmas when you're thinking about past Christmases and "the good old days" that can never return.

Yep message was well and truly played out, "let's realise how many old people are sitting alone whilst their families can't be bothered to make the effort to visit" sadly because the elderly live longer, it means their children are now getting old to, vicious circle

12-06-2023, 21:53
rita quits the kabin over brian and isabella

06-07-2023, 10:24

Coronation Street star Barbara Knox will receive an all-star celebrity special on ITV for her 90th birthday.

The Chase's Bradley Walsh will sit down with the soap icon to look back at the storied history of her character Rita Tanner ? who first appeared on the soap in 1964.

Some of Barbara's closest friends and co-stars will take part in the documentary as they discuss the indelible mark she has made on British TV.

"It?s easy to throw the words ?legend? and ?icon? around, but Barbara Knox really does embody both of those terms," ITV's Head of Entertainment Commissioning, Katie Rawcliffe, said.

"It?s a privilege to tell the story of one of British television?s most enduring stars as she celebrates a very special birthday.?

As part of an in-depth interview with Bradley, Barbara will shed new light on the earliest days of her acting career before making her first appearance on the cobbles in 1964. The actress would return as Rita in 1972, making her second only to William Roache as the longest-tenured cast member currently on the series.

Viewers will get never-before-seen insight from Barbara on filming Coronation Street's infamous tram crash storyline, plus recollections from her personal life ? including being awarded an MBE in 2010.

Barbara has won some of the most prestigious TV awards throughout her career, including a British Soap Award. She's also been nominated for a National Television Award.

The actress has frequently laughed off retirement rumours and remains a central character in the ITV series ? including a huge life change in recent months where she contemplated leaving her job at The Kabin nearly 40 years after she joined the staff.

Barbara was front and center with the rest of the Corrie cast last month when ITV unveiled a new set experience for fans of the show.

This 90th birthday special will air on ITV1 and ITVX later this year.